An Autopsy for the Keyenesians

Hey dumbass, I saw the report and Cuba is a mess because of our actions and theirs. I'm a big fan of exporting capitalism back to Cuba, but that will still require a functioning government to make it work. Capitalism doesn't work in a vacuum. If it did a place with no laws would be a capitalistic paradise but such things aren't, they are instead little hells on earth. Got it now?
Excuse me again, db
if you need someone to "make it work" then you do not have Capitalism.
Capitalism uses the invisible hands of market place to "make it work".
No, it doesn't. That is but one part of capitalism, learn the rest. Start with Adam Smith.
If Capitalism needs someone to "make it work" then you are referring to fascism. Start with Ayn Rand.
If you believe in that nutbag, who couldn't even live her own life according to her childish "philosophy", then don't bother me. Ayn Rand kids are why there is some much Selfishness is Moral crap around here and so little understanding, meaning none, of what capitalism actually is and what's required for it to succeed.
A full understanding isn't required nor can one be had. There are too many actors in the system to wait around until you're sure you have it right. Like all human things you do what can but you must act because if you don't capitalism destroys itself at a blistering pace and does a lot of damage in the process. If you had unregulated capitalism here I'd own this piece of shit because I'd sell you anything you wanted, as long as the price was right.

And this, "...we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however." is ideology and incorrect.

I agree with most of what you say, however maybe you don't understand what I'm getting at. We can have an impact on the economy, and we do. However instead of trying to keep the economy stable, we let it rumble ahead and then it hits the wall and breaks. We could stop this happening, but we don't.
A full understanding isn't required nor can one be had. There are too many actors in the system to wait around until you're sure you have it right. Like all human things you do what can but you must act because if you don't capitalism destroys itself at a blistering pace and does a lot of damage in the process. If you had unregulated capitalism here I'd own this piece of shit because I'd sell you anything you wanted, as long as the price was right.

And this, "...we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however." is ideology and incorrect.

I agree with most of what you say, however maybe you don't understand what I'm getting at. We can have an impact on the economy, and we do. However instead of trying to keep the economy stable, we let it rumble ahead and then it hits the wall and breaks. We could stop this happening, but we don't.
We've been keeping this house of cards alive for decades. We could let it run its course but we don't because the inevitable crash causes too much damage. The reality is capitalism is drunk teenager. Keeping it off the roads at night means its much more likely to be alive in the morning.
A full understanding isn't required nor can one be had. There are too many actors in the system to wait around until you're sure you have it right. Like all human things you do what can but you must act because if you don't capitalism destroys itself at a blistering pace and does a lot of damage in the process. If you had unregulated capitalism here I'd own this piece of shit because I'd sell you anything you wanted, as long as the price was right.

And this, "...we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however." is ideology and incorrect.

I agree with most of what you say, however maybe you don't understand what I'm getting at. We can have an impact on the economy, and we do. However instead of trying to keep the economy stable, we let it rumble ahead and then it hits the wall and breaks. We could stop this happening, but we don't.
We've been keeping this house of cards alive for decades. We could let it run its course but we don't because the inevitable crash causes too much damage. The reality is capitalism is drunk teenager. Keeping it off the roads at night means its much more likely to be alive in the morning.

But then the alternative is even worse. Regulated capitalism is the only thing we can get to work!
A full understanding isn't required nor can one be had. There are too many actors in the system to wait around until you're sure you have it right. Like all human things you do what can but you must act because if you don't capitalism destroys itself at a blistering pace and does a lot of damage in the process. If you had unregulated capitalism here I'd own this piece of shit because I'd sell you anything you wanted, as long as the price was right.

And this, "...we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however." is ideology and incorrect.

I agree with most of what you say, however maybe you don't understand what I'm getting at. We can have an impact on the economy, and we do. However instead of trying to keep the economy stable, we let it rumble ahead and then it hits the wall and breaks. We could stop this happening, but we don't.
We've been keeping this house of cards alive for decades. We could let it run its course but we don't because the inevitable crash causes too much damage. The reality is capitalism is drunk teenager. Keeping it off the roads at night means its much more likely to be alive in the morning.

