An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Black Privilege Defined: Excusing away Gang-Rape in Texas

Black privilege in BRA allows Black people to openly claim racial loyalty while simultaneously denying the same to whites.

In other words, this is another Jena 6 story -- a bunch of young black guys in a southern small town do something bad to somebody nonblack and then the national press turns it into a story about how these young fellows are, when you stop to think about it, the real victims.

Black privilege can also extend to the absolution of a Black individual for a dastardly act when that act can be justified as being a reaction against institutional racism, the white power structure, or inherent white privilege.
That interracial rape is overwhelmingly Black-on-white (and increasingly Black-on-Hispanic) and the ramifications of such data is never discussed, but the rare instances of white-on-Black rape becomes international fodder for the sexual depravity of white males everywhere.

This is the idea behind Black privilege, and it is the dogma of Disingenuous White Liberals, Crusading White Pedagogues, and Holier-Than-Than White Conservatives, not to be diverged from, doubted, or disputed. The greatest Black privilege of all is that an entire race is excused of any responsibility for high levels of rape, murder, indeed, any of the crimes commonly committed by Blacks that make many cities uninhabitable.

It's the dogma that has been promulgated by Jews for decades.

You will notice how more and more though, the talking head Neo-con representatives of the radio have been permitted to bring all these issues about blacks more to the forefront.

Oh they still have to fawn over "Reverend" King like he was a saint, nevertheless they are allowed to do a goodly amount of black bashing.

Criticism of the Jews, however, is still an unpardonable offense.

The Jews wish for the Anglo whites to do all their black bashing for them. That way they can continue to present themselves as the champions of civil rights.

Black privilege in Black Run America (BRA) means that Black people find nothing at all wrong with excusing away the deplorable actions of 18 Black men who raped an 11-year-old girl.

And white privilege is that those actions are your fault.

To be fair to the Jews though, blacks do owe them many of the privileges which they now enjoy.
Thanks to the Jews, blacks now enjoy all the following privileges.
Honorable mention must go to all the white boys and girls who try to dress and act like blacks, and all the pot heads and other stoners who think that running down other whites demonstrates to others around them how morally enlightened they are.

What is black privilege? | - Site of Henri Le Riche

Black Privilege is being able to talk about white privilege and nobody would think anything about it.

Black Privilege is being able to take pride in your race without fear of persecution.

Black Privilege is when people assume you are poor because of racism, not because you’re lazy.

Black Privilege is being wealthy without people assuming your wealth was handed to you or that you exploited others.

Black Privilege is being able to commit violent crimes against another race without people assuming you did it because you were a racist.

Black Privilege is being given an “affirmative action” title which advantages you in jobs, Universities and social