Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

Actually, right wingers DO KNOW that Trump is hiding something VERY damaging (otherwise Trump WOULD HAVE released them).......

Pulled that one out of your ass, too, huh, nat?

Where is the link to that regulation or law stating Trump is legally required to turn over his tax returns, nat? Or are you willing to admit you LIED yet?
So basically what you're all for is,,,,,, I don't give a flying fuck if our president steals while in office ,,,none of your business
No, dumbass - I don't give a flying f* what YOU want if you are not entitled to it. It's none of your business. I also don't give a flying f* when a hypocrite whose own party leaders do not release the very same information they are clamoring for.
every president including obama from way back has shown their tax returns Your thief in office whose ass you kiss is afraid to show his

What does that have to do with anything? So people choose to release their taxes and he didn't. He broke no law and he did nothing illegal by not show his taxes. You want to go make a law to require it? Go talk to your Congressman, otherwise you have nothing to whine and cry about. You regessives are pretty petty.
how simple one must be to not believe this pos is hiding something ,,,,don't we all know he hasn't paid taxes for 15 years? isn't it a possibility he's had hidden dealings with china russia etc etc ? and republicans say so what?

He isn't required to show his taxes, it doesn't matter what you or I believe. You can't just force someone to turnover their taxes because you want them to. We don't know what he has paid for the last 15 years, however if it was zero and it was done legally then you still have nothing. No law against following the law and not paying taxes.
[Actually, right wingers DO KNOW that Trump is hiding something VERY damaging (otherwise Trump WOULD HAVE released them).......

Great philosophy, nat.

Provide proof that you are not a pedophile, adulterer, tax evader, and felon....or you are all of those...because you would provide the proof you weren't if you aren't. That's how it goes in the snowflake nega-verse, isn't it, Nat?!
how simple one must be to not believe this pos is hiding something ,,,,don't we all know he hasn't paid taxes for 15 years? isn't it a possibility he's had hidden dealings with china russia etc etc ? and republicans say so what?

Actually, right wingers DO KNOW that Trump is hiding something VERY damaging (otherwise Trump WOULD HAVE released them).......But, they can't ADMIT that they've made a serious they "defend" the indefensible as morons usually do.

So you are guilty until proven innocent. Pretty screwed up thinking.
So you are guilty until proven innocent. Pretty screwed up thinking.
Liberals only apply that 'Rule' to anyone NOT a Liberal. As seen with Holder, Hillary, Castro, etc..., if there s no prosecution the individual is innocent....of course, there was never any indictments because the corrupt President owned the corrupt 'sheriff'.
how simple one must be to not believe this pos is hiding something ,,,,
Sorta like knowing several illegals have been prosecuted for unlawfully voting but declaring not another illegal in this country votes?! :p

All you have to do is PROVE IT, Ed. 'Innocent until PROVEN Guilty' still means something in this country, even when snowflakes say it doesn't because it stands in the way of something they want.

Ya know, I am just going to ignore you as well until you can help Nat out by posting the link to the regulation and / or law that stated Trump is legally required to present his tax returns to the public.

Nat is so sure that exists, it shouldn't take long at all to find and post.
I don't blame you for ignoring us When the obvious truth hits you in the face I can't blame you for cutting us off
I don't blame you for ignoring us When the obvious truth hits you in the face.....

So no link to the official regulations / laws yet stating Trump is legally required to turn over his tax returns?!

Yeah, didn't think so.

Ed, Trump is guilty of something because he hasn't shown you something he isn't legally required to just as much as you are a pedophile because you haven't shown us proof that you aren't one.

Have a nice day....

I'll be waiting for you and, nat to post those regulations / laws.
I don't blame you for ignoring us When the obvious truth hits you in the face.....

So no link to the official regulations / laws yet stating Trump is legally required to turn over his tax returns?!

Yeah, didn't think so.

Ed, Trump is guilty of something because he hasn't shown you something he isn't legally required to just as much as you are a pedophile because you haven't shown us proof that you aren't one.

Have a nice day....

I'll be waiting for you and, nat to post those regulations / laws.
There are no laws Just the fact that all presidents for the past 40 or more years did show them as a sign there wasn't any bullshit going on Trumps refusal speaks 1000 words
All you have to do is PROVE IT, Ed. 'Innocent until PROVEN Guilty' still means something in this country, even when snowflakes say it doesn't because it stands in the way of something they want.

There you go, finally got the chance to adhere to right wing stupidity by writing "snowflake" as instructed by Sean Hannity.....LOL

BY the way, no one can prove that slime bucket guilty BECAUSE HE IS WITHHOLDING EVIDENCE......otherwise he would be guilty.
Where is the link to that regulation or law stating Trump is legally required to turn over his tax returns, nat? Or are you willing to admit you LIED yet?

Moron, there is NO law.....releasing a presidential candidate's tax returns is just the needed TRANSPARENCY for any somewhat honest candidate.

All you're proving is that Trump is NOT an honest candidate. Thanks.
So you are guilty until proven innocent. Pretty screwed up thinking.

If Trump is withholding evidence to "prove" he is not a slime ball....and since he has before promised to release those tax returns, then YES, he is guilty until proven innocent.......(BTW, Trump is NOT innocent, otherwise he would have released those damn tax returns......and if Obama had been dishonest, he would have told the IRS to make them public.)
Right wingers may bullshit on here that Trump should not release those tax returns.....but the pressure is mounting that he DOES have something to hide....and as long as that shadow of doubt remains, he will NEVER be a legitimate president..........Town hall meetings are getting quite noisy for GOP congress folks......they will soon have to make a choice between backing a lying charlatan, or worry about their own sorry asses to get reelected. Want to guess which option they'll eventually choose???
In the same way that there is NO written law for a presidential candidate to show up for debates, or to attend rallies to drum up support, there is no written law to show one's tax returns............BUT, when you claim you're the "greatest businessman to ever walk the plant".....or when you claim that you are not beholden to a hostile foreign government, THEN YOU BETTER prove those 2 assertions or pay the Trump is currently paying.

Trump LIED !!!!
In the same way that there is NO written law for a presidential candidate to show up for debates, or to attend rallies to drum up support, there is no written law to show one's tax returns............

Thank you for finally admitting YOU LIED!
The pressure will be mounting for the Trumpster to divulge his tax returns as he OPENLY and REPEATEDLY promised.........Bitch all you want right wingers.....There's a REASON why this fake won't release them.

Do yourself a big favor and check for polyps while you have your head up your ass.
The pressure will be mounting for the Trumpster to divulge his tax returns as he OPENLY and REPEATEDLY promised.........Bitch all you want right wingers.....There's a REASON why this fake won't release them.

Do yourself a big favor and check for polyps while you have your head up your ass.
surely kwc you can't be that stupid to not know dump is hiding something? if you're in a forest and see something that looks like a bear growls like a bear shits like a bear IT"S A BEAR!! Trump stinks

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