Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

Some day, when you grown up, you too will know the difference between charity giving to a Foundation, AND low-interest loans made to a developer of golf courses from Russian oligarchs who are NOT known for being kind-hearted sweethearts when they such loans.....Usually they want something back and in this case, its wanting something back from the moron who currently sits in the oval office.

Report: Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation

Do you want to speculate why the Russians gave millions to her foundation while Clinton she was Secretary of State? Usually as you say, they want something back.

No I don't think anything happened there and we have no proof it has happened with Trump.

It still boils down to there not being a law to release his taxes. And all the speculation without evidence is nothing more than liberals throwing a tantrum.
So it is OK for Trump but not Clinton. Or people want Trump to be like Clinton.

I stated I don't think it happened with Clinton, I also see no evidence it happened with Trump. It is all speculation, both Trump and Clinton. Benghazi, emails, birther bs, it is liberals revenge for all that. Just more silliness by the extreme sides.
Well, that's your opinion, yes, but they will eventually be released.

ok snake. your sig cartoon complains about Russia hacking our election. Exactly how did they do that? Did they tamper with voting machines? Did they bribe vote counters? Did they cast fake votes?

Wikileaks put out FACTS that prove corruption within the DNC, the Clinton campaign, and the media. There is no proof that wiki got the info from Russia.

This is a red herring, and you fricken well know it.

gnat thinks this is funny. gnat is an idiot.
I am GOP, Redfish is not and never has been.

He is here to simply yell and not engage the point that the returns will be released, so he is on Ignore for this thread today.
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ok snake. your sig cartoon complains about Russia hacking our election. Exactly how did they do that? Did they tamper with voting machines? Did they bribe vote counters? Did they cast fake votes?

Wikileaks put out FACTS that prove corruption within the DNC, the Clinton campaign, and the media. There is no proof that wiki got the info from Russia.

This is a red herring, and you fricken well know it.

When Trump's PUSSY-GRABBING tape was exposed, Russia poured tons of discrediting emails ofthe DNC to Wikileaks..........There was NO need to screw around with voting machines, just subtle manipulation of the mindset of you.
ok snake. your sig cartoon complains about Russia hacking our election. Exactly how did they do that? Did they tamper with voting machines? Did they bribe vote counters? Did they cast fake votes?

Wikileaks put out FACTS that prove corruption within the DNC, the Clinton campaign, and the media. There is no proof that wiki got the info from Russia.

This is a red herring, and you fricken well know it.

When Trump's PUSSY-GRABBING tape was exposed, Russia poured tons of discrediting emails ofthe DNC to Wikileaks..........There was NO need to screw around with voting machines, just subtle manipulation of the mindset of you.

Ok, lets assume that is correct. Voters had the truth about Trump and the truth about Clinton. Voters chose Trump. What's your point?
LOL, you are not a republican. But you didn't answer my question. What do you expect to find in his hundreds of pages of tax returns?

laugh away Mr. Tuna........The VERY FACT that Trump won't release his tax returns should be ample reason for folks with a brain (actually that excludes you) that he IS hiding something.
Ok, lets assume that is correct. Voters had the truth about Trump and the truth about Clinton. Voters chose Trump. What's your point?

Actually, NO, Mr. the tune of THREE MORE MILLIONS chose Clinton.....The outdated EC is how Trump won......LOL
LOL, you are not a republican. But you didn't answer my question. What do you expect to find in his hundreds of pages of tax returns?

laugh away Mr. Tuna........The VERY FACT that Trump won't release his tax returns should be ample reason for folks with a brain (actually that excludes you) that he IS hiding something.

For the final time. What do you think he is hiding that the IRS could not find by auditing him every year? What you could find is that he is in full compliance with the tax code that treats the rich favorably in some areas. You could also find that he is legally using the tax code to minimize his tax bill, just as every rich person in the USA does. Do you think your ultra rich friends in Hollywood do not do the exact same things?
Ok, lets assume that is correct. Voters had the truth about Trump and the truth about Clinton. Voters chose Trump. What's your point?

