Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

If they were damaging, wouldn't Obama's minions in the IRS have charged him?

Of course you don't have to be a felon to be a slime bucket accepting loans from Russian oligarchs who, eventually, want the Trumpster to dance to THEIR music.

Watch how (soon) Trump agrees with Putin about invading and taking over the Crimea.
The ultimate question that MUST be answered is this:

How much does the Trumpster OWE Russian oligarchs, or how much did Russian oligarchs PAID to own the Trumpster?

What makes you think a tax return shows any of that bullshit?

Personal returns wouldn't, corporate returns would. But they're asking for personal returns, idiots.
The last time information from Donald Trump’s income-tax returns was made public (1981) , the bottom line was striking: He had paid the federal government $0 in income taxes.

A bit embarrassing for "a man of the common people," don't you think???

(now watch right wingers defend him for being "smart")....LOL
The pressure will be mounting for the Trumpster to divulge his tax returns as he OPENLY and REPEATEDLY promised.........Bitch all you want right wingers.....There's a REASON why this fake won't release them.

Then maybe you should be writing him instead of cluttering the board with bullshit.
Oh give it up already , you sound like a fool

Really, this is the third thread, just by this OP, on the topic. Here they are.

So, about those Trump Tax returns......

Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

Now that Trump will be CIC, should his tax returns be revealed?
Really, this is the third thread, just by this OP, on the topic. Here they are.

....and there'll be LOTS more.......Place your paws over your eyes if you don't like to hear ANY criticism of your orange idol......LOL
So, where is the law stating said requirement?

There is no such law.

nat4900 LIED!!!!

Hey, moron, I NEVER stated there's a law....but a requirement for any decent presidential candidate to share with those he or she is about to SERVE.......but you're "correct" that requirement is ONLY for decent candidates for the WH and Trump ain't one.

Child, it's a tradition and Trump is a nontraditional candidate. Deal with it.
It's hilarious listening to the Trumpettes make excuses for trump not releasing his tax returns..
If this was Hillary not doing it they'd ALL say, WHATS SHE HIDING?
The hypocrisy is astounding.
They're scared to death to find out what most of America wants to know. What kind of business connections does Trump have with the Russians?
Roberton Williams, the Sol Price fellow at the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, told us that there are three things we could learn from Trump’s tax returns: details about where he gets his income and how much it is; “how he’s structuring his income for tax purposes”; and what kind of deductions he takes, including charitable giving. If Trump had overseas income or foreign bank accounts, for instance, that information would be on his tax return.
How do supporters STILL justify the hiding from the public Trump's tax returns?

With the Trump empire cut off by American banks, the family business has become dependent on Germany’s Deutsche Bank and investors from Russia. As Donald Trump, Jr. summed up in 2008:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That alone provides one powerful reason why Trump must release those returns....and for those brainwashed Trump followers who would say that Junior's statement is 8.5 years old, Trump's loans are NOT so "short-term" as to now be discarded news.
For the sake of our own security, we MUST know if our president is too beholden to Russian oligarchs and if these oligarchs have created an environment where our president must choose between the nation's interests and his OWN economic self interests.
Oh Give It A Rest Already!
Were you so concerned when Hillary was lying her ass off day after day after day?
Or when that lame brain Donna Brazile gave Hillary the questions in advance of the debate?
There were studies done in who was lying more ya know..
For example... After the first debate fact checkers concluded that Trump lied 55 times.
Hillary 6.
Trump is the lyingest candidate in history by far and is breaking new records as president..
Romney on Facebook, May 11: It is disqualifying for a modern-day presidential nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters, especially one who has not been subject to public scrutiny in either military or public service. Tax returns provide the public with its sole confirmation of the veracity of a candidate’s representations regarding charities, priorities, wealth, tax conformance, and conflicts of interest. Further, while not a likely circumstance, the potential for hidden inappropriate associations with foreign entities, criminal organizations, or other unsavory groups is simply too great a risk to ignore for someone who is seeking to become commander-in-chief.
Assuming facts not in evidence much? LMAO

take it up with your fellow moron, Admiral, who basically hinted that Trump should plead the 5th, LOL

The topic was brought up in the committees that are authorized to request returns, it was voted DOWN. It's a done deal. BTW the 4th amendment doesn't allow fishing expeditions. That's exactly what you're asking for, it ain't gonna happen.
Romney on Facebook, May 11: It is disqualifying for a modern-day presidential nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters, especially one who has not been subject to public scrutiny in either military or public service. Tax returns provide the public with its sole confirmation of the veracity of a candidate’s representations regarding charities, priorities, wealth, tax conformance, and conflicts of interest. Further, while not a likely circumstance, the potential for hidden inappropriate associations with foreign entities, criminal organizations, or other unsavory groups is simply too great a risk to ignore for someone who is seeking to become commander-in-chief.

Romney is now dictator?

What public law is that again? I must have missed it.
Romney on Facebook, May 11: It is disqualifying for a modern-day presidential nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters, especially one who has not been subject to public scrutiny in either military or public service. Tax returns provide the public with its sole confirmation of the veracity of a candidate’s representations regarding charities, priorities, wealth, tax conformance, and conflicts of interest. Further, while not a likely circumstance, the potential for hidden inappropriate associations with foreign entities, criminal organizations, or other unsavory groups is simply too great a risk to ignore for someone who is seeking to become commander-in-chief.

Seems almost 63 million voters disagree.

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