An Excellent Question.....

Any answers to the mind boggling insanity in this meme?


They don't have to prove they are insured. Nixing your meme.
Yes, that is a coming enforcement mechanism, dumbass.

You can ignore it and pay a tax penalty. Its not mandatory.
"You can ignore it and pay a tax penalty. Its not mandatory."


If there is a penalty for not having it, then it is by definition mandatory, lol
Nope. That would mean you had an option. Mandatory would mean you have no option. Pay me now or pay me later...
Lol, are you really that stupid?

Almost EVERYTHING THE GOVERNMENT DOES is in the form of do this or else go to jail or pay a huge fine.

When the government says that you paint your house pink or pay a huge fine, it is mandatory to paint your house pink.

The kind of thg you are talking about, paint your house pink or the government will come in and paint it for you also has options, as does everything if you are willing to accept the penalty.

Lol, some of you libtards even think paying taxes is voluntary.

They don't have to prove they are insured. Nixing your meme.
Yes, that is a coming enforcement mechanism, dumbass.

You can ignore it and pay a tax penalty. Its not mandatory.
"You can ignore it and pay a tax penalty. Its not mandatory."


If there is a penalty for not having it, then it is by definition mandatory, lol
Nope. That would mean you had an option. Mandatory would mean you have no option. Pay me now or pay me later...
Lol, are you really that stupid?

Are you capable of having any conversation without vomiting up personal insults at anyone who disagrees with you? What has happened in your life that you think that spewing bile is a perfectly valid conversational technique?
Almost EVERYTHING THE GOVERNMENT DOES is in the form of do this or else go to jail or pay a huge fine.

There's quite a bit that involves 'do it or you're going to get arrested'. There's no criminal penalties involved. You merely pay more in taxes. Its the taxation equivalent of not taking a deduction. If you willing to pay an extra $300 a year or so, you don't have prove you have insurance.

Similarly if I don't want to keep reciepts from business lunches, I won't take the deduction. Like virtually every other tax issue, you're trading information for lower taxes. You don't have to provide it. But if you don't, you pay more.
Any answers to the mind boggling insanity in this meme?

We've never required all people here to prove the are citizens, and many can't.

The police state you seek is available, but you won't like it.

A nation controlling its own borders doesn't make it a police state, idiot, and a requirement to provide ID is almost universal.

Except in this suicide-obsess libtard dominated country.

Lol, 2017 cant get here soon enough.

Well said... My favorite meme is the one wherein the complaint is noted: "THIS BORDER FENCE IS DIVISIVE!", to which the meme answers: "DIVISION is what border do, dumbass!"
Any answers to the mind boggling insanity in this meme?

We've never required all people here to prove the are citizens, and many can't.

The police state you seek is available, but you won't like it.

A nation controlling its own borders doesn't make it a police state, idiot, and a requirement to provide ID is almost universal.

Except in this suicide-obsess libtard dominated country.

Lol, 2017 cant get here soon enough.

Well said... My favorite meme is the one wherein the complaint is noted: "THIS BORDER FENCE IS DIVISIVE!", to which the meme answers: "DIVISION is what border do, dumbass!"

Alas, providing ID...and proving you are a citizen is not the same thing. And no, providing ID is not 'universal'. Identifying yourself is universal. You're not required to carry ID or to provide it to an officer that asks. You're required to identify yourself.

If you're required to provide ID that means you're required to carry ID. Which means that you must carry your 'papers' with you at all times. And that's simply not a requirement nor ever has been.

Now if you're driving, that's a different story. As you're required to provide a license for an officer who asks. And a license is also ID. Legally speaking the requirement is to show the license. Not the ID. Which is why a State ID card won't do. You have to have a driver's license.
Are you capable of having any conversation without vomiting up personal insults at anyone who disagrees with you? What has happened in your life that you think that spewing bile is a perfectly valid conversational technique?

I amnot spewing bile so much as just engaging in 'rough conversation' the kind I learned after 5 years in the US Army infantry. If you didn't make what looked to me like a stupid comment or question I wouldn't have said you did.

I am not trying to hurt your feelings, but I am trying to get you to stop being such a shallow reflexive thinker.

OF COURSE anything that says do X or be punished is MANDATORY. To make some semantic bullshit argument on it is like claiming our IRS payments are also voluntary; BULLSHIT!