Actually, NO, Mr. the tune of THREE MORE MILLIONS chose Clinton.....The outdated EC is how Trump won......LOL

The EC is how we elect presidents. If you don't like it, get congress to pass a bill to eliminate it, then get 38 states to ratify it. Trump won by the rules. If it was done by PV he would have campaigned in Cal and NY instead of MIch and Ohio, and would probably have won either way.
The EC is how we elect presidents. If you don't like it, get congress to pass a bill to eliminate it, then get 38 states to ratify it. Trump won by the rules. If it was done by PV he would have campaigned in Cal and NY instead of MIch and Ohio, and would probably have won either way.

I'm NOT advocating to change the electoral system....I am, however, reminding YOU morons that you CANNOT go around saying that "the people" elected outdated EC system did.

the majority of American citizens REJECTED the orange clown.
Some day, when you grown up, you too will know the difference between charity giving to a Foundation, AND low-interest loans made to a developer of golf courses from Russian oligarchs who are NOT known for being kind-hearted sweethearts when they such loans.....Usually they want something back and in this case, its wanting something back from the moron who currently sits in the oval office.

Report: Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation

Do you want to speculate why the Russians gave millions to her foundation while Clinton she was Secretary of State? Usually as you say, they want something back.

No I don't think anything happened there and we have no proof it has happened with Trump.

It still boils down to there not being a law to release his taxes. And all the speculation without evidence is nothing more than liberals throwing a tantrum.
So it is OK for Trump but not Clinton. Or people want Trump to be like Clinton.

I stated I don't think it happened with Clinton, I also see no evidence it happened with Trump. It is all speculation, both Trump and Clinton. Benghazi, emails, birther bs, it is liberals revenge for all that. Just more silliness by the extreme sides.
Well, that's your opinion, yes, but they will eventually be released.

what exactly do you expect to find in his returns? He gets audited every year. If he was not complying with the tax code the IRS would be all over him. Are they? NO.

You on the left don't like the tax code. Neither do I. Do you know who wrote it? Congress. Which party has controlled congress for most of the last century? Dems.

So you need to look at your own party when you bitch about loopholes for the rich. They created them.
Here redfish
How the GOP Became the Party of the Rich

The inside story of how the Republicans abandoned the poor and the middle class to pursue their relentless agenda of tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent


Party of the Rich Matt Mahurin
Tim Dickinson
November 9, 2011
The nation is still recovering from a crushing recession that sent unemployment hovering above nine percent for two straight years. The president, mindful of soaring deficits, is pushing bold action to shore up the nation's balance sheet. Cloaking himself in the language of class warfare, he calls on a hostile Congress to end wasteful tax breaks for the rich. "We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share," he thunders to a crowd in Georgia. Such tax loopholes, he adds, "sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying 10 percent of his salary – and that's crazy."

Preacherlike, the president draws the crowd into a call-and-response. "Do you think the millionaire ought to pay more in taxes than the bus driver," he demands, "or less?"

The crowd, sounding every bit like the protesters from Occupy Wall Street, roars back: "MORE!"

The year was 1985. The president was Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Today's Republican Party may revere Reagan as the patron saint of low taxation. But the party of Reagan – which understood that higher taxes on the rich are sometimes required to cure ruinous deficits – is dead and gone. Instead, the modern GOP has undergone a radical transformation, reorganizing itself around a grotesque proposition: that the wealthy should grow wealthier still, whatever the consequences for the rest of us.

Modern-day Republicans have become, quite simply, the Party of the One Percent – the Party of the Rich.

"The Republican Party has totally abdicated its job in our democracy, which is to act as the guardian of fiscal discipline and responsibility," says David Stockman, who served as budget director under Reagan. "They're on an anti-tax jihad – one that benefits the prosperous classes."

The staggering economic inequality that has led Americans across the country to take to the streets in protest is no accident. It has been fueled to a large extent by the GOP's all-out war on behalf of the rich. Since Republicans rededicated themselves to slashing taxes for the wealthy in 1997, the average annual income of the 400 richest Americans has more than tripled, to $345 million – while their share of the tax burden has plunged by 40 percent. Today, a billionaire in the top 400 pays less than 17 percent of his income in taxes – five percentage points less than a bus driver earning $26,000 a year. "Most Americans got none of the growth of the preceding dozen years," says Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize-winning economist. "All the gains went to the top percentage points."
I never cared to see his tax return and if he releases it then I'd only consider it a matter of credibility of keeping a campaign promise. If he doesn't it wouldn't break my heart as this one won't kill anybody.
why does Mr. Trump need a tax break?