But then the alternative is even worse. Regulated capitalism is the only thing we can get to work!
Capitalism requires regulation, period. That's why no country in the world, not a single one, has unregulated capitalism.
Your claim that capitalism can't exist without government remains to be proven. End of story.

Furthermore, most people put their own interests before the interests of others. That's how adults behave, but a lot of them lie about it.
1. It's a not a claim dumbass, it's a fact and history proves it so, not to mention anything worth a damn written about capitalism.
2. That's the rationalization that helps you sleep at night, like the baby you are.

  1. Almost every so-called "fact" posted in this forum is actually a claim, especially when it comes to economics.
  2. I don't "rationalize" about human nature or ethics. I just observe them. Whenever a man claims he's working purely for the benefit of others, everyone but a fool knows he's working for himself.
What I "claim" is actually a fact, you just don't understand even the basics of capitalism enough to understand why, and you've somehow swallowed the lie that saying you are selfish is more honest than saying you aren't but in fact you are simply selfish. All you can see is what's good for you and fuck everyone else. And I'm not talking about some pretend saint here but the adult who stays up all night with a sick child and the one who drags themselves off to work in the morning to support them. You see only yourself, period. That is your full-time occupation.

Do you know how we can easily tell when a statement is not a fact? You claim it's a fact.

Caring for your offspring is acting in your self interest. Your children are the means you use to transmit your genes to future generations. By caring for your children, you are simply protecting your genes. Notice that almost no one stays up all night caring for someone else's children.
Actually lots of people do, one because it's the right thing to do, if you're moral that is but you aren't so you won't get that, and two because lots of children are not carrying the genes of their parents. In your world you protect your biological children but say what the fuck about your adopted and step-children and that's not how it works. You've taken the Selfish Gene argument to the utterly stupid and made a rationalization of it. Even the guy who coined the term would say so.

When people take care of adopted children, it's because of the instinct nature instilled to care for your real children. It gets transferred to your adopted children. However, sociologists have noted that step parents almost never devote the same level of care to step children as they do to their real children. That's a documented fact.

The selfish gene is a fact. The species wouldn't be around if it weren't

People who actually practice in economics and finance - at least those of whom are not partisan ideologues - know that finding the proper equilibrium between the rantings of both "ends" would be closer to ideal.

That's why those of us who are actually in the business tend to roll our eyes at the "economic theory" of politicians, politicos, pundits and partisans.


How do they "know" that?
I'm shocked! I never would have thought that nutters would try to take credit for the improving economy. Just shocked!!

Reagan got the economy rolling much quicker by nearly doubling federal spending in his eight years. This recovery was slowed because Republicans made certain federal spending hardly increased. They will point to Reagan as their savior not realizing he used Keynesian policies to drive the economy during his administration. It's incredible that cons are so blind to reality. This fantasy world they live in must be a wonderful place.
A full understanding isn't required nor can one be had. There are too many actors in the system to wait around until you're sure you have it right. Like all human things you do what can but you must act because if you don't capitalism destroys itself at a blistering pace and does a lot of damage in the process. If you had unregulated capitalism here I'd own this piece of shit because I'd sell you anything you wanted, as long as the price was right.

And this, "...we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however." is ideology and incorrect.

I agree with most of what you say, however maybe you don't understand what I'm getting at. We can have an impact on the economy, and we do. However instead of trying to keep the economy stable, we let it rumble ahead and then it hits the wall and breaks. We could stop this happening, but we don't.
We've been keeping this house of cards alive for decades. We could let it run its course but we don't because the inevitable crash causes too much damage. The reality is capitalism is drunk teenager. Keeping it off the roads at night means its much more likely to be alive in the morning.

