An Evil Triumvirate


Sep 23, 2010
The current Roman Catholic Pope is more frightening than the Chicago sewer rat, John Kerry, and the rest of the garbage who betray this country to the New World Order every day in every way. Our homegrown garbage will be gone one day, but Pope Francis’ agenda will live on until America is gone.

The United Nations was the driving force behind America’s destruction long before the UN got behind the global warming fraud. Recently, the UN and the Communists took on a new partner —— the R.C.Ch. —— in order set up a one government world with American tax dollars.

NOTE: Communists and the UN were always one and the same, but they flocked to the United Nations after the Soviet Union imploded because of the environmental movement. It is fair to say that the United Nations is the environmental movement. Basically, American Communists have long been funded by tax dollars in numerous ways. United Nations Communists fully expect their new partner to provide the help they need to get unlimited tax dollar funding.

The reasons parasites are after tax dollars is well-known; alternative energy companies, lifetime jobs in academe, and so on. I’ve covered those scams many times.

NOTE: Communists, and the Vatican, do not consider standard parasite greed to be selfish:

As Accuracy in Media reported, Sachs wrote an article for the Jesuit publication America attacking the “American idea” of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as narrow and selfish. He suggests that America’s founding document is outmoded and incompatible with his idea of Catholic teaching about social justice.​

The excerpts I’ve selected is the best way to even begin to grasp what American traitors are now up to. Cliff Kincaid’s entire article must be read to put my comments in perspective:

. . . Marxist influence on the climate change movement that Pope Francis and his top advisers are now embracing.


. . . Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican’s top social justice organization, is actually “providing leadership” to the communist group.


. . . Jeffrey Sachs, the Columbia University professor and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, and Gustavo Gutierrez, the father of Marxist-oriented Liberation Theology.


. . . global taxes to extract hundreds of billions of dollars from the American people in order to finance some form of world government. The climate change movement, based on dubious science, is the most popular current vehicle . . .


. . . the American way of life is at risk, this time from a Vatican alliance with America’s academic elites and the U.N.


. . . the Sachs agenda: global taxes. The WSF announced the launch of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, including a statement that “Our vision entails progressive redistributive taxation polices that fund the vital public services, end inequality and poverty, address climate change and lead to sustainable development.”

The topic fits nicely with the expected papal encyclical on climate change.


. . . a massive transfer of political and economic power to international organizations like the United Nations.

Catholic Group Exposes Red Influence in the Vatican
By Cliff Kincaid
May 27, 2015 ff

Catholic Group Exposes Red Influence in the Vatican
The current Roman Catholic Pope is more frightening than the Chicago sewer rat, John Kerry, and the rest of the garbage who betray this country to the New World Order every day in every way. Our homegrown garbage will be gone one day, but Pope Francis’ agenda will live on until America is gone.

The United Nations was the driving force behind America’s destruction long before the UN got behind the global warming fraud. Recently, the UN and the Communists took on a new partner —— the R.C.Ch. —— in order set up a one government world with American tax dollars.

NOTE: Communists and the UN were always one and the same, but they flocked to the United Nations after the Soviet Union imploded because of the environmental movement. It is fair to say that the United Nations is the environmental movement. Basically, American Communists have long been funded by tax dollars in numerous ways. United Nations Communists fully expect their new partner to provide the help they need to get unlimited tax dollar funding.

The reasons parasites are after tax dollars is well-known; alternative energy companies, lifetime jobs in academe, and so on. I’ve covered those scams many times.

NOTE: Communists, and the Vatican, do not consider standard parasite greed to be selfish:

As Accuracy in Media reported, Sachs wrote an article for the Jesuit publication America attacking the “American idea” of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as narrow and selfish. He suggests that America’s founding document is outmoded and incompatible with his idea of Catholic teaching about social justice.​

The excerpts I’ve selected is the best way to even begin to grasp what American traitors are now up to. Cliff Kincaid’s entire article must be read to put my comments in perspective:

. . . Marxist influence on the climate change movement that Pope Francis and his top advisers are now embracing.


. . . Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican’s top social justice organization, is actually “providing leadership” to the communist group.


. . . Jeffrey Sachs, the Columbia University professor and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, and Gustavo Gutierrez, the father of Marxist-oriented Liberation Theology.


. . . global taxes to extract hundreds of billions of dollars from the American people in order to finance some form of world government. The climate change movement, based on dubious science, is the most popular current vehicle . . .


. . . the American way of life is at risk, this time from a Vatican alliance with America’s academic elites and the U.N.


. . . the Sachs agenda: global taxes. The WSF announced the launch of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, including a statement that “Our vision entails progressive redistributive taxation polices that fund the vital public services, end inequality and poverty, address climate change and lead to sustainable development.”

The topic fits nicely with the expected papal encyclical on climate change.


. . . a massive transfer of political and economic power to international organizations like the United Nations.

Catholic Group Exposes Red Influence in the Vatican
By Cliff Kincaid
May 27, 2015 ff

Catholic Group Exposes Red Influence in the Vatican
The current Roman Catholic Pope is more frightening than the Chicago sewer rat, John Kerry, and the rest of the garbage who betray this country to the New World Order every day in every way. Our homegrown garbage will be gone one day, but Pope Francis’ agenda will live on until America is gone.

