Amtrak Carrying GOP to Retreat Crashes

I'm glad the family members of these GOP leaders are okay....but, but but....I can go for a few of em with banged up heads, lost limbs and maybe a concussion or two. After all, evil doesn't deserve sympathy at all and those mf's are evil!!

Karma, motherfuckers!!

Wow. The vileness of liberals never ceases to amaze me.
Someone else, according to Tn Rep Fleischmann was just taken away on a gurney. He doesn’t know who it is.
I'm glad the family members of these GOP leaders are okay....but, but but....I can go for a few of em with banged up heads, lost limbs and maybe a concussion or two. After all, evil doesn't deserve sympathy at all and those mf's are evil!!

Karma, motherfuckers!!

Wow. The vileness of liberals never ceases to amaze me.
And you can say that with a straight face? We got a sitting clown in the white house, that spew more hatred than a Klan fresh off of anti nigga rally and I'm the vile one? Bitch please!!
What most jackasses forget is they have already said " If you release the memo" there will be consequences....... release the memo do you not get it of course not.
One death, assumed to be the truck driver. Appears it was a trash truck.

Another paid democratic operative paid to try to take out the GOP. The Dem-Mafia. When will they try a hit on the President? Why do you think many Dems fear speaking against their party?

Think I'm kidding? Where are all the democrats being shot and almost killed in ballparks, threatened and ribs broken on the street or in their own front yard or while riding trains, planes or automobiles? The Democratic Antifamafia have taken it to the next level. Democrats are NOT Americans but are the trigger puppets of the likes of George Soros and his band of globalist dictators.
Train Carrying GOP Members Collides with Truck

So this guy says a garbage truck h..
Oh look more hypocritical skanks............

Heartless pos losers gawd you Democrats are the scum of the earth to say this bs.

breaking news, not much other than on twitter and Fox News just reporting

What are they going on retreat for, why are they not in Washington working. The only retreats I know of is for the religious, are they going to rest and play or pray?
One death, assumed to be the truck driver. Appears it was a trash truck.

Another paid democratic operative paid to try to take out the GOP. The Dem-Mafia. When will they try a hit on the President? Why do you think many Dems fear speaking against their party?

Think I'm kidding? .

Nope. We think you're fucking retarded.

Where are all the democrats being shot and almost killed in ballparks, threatened and ribs broken on the street or in their own front yard or while riding trains, planes or automobiles?

Whelp ---- there's Gabrielle Giffords, shot in the head and permanently disabled and forced to leave office.
There's Tom Periello, whose house had its gas line cut and sabotaged (actually it was his brother's house since the Tea Partier had published the wrong address)
There's the Democratic Party Headquarters offices in at least three states that had their windows shattered;
There's the white-powder letter sent to Anthony Weiner;
There's the images of nooses sent to Reps Bart Stupak and James Clymer;
There's the brick thrown through Louise Slaughter's window and phone messages threatening sniper attacks;
There's the various Democratic Congresspeople who had their windows shattered including Gabby Giffords whose window was shot through....
And of course as far as planes trains and automobiles there's Paul Wellstone.....

Oh and there's gun nuts like James David Adkisson who shot up a church with the intent to kill as many "Liberals" as possible.... and Charles Wilson with his string of death threats against Patty Murray... Greg Guisti with his threats to poison Nancy Pelosi.... Byron Williams who was stopped on his way to shoot up the Tides Foundation and the ACLU.....
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So they have to go to a resort to work, how much is this costing taxpayers.

I wonder what else they do with our money, if not for the train wreck we may of never known, they should be in congress discussing things with Democrats, but no they are off planning things, GOP things.
So they have to go to a resort to work, how much is this costing taxpayers.

I wonder what else they do with our money, if not for the train wreck we may of never known, they should be in congress discussing things with Democrats, but no they are off planning things, GOP things.

I still say Congresscritters should be forced to live in a dorm. Free meals, free rooming and no salary. No communication with anyone who isn't either a genuine constituent, or family. By god if we're gonna call it "public service" let's make the name FIT.

You'd see the gravy train of career politicians and the revolving door between Congress and corporate lobbyism dry up and wither away wid a quickness.
One death, assumed to be the truck driver. Appears it was a trash truck.

Another paid democratic operative paid to try to take out the GOP. The Dem-Mafia. When will they try a hit on the President? Why do you think many Dems fear speaking against their party?

Think I'm kidding? .

Nope. We think you're fucking retarded.

Where are all the democrats being shot and almost killed in ballparks, threatened and ribs broken on the street or in their own front yard or while riding trains, planes or automobiles?

Whelp ---- there's Gabrielle Giffords, shot in the head and permanently disabled and forced to leave office.
There's Tom Periello, whose house had its gas line cut and sabotaged (actually it was his brother's house since the Tea Partier had published the wrong address)
There's the Democratic Party Headquarters offices in at least three states that had their windows shattered;
There's the white-powder letter sent to Anthony Weiner;
There's the images of nooses sent to Reps Bart Stupak and James Clymer;
There's the brick thrown through Louise Slaughter's window and phone messages threatening sniper attacks;
There's the various Democratic Congresspeople who had their windows shattered including Gabby Giffords whose window was shot through....
And of course as far as planes trains and automobiles there's Paul Wellstone.....

