An annoying thing that happens here a lot

Because armed people don't get in the boxcars.

Are you capable of making any posts now where you _don't_ fantasize about Nazis?

It's clearly all you think about now. You're not well. Your cult has really done a number on you.
Are you capable of making a post where you don't pretend gun control is not in new bills now while you support what the nazis do?
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

Its an agenda of the Progs. Its selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats like Obamacare. It is an agenda of the Progs to limit Medicare for the aged. In one form or the other. It is selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats. The Party usurps everything else. Most citizens are disposable with the Progressive Socialist religion. Your religion is a godless one and is not unlike some of the Christians during the middle ages.

So it all comes down to you speculating about what might happen in the future, without any evidence that those things really will happen, A good imagination is usually a good thing, but not when you let your imagination overpower reality.
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

Its an agenda of the Progs. Its selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats like Obamacare. It is an agenda of the Progs to limit Medicare for the aged. In one form or the other. It is selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats. The Party usurps everything else. Most citizens are disposable with the Progressive Socialist religion. Your religion is a godless one and is not unlike some of the Christians during the middle ages.

So it all comes down to you speculating about what might happen in the future, without any evidence that those things really will happen, A good imagination is usually a good thing, but not when you let your imagination overpower reality.

There are active bills in congress as we speak you lying traitor scum! But I decided a good while back! Come for them bastards!
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

Its an agenda of the Progs. Its selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats like Obamacare. It is an agenda of the Progs to limit Medicare for the aged. In one form or the other. It is selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats. The Party usurps everything else. Most citizens are disposable with the Progressive Socialist religion. Your religion is a godless one and is not unlike some of the Christians during the middle ages.

So it all comes down to you speculating about what might happen in the future, without any evidence that those things really will happen, A good imagination is usually a good thing, but not when you let your imagination overpower reality.

There are active bills in congress as we speak you lying traitor scum! But I decided a good while back! Come for them bastards!

Whatever BULLSHIT posts is the opposite of fact.
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

1911 – Turkey disarmed its citizens, and between 1915 – 1917 they murdered 1.5 million Armenians.

1929 – Russia disarmed its citizens, and between 1929 – 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.

1935 – China disarmed its citizens, and between 1948 – 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.

1938 – Germany disarmed its citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 16 million Jews.

1956 – Cambodia disarmed its citizens, and between 1975 – 1977 they murdered 1 million Educated people.

1964 – Guatamala disarmed its citizens, and between 1964 – 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.

1970 – Uganda disarmed its citizens, and between 1971 – 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.

The US never disarmed it's citizens.

Allow me to correct your asinine statement.

36 Virginia residents’ firearms seized under ‘red flag’ law

66 People Had Their Guns Seized Under New Colorado Law, Report Says

Law-abiding gun Owner Killed During Red Flag Confiscation Raid

In Vermont, A Case Of One Man Whose Gun Was Seized Under Red Flag Law

More than 20 guns removed from Prince William, Manassas residents so far via 'red flag' law

Woman Abuses Red Flag Law, Lies About Innocent Man To Have His Guns Confiscated

I'll be interested to see how you pathetically attempt to move the goalposts.
That phrase "They're coming for your guns" is used more by the left, as much as "Hands Up! Don't Shoot! has been used. It has been the new norm for the left. Because, it's really all they got.

whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

You mean Al Gore?
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

Its an agenda of the Progs. Its selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats like Obamacare. It is an agenda of the Progs to limit Medicare for the aged. In one form or the other. It is selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats. The Party usurps everything else. Most citizens are disposable with the Progressive Socialist religion. Your religion is a godless one and is not unlike some of the Christians during the middle ages.

So it all comes down to you speculating about what might happen in the future, without any evidence that those things really will happen, A good imagination is usually a good thing, but not when you let your imagination overpower reality.

There are active bills in congress as we speak you lying traitor scum! But I decided a good while back! Come for them bastards!

Let me know when one of those gun grabbing bills is passed. Until then, you're just another whining gun nut.
Because armed people don't get in the boxcars.

Are you capable of making any posts now where you _don't_ fantasize about Nazis?

It's clearly all you think about now. You're not well. Your cult has really done a number on you.
Ahhh, yes, Mr Projection himself chimes in to let us know what he really believes by claiming others do it.

Leftists want totalitarianism. This is undeniable. Leftists intend to disarm Americans. This is undeniable.

So maybe you should shut the fuck up and stop looking like a moron.
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

Did or did not Chicago banned guns?
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

Its an agenda of the Progs. Its selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats like Obamacare. It is an agenda of the Progs to limit Medicare for the aged. In one form or the other. It is selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats. The Party usurps everything else. Most citizens are disposable with the Progressive Socialist religion. Your religion is a godless one and is not unlike some of the Christians during the middle ages.

