An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

Something else to consider:


This map shows where the world?s 30 million slaves live. There are 60,000 in the U.S.
A small but significant scandal in my social and professional circle is developing. My 15 year old daughter kissed a black teenager at the end of camp dance this week. The only time any teen romance activity is tolerated is the dance that happens 2 hours before all us parents show up. I know the kid from volunteering at school and he's a fine gentleman. I've known his Dad for 30 years, he was the worst towards me when I was the only white boy in a 300 plus day camp at Boy's Club.

The controversy isn't coming from my family, it's from his. Apparently it's "cultural" which is code for "we can be racist when we want to because we're black." Poor guy, living in a family stuck in the old South. He likes my daughter, she likes him, I approve. His dad won't tolerate any race mixing.

But apparently it's the white man's fault, and since I'm white it's my fault and since my daughter is white it's her fault? I don't think so.


3. Mineralogy A six-rayed starlike figure optically produced in some crystal structures by reflected or transmitted light.


Jews can be racist. But they ARE Supremacists.
Yeah but no different than Asclepias screaming white privilege!!

Plus Asslips has that fake history he always peddles around here, where he claims that black people invented everything that white people actually invented, or how Africa was a meca for math, science and technology before the bad white men came along. That shit is hilarious! :lol:

Why is it that you accuse me of being a "hater", an "anti-Semite", and all manner of things for making statements about the Jews and yet take such liberties in belittling the blacks.

That seems to be the way of the majority of people who post on this web site. The belittling of blacks is perfectly acceptable while any mention of the Jews or their umpteen hundred political organizations in a negative light is always met with a barrage of slurs and insults.

If you are trying to say that the claims of blacks to innovations whites were responsible is a bad thing, the same would be true of Jews who have used the power of copyrights and patents to usurp intellectual property as their own when in fact they it lifted from others.

If blacks have a propensity for aggression, Jews have a knack for relieving people of their valuables.

I don't belittle blacks, i talk honestly about black CULTURE. Ive got no beef with black people. My beef is with black CULTURE. I don't see jews caving in peoples heads for fun. One in three black men will go to jail. Do one in three jews steal patents? Get the fuck outa here with that shit.
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Yeah but no different than Asclepias screaming white privilege!!

Plus Asslips has that fake history he always peddles around here, where he claims that black people invented everything that white people actually invented, or how Africa was a meca for math, science and technology before the bad white men came along. That shit is hilarious! :lol:

It's common for race baiters to claim North Africa as their own when it's convenient.

We all come from Africa if you go far enough back, but there is a huge difference between Sub-Saharan intellectualism 1000 years ago and Mediterranean/Middle Eastern intellectualism 5000 years ago.

He's claiming racial superiority, so let's see if he can point out any astronomy texts from Senegal, Kenya, Chad, Ghana, or anywhere south of Mauritania older than 200 years. Where are the ancient architectural and engineering wonders in Zimbabwe?

By the way if slavery is the root cause of racial disparity in education and achievement, why is it that Africa is the only continent where slavery actually exists today and why aren't these champions of human rights doing anything about it?

Slavery in contemporary Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah - that's black people owning other black people.

Hes been asked that many times. He just refuses to answer it. Usually he just responds to questions like that with a question of his own. He isn't competent enough to take serious discussions head on.
Plus Asslips has that fake history he always peddles around here, where he claims that black people invented everything that white people actually invented, or how Africa was a meca for math, science and technology before the bad white men came along. That shit is hilarious! :lol:

Why is it that you accuse me of being a "hater", an "anti-Semite", and all manner of things for making statements about the Jews and yet take such liberties in belittling the blacks.

That seems to be the way of the majority of people who post on this web site. The belittling of blacks is perfectly acceptable while any mention of the Jews or their umpteen hundred political organizations in a negative light is always met with a barrage of slurs and insults.

If you are trying to say that the claims of blacks to innovations whites were responsible is a bad thing, the same would be true of Jews who have used the power of copyrights and patents to usurp intellectual property as their own when in fact they it lifted from others.