Oh and there's gun nuts like James David Adkisson who shot up a church with the intent to kill as many "Liberals" as possible.... and Charles Wilson with his string of death threats against Patty Murray... Greg Guisti with his threats to poison Nancy Pelosi.... Byron Williams who was stopped on his way to shoot up the Tides Foundation and the ACLU.....

Whelp ---- there's Gabrielle Giffords, an accident. Doesn't count.
There's Tom Periello, whose house had its gas line cut and sabotaged (actually it was his brother's house). Simple vandalism. Doesn't count. No one hurt.
There's the Democratic Party Headquarters offices in at least three states that had their windows shattered. Again. Vandalism, doesn't count.
There's the white-powder letter sent to Anthony Weiner. Doesn't count. Just some white flour.
There's the images of nooses sent to Reps Bart Stupak and James Clymer. Drawings never hurt anyone.
There's the brick thrown through Louise Slaughter's window and phone messages threatening sniper attacks. Bricks and phone messages don't count.
There's the various Democratic Congresspeople who had their windows shattered including Gabby Giffords whose window was shot through. Call the glazer.
And of course as far as planes trains and automobiles there's Paul Wellstone..... What about Paul?

Oh and there's gun nuts like James David Adkisson who shot up a church with the intent to kill as many "Liberals" as possible.... and Charles Wilson with his string of death threats against Patty Murray... Threats don't count. Greg Guisti with his threats to poison Nancy Pelosi.... Nancy's doing fine. Byron Williams who was stopped on his way to shoot up the Tides Foundation and the ACLU..... Again.
One death, assumed to be the truck driver. Appears it was a trash truck.

Another paid democratic operative paid to try to take out the GOP. The Dem-Mafia. When will they try a hit on the President? Why do you think many Dems fear speaking against their party?

Think I'm kidding? .

Nope. We think you're fucking retarded.

Where are all the democrats being shot and almost killed in ballparks, threatened and ribs broken on the street or in their own front yard or while riding trains, planes or automobiles?

Whelp ---- there's Gabrielle Giffords, shot in the head and permanently disabled and forced to leave office.
There's Tom Periello, whose house had its gas line cut and sabotaged (actually it was his brother's house since the Tea Partier had published the wrong address)
There's the Democratic Party Headquarters offices in at least three states that had their windows shattered;
There's the white-powder letter sent to Anthony Weiner;
There's the images of nooses sent to Reps Bart Stupak and James Clymer;
There's the brick thrown through Louise Slaughter's window and phone messages threatening sniper attacks;
There's the various Democratic Congresspeople who had their windows shattered including Gabby Giffords whose window was shot through....
And of course as far as planes trains and automobiles there's Paul Wellstone.....

Oh and there's gun nuts like James David Adkisson who shot up a church with the intent to kill as many "Liberals" as possible.... and Charles Wilson with his string of death threats against Patty Murray... Greg Guisti with his threats to poison Nancy Pelosi.... Byron Williams who was stopped on his way to shoot up the Tides Foundation and the ACLU.....

Whelp ---- there's Gabrielle Giffords, an accident. Doesn't count.
There's Tom Periello, whose house had its gas line cut and sabotaged (actually it was his brother's house). Simple vandalism. Doesn't count. No one hurt.
There's the Democratic Party Headquarters offices in at least three states that had their windows shattered. Again. Vandalism, doesn't count.
There's the white-powder letter sent to Anthony Weiner. Doesn't count. Just some white flour.
There's the images of nooses sent to Reps Bart Stupak and James Clymer. Drawings never hurt anyone.
There's the brick thrown through Louise Slaughter's window and phone messages threatening sniper attacks. Bricks and phone messages don't count.
There's the various Democratic Congresspeople who had their windows shattered including Gabby Giffords whose window was shot through. Call the glazer.
And of course as far as planes trains and automobiles there's Paul Wellstone..... What about Paul?

Oh and there's gun nuts like James David Adkisson who shot up a church with the intent to kill as many "Liberals" as possible.... and Charles Wilson with his string of death threats against Patty Murray... Threats don't count. Greg Guisti with his threats to poison Nancy Pelosi.... Nancy's doing fine. Byron Williams who was stopped on his way to shoot up the Tides Foundation and the ACLU..... Again.

See what I mean about "fucking retarded"? QED.

Tardfreak goes, "Where are the democrats [sic] being shot at and almost killed"?

--- I give an example of a Democrat actually shot and almost killed and he calls it "an accident".

Apparently on the theory that the intent was to kill her and it failed, ergo "accident".

Fucking retarded.
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Wow.....first the GOP Senators are shot while playing ball and now they're in a train's just not safe I tell ya

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