So it all comes down to you speculating about what might happen in the future, without any evidence that those things really will happen, A good imagination is usually a good thing, but not when you let your imagination overpower reality.

There are active bills in congress as we speak you lying traitor scum! But I decided a good while back! Come for them bastards!

Let me know when one of those gun grabbing bills is passed. Until then, you're just another whining gun nut.

It doesn't disturb you at all that your side supports the destruction of a basic Constitutional right?

What the fuck is wrong with you?
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

Its an agenda of the Progs. Its selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats like Obamacare. It is an agenda of the Progs to limit Medicare for the aged. In one form or the other. It is selling it. And when they get tired enough they will shove it down our throats. The Party usurps everything else. Most citizens are disposable with the Progressive Socialist religion. Your religion is a godless one and is not unlike some of the Christians during the middle ages.

So it all comes down to you speculating about what might happen in the future, without any evidence that those things really will happen, A good imagination is usually a good thing, but not when you let your imagination overpower reality.

There are active bills in congress as we speak you lying traitor scum! But I decided a good while back! Come for them bastards!

Let me know when one of those gun grabbing bills is passed. Until then, you're just another whining gun nut.

It doesn't disturb you at all that your side supports the destruction of a basic Constitutional right?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

There's not a hard drive on earth large enough to hold the answer to that question.
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

1911 – Turkey disarmed its citizens, and between 1915 – 1917 they murdered 1.5 million Armenians.

1929 – Russia disarmed its citizens, and between 1929 – 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.

1935 – China disarmed its citizens, and between 1948 – 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.

1938 – Germany disarmed its citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 16 million Jews.

1956 – Cambodia disarmed its citizens, and between 1975 – 1977 they murdered 1 million Educated people.

1964 – Guatamala disarmed its citizens, and between 1964 – 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.

1970 – Uganda disarmed its citizens, and between 1971 – 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.

The US never disarmed it's citizens.

Allow me to correct your asinine statement.

36 Virginia residents’ firearms seized under ‘red flag’ law

66 People Had Their Guns Seized Under New Colorado Law, Report Says

Law-abiding gun Owner Killed During Red Flag Confiscation Raid

In Vermont, A Case Of One Man Whose Gun Was Seized Under Red Flag Law

More than 20 guns removed from Prince William, Manassas residents so far via 'red flag' law

Woman Abuses Red Flag Law, Lies About Innocent Man To Have His Guns Confiscated

I'll be interested to see how you pathetically attempt to move the goalposts.

At that rate, how long do you think it will take to confiscate more than are being sold? A century or two? Now this is where you start ranting about all the things that you imagine will happen. Get back to me when those imagined things are more than just voices in your head.
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

1911 – Turkey disarmed its citizens, and between 1915 – 1917 they murdered 1.5 million Armenians.

1929 – Russia disarmed its citizens, and between 1929 – 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.

1935 – China disarmed its citizens, and between 1948 – 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.

1938 – Germany disarmed its citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 16 million Jews.

1956 – Cambodia disarmed its citizens, and between 1975 – 1977 they murdered 1 million Educated people.

1964 – Guatamala disarmed its citizens, and between 1964 – 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.

1970 – Uganda disarmed its citizens, and between 1971 – 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.

The US never disarmed it's citizens.

Allow me to correct your asinine statement.

36 Virginia residents’ firearms seized under ‘red flag’ law

66 People Had Their Guns Seized Under New Colorado Law, Report Says

Law-abiding gun Owner Killed During Red Flag Confiscation Raid

In Vermont, A Case Of One Man Whose Gun Was Seized Under Red Flag Law

More than 20 guns removed from Prince William, Manassas residents so far via 'red flag' law

Woman Abuses Red Flag Law, Lies About Innocent Man To Have His Guns Confiscated

I'll be interested to see how you pathetically attempt to move the goalposts.

At that rate, how long do you think it will take to confiscate more than are being sold? A century or two? Now this is where you start ranting about all the things that you imagine will happen. Get back to me when those imagined things are more than just voices in your head.

Baby steps. Rome wasn't destroyed in a day.

Meanwhile, I proved you wrong. Naturally, you refuse to acknowledge it.
whenever the topic is "gun control", is that someone will dismissively say; "No one is coming for your guns!!!", and state that anyone who thinks so is a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Of course, these folks get called liars, and then everyone just doubles down on the same old arguments.
They are coming for them; this is not a new thing, and it's not a secret...... they have been doing this shit for a long time, and they will be happy to murder you while they're at it.

Given our history, it's sort of surprising that some people still try to claim that no one is going to take people's guns.

OK. When did someone last show up at your door to get your guns? Gun nuts have a long list of times they warned that if an election went a certain way then all your guns would be taken, or if a certain law was passed, it would end the 2nd amendment. etc, etc. None of that ever happened. Gun nuts are a lot like that crazy preacher who said the world was going to end on a certain day.

Did or did not Chicago banned guns?

Guns are not banned in Chicago.

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