But then the alternative is even worse. Regulated capitalism is the only thing we can get to work!
Capitalism requires regulation, period. That's why no country in the world, not a single one, has unregulated capitalism.

We had pretty close to it in this country prior to FDR's ascension to the throne. The empiracle data shows that the closer a country gets to laizzes faire capitalism, the faster its economy grows.
A full understanding isn't required nor can one be had. There are too many actors in the system to wait around until you're sure you have it right. Like all human things you do what can but you must act because if you don't capitalism destroys itself at a blistering pace and does a lot of damage in the process. If you had unregulated capitalism here I'd own this piece of shit because I'd sell you anything you wanted, as long as the price was right.

And this, "...we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however." is ideology and incorrect.

I agree with most of what you say, however maybe you don't understand what I'm getting at. We can have an impact on the economy, and we do. However instead of trying to keep the economy stable, we let it rumble ahead and then it hits the wall and breaks. We could stop this happening, but we don't.
We've been keeping this house of cards alive for decades. We could let it run its course but we don't because the inevitable crash causes too much damage. The reality is capitalism is drunk teenager. Keeping it off the roads at night means its much more likely to be alive in the morning.

But then the alternative is even worse. Regulated capitalism is the only thing we can get to work!
Capitalism requires regulation, period. That's why no country in the world, not a single one, has unregulated capitalism.

We had pretty close to it in this country prior to FDR's ascension to the throne. The empiracle data shows that the closer a country gets to laizzes faire capitalism, the faster its economy grows.
That's the lie alright, and it's wrong of course. The lack of regulation, and the crash that came from it, is why FDR was elected, four times.
The biggest problem appears to be that we don't understand how the economy works. We try and control it, we've got good at controlling it and we think we need to control it more to get what we want. Problem is we only try and really control it once we've messed it all up and seem unable to control it when we haven't messed it up.

In general the economy will naturally go up and down, we can't stop it, we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however.

That's the Keynesian Voo Doo perspective on the situation. Genuine economists understand that you can't control it. Any attempt to do so is counter productive.
1. It's a not a claim dumbass, it's a fact and history proves it so, not to mention anything worth a damn written about capitalism.
2. That's the rationalization that helps you sleep at night, like the baby you are.

  1. Almost every so-called "fact" posted in this forum is actually a claim, especially when it comes to economics.
  2. I don't "rationalize" about human nature or ethics. I just observe them. Whenever a man claims he's working purely for the benefit of others, everyone but a fool knows he's working for himself.
What I "claim" is actually a fact, you just don't understand even the basics of capitalism enough to understand why, and you've somehow swallowed the lie that saying you are selfish is more honest than saying you aren't but in fact you are simply selfish. All you can see is what's good for you and fuck everyone else. And I'm not talking about some pretend saint here but the adult who stays up all night with a sick child and the one who drags themselves off to work in the morning to support them. You see only yourself, period. That is your full-time occupation.

Do you know how we can easily tell when a statement is not a fact? You claim it's a fact.

Caring for your offspring is acting in your self interest. Your children are the means you use to transmit your genes to future generations. By caring for your children, you are simply protecting your genes. Notice that almost no one stays up all night caring for someone else's children.
Actually lots of people do, one because it's the right thing to do, if you're moral that is but you aren't so you won't get that, and two because lots of children are not carrying the genes of their parents. In your world you protect your biological children but say what the fuck about your adopted and step-children and that's not how it works. You've taken the Selfish Gene argument to the utterly stupid and made a rationalization of it. Even the guy who coined the term would say so.

When people take care of adopted children, it's because of the instinct nature instilled to care for your real children. It gets transferred to your adopted children. However, sociologists have noted that step parents almost never devote the same level of care to step children as they do to their real children. That's a documented fact.