Almost EVERYTHING THE GOVERNMENT DOES is in the form of do this or else go to jail or pay a huge fine.

There's quite a bit that involves 'do it or you're going to get arrested'. There's no criminal penalties involved. You merely pay more in taxes. Its the taxation equivalent of not taking a deduction. If you willing to pay an extra $300 a year or so, you don't have prove you have insurance.

Similarly if I don't want to keep reciepts from business lunches, I won't take the deduction. Like virtually every other tax issue, you're trading information for lower taxes. You don't have to provide it. But if you don't, you pay more.

Those ACA fines are a percentage of your income if you make over $80k and the set fines are higher as a percentage than the 2.5% the upper middle class would pay:

"In 2016, the penalty will be $695 per adult and $347.50 per child, up to a family maximum of $2,085 or 2.5 percent of family income, whichever is greater."

How the Health Insurance Mandate Penalty Will Work
Any answers to the mind boggling insanity in this meme?

We've never required all people here to prove the are citizens, and many can't.

The police state you seek is available, but you won't like it.

A nation controlling its own borders doesn't make it a police state, idiot, and a requirement to provide ID is almost universal.

Except in this suicide-obsess libtard dominated country.

Lol, 2017 cant get here soon enough.

Well said... My favorite meme is the one wherein the complaint is noted: "THIS BORDER FENCE IS DIVISIVE!", to which the meme answers: "DIVISION is what border do, dumbass!"

Alas, providing ID...and proving you are a citizen is not the same thing. And no, providing ID is not 'universal'. Identifying yourself is universal. You're not required to carry ID or to provide it to an officer that asks. You're required to identify yourself.

If you're required to provide ID that means you're required to carry ID. Which means that you must carry your 'papers' with you at all times. And that's simply not a requirement nor ever has been.

Now if you're driving, that's a different story. As you're required to provide a license for an officer who asks. And a license is also ID. Legally speaking the requirement is to show the license. Not the ID. Which is why a State ID card won't do. You have to have a driver's license.

Providing ID for specific functions is not the same thing as requiring everyone to carry around ID unless there is good reason to. If you are buying alcohol, getting a tattoo, using your credit card, etc, you need to provide some evidence you are who you say you are. Voting is even more important and should also require ID.

Everyone should have a valid form of ID available to them and if they are guest workers, tourists or student visa holders they should have their papers on them at all times, damned straight.
"mind boggling insanity" JB
I think "mild paradox" might be more accurate.

The insurance proof requirement is simply a bureaucratic necessity.
Insurance is simply a risk-distribution scheme.
Instead of a very few paying $huge (the ones that need surgery), everybody $pays, but they $pay $much $less.
That's all that is.

On the proof of citizenship thing, we actually do, in many cases.
I believe Canada won't allow us to cross into Canada unless we can prove it.
And they may require it again to return.

I suspect there are other examples.

I think the intended point was that we're not required to carry identification simply to be a pedestrian in a public place, like a sidewalk.
That's the kind of society we want.
"mind boggling insanity" JB
I think "mild paradox" might be more accurate.

The insurance proof requirement is simply a bureaucratic necessity.
Insurance is simply a risk-distribution scheme.
Instead of a very few paying $huge (the ones that need surgery), everybody $pays, but they $pay $much $less.
That's all that is.

On the proof of citizenship thing, we actually do, in many cases.
I believe Canada won't allow us to cross into Canada unless we can prove it.
And they may require it again to return.

I suspect there are other examples.

I think the intended point was that we're not required to carry identification simply to be a pedestrian in a public place, like a sidewalk.
That's the kind of society we want.
and a society that also says if you are going to vote or hold a job here, have ID.
Any answers to the mind boggling insanity in this meme?

We've never required all people here to prove the are citizens, and many can't.

The police state you seek is available, but you won't like it.

A nation controlling its own borders doesn't make it a police state, idiot, and a requirement to provide ID is almost universal.

Except in this suicide-obsess libtard dominated country.

Lol, 2017 cant get here soon enough.

Well said... My favorite meme is the one wherein the complaint is noted: "THIS BORDER FENCE IS DIVISIVE!", to which the meme answers: "DIVISION is what border do, dumbass!"

Alas, providing ID...and proving you are a citizen is not the same thing. And no, providing ID is not 'universal'. Identifying yourself is universal. You're not required to carry ID or to provide it to an officer that asks. You're required to identify yourself.

