Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

In the same way that there is NO written law for a presidential candidate to show up for debates, or to attend rallies to drum up support, there is no written law to show one's tax returns............BUT, when you claim you're the "greatest businessman to ever walk the plant".....or when you claim that you are not beholden to a hostile foreign government, THEN YOU BETTER prove those 2 assertions or pay the Trump is currently paying.

Trump LIED !!!!

Have you quit paying your bills, taking baths, washing clothes, dusting the house, living life in general, etc? You seem to be so completely consumed by your hate and spend all your waking hours ranting on Trump. I would think that would be exhausting. You do know that you aren't going to change anyone's mind by posting shit on the internet don't you? You need to lighten up Francis or you're going to pop a blood vessel. All your outrage is accomplishing is getting people to laugh at you.
The pressure will be mounting for the Trumpster to divulge his tax returns as he OPENLY and REPEATEDLY promised.........Bitch all you want right wingers.....There's a REASON why this fake won't release them.

Do yourself a big favor and check for polyps while you have your head up your ass.
surely kwc you can't be that stupid to not know dump is hiding something? if you're in a forest and see something that looks like a bear growls like a bear shits like a bear IT"S A BEAR!! Trump stinks

You're racist.
surely kwc you can't be that stupid to not know dump is hiding something?
Just like we must all be stupid to believe you are NOT a pedophile because you have NOT proven you are NOT.

'Conservatives / people we hate are 'Guilty' until proven 'Innocent'.

Poor butt-hurt little snowflakes can't get over Hillary LOSING...and that she didn't even get a 'Participation Trophy'. :p .
It is in our supreme law of the land.

No it's not, income tax didn't even exist when the commerce clause was written.
Our Commerce Clause must cover conflicts of interest better than our defense clause.

You keep talking about conflicts of interest but have yet to provide any evidence of any. The 4th Amendment doesn't allow fishing expeditions.
This administration is what, a month old? Even the executive orders were conflicting due to various, interests.

Still no evidence.
only the right wing is that, cognitively dissonant;

even the Judiciary got involved.
We have established:

Liberals are still fixated - hypocritically - on something they have no legal claim to and that their own leaders refuse to comply with what they are demanding of President Trump.

There is no legal requirement for Trump to surrender his personal documents to anyone, the same circumstance under which Barak Obama sealed all of HIS personal documents

Liberals can 'change their mind' any time they want; however, Conservatives / Republicans can NOT because 'nat' has declared himself to be the deity in charge of when and who can do such a thing. Not surprising, 'nat' has decreed that Republicans can NOT change their mind, at least when it comes to trivial issues like personal tax reruns (as opposed to college transcripts / records, extracurricular activities / groups, and other personal records exposing one's up-bringing, education, character, etc...)

We (or rather Snowflakes) have established the fact that dropping your pants in public in Chicago does NOT result in getting what you want.

Liberals believe that NOT releasing one's tax records - assuming 'one' is a Republican - warrants calls for military coups and assassinations.

We have established:

Liberals are still fixated - hypocritically - on something they have no legal claim to and that their own leaders refuse to comply with what they are demanding of President Trump.

There is no legal requirement for Trump to surrender his personal documents to anyone, the same circumstance under which Barak Obama sealed all of HIS personal documents

Liberals can 'change their mind' any time they want; however, Conservatives / Republicans can NOT because 'nat' has declared himself to be the deity in charge of when and who can do such a thing. Not surprising, 'nat' has decreed that Republicans can NOT change their mind, at least when it comes to trivial issues like personal tax reruns (as opposed to college transcripts / records, extracurricular activities / groups, and other personal records exposing one's up-bringing, education, character, etc...)

We (or rather Snowflakes) have established the fact that dropping your pants in public in Chicago does NOT result in getting what you want.

Liberals believe that NOT releasing one's tax records - assuming 'one' is a Republican - warrants calls for military coups and assassinations.

There is a clear conflict of interest if Mr. Trump is lowering taxes to benefit himself. There is no real time of War, if Mr. Trump believes, as commander in chief, that we can lower taxes.
Show us yours first. That is if you have one.

Gladly........right after Trump shows his.....after all, who the fuck is president ??