The rich make the laws for the rich.
He didn't pay any personal income taxes, just like the poor.

the poor, need equal social protection of our social laws.
equality is a social concept not a capital concept. Mr. Trump has as much Standing regarding social welfare policy, as the poor. The poor only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay. The rich have to spend money on tax loopholes, large enough to drive a yacht, through.

the tax code was written by congress. Congress has been dominated by democrats for the last 80 years. Any idea who put those loopholes in the tax code?
crony capitalism works when socialism for free fails.

So you have no idea why liberal democrats made tax deductions for the rich?
they had plenty of help from their "pro capitalism" friends?

They didn't need any help, the rich write tax laws for the rich, liberals love the rich.
Only when they are making money for us; otherwise, they are no better than the poor, who also don't pay, personal income taxes.
I never cared to see his tax return and if he releases it then I'd only consider it a matter of credibility of keeping a campaign promise. If he doesn't it wouldn't break my heart as this one won't kill anybody.
why does Mr. Trump need a tax break?

I'm really not sure he does. It seems to me those with the most taxable income pay the most in taxes. But my guess is that a whole lot of pages of the tax code are about defining what is and isn't taxable income.
why does the right wing Only blame the poor, for not paying personal income taxes?
Some day, when you grown up, you too will know the difference between charity giving to a Foundation, AND low-interest loans made to a developer of golf courses from Russian oligarchs who are NOT known for being kind-hearted sweethearts when they such loans.....Usually they want something back and in this case, its wanting something back from the moron who currently sits in the oval office.

Report: Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation

Do you want to speculate why the Russians gave millions to her foundation while Clinton she was Secretary of State? Usually as you say, they want something back.

No I don't think anything happened there and we have no proof it has happened with Trump.

It still boils down to there not being a law to release his taxes. And all the speculation without evidence is nothing more than liberals throwing a tantrum.
So it is OK for Trump but not Clinton. Or people want Trump to be like Clinton.

I stated I don't think it happened with Clinton, I also see no evidence it happened with Trump. It is all speculation, both Trump and Clinton. Benghazi, emails, birther bs, it is liberals revenge for all that. Just more silliness by the extreme sides.
Well, that's your opinion, yes, but they will eventually be released.

what exactly do you expect to find in his returns? He gets audited every year. If he was not complying with the tax code the IRS would be all over him. Are they? NO.

You on the left don't like the tax code. Neither do I. Do you know who wrote it? Congress. Which party has controlled congress for most of the last century? Dems.

So you need to look at your own party when you bitch about loopholes for the rich. They created them.
it could be about, conflicts of capital interests.
Report: Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation

Do you want to speculate why the Russians gave millions to her foundation while Clinton she was Secretary of State? Usually as you say, they want something back.

No I don't think anything happened there and we have no proof it has happened with Trump.

It still boils down to there not being a law to release his taxes. And all the speculation without evidence is nothing more than liberals throwing a tantrum.
So it is OK for Trump but not Clinton. Or people want Trump to be like Clinton.

I stated I don't think it happened with Clinton, I also see no evidence it happened with Trump. It is all speculation, both Trump and Clinton. Benghazi, emails, birther bs, it is liberals revenge for all that. Just more silliness by the extreme sides.
Well, that's your opinion, yes, but they will eventually be released.

what exactly do you expect to find in his returns? He gets audited every year. If he was not complying with the tax code the IRS would be all over him. Are they? NO.

You on the left don't like the tax code. Neither do I. Do you know who wrote it? Congress. Which party has controlled congress for most of the last century? Dems.

So you need to look at your own party when you bitch about loopholes for the rich. They created them.
My party is the GOP, which has overwhelmingly controlled the majority since 1994.

Either the courts or a leaker will get them out to the public.
what happened to Wikileaks? the right wing should believe Wikileaks over professional, MSM.
ok snake. your sig cartoon complains about Russia hacking our election. Exactly how did they do that? Did they tamper with voting machines? Did they bribe vote counters? Did they cast fake votes?

Wikileaks put out FACTS that prove corruption within the DNC, the Clinton campaign, and the media. There is no proof that wiki got the info from Russia.

This is a red herring, and you fricken well know it.