If blacks have a propensity for aggression, Jews have a knack for relieving people of their valuables.

I don't belittle blacks, i talk honestly about black CULTURE. Ive got no beef with black people. My beef is with black CULTURE. I don't see jews caving in peoples heads for fun.

Depends on the people and their culture. Many blacks are great people with great culture. Look at Cosby. Then there are the other 95% who vote democrat.
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f**king AA girlie boy looser ^^^^.

Maybe so, but I have to agree with him about holston and his constant refrain of, "It's the Jooooooooos!". :lol:

I report on what I believe is the most pressing political and social issue there it, which also happens to be the least reported on in the main stream media and the most repressed subject on the internet.

I'll tell you what I just told one of your compatriots. You would be a lot more convincing if you would address the articles I have linked to and the comments made on them rather than constantly attacking me personally.

If you can prove me wrong, then by all means do so.

Don't you think that would do more to convince anyone unfamiliar with the subject that I am mistaken in my assessment of the situation if you could?

If so, then why do you people continue to require the reader to simply accept what you have to say about me personally rather than weigh what I have said for content of truth?

I don't need to prove you wrong. It's generally incumbent upon the person making a claim to prove they are right. And since you are going with the Jooooos did it! as your claim, good luck with that. :lol:
I love it when he talks tough too. He always telling some ridiculous story where he faced an evil white white man and beat him up. :lol:

The idea of blacks beating up on whites is not so incredulous as you make it sound.

It's not nearly as ridiculous as the Hollywood fantasy of "Jew Bear" or that shrimp Tom Cruise masquerading as a "fearless" conquering hero, along with a thousand other made for TV "macho Jews".


"I mutht thay. I was tho macho hitting all those mean ol' white guys with my big ol' bat."


"Aren't I simply dashing in my spiffy uniform? All the little gentile girls will be thrilled at my manhood. "

These kinds of demonstrations could go on indefinitely.

The only thing that impresses me about them is the flagrant vanity, self aggrandizement, and in cases like Roth, the passionate obsession with sadism.
Otherwise, I'm inclined to believe that they have problems with their concepts of manhood or doubts about their own.

The last I heard, Tom Cruise is a Scientologist.
I love it when he talks tough too. He always telling some ridiculous story where he faced an evil white white man and beat him up. :lol:

The idea of blacks beating up on whites is not so incredulous as you make it sound.

It's not nearly as ridiculous as the Hollywood fantasy of "Jew Bear" or that shrimp Tom Cruise masquerading as a "fearless" conquering hero, along with a thousand other made for TV "macho Jews".


"I mutht thay. I was tho macho hitting all those mean ol' white guys with my big ol' bat."


"Aren't I simply dashing in my spiffy uniform? All the little gentile girls will be thrilled at my manhood. "

These kinds of demonstrations could go on indefinitely.

The only thing that impresses me about them is the flagrant vanity, self aggrandizement, and in cases like Roth, the passionate obsession with sadism.
Otherwise, I'm inclined to believe that they have problems with their concepts of manhood or doubts about their own.

Tom Cruise is a Scientologist. What are you babbling on about?
The one thing you DO NOT want to talk about is JEWISH PRIVILEGE.

You can mention the fact that Jews enjoy the highest per capita income of ALL groups.
And you can even call attention to the fact that the Jews are vastly OVER REPRESENTED in all the most lucrative professions and offices of civil power.
But ONLY if you do so in such a way as to flatter them.
That is, you MAY NOT suggest that Jews have attained these advantages through any sort of networking, discriminatory practices, nepotism, or unethical business practices.

In order to shine a light on Jewish privilege you must always present THE FACTS so as to explain them in terms of Jewish SUPERIOR "work ethics" , intelligence, industry, and "higher morality.

You see the difference don't you?