I mean among you morons, isn't there even ONE inkling of curiosity if the Trumpster has major loansd from Russian oligarchs who have made him their pawn......American banks don't seem to want to loan Trump a dime.....have you ever wondered WHY Russians don't seem to mind lending his money?

What makes you think that any of that will show on a tax return?

My credit cards, mortgage, and anything I else I owe does not show on a tax return.

Why the absolute idiocy?
Have you the ability to understand the word "current"? And to answer your question, it wasn't the president. So once again you got anything CURRENT that's not an assumption, supposition or guess?

You're a typical Trump moron......How can we deal with "CURRENT" when the orange clown keeps his tax returns secret?

Hint: ACCESS what the British Steele (the MI-6 guy) stated about the loans Trump has with Russians.

Loans do not appear on tax returns, you nimrod!
Have you the ability to understand the word "current"? And to answer your question, it wasn't the president. So once again you got anything CURRENT that's not an assumption, supposition or guess?

You're a typical Trump moron......How can we deal with "CURRENT" when the orange clown keeps his tax returns secret?

Hint: ACCESS what the British Steele (the MI-6 guy) stated about the loans Trump has with Russians.

Isn't that the same guy that spun the tales of Russian prostitutes and orgies. ROFLMFAO You're as gullible as a three year old.

Please stop insulting three year-olds!
I never said Pelosi and Reid ever ran for President. I pointed out that recently when asked to release THEIR tax returns, both Reid and Pelosi refused...proving, like you, they are hypocrites who bear ignoring. You especially deserve ignoring after being proven to be such a LIAR just now.

Releasing one's tax returns is a 40 year old REQUIREMENT of all who have run for president.....NOT for any other elected post..........If Pelosi or Reid were running for president and THEN refused, I'd be bitching also.


So, where is the law stating said requirement?

There is no such law.

nat4900 LIED!!!!
how simple one must be to not believe this pos is hiding something ,,,,don't we all know he hasn't paid taxes for 15 years? isn't it a possibility he's had hidden dealings with china russia etc etc ? and republicans say so what?

Actually, right wingers DO KNOW that Trump is hiding something VERY damaging (otherwise Trump WOULD HAVE released them).......But, they can't ADMIT that they've made a serious they "defend" the indefensible as morons usually do.

If they were damaging, wouldn't Obama's minions in the IRS have charged him?

They would have at least leaked them since that apparently is the modus operandi.
All you have to do is PROVE IT, Ed. 'Innocent until PROVEN Guilty' still means something in this country, even when snowflakes say it doesn't because it stands in the way of something they want.

There you go, finally got the chance to adhere to right wing stupidity by writing "snowflake" as instructed by Sean Hannity.....LOL

BY the way, no one can prove that slime bucket guilty BECAUSE HE IS WITHHOLDING EVIDENCE......otherwise he would be guilty.

I guess you don't believe in the 5th Amendment there snowflake?
Right wingers may bullshit on here that Trump should not release those tax returns.....but the pressure is mounting that he DOES have something to hide....and as long as that shadow of doubt remains, he will NEVER be a legitimate president..........Town hall meetings are getting quite noisy for GOP congress folks......they will soon have to make a choice between backing a lying charlatan, or worry about their own sorry asses to get reelected. Want to guess which option they'll eventually choose???

The only pressure I see is the buildup of your own internal pressure from all of the bullshit that you are keeping bottled up.
So, where is the law stating said requirement?

There is no such law.

nat4900 LIED!!!!

Hey, moron, I NEVER stated there's a law....but a requirement for any decent presidential candidate to share with those he or she is about to SERVE.......but you're "correct" that requirement is ONLY for decent candidates for the WH and Trump ain't one.
No it's not, income tax didn't even exist when the commerce clause was written.
Our Commerce Clause must cover conflicts of interest better than our defense clause.

You keep talking about conflicts of interest but have yet to provide any evidence of any. The 4th Amendment doesn't allow fishing expeditions.
This administration is what, a month old? Even the executive orders were conflicting due to various, interests.

Still no evidence.
only the right wing is that, cognitively dissonant;

even the Judiciary got involved.

And they said absolutely nothing about conflicts of interest. Take your hot air and blow up some balloons, you'll get more out of it.

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