When Trump's PUSSY-GRABBING tape was exposed, Russia poured tons of discrediting emails ofthe DNC to Wikileaks..........There was NO need to screw around with voting machines, just subtle manipulation of the mindset of you.

Ok, lets assume that is correct. Voters had the truth about Trump and the truth about Clinton. Voters chose Trump. What's your point?
what facts did wikileaks present about the right? just paid advertisement, from one perspective.
LOL, you are not a republican. But you didn't answer my question. What do you expect to find in his hundreds of pages of tax returns?

laugh away Mr. Tuna........The VERY FACT that Trump won't release his tax returns should be ample reason for folks with a brain (actually that excludes you) that he IS hiding something.

For the final time. What do you think he is hiding that the IRS could not find by auditing him every year? What you could find is that he is in full compliance with the tax code that treats the rich favorably in some areas. You could also find that he is legally using the tax code to minimize his tax bill, just as every rich person in the USA does. Do you think your ultra rich friends in Hollywood do not do the exact same things?
why do the rich, need a tax break?
Report: Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation

Do you want to speculate why the Russians gave millions to her foundation while Clinton she was Secretary of State? Usually as you say, they want something back.

No I don't think anything happened there and we have no proof it has happened with Trump.

It still boils down to there not being a law to release his taxes. And all the speculation without evidence is nothing more than liberals throwing a tantrum.
So it is OK for Trump but not Clinton. Or people want Trump to be like Clinton.

I stated I don't think it happened with Clinton, I also see no evidence it happened with Trump. It is all speculation, both Trump and Clinton. Benghazi, emails, birther bs, it is liberals revenge for all that. Just more silliness by the extreme sides.
Well, that's your opinion, yes, but they will eventually be released.

what exactly do you expect to find in his returns? He gets audited every year. If he was not complying with the tax code the IRS would be all over him. Are they? NO.

You on the left don't like the tax code. Neither do I. Do you know who wrote it? Congress. Which party has controlled congress for most of the last century? Dems.

So you need to look at your own party when you bitch about loopholes for the rich. They created them.
Here redfish
How the GOP Became the Party of the Rich

The inside story of how the Republicans abandoned the poor and the middle class to pursue their relentless agenda of tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent


Party of the Rich Matt Mahurin
Tim Dickinson
November 9, 2011
The nation is still recovering from a crushing recession that sent unemployment hovering above nine percent for two straight years. The president, mindful of soaring deficits, is pushing bold action to shore up the nation's balance sheet. Cloaking himself in the language of class warfare, he calls on a hostile Congress to end wasteful tax breaks for the rich. "We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share," he thunders to a crowd in Georgia. Such tax loopholes, he adds, "sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying 10 percent of his salary – and that's crazy."

Preacherlike, the president draws the crowd into a call-and-response. "Do you think the millionaire ought to pay more in taxes than the bus driver," he demands, "or less?"

The crowd, sounding every bit like the protesters from Occupy Wall Street, roars back: "MORE!"

The year was 1985. The president was Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Today's Republican Party may revere Reagan as the patron saint of low taxation. But the party of Reagan – which understood that higher taxes on the rich are sometimes required to cure ruinous deficits – is dead and gone. Instead, the modern GOP has undergone a radical transformation, reorganizing itself around a grotesque proposition: that the wealthy should grow wealthier still, whatever the consequences for the rest of us.

Modern-day Republicans have become, quite simply, the Party of the One Percent – the Party of the Rich.

"The Republican Party has totally abdicated its job in our democracy, which is to act as the guardian of fiscal discipline and responsibility," says David Stockman, who served as budget director under Reagan. "They're on an anti-tax jihad – one that benefits the prosperous classes."

The staggering economic inequality that has led Americans across the country to take to the streets in protest is no accident. It has been fueled to a large extent by the GOP's all-out war on behalf of the rich. Since Republicans rededicated themselves to slashing taxes for the wealthy in 1997, the average annual income of the 400 richest Americans has more than tripled, to $345 million – while their share of the tax burden has plunged by 40 percent. Today, a billionaire in the top 400 pays less than 17 percent of his income in taxes – five percentage points less than a bus driver earning $26,000 a year. "Most Americans got none of the growth of the preceding dozen years," says Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize-winning economist. "All the gains went to the top percentage points."
Just modern politics as usual? It is why we need, war time tax rates for any alleged, time of war.

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