Jewish privilege | Mondoweiss

Liz Shulman gave a talk on Jewish privilege at the meeting. Rabbi Brant Rosen was also at JVP, and he has said directly, here, “I feel as a white male American Jew, I feel very powerful. I feel part of a very powerful and privileged minority in the world.” Beautiful. Another friend I saw at the JVP conference accepts the idea that Jews are the new WASPS; he sent me a note about how many of the American ambassadors to the big European countries are Jews. I count eight. That’s real influence. The next ambassador to Israel is Daniel Shapiro, the aide who announced Obama’s Security Council veto was James Steinberg, Dennis Ross who headed an institute for the “Jewish people” is the Middle East envoy, the New Yorker magazine’s Jewish editor invokes “Jewish values” to oppose the occupation with the secure knowledge that his privileged readers will resonate to the phrase, and when NBC reports on the Arab world, it’s usually Andrea Mitchell and Richard Engel, both Jews, and at CNN it’s Wolf Blitzer…

Isn't it odd how a Rabbi could say this about himself and at the same time claim to belong to the most down trodden, mistreated, and persecuted race in human history.

A black may feel free to talk about the abuses he has suffered at the hands of the "white devil" as much as he want, so long as nothing he says eclipses the status of Jews as the preeminent victims.

A white non-Jew may indulge in as much self flagellation as he wishes. Outside of paying deference , making apologies and paying reparations to Jews, blacks, Mexicans and every other political correct designated "minority", that's ALL he's entitled to.
And you wonder why Obama is worried about Jewish money in the next presidential race. Or why his Defense Secretary gives a meeting to Rob’t Kagan and Bill Kristol on Libya and they then walk out and publicly trash him–they have connections to the rich conservative wing of Jewish life that is enmeshed in Democratic Party life too and is so significant in shaping the new Establishment.

“When do we get to talk about this– when the entire Supreme Court is Jewish?” my friend at JVP joked. Right now we have only three justices, all appointed by Democratic presidents.

When I spoke at Villanova on Monday, a Jewish professor at the school, Dveera Segal, rebuked me for talking about the number of Jews in elite journalism. She said the same kind of talk was a theme of anti-semites. I said, Sorry, but this is my experience, I have to talk about the facts.

These kinds of FACTS are beside the point.

The point is that whitey must be run down to the ground. And the Jews will enlist the support of ANY conglomerations of victims to get it done.

Success is cultural, that part is true. My Dad busted his ass to make sure I never had to work 12 hour days on the family farm just to have enough food to eat. He and Mom stepped up and took care of the six kids, gave us skills so we could work ourselves through college. My siblings and I are doing the same thing, setting our kids up to succeed and concentrating on their future.

I've seen examples of poor black men born in the 40s doing the same for their kids and grandkids. My last insurance lawyer is the grandson of a sharecropper from Mississippi. Boy was he good! But then again, he doesn't dwell on the past and neither did his parents. He saw opportunity and went out and grabbed his part of the world. He's eagerly anticipating July, his kid is staying with us for a week and I'm going to teach him how to ski during the day and how to work a telescope.
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Why is it that you accuse me of being a "hater", an "anti-Semite", and all manner of things for making statements about the Jews and yet take such liberties in belittling the blacks.

That seems to be the way of the majority of people who post on this web site. The belittling of blacks is perfectly acceptable while any mention of the Jews or their umpteen hundred political organizations in a negative light is always met with a barrage of slurs and insults.

If you are trying to say that the claims of blacks to innovations whites were responsible is a bad thing, the same would be true of Jews who have used the power of copyrights and patents to usurp intellectual property as their own when in fact they it lifted from others.

If blacks have a propensity for aggression, Jews have a knack for relieving people of their valuables.

I don't belittle blacks, i talk honestly about black CULTURE. Ive got no beef with black people. My beef is with black CULTURE. I don't see jews caving in peoples heads for fun.

Depends on the people and their culture. Many blacks are great people with great culture. Look at Cosby. Then there are the other 95% who vote democrat.