If you're required to provide ID that means you're required to carry ID. Which means that you must carry your 'papers' with you at all times. And that's simply not a requirement nor ever has been.

Now if you're driving, that's a different story. As you're required to provide a license for an officer who asks. And a license is also ID. Legally speaking the requirement is to show the license. Not the ID. Which is why a State ID card won't do. You have to have a driver's license.

Providing ID for specific functions is not the same thing as requiring everyone to carry around ID unless there is good reason to. If you are buying alcohol, getting a tattoo, using your credit card, etc, you need to provide some evidence you are who you say you are. Voting is even more important and should also require ID.

You've just moved from 'providing ID is almost universal' to 'providing ID for specific functions'. I don't think 'universal' means what you think it means. As yes, universal requirements to provide ID would include carrying round ID all the time.

The universal requirement is to identify yourself. Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada lays it out. There's no requirement to provide ID, merely to identify yourself. In alchohol or tattoo sales.....the legal obligation isn't on you to provide ID. Its on the seller of alcohol and tattoos to verify your age. There's no penalty to you whatsoever if they sell you a tattoo without verifying your age. But there can be specific penalties for the vendor.

I wouldn't object to some verification of citizenship in the registration process. Perhaps a sticker on a license that verifies legal eligibility to vote. As in all the 'voter ID' hysteria, the only argument that had actual teeth....was that legal residents but non-citizens were voting in elections. While I think they should be able to....the law disagrees. And there should be some mechanism for verifying voting eligibility.
We've never required all people here to prove the are citizens, and many can't.

The police state you seek is available, but you won't like it.

A nation controlling its own borders doesn't make it a police state, idiot, and a requirement to provide ID is almost universal.

Except in this suicide-obsess libtard dominated country.

Lol, 2017 cant get here soon enough.

Well said... My favorite meme is the one wherein the complaint is noted: "THIS BORDER FENCE IS DIVISIVE!", to which the meme answers: "DIVISION is what border do, dumbass!"

Alas, providing ID...and proving you are a citizen is not the same thing. And no, providing ID is not 'universal'. Identifying yourself is universal. You're not required to carry ID or to provide it to an officer that asks. You're required to identify yourself.

If you're required to provide ID that means you're required to carry ID. Which means that you must carry your 'papers' with you at all times. And that's simply not a requirement nor ever has been.

Now if you're driving, that's a different story. As you're required to provide a license for an officer who asks. And a license is also ID. Legally speaking the requirement is to show the license. Not the ID. Which is why a State ID card won't do. You have to have a driver's license.

Providing ID for specific functions is not the same thing as requiring everyone to carry around ID unless there is good reason to. If you are buying alcohol, getting a tattoo, using your credit card, etc, you need to provide some evidence you are who you say you are. Voting is even more important and should also require ID.

You've just moved from 'providing ID is almost universal' to 'providing ID for specific functions'. I don't think 'universal' means what you think it means. As yes, universal requirements to provide ID would include carrying round ID all the time.

The universal requirement is to identify yourself. Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada lays it out. There's no requirement to provide ID, merely to identify yourself. In alchohol or tattoo sales.....the legal obligation isn't on you to provide ID. Its on the seller of alcohol and tattoos to verify your age. There's no penalty to you whatsoever if they sell you a tattoo without verifying your age. But there can be specific penalties for the vendor.

I wouldn't object to some verification of citizenship in the registration process. Perhaps a sticker on a license that verifies legal eligibility to vote. As in all the 'voter ID' hysteria, the only argument that had actual teeth....was that legal residents but non-citizens were voting in elections. While I think they should be able to....the law disagrees. And there should be some mechanism for verifying voting eligibility.

By 'almost universal' I mean that every time you make a transaction people will eventually need to show ID that is not easily forged so we can cut down on many abuses such as identity theft and also actually verify that the person trying to use your credit card number is really you.

As cash gets squeezed out of the economy by more advanced electronic transactions, secure ID's that meet national standards will be absolutely necessary.

IT will also help rid us of criminal aliens and security threats.
"ID that is not easily forged" J1
That means biometrics.
Passwords are no good anymore. Password-cracking software is so quick now on modern computers, it only takes a few minutes to hack password restricted accounts.

I wish that were true, but a 24 character pass word that uses words to make a small sentence is beyond the cracking of most of the run-of-the-mill encryption cracking software today.

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