An annoying thing that happens here a lot

whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

1911 – Turkey disarmed its citizens, and between 1915 – 1917 they murdered 1.5 million Armenians.

1929 – Russia disarmed its citizens, and between 1929 – 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.

1935 – China disarmed its citizens, and between 1948 – 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.

1938 – Germany disarmed its citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 16 million Jews.

1956 – Cambodia disarmed its citizens, and between 1975 – 1977 they murdered 1 million Educated people.

1964 – Guatamala disarmed its citizens, and between 1964 – 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.

1970 – Uganda disarmed its citizens, and between 1971 – 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.

The US never disarmed it's citizens.

They didn't?

You might want to check on that, because it's absolutely false.

(Are you actually this ignorant, or are you just lying like all the rest of the ant-gun crowd?)
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

I guess this lying bag of treason doesn't know about all the bills the commies his sorry hide supports have right now.
Does anyone believe that the WWII era Japanese/Americans who were forced into internment camps weren't disarmed by the government first?
That was literally the first thing that occurred to me when I read his incredibly ignorant post.
Jen O' Malley Bidens Deputy White House Chief has touted mandatory buybacks of certain types of rifles in the past now no one has tried that yet but making it mandatory sure sounds like they are coming for your guns. If they were to try this I highly doubt they would be paying the owners of the guns the full purchase price they paid for it so not only would they be coming for your guns they would be riping you off in the process.
The right's gun argument is exactly like the argument for the existence of UFOs/aliens. It is 100% speculation.
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

Its an agenda of the Progs. Its selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats like Obamacare. It is an agenda of the Progs to limit Medicare for the aged. In one form or the other. It is selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats. The Party usurps everything else. Most citizens are disposable with the Progressive Socialist religion. Your religion is a godless one and is not unlike some of the Christians during the middle ages.
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

The government won't take your guns just because you have them. They'll first create a database of gun owners and then trump up some BS charges to justify disarming people who they dislike.
Or limit ammo purchases, increase the cost of ammo and guns by increasing taxes--CA attempted to do this in 2019, $25 excise tax on ammo purchases and handguns. Fortunately, even democrats saw the folly in that bill. Every time you turn around the democrats are trying to pass another gun control law--Here's an epiphany, how about enforcing current gun laws and putting the low lifes in prison--AND KEEPING THEM THERE instead of trying to criminalize law abiding citizens.
No one is going to do anything about guns. No one is going to do anything about abortion. No one is going to do anything about those working here illegally.
Guns will be confiscated; the other 2 perversions will continue.

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