Exactly! Im guessing he isn't heavily influenced by rap music, and he doesn't constantly mispronounce words, or use improper English, he isn't using the term "you know what im sayin" at the end of every sentence, he isn't pointing the finger at whitey for everything, he isnt cool with the no snitch policy, he believes in a strong family who teaches their kids manners and respect, he acts appropriately in public places, he treats women with respect, he isn't hero worshipping rappers with felonies, he isn't "strapped" with an illegal gun wherever he goes, he would be ashamed to be on welfare, etc., etc., etc.

Black culture today isn't what it once was. The problem with black people isn't their skin color. Hating skin color is pointless and moronic.
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A small but significant scandal in my social and professional circle is developing. My 15 year old daughter kissed a black teenager at the end of camp dance this week. The only time any teen romance activity is tolerated is the dance that happens 2 hours before all us parents show up. I know the kid from volunteering at school and he's a fine gentleman. I've known his Dad for 30 years, he was the worst towards me when I was the only white boy in a 300 plus day camp at Boy's Club.

The controversy isn't coming from my family, it's from his. Apparently it's "cultural" which is code for "we can be racist when we want to because we're black." Poor guy, living in a family stuck in the old South. He likes my daughter, she likes him, I approve. His dad won't tolerate any race mixing.

But apparently it's the white man's fault, and since I'm white it's my fault and since my daughter is white it's her fault? I don't think so.


3. Mineralogy A six-rayed starlike figure optically produced in some crystal structures by reflected or transmitted light.


Jews can be racist. But they ARE Supremacists.

Ok, but the kid my daughter likes is black and we're Catholic.
A small but significant scandal in my social and professional circle is developing. My 15 year old daughter kissed a black teenager at the end of camp dance this week. The only time any teen romance activity is tolerated is the dance that happens 2 hours before all us parents show up. I know the kid from volunteering at school and he's a fine gentleman. I've known his Dad for 30 years, he was the worst towards me when I was the only white boy in a 300 plus day camp at Boy's Club.

The controversy isn't coming from my family, it's from his. Apparently it's "cultural" which is code for "we can be racist when we want to because we're black." Poor guy, living in a family stuck in the old South. He likes my daughter, she likes him, I approve. His dad won't tolerate any race mixing.

But apparently it's the white man's fault, and since I'm white it's my fault and since my daughter is white it's her fault? I don't think so.

My my. Aren't you enlightened?

Interracial Porn and the Canadian Power Elite | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

Pornography on tap is a reality of the Internet age. A particularly dehumanizing subset — for everyone involved — is interracial pornography, especially the black-male-on-white-female variety. Whoever produces this stuff should hang from a high tree. It may be one issue upon which white advocates, feminists and even some multiculturalists could agree.

This form of porn is a truly brutal attack on the white psyche. What our enemies seek for our race literally is concentrated symbolically here: our race dominated, disgraced, humiliated; its gene flow blocked. It sickens the heart.

Just ask this female judge from Canada, whose white lawyer husband apparently thought it would be cute to offer her up for sexual domination by a black client.

I am assuming the basic facts are true: that the white husband wanted his white wife to be ravaged by this black man.

According to the news accounts, the white man, one Jack King, was “depressed” as this all unfolded. I think his mental state is something else: perfectly in line with the way our enemies want white men to think.

[ame=]Cheerios promotes race-mixing....oops I mean 'healthy hearts' - YouTube[/ame]
The ad was produced by Saatchi & Saatchi (specifically the New York division), which was founded by the Jews Maurice and Charles Saatchi. The company is currently owned by Publicis Groupe, where the Jew Maurice Lévy is CEO. (Publicis was founded by the Jew Marcel Blaustein-Blanchet; his daughter Élisabeth Badinter is chairman of the supervisory board.)

Now THAT's what I call Black Privilege.

Jew privilege to boot!

[ame=]Topic: Race-Mixing and Jewish Supremacism - YouTube[/ame]

Don't be too alarmed about what the Rabbis are preaching to their flock.

