An example of how the Left misrepresents facts.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The latest manufactured outrage toward Kyle Rittenhouse is his X response to a photo of three Native Americans giving the finger to Mt. Rushmore. His comment "Then leave" has generated 9 million responses and the latest wave of hatred toward Rittenhouse. This is what the Left does, they take comments out of context in order to generate an attack. This is not America.

The latest manufactured outrage toward Kyle Rittenhouse is his X response to a photo of three Native Americans giving the finger to Mt. Rushmore. His comment "Then leave" has generated 9 million responses and the latest wave of hatred toward Rittenhouse. This is what the Left does, they take comments out of context in order to generate an attack. This is not America.

Wait, what?

You do know who/what native Americans are, right?
New Archeological Finds in the America’s potentially push Humans there back 20 to 30 Thousand years so Tribal Regional & Cultural & Ethnic affiliation are moot
Are you trying to be funny or are you really that dumb?
The latest manufactured outrage toward Kyle Rittenhouse is his X response to a photo of three Native Americans giving the finger to Mt. Rushmore. His comment "Then leave" has generated 9 million responses and the latest wave of hatred toward Rittenhouse. This is what the Left does, they take comments out of context in order to generate an attack. This is not America.

Unfortunately it is what the left intends America to be. The most innocuous remark by the wrong person (that is 'wrong' to them) will be blown out of all proportion and demonized while they forgive or excuse or defend the most hateful rhetoric from their side. But the Marxist mentality of the left is that only they walk the high road. Only they have truth and integrity and morality. And any who challenge or disagree with them must be silenced or destroyed.

It's actually a very dangerous concept because if they increase in sufficient numbers to make their intent for America a complete reality they are going to hate what they have done as much as we hate what they are doing. But they are too indoctrinated and programmed to be able to see that.
The latest manufactured outrage toward Kyle Rittenhouse is his X response to a photo of three Native Americans giving the finger to Mt. Rushmore. His comment "Then leave" has generated 9 million responses and the latest wave of hatred toward Rittenhouse. This is what the Left does, they take comments out of context in order to generate an attack. This is not America.

If I ever ran into him, I would beat the holy shit out of him!
Nobody took Rittenhouses comment out of contwext. The racist right loves trying that tactic. His tweet was posted.

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