Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

How do supporters STILL justify the hiding from the public Trump's tax returns?

With the Trump empire cut off by American banks, the family business has become dependent on Germany’s Deutsche Bank and investors from Russia. As Donald Trump, Jr. summed up in 2008:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That alone provides one powerful reason why Trump must release those returns....and for those brainwashed Trump followers who would say that Junior's statement is 8.5 years old, Trump's loans are NOT so "short-term" as to now be discarded news.
For the sake of our own security, we MUST know if our president is too beholden to Russian oligarchs and if these oligarchs have created an environment where our president must choose between the nation's interests and his OWN economic self interests.
It is no ones business
if it was hillary's tax return you'd be screaming bloody murder
Na, i dont give two shits on how little or how much anyone makes. Its none of my business as its no one elses, least of all the federal governments.
Medical and financial records should be the same... private
How do supporters STILL justify the hiding from the public Trump's tax returns?

With the Trump empire cut off by American banks, the family business has become dependent on Germany’s Deutsche Bank and investors from Russia. As Donald Trump, Jr. summed up in 2008:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That alone provides one powerful reason why Trump must release those returns....and for those brainwashed Trump followers who would say that Junior's statement is 8.5 years old, Trump's loans are NOT so "short-term" as to now be discarded news.
For the sake of our own security, we MUST know if our president is too beholden to Russian oligarchs and if these oligarchs have created an environment where our president must choose between the nation's interests and his OWN economic self interests.

Because what they would have required from everyone else, will NOT be done to Trump, because he's Trump.

Regardless, the Way & Means committee can get Trump's income tax returns, and the Senate may subpoena them over this Russian investigation. If he still refuses to release them, then it's clear he's hiding something. And if he does that, they'll probably be leaked to the media anyway.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Single term limits would permanently get rid of the career politician... crushing the incestuous nature of the federal government.
How do supporters STILL justify the hiding from the public Trump's tax returns?

With the Trump empire cut off by American banks, the family business has become dependent on Germany’s Deutsche Bank and investors from Russia. As Donald Trump, Jr. summed up in 2008:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That alone provides one powerful reason why Trump must release those returns....and for those brainwashed Trump followers who would say that Junior's statement is 8.5 years old, Trump's loans are NOT so "short-term" as to now be discarded news.
For the sake of our own security, we MUST know if our president is too beholden to Russian oligarchs and if these oligarchs have created an environment where our president must choose between the nation's interests and his OWN economic self interests.
It is no ones business
if it was hillary's tax return you'd be screaming bloody murder
Na, i dont give two shits on how little or how much anyone makes. Its none of my business as its no one elses, least of all the federal governments.
Medical and financial records should be the same... private
So you believe a man as important as president of the usa doesn't need to show who he's playing ball with? What kinds of deals with other countries benefit him ? The pos is president NOT king
How do supporters STILL justify the hiding from the public Trump's tax returns?

With the Trump empire cut off by American banks, the family business has become dependent on Germany’s Deutsche Bank and investors from Russia. As Donald Trump, Jr. summed up in 2008:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That alone provides one powerful reason why Trump must release those returns....and for those brainwashed Trump followers who would say that Junior's statement is 8.5 years old, Trump's loans are NOT so "short-term" as to now be discarded news.
For the sake of our own security, we MUST know if our president is too beholden to Russian oligarchs and if these oligarchs have created an environment where our president must choose between the nation's interests and his OWN economic self interests.
extreme vetting; that is what we need.

Work with your Congressman to make it a law.
Show us yours first. That is if you have one.

Gladly........right after Trump shows his.....after all, who the fuck is president ??

I mean among you morons, isn't there even ONE inkling of curiosity if the Trumpster has major loansd from Russian oligarchs who have made him their pawn......American banks don't seem to want to loan Trump a dime.....have you ever wondered WHY Russians don't seem to mind lending his money?

Lots of curiosity, however there is nothing that says he has to turn them over. Get a law passed and there you win! Now get off your computer and put on your big boy pants and go do it!
'why Trump MUST release his tax returns'

Stupid, 'butt-hurt' thread involving snowflakes still clinging to their desire to have something they CAN'T Hillary as President. :p

NOTHING to see here....moving along.....
'why Trump MUST release his tax returns'

Stupid, 'butt-hurt' thread involving snowflakes still clinging to their desire to have something they CAN'T Hillary as President. :p

NOTHING to see here....moving along.....
yeah easy let this proven pos get away with enriching himself while president ,,,the republican way hear no evil see no evil do no evil
Yeah easy let this proven pos get away with enriching himself while president ,,,the republican way hear no evil see no evil do no evil
Get your head out of your ass, Ed.