They are as willing to make exceptions to the rule IF the candidate is ATTRACTIVE enough.

The rest of you shicksas should either become lesbians or marry blacks.

Are Jews Too Elitist To Accept Gwyneth Paltrow?s Jew-ish Kids? | Keeping the Faith | Jewish Journal

Are Jews Too Elitist To Accept Gwyneth Paltrow’s Jew-ish Kids?
Paltrow is a big star, people listen to what she says, so if she can make it cool to be Jewish, should we let her be? Jews are cool. On behalf of my Jewish self, I say welcome to those who want to embrace the faith that I love. It’s important to give children faith, so go Jew.

To clarify, Apple will need to convert if she wants to marry my son, but no worries, Gwyneth will have done all the legwork so it will be a formality.

After studying this sort of thing over an extended period of time, it isn't hard to ascertain the designs which Jews have on non-Jews. The pattern is ubiquitous and their wishes on us are clear enough.
Just take a look at the open fantasies of "Jew Bear" for one instance. THAT "piece of art" was called be one Jew as a "Jewish wet dream".

The allusions should give you an idea of the extent of their desires.

If these are the things which Jewish people wish to do to us, and these are the emotions which they seek to inject us with, what do you call THAT?

If the term "racist" doesn't suit you, maybe bigotry will do.
If you don't think that term applies either then may I suggest a couple of my own choosing:

Notice I've selected only one 4 letter word among them: HATE

Yes. I think that one describes their motive to a T.
Plus Asslips has that fake history he always peddles around here, where he claims that black people invented everything that white people actually invented, or how Africa was a meca for math, science and technology before the bad white men came along. That shit is hilarious! :lol:

Why is it that you accuse me of being a "hater", an "anti-Semite", and all manner of things for making statements about the Jews and yet take such liberties in belittling the blacks.

That seems to be the way of the majority of people who post on this web site. The belittling of blacks is perfectly acceptable while any mention of the Jews or their umpteen hundred political organizations in a negative light is always met with a barrage of slurs and insults.

If you are trying to say that the claims of blacks to innovations whites were responsible is a bad thing, the same would be true of Jews who have used the power of copyrights and patents to usurp intellectual property as their own when in fact they it lifted from others.

If blacks have a propensity for aggression, Jews have a knack for relieving people of their valuables.

Do you have any idea how fucking corny "its the jews" is to the rest of us? Do you really think youre getting anywhere with that horse shit? How out of touch are you? On this earth you have people believing all kinds of kooky shit, like alien abductions, 9/11 was an inside job, and then you have you moronic jew haters. You are all equally mocked by the rest of the world. Forget about how offensive you are to us, we think youre a fucking idiot.

You want to believe in that stupid shit, fine, but get a fucking clue and keep it quiet. Talking about it will only make people hate you. How can you not understand that?


"To us" ?

If what I have to say is so "kooky", I see no reason why that should arouse such fierce indignation among YOU (as in "us").

I don't think I have to make you hate anyone. That seems to come very naturally for "you"
(as in "us").

Besides, I'm not saying these things for the benefit of "G-d's Chosen". Their minds are made up, much as yours is.
And I don't really care if you hate me. I already knew that before I started posting on this board.
Your reactions are exactly as I predicted they would be.

I noticed that you evaded the issue....AGAIN.
A small but significant scandal in my social and professional circle is developing. My 15 year old daughter kissed a black teenager at the end of camp dance this week. The only time any teen romance activity is tolerated is the dance that happens 2 hours before all us parents show up. I know the kid from volunteering at school and he's a fine gentleman. I've known his Dad for 30 years, he was the worst towards me when I was the only white boy in a 300 plus day camp at Boy's Club.

The controversy isn't coming from my family, it's from his. Apparently it's "cultural" which is code for "we can be racist when we want to because we're black." Poor guy, living in a family stuck in the old South. He likes my daughter, she likes him, I approve. His dad won't tolerate any race mixing.

