An extensive database of individuals involved in the global warming denial industry.

Can you say.....



Oh, look -- another retard like Wry Catcher blaming the victims of weather events for what happened because they didn't vote Democrat.

That is what religious zealots do, is it not?

The god of liberalism must be appeased with your liberty and your tax dollars.
Indeed. Reagan's greatest crime? Telling people it was okay to be proud to be an American.

Reagan's greatest crime - never submitting a balanced budget.

You missed something:

Pretending it's not there doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Saigon, you can't credibly claim not to have seen either of these posts.

Therefore, you're deliberately avoiding it.

Your refusal to acknowledge it doesn't mean you're any less wrong. Now, you're wrong and childish.
This is starting to look like the third year in a row where the weather, worldwide, seems bent on proving what asses the 'sceptics' are.
This is starting to look like the third year in a row where the weather, worldwide, seems bent on proving what asses the 'sceptics' are.

We must immediately stop using electricity and driving cars.
It's our only chance to survive.

Given the level of mental ability that you are demonstrating, your use of either is a danger to yourself and those around you.
This is starting to look like the third year in a row where the weather, worldwide, seems bent on proving what asses the 'sceptics' are.

We must immediately stop using electricity and driving cars.
It's our only chance to survive.

Given the level of mental ability that you are demonstrating, your use of either is a danger to yourself and those around you.

My car is going to melt the planet.
The evidence all appears to be that the smear campaigns are initiated from the global warmng activists. What was that email crap coming from the UK again?

It was the subject of a smear campaign.

So you are TOTALLY ignoring all evidence to the contrary --- but invoking science as your basis?

Why do you DISMISS the GreenPeace quote in Daveman's post above or the subject of the OP? Or any other of the MYRIAD of examples of how science has been perverted by political and institutional power? And the THREATS coming from the eco-frauds?

Is it because you AGREE dissenters should be identified and punished?
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This is starting to look like the third year in a row where the weather, worldwide, seems bent on proving what asses the 'sceptics' are.

The world has bee warming with some interruptions for about 2000 years after cooling with some interruptions for about 6000 years before that.

Did mankind cause all of that also?
Oh well. It's against the law in many countries to deny the HoloHoax, why not another Hoax ?
The evidence all appears to be that the smear campaigns are initiated from the global warmng activists. What was that email crap coming from the UK again?

It was the subject of a smear campaign.

So you are TOTALLY ignoring all evidence to the contrary --- but invoking science as your basis?

Why do you DISMISS the GreenPeace quote in Daveman's post above or the subject of the OP? Or any other of the MYRIAD of examples of how science has been perverted by political and institutional power? And the THREATS coming from the eco-frauds?

Is it because you AGREE dissenters should be identified and punished?

For their own good, of course.
Oh well. It's against the law in many countries to deny the HoloHoax, why not another Hoax ?

So, that's the appropriate use of the word 'denier.' As in Douger is a Holocaust Denier.

I'd say the preponderance of evidence is a) we are impacting the environment but also b) the primary motivation behind most politicians on the global warming issue is to control the energy. Because that controls the money.

I'm a skeptic, especially about the CO2 is behind all of global warming hyperbole.

But I'm also a realist, and there's LOTS of different ways we are mucking up the environment.

The thing that makes me not go nuts over global warming is the fact that so much of the speculation is based on positive feedbacks specifically attributable to carbon - that adding CO2 will increase the temp noticeably but not dramatically, its the fact that the CO2 will then cause increase in water vapor that accounts for 60-75% of all projected warming.

Because it seems to me a lot of the impact so far has been particulate matter, alteration of albedo, deforestation, and other non-CO2 related changes, it certainly seems like we aren't going to be seeing huge feedback loops. Even if it was all CO2, that feedback loop hasn't been conclusively proven.
What truly is disturbing is that you dismiss academic qualifications as a concept. You dismiss all and any research as 'propaganda' while happy quoting blogs run by retired plumbers.

You label anyone who does not agree with you a "true believer", and refuse to acknowledge the value of real scientific research and study.

That isn't science, it's a cult.

That's complete and UTTER bullshit.. I'll accept most anything that comes from an objective source.. You've been shown the THREATS from the warmers, You've been shown their emails CONFIRMING data fraud. You've been shown the molested data.

It's NOT up to policy orgs to judge the fight.

