An extensive database of individuals involved in the global warming denial industry.

Are the governments of all countries giving equal amounts to organizations that oppose this theory as well as those who support it?

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Do you?

What organisations?
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

It is far past time that the lies of those that are doing their best to mislead the public on the issue of AGW be exposed.

We are now at the beginning of the visable consequences of AGW. The increase in the number and intensity of weather events is just one of the indicators.

So you have completely eliminated the other 100 or so forcing agents as having any impact on the climate?

It's pretty widely accepted that a little wobble in the Earth's axis created the Sahara desert in about a 300 year span.

Was that also the result of AGW?
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

The end-game, of course. Once we take over the world we will need to eliminate our opposition. We need to know their names so we can kill them, obviously! You know about our world-wide conspiracy!


Look, I don't know if the earth is in a free-fall. We've been some-what literate for about 500 years; scientifically literate for less time than that and only able to study globally for a small fraction of that time.

Does development lead to higher temperatures? Yes. That much we know? Does it mean a catastrophe for the planet? That we don't know. doesn't take 500+ years of literacy to know that whatever we're getting out of the earth is being used faster than ever before. It doesn't take 500+ years of literacy to know that eventually we'll run out of whatever is down there...

So we'd better start looking for other energy sources. Wind, Solar and yes...aghast...nuclear! We've had a nuke navy for what, 60 years? Their safety record is absolutely astounding. If we put those safeguards into plants that power our cities, we will be doing a great deal to have a cleaner climate. Yes there are hazards involved as we learned with Japan which had a tsunami. Shit happens. The upside totally outweighs the downside.
His credentials don't indicate a thing about whether his theories on some drug being effective are correct. Only well designed tests results prove that one way or another.

So when you go to a doctor, you have no interest in his qualifications. Interesting.

What of the doctor who is wrong with every prediction, every prescription and every recommendation who conducts treatment and finds to his surprise that all of his patients have conditions that do not respond to his treatments.

Would you use that doctor? That is the description of the AGW scientists your seem to revere.

Come on, man, this is just laugh out loud silly, and you know it.
Bripat -

The funny comment was more the idea that the earth's air and oceans are cleaner than they were during the 1950s.

And although only 0.002% of the panet may be concreted, the fact that there are parts of the world where 48,000 people on a square mile of land suggests to me human activity may still be a major factor in how land looks and operates in a geographical context.

You're right!

We need to kill all of the people in cities with population density over the mark set by a shepherd in Afghanistan.

Machmud? You out there? Put down that sheep and give us your opinion.
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Modern environmentalism has evolved into a religion, and its adherents are just as zealous as a suicide bomber. It has all of the attributes of a religion, guilt, Armageddon for our sins, the propensity for its leaders to force standards that they hypocritically ignore.

The fact is air and water is cleaner NOW than it was in the 50's or 60's. The fact is that less than 2% of the planet is developed.


The air and water in the US are cleaner....due entirely to government regulation.

The 2% figure is a meaningless one. 70% of the earth is water. You gonna develop that? How about the mountains the deserts, the arctic regions?

What do you mean by "developed". Will you "develop" all the agricultural land? What then will you eat?

Buzzwords are great. Stupid but great!
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

OK,,sweet pea! Just what you gonna do about so called 'global warming'?

People arguing about how to guide the Earth is like tow fleas trying to decide which direction the dog needs to run.
We need to kill all of the people in cities with population density over the mark set by a shepherd in Afghanistan.

Machmud? You out there? Put down that sheep and give us your opinion.

Code -

Why don't you get back to us when you are interested in discussing the topic seriously?
Bripat -

The funny comment was more the idea that the earth's air and oceans are cleaner than they were during the 1950s.

The claim was that the air and water are cleaner now than they were in the 1950s and 1960s. In the United States and other advanced economies, they are. We don't have control over the entire ocean, so we aren't responsible for everything that gets dumped into them.

I totally agree - much of the crap going into the air and ocean is now being dumped by China, India and Russia, not by the US and EU, which have much more effective environmental standards.

Unfortunately, we breathe the same air they do. I live within sight of the Baltic Sea, which is basically dead. It's been killed by runoff from agriculture, by manure from massive industrial chicken farms, and by untreated sewerage from St Peterburg, Gdansk, Riga and Tallinn.

That is not Finland's fault - but it is Finland's problem.

Google's claim that the air and water is better now than in the 1950s, from a global perspective, laugh out loud stupid.

As for population densiy, I think everyone realises that 4 billion people is a massive strain on the earth's resources - fresh water in particular. You go into cities like Cairo, Johannesburg/Soweto or Mexico, each with more than 10 million people, and you wonder where the water can possibly come from for those people to drink and wash.

4 billion?