'Republican Way'? STFY, hypocrite. Pelosi and Reid refuse to show their taxes. Obama sealed his personal files.

There is no legal requirement for him to show them to you snowflakes....but you bat-shit crazy f*ers keep holding on to the 'taxes' and 'Popular Vote' mantras - let me know how that works for you.

Actually, I am surprised he didn't turn over his records recently - I thought for sure that bat-shit crazy snowflakes baring their asses to the world in Chicago recently would have shamed him into releasing his taxes. :p
Yeah easy let this proven pos get away with enriching himself while president ,,,the republican way hear no evil see no evil do no evil
Get your head out of your ass, Ed.

'Republican Way'? STFY, hypocrite. Pelosi and Reid refuse to show their taxes. Obama sealed his personal files.

There is no legal requirement for him to show them to you snowflakes....but you bat-shit crazy f*ers keep holding on to the 'taxes' and 'Popular Vote' mantras - let me know how that works for you.

Actually, I am surprised he didn't turn over his records recently - I thought for sure that bat-shit crazy snowflakes baring their asses to the world in Chicago recently would have shamed him into releasing his taxes. :p
so basically what you're all for is,,,,,, I don't give a flying fuck if our president steals while in office ,,,none of your business
So basically what you're all for is,,,,,, I don't give a flying fuck if our president steals while in office ,,,none of your business
No, dumbass - I don't give a flying f* what YOU want if you are not entitled to it. It's none of your business. I also don't give a flying f* when a hypocrite whose own party leaders do not release the very same information they are clamoring for.
So basically what you're all for is,,,,,, I don't give a flying fuck if our president steals while in office ,,,none of your business
No, dumbass - I don't give a flying f* what YOU want if you are not entitled to it. It's none of your business. I also don't give a flying f* when a hypocrite whose own party leaders do not release the very same information they are clamoring for.
every president including obama from way back has shown their tax returns Your thief in office whose ass you kiss is afraid to show his
every president including obama from way back has shown their tax returns Your thief in office whose ass you kiss is afraid to show his
Every President did so because they CHOSE to do so.
It was not mandatory.
It was NEVER mandatory.
Trump chooses not Pelosi and Reid choose not to.


Get over it.
There is no legal requirement for him to show them to you snowflakes....but you bat-shit crazy f*ers keep holding on to the 'taxes' and 'Popular Vote' mantras - let me know how that works for you.

Hey moron Queasy, then the Trumpster LIED during his campaign when he stated that he'd release them???
A simple Yes or No would suffice.
Trump chooses not Pelosi and Reid choose not to.

You heard it first here folks.....The above idiot informed us that Reid and Pelosi ran for president and did NOT release their tax returns like Trump has not.........The amazing bullshit that right wing morons "conclude".
Hey moron Queasy, then the Trumpster LIED during his campaign when he stated that he'd release them???
A simple Yes or No would suffice.
WHY do liberals call changing their minds 'evolving' or 'changing their minds' yet call the same thing 'lying' when a Republican does it? traction, no credibility, no argument there.
You heard it first here folks.....The above idiot informed us that Reid and Pelosi ran for president and did NOT release their tax returns like Trump has not

Thank you for demonstrating to the whole board how much of an IDIOT and a LIAR you are.

I never said Pelosi and Reid ever ran for President. I pointed out that recently when asked to release THEIR tax returns, both Reid and Pelosi refused...proving, like you, they are hypocrites who bear ignoring. You especially deserve ignoring after being proven to be such a LIAR just now.
WHY do liberals call changing their minds 'evolving' or 'changing their minds' yet call the same thing 'lying' when a Republican does it?

One can change one's mind when the interests of the country are of primary concern, but NOT when changing one's mind is only to benefit one's own conflicts of interest........Trump LIED !!!
I never said Pelosi and Reid ever ran for President. I pointed out that recently when asked to release THEIR tax returns, both Reid and Pelosi refused...proving, like you, they are hypocrites who bear ignoring. You especially deserve ignoring after being proven to be such a LIAR just now.

Releasing one's tax returns is a 40 year old REQUIREMENT of all who have run for president.....NOT for any other elected post..........If Pelosi or Reid were running for president and THEN refused, I'd be bitching also.

One can change one's mind when the interests of the country are of primary concern, but NOT when changing one's mind is only to benefit one's own conflicts of interest........Trump LIED !!!

So you appointed yourself 'God' now, in charge of 'if' and 'when' people can change their minds, especially in regards to something so trivial as one's personal tax returns?!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
in regards to something so trivial as one's personal tax returns?!

Trivial ?????Are you fucking nuts???

Tax returns that could PROVE that Trump is in hock up to his orange ears to Russian oligarchs??? Really???

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