The United Nations was the driving force behind America’s destruction long before the UN got behind the global warming fraud. Recently, the UN and the Communists took on a new partner —— the R.C.Ch. —— in order set up a one government world with American tax dollars.

NOTE: Communists and the UN were always one and the same, but they flocked to the United Nations after the Soviet Union imploded because of the environmental movement. It is fair to say that the United Nations is the environmental movement. Basically, American Communists have long been funded by tax dollars in numerous ways. United Nations Communists fully expect their new partner to provide the help they need to get unlimited tax dollar funding.

The reasons parasites are after tax dollars is well-known; alternative energy companies, lifetime jobs in academe, and so on. I’ve covered those scams many times.

NOTE: Communists, and the Vatican, do not consider standard parasite greed to be selfish:

As Accuracy in Media reported, Sachs wrote an article for the Jesuit publication America attacking the “American idea” of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as narrow and selfish. He suggests that America’s founding document is outmoded and incompatible with his idea of Catholic teaching about social justice.​

The excerpts I’ve selected is the best way to even begin to grasp what American traitors are now up to. Cliff Kincaid’s entire article must be read to put my comments in perspective:

. . . Marxist influence on the climate change movement that Pope Francis and his top advisers are now embracing.


. . . Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican’s top social justice organization, is actually “providing leadership” to the communist group.


. . . Jeffrey Sachs, the Columbia University professor and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, and Gustavo Gutierrez, the father of Marxist-oriented Liberation Theology.


. . . global taxes to extract hundreds of billions of dollars from the American people in order to finance some form of world government. The climate change movement, based on dubious science, is the most popular current vehicle . . .


. . . the American way of life is at risk, this time from a Vatican alliance with America’s academic elites and the U.N.


. . . the Sachs agenda: global taxes. The WSF announced the launch of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, including a statement that “Our vision entails progressive redistributive taxation polices that fund the vital public services, end inequality and poverty, address climate change and lead to sustainable development.”

The topic fits nicely with the expected papal encyclical on climate change.


. . . a massive transfer of political and economic power to international organizations like the United Nations.

Catholic Group Exposes Red Influence in the Vatican
By Cliff Kincaid
May 27, 2015 ff

Catholic Group Exposes Red Influence in the Vatican
Oh my God I can't believe we have people like this in our country... how in the world have we survived this long...
Are you familiar with the term:
Wanna' see one .....Find a mirror..!!!:alcoholic::anj_stfu:
The current Roman Catholic Pope is more frightening than the Chicago sewer rat, John Kerry, and the rest of the garbage who betray this country to the New World Order every day in every way. Our homegrown garbage will be gone one day, but Pope Francis’ agenda will live on until America is gone.

The United Nations was the driving force behind America’s destruction long before the UN got behind the global warming fraud. Recently, the UN and the Communists took on a new partner —— the R.C.Ch. —— in order set up a one government world with American tax dollars.

NOTE: Communists and the UN were always one and the same, but they flocked to the United Nations after the Soviet Union imploded because of the environmental movement. It is fair to say that the United Nations is the environmental movement. Basically, American Communists have long been funded by tax dollars in numerous ways. United Nations Communists fully expect their new partner to provide the help they need to get unlimited tax dollar funding.

The reasons parasites are after tax dollars is well-known; alternative energy companies, lifetime jobs in academe, and so on. I’ve covered those scams many times.

NOTE: Communists, and the Vatican, do not consider standard parasite greed to be selfish:

As Accuracy in Media reported, Sachs wrote an article for the Jesuit publication America attacking the “American idea” of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as narrow and selfish. He suggests that America’s founding document is outmoded and incompatible with his idea of Catholic teaching about social justice.​

The excerpts I’ve selected is the best way to even begin to grasp what American traitors are now up to. Cliff Kincaid’s entire article must be read to put my comments in perspective:

. . . Marxist influence on the climate change movement that Pope Francis and his top advisers are now embracing.


. . . Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican’s top social justice organization, is actually “providing leadership” to the communist group.


. . . Jeffrey Sachs, the Columbia University professor and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, and Gustavo Gutierrez, the father of Marxist-oriented Liberation Theology.


. . . global taxes to extract hundreds of billions of dollars from the American people in order to finance some form of world government. The climate change movement, based on dubious science, is the most popular current vehicle . . .


. . . the American way of life is at risk, this time from a Vatican alliance with America’s academic elites and the U.N.


. . . the Sachs agenda: global taxes. The WSF announced the launch of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, including a statement that “Our vision entails progressive redistributive taxation polices that fund the vital public services, end inequality and poverty, address climate change and lead to sustainable development.”

The topic fits nicely with the expected papal encyclical on climate change.


. . . a massive transfer of political and economic power to international organizations like the United Nations.

Catholic Group Exposes Red Influence in the Vatican
By Cliff Kincaid
May 27, 2015 ff

Catholic Group Exposes Red Influence in the Vatican
Conservatives here know all about this and are not surprised. The left brain Liberal Progressives know it too but they pooh pooh the information and try to derail the subject. IMO the New World Order should be treated like terrorists and a bounty placed on them.

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