But apparently it's the white man's fault, and since I'm white it's my fault and since my daughter is white it's her fault? I don't think so.


3. Mineralogy A six-rayed starlike figure optically produced in some crystal structures by reflected or transmitted light.


Jews can be racist. But they ARE Supremacists.

Ok, but the kid my daughter likes is black and we're Catholic.

All hail the ?King? | Culture | Jewish Journal
The play, performed in Polish with English subtitles, is taken from a novel by Polish-Jewish writer Hanna Krall and was adapted for the stage by the head of the Studium, Piotr Borowski, who also helmed the production. Krall tells the life history of her best friend, Izolda R., a Jewish woman from Warsaw, who met her husband at the beginning of World War II. On one level, it is a story of unqualified, selfless love and devotion, as Izolda was obsessed with keeping her husband alive, above all others, in the face of the Nazi threat. About a year after they married, Izolda and her husband were confined in the Warsaw Ghetto, from which she escaped, had her hair dyed blond, changed her name and began living as a non-Jew. She was helped by a Christian friend, who coached her so that she learned not to walk, talk, laugh or even put her purse on the floor “like a Jew.” The friend also taught her the Hail Mary prayer and gave her a medallion.

Crypto-Judaism in the Catholic Church | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

An article in Haaretz (“Israeli Jew turned Catholic priest named head of papal court”) describes one David Maria Jaeger who “converted” from Judaism to Catholicism and will now become a member of the highest court in the Vatican. The word ‘converted’ is in quotes because it’s apparent that Jaeger has in no sense ceased being a Jew. Jaeger was born in Tel Aviv and had a Jewish religious education before assuming his high position in the Church.

When Jaeger was asked yesterday whether he feels Israeli, he replied, “at least as much as you do,” adding, “I’m just like any Israeli citizen who works for an international organization situated outside the country – just like there are Israelis at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, the UN in New York or UNESCO in Paris. I am in a supra-national international body, that’s the only the difference.”

“I’m a loyal and patriotic son of our people and our country,” he said. “After all, that was the whole point of the Jewish people’s emancipation in the 19th century, that we would become a nation, not a religious minority among gentiles.

It is stunning that a very prominent Catholic has a deep Jewish identity and thinks of the Church as just another non-governmental international organization. The ceremony for his ascendancy in Rome will be attended by his sister Leah, an Israeli citizen, bringing a sculpture by Menashe Kadishman, a famous Israeli sculptor. He served as legal adviser to the delegation that negotiated the Vatican’s Fundamental Agreement with Israel–sort of like having Dennis Ross negotiate with the Israelis on behalf of the U.S.

Beginning in the 15th century in Spain, people like Jaeger were called Conversos or Marranos (pigs)—Jews who had the appearance but not the reality of having converted to Catholicism. The Inquisition was designed to ferret such people out and subject them to penalties. Indeed, a major problem in the eyes of the Inquisition was that the Church itself had been infiltrated by Jews pretending to be Catholics (see here, p. 118; I deal with Jewish apologia on the Inquisition, including denials that crypto-Jews had infiltrated the Catholic Church here, p227ff).

A major problem on this board as well as the rest of the internet are Jews who pose themselves as having other ethnic, racial, and religious identities other than Jewish so that their intended message can be delivered without readers knowing from whence it actually comes.

I've been around the block a few times and I am not fooled by these ruses.

3. Mineralogy A six-rayed starlike figure optically produced in some crystal structures by reflected or transmitted light.


Jews can be racist. But they ARE Supremacists.

Ok, but the kid my daughter likes is black and we're Catholic.

All hail the ?King? | Culture | Jewish Journal

Crypto-Judaism in the Catholic Church | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

When Jaeger was asked yesterday whether he feels Israeli, he replied, “at least as much as you do,” adding, “I’m just like any Israeli citizen who works for an international organization situated outside the country – just like there are Israelis at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, the UN in New York or UNESCO in Paris. I am in a supra-national international body, that’s the only the difference.”