THere are plenty of "dissenters" doing GREAT work. Their credentials are plenty good for me. Even IF you can get a Nobel Prize these days for shoddy work and bad documentaries filled with errors and hysteria...

Either debate the science or STFU

You know, Flatulance, you are full of shit. You do not accept what comes from real scientific sources. And the work being done by the scientists all over the world is not shoddy. It is peer reviewed, unlike the shit from the people with zero scientific background you deniers link to.

This is the evidence, presented by the largest associatioin of Physicists in the world, the American Institute of Physics;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

YOU are all over these boards screaming about how 106 temps are proof positive of global warming. And smart tornadoes that aim for centers of cities are also offered by you as proof.. Seems like you don't know squat about WEATHER or CLIMATE or the diff.

THe "work" being done IS SHODDY for mainstream AGW research.. Largely because YEARS of it and VOLUMES of papers built on FABRICATED data are now worthless due to ClimateGate and fudging to please the financial sponsors. Science builds from the foundation on up and when one crooked contractor fucks up, you have to tear down a lot to get back on track..

You SAY you trust UAH and Spencer & Christie et al. when right there on SPencer's homepage is an open challenge to the INTEGRITY of surface temp records for the USA. And I can't get you to comment... Not once.. You refuse...

UAH isn't gonna stoop to mudwrestling -- but they throw that OUT THERE because it probably sickens them to find crap that like in OFFICIAL records.. UAH has REAL WORK to do. Other folks can get involved and point out the "shoddiness" that they have found.
Part of the problem with climate change denial is airheads don't accept, how atmospheric molecules of three atoms or more contribute, to the greenhouse effect, or the Earth would be a lot cooler.

When you are THAT stupid, you can also try, for a level of stupidity, which includes denial of chainsaw-effect, caused by proliferation of fossil-fuel use and machines, which could clear forests, quickly, post-WWII, leading to accelerated GHG emissions, visible, on the following graph:


But not only AIRHEADS are a problem. Since SHITHEADS are busy, black Obamney keeps promising to do stuff, which isn't copied, from Republican agendas, such as returning Gitmo (no way will he do that) or prioritizing climate change, 2008, 2010, and again, 2012. But as we can plainly see, black Obamney won't do something, except for basketball, unless white Obamney or other Republicans do it, first.

Since black Obamney needs a pub to demonstrate, somebody pay Trakar, to show black Obamney's dumbfuck face the way, to addressing climate change. Trakar needs to help Mr.Sock Obamney do something, about ACC, really!

Meanwhile, SHITHEADS continue to zombie around, in traffic. That shithead list, linked by the OP definitely shows, how somebody has noticed, how shitheads are a problem.
Airheads...muttermuttermutterr....shitheads....blabberblabberblabber....stupid republican agendas...yammeryammeryammer....

It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

This does sound like a good idea - it's terrible how many people in the usa seem to very easily misled by blogs and self-appointed experts, while ignoring genuine scientific sources. This is very much a US phenomenon, but it is disturbing.

Maybe it is time to out some of these anti-science voices?
Do we have enough ovens to burn them in?

So when you are sick, you don't go to a qualified doctor?

Qualified doctors don't use computer simulations predicated on political goals to diagnose and treat disease.

The only good, real science of any validity is produced by highly qualified researchers, operating with peer review.

Those building computer models?

You actually know this, I imagine, but prefer the message on

What I know is that the AGW cult has been caught, repeatedly and red handed, engaging in outright fraud, yet you cultists continue to make excuses for them and ignore the fraud, because you have a political agenda.
Airheads...muttermuttermutterr....shitheads....blabberblabberblabber....stupid republican agendas...yammeryammeryammer....


Shut the fuck up might be exactly what somebody should tell you, Oddball. Except I didn't say Republican agendas were "stupid," and I don't mutter or blab or yammer. Why follow my cool rant, and tell yourself to shut the fuck up? Didn't you want to quote ME, and reply, for some discourse?
Shut the fuck up might be exactly what somebody should tell you, Oddball. Except I didn't say Republican agendas were "stupid," and I don't mutter or blab or yammer. Why follow my cool rant, and tell yourself to shut the fuck up? Didn't you want to quote ME, and reply, for some discourse?


Do you agree that Mr. Shithead should be the national face and voice of the AGW cult?

Algore out, Shithead in!

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