The selfish gene is a fact. The species wouldn't be around if it weren't
The concept is fine, but your rationalization of it is not. There are lots of ways in life to get paid off but decent and moral adults have a balance however you, being an infant, have none. It's all about you and you couldn't care less about anyone else.
A full understanding isn't required nor can one be had. There are too many actors in the system to wait around until you're sure you have it right. Like all human things you do what can but you must act because if you don't capitalism destroys itself at a blistering pace and does a lot of damage in the process. If you had unregulated capitalism here I'd own this piece of shit because I'd sell you anything you wanted, as long as the price was right.

And this, "...we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however." is ideology and incorrect.

I agree with most of what you say, however maybe you don't understand what I'm getting at. We can have an impact on the economy, and we do. However instead of trying to keep the economy stable, we let it rumble ahead and then it hits the wall and breaks. We could stop this happening, but we don't.
We've been keeping this house of cards alive for decades. We could let it run its course but we don't because the inevitable crash causes too much damage. The reality is capitalism is drunk teenager. Keeping it off the roads at night means its much more likely to be alive in the morning.

But then the alternative is even worse. Regulated capitalism is the only thing we can get to work!
Capitalism requires regulation, period. That's why no country in the world, not a single one, has unregulated capitalism.

Merely because parasites believe that they need friendly bureaucrats willing to steal, loot, plunder and confiscate does not mean that Capitalism needs regulation. The Parasites need the regulation Capitalism does not.

The biggest problem appears to be that we don't understand how the economy works. We try and control it, we've got good at controlling it and we think we need to control it more to get what we want. Problem is we only try and really control it once we've messed it all up and seem unable to control it when we haven't messed it up.

In general the economy will naturally go up and down, we can't stop it, we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however.

That's the Keynesian Voo Doo perspective on the situation. Genuine economists understand that you can't control it. Any attempt to do so is counter productive.
God you're a moron. Regulated capitalism is why the US had the best economy in the world, along with plenty of help from WWII. You have the ideology of a child, a really stupid one.
A full understanding isn't required nor can one be had. There are too many actors in the system to wait around until you're sure you have it right. Like all human things you do what can but you must act because if you don't capitalism destroys itself at a blistering pace and does a lot of damage in the process. If you had unregulated capitalism here I'd own this piece of shit because I'd sell you anything you wanted, as long as the price was right.

And this, "...we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however." is ideology and incorrect.

I agree with most of what you say, however maybe you don't understand what I'm getting at. We can have an impact on the economy, and we do. However instead of trying to keep the economy stable, we let it rumble ahead and then it hits the wall and breaks. We could stop this happening, but we don't.
We've been keeping this house of cards alive for decades. We could let it run its course but we don't because the inevitable crash causes too much damage. The reality is capitalism is drunk teenager. Keeping it off the roads at night means its much more likely to be alive in the morning.

But then the alternative is even worse. Regulated capitalism is the only thing we can get to work!
Capitalism requires regulation, period. That's why no country in the world, not a single one, has unregulated capitalism.
Merely because parasites believe that they need friendly bureaucrats willing to steal, loot, plunder and confiscate does not mean that Capitalism needs regulation. The Parasites need the regulation Capitalism does not.
That is just utter nonsense. Go ask your mommy to make you a sandwich while you read the Fountainhead for the tenth time.

And BTW, many capitalist love regulations since they keep them in business. Those aren't capitalists in reality but they make plenty of bank so you'd love them anyway.
A full understanding isn't required nor can one be had. There are too many actors in the system to wait around until you're sure you have it right. Like all human things you do what can but you must act because if you don't capitalism destroys itself at a blistering pace and does a lot of damage in the process. If you had unregulated capitalism here I'd own this piece of shit because I'd sell you anything you wanted, as long as the price was right.

And this, "...we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however." is ideology and incorrect.

I agree with most of what you say, however maybe you don't understand what I'm getting at. We can have an impact on the economy, and we do. However instead of trying to keep the economy stable, we let it rumble ahead and then it hits the wall and breaks. We could stop this happening, but we don't.
We've been keeping this house of cards alive for decades. We could let it run its course but we don't because the inevitable crash causes too much damage. The reality is capitalism is drunk teenager. Keeping it off the roads at night means its much more likely to be alive in the morning.

But then the alternative is even worse. Regulated capitalism is the only thing we can get to work!
Capitalism requires regulation, period. That's why no country in the world, not a single one, has unregulated capitalism.

I agree. I'm not arguing against this.
The biggest problem appears to be that we don't understand how the economy works. We try and control it, we've got good at controlling it and we think we need to control it more to get what we want. Problem is we only try and really control it once we've messed it all up and seem unable to control it when we haven't messed it up.

In general the economy will naturally go up and down, we can't stop it, we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however.

That's the Keynesian Voo Doo perspective on the situation. Genuine economists understand that you can't control it. Any attempt to do so is counter productive.
God you're a moron. Regulated capitalism is why the US had the best economy in the world, along with plenty of help from WWII. You have the ideology of a child, a really stupid one.

Bullshit. Capitalism in this country was almost entirely unregulated until FDR. The USA became the largest economy in the world in 1880.
I agree with most of what you say, however maybe you don't understand what I'm getting at. We can have an impact on the economy, and we do. However instead of trying to keep the economy stable, we let it rumble ahead and then it hits the wall and breaks. We could stop this happening, but we don't.
We've been keeping this house of cards alive for decades. We could let it run its course but we don't because the inevitable crash causes too much damage. The reality is capitalism is drunk teenager. Keeping it off the roads at night means its much more likely to be alive in the morning.

But then the alternative is even worse. Regulated capitalism is the only thing we can get to work!
Capitalism requires regulation, period. That's why no country in the world, not a single one, has unregulated capitalism.
Merely because parasites believe that they need friendly bureaucrats willing to steal, loot, plunder and confiscate does not mean that Capitalism needs regulation. The Parasites need the regulation Capitalism does not.
That is just utter nonsense. Go ask your mommy to make you a sandwich while you read the Fountainhead for the tenth time.

And BTW, many capitalist love regulations since they keep them in business. Those aren't capitalists in reality but they make plenty of bank so you'd love them anyway.

You're deliberately confusing the function "capitalist - one who controls and uses capital to produce goods and services" with the doctrine. The people you refer to are crony capitalists. They are socialists, in other words.
The biggest problem appears to be that we don't understand how the economy works. We try and control it, we've got good at controlling it and we think we need to control it more to get what we want. Problem is we only try and really control it once we've messed it all up and seem unable to control it when we haven't messed it up.

In general the economy will naturally go up and down, we can't stop it, we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however.

That's the Keynesian Voo Doo perspective on the situation. Genuine economists understand that you can't control it. Any attempt to do so is counter productive.
God you're a moron. Regulated capitalism is why the US had the best economy in the world, along with plenty of help from WWII. You have the ideology of a child, a really stupid one.

Bullshit. Capitalism in this country was almost entirely unregulated until FDR. The USA became the largest economy in the world in 1880.
You believe lies. Carry on.
The biggest problem appears to be that we don't understand how the economy works. We try and control it, we've got good at controlling it and we think we need to control it more to get what we want. Problem is we only try and really control it once we've messed it all up and seem unable to control it when we haven't messed it up.

In general the economy will naturally go up and down, we can't stop it, we can change it though, more for the worst than for the better however.

That's the Keynesian Voo Doo perspective on the situation. Genuine economists understand that you can't control it. Any attempt to do so is counter productive.

Is it? There's different type of control.

In the UK which has a high population to land, ie, it's 4/5s the size of Idaho and has a population 1/5 the size of the US, housing is a big issue because house prices can go out of whack, and do continually. You can see your house price double, then half, the double again in the space of a decade or less. That's not good for society.

Monopoly power would kill a country pretty quickly without regulation, banks would gamble all your money away (ever seen the South Park episode?) it would be mayhem. Without regulation you don't have confidence, without confidence you don't have spending, without spending you don't have an economy. Look at countries which have gone bankrupt.

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