Which 3 billion did you decide to do away with?
Can you say witchhunt?
Can you say.....



Oh, look -- another retard like Wry Catcher blaming the victims of weather events for what happened because they didn't vote Democrat.

That is what religious zealots do, is it not?
Can you say.....




It's never been this warm before, ever.
I blame the internal combustion engine.
It's the only possible cause. :cuckoo:

Well, since we had a La Nina for the first four months of the year, and are presently ENSO neutral, and the solar input is not higher than normal, that leaves the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere as the only explanation for the warming that we are experiancing.

U.S. completes warmest 12-month period again, smashes spring record - Capital Weather Gang - The Washington Post

) The period from June 2011 to May 2012 was the warmest 12-months since records began (in 1895) in the continental United States. This unprecedented stretch of warmth bests the previous 12-month record, established just one month ago.

And there, you have it.
What truly is disturbing is that you dismiss academic qualifications as a concept. You dismiss all and any research as 'propaganda' while happy quoting blogs run by retired plumbers.

You label anyone who does not agree with you a "true believer", and refuse to acknowledge the value of real scientific research and study.

That isn't science, it's a cult.

That's complete and UTTER bullshit.. I'll accept most anything that comes from an objective source.. You've been shown the THREATS from the warmers, You've been shown their emails CONFIRMING data fraud. You've been shown the molested data.

It's NOT up to policy orgs to judge the fight.

THere are plenty of "dissenters" doing GREAT work. Their credentials are plenty good for me. Even IF you can get a Nobel Prize these days for shoddy work and bad documentaries filled with errors and hysteria...

Either debate the science or STFU

You know, Flatulance, you are full of shit. You do not accept what comes from real scientific sources. And the work being done by the scientists all over the world is not shoddy. It is peer reviewed, unlike the shit from the people with zero scientific background you deniers link to.

This is the evidence, presented by the largest associatioin of Physicists in the world, the American Institute of Physics;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

My God! You keep rolling out that tired link from the dawn of Science.

Did you know that running concurrently with that research, there were doctors who were doing the actual work of Dr. Frankenstien in real life?

Research from the 1800's is not a reliable basis for your case.

How a Real-Life Dr. Frankenstein Reanimated The Dead With Electricity
Without that, any support of the notion of AGW is purely and exclusively political.


And yet I can list 50 major scientific bodies which have stated that CO2 is the primary driver, and there is not one which believes otherwise.

Face facts man - the whole basis of climate scepticism is political. Just be honest about it.

Ten years ago, the whole dietary community believed that drinking diet soda was an aid to weight lose. Now not so much. In truth, they've decided that diet soda is at least as damaging as regular soda.

Same with most diet foods and foods like bacon and beef. 10 years ago, the scientific gospel was to avoid fatty meats like the plague. Now, not so much. The advice to Americans is to eat like your grandparents ate.

Until there is conclusive proof, the only things you are discussing are someones ideas.

A notion is not a truth.
As for population densiy, I think everyone realises that 4 billion people is a massive strain on the earth's resources - fresh water in particular. You go into cities like Cairo, Johannesburg/Soweto or Mexico, each with more than 10 million people, and you wonder where the water can possibly come from for those people to drink and wash.

And what, pray tell, is your solution to THAT problem?
Bripat -

The funny comment was more the idea that the earth's air and oceans are cleaner than they were during the 1950s.

And although only 0.002% of the panet may be concreted, the fact that there are parts of the world where 48,000 people on a square mile of land suggests to me human activity may still be a major factor in how land looks and operates in a geographical context.

You're right!

We need to kill all of the people in cities with population density over the mark set by a shepherd in Afghanistan.

Machmud? You out there? Put down that sheep and give us your opinion.

Saigon gave me a neg rep for this post.

Pettiness reaches a new height.
We need to kill all of the people in cities with population density over the mark set by a shepherd in Afghanistan.

Machmud? You out there? Put down that sheep and give us your opinion.

Code -

Why don't you get back to us when you are interested in discussing the topic seriously?

You missed the population of the Earth by 3 billion people and you are talking about discussing this seriously?

The population density in the largest cities is not a representation of the population density of the Earth any more than is the population density at the South Pole.

I usually confront ridiculous statements with humor.

How do you respond to them?
His credentials don't indicate a thing about whether his theories on some drug being effective are correct. Only well designed tests results prove that one way or another.

So when you go to a doctor, you have no interest in his qualifications. Interesting.

What of the doctor who is wrong with every prediction, every prescription and every recommendation who conducts treatment and finds to his surprise that all of his patients have conditions that do not respond to his treatments.

Would you use that doctor? That is the description of the AGW scientists your seem to revere.

The doctor who wants to charge you tens of trillions so you'll feel a tiny bit better in 80 years?

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