“I’m a loyal and patriotic son of our people and our country,” he said. “After all, that was the whole point of the Jewish people’s emancipation in the 19th century, that we would become a nation, not a religious minority among gentiles.

It is stunning that a very prominent Catholic has a deep Jewish identity and thinks of the Church as just another non-governmental international organization. The ceremony for his ascendancy in Rome will be attended by his sister Leah, an Israeli citizen, bringing a sculpture by Menashe Kadishman, a famous Israeli sculptor. He served as legal adviser to the delegation that negotiated the Vatican’s Fundamental Agreement with Israel–sort of like having Dennis Ross negotiate with the Israelis on behalf of the U.S.

Beginning in the 15th century in Spain, people like Jaeger were called Conversos or Marranos (pigs)—Jews who had the appearance but not the reality of having converted to Catholicism. The Inquisition was designed to ferret such people out and subject them to penalties. Indeed, a major problem in the eyes of the Inquisition was that the Church itself had been infiltrated by Jews pretending to be Catholics (see here, p. 118; I deal with Jewish apologia on the Inquisition, including denials that crypto-Jews had infiltrated the Catholic Church here, p227ff).

A major problem on this board as well as the rest of the internet are Jews who pose themselves as having other ethnic, racial, and religious identities other than Jewish so that their intended message can be delivered without readers knowing from whence it actually comes.

I've been around the block a few times and I am not fooled by these ruses.


So since I was born Catholic, accepted Jesus as my true Lord and Savior, and did so in the first religion known to recognize Jesus as the son of God, that makes me a Jew how?

I've got nothing against Jews, I'm just not part of "the tribe."

What is your religion? Some splinter group of a Calvinist offshoot?
I like the one where he brags about bedding down white women right after he claims white people have white privilege. I suppose he fashions himself as a Mandingo. Funny how he needs white people to carry his ass.

I was having a "discussion" with him the other day. (That means he was dodging and ducking and evading).

...LMAO...and he got on this "white women love black men" kick and he was posting lots of photos of negroes with white female humans...So he posted a photo of a negro in bed with a white woman....

When I clicked on the "quote" feature to reply, it showed the source and title of the photo. It was titled;

"She got your boyfriend".

LMMFAO...he's using photos from a gay porn site where they're angry because the white woman "stole" the negro buck from another man...LMAO...She Got Your Boyfriend.

3. Mineralogy A six-rayed starlike figure optically produced in some crystal structures by reflected or transmitted light.


Jews can be racist. But they ARE Supremacists.

Ok, but the kid my daughter likes is black and we're Catholic.

I'd discourage that.

Once you "go black"....'re a single parent and your offspring has damaged genetics and the grandparents (you) will be raising the "child".....

Think. Do some research.
Consider proclivity for crime and violence. Your daughter is in danger.

Another idiot mimicking what's posted over on stupid front, damaged

I would caution White people with an ounce of common sense not to marry Whites who see themselves as perpetual losers.
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Please keep all comments relative to the OP, or risk having this thread closed. Insults, flames unrelated to the OP will not be tolerated.

Thanks very much,

We can see this topic deeply disturbs white men in particular. They lose all reason and start denying, getting off topic, and calling names instead of proving their point. We know the reason they deny white privilege is simply because they are afraid of what it means. It simply means that even with a 400 year headstart, the ones denying it exists instead of proving it, feel inferior. It is the height of comedy to watch all the twists and turns to avoid simply proving it with facts. :lol:
We can see this topic deeply disturbs white men in particular. They lose all reason and start denying, getting off topic, and calling names instead of proving their point. We know the reason they deny white privilege is simply because they are afraid of what it means. It simply means that even with a 400 year headstart, the ones denying it exists instead of proving it, feel inferior. It is the height of comedy to watch all the twists and turns to avoid simply proving it with facts. :lol:

Assuming white privilege, as you describe it, exists, what do you think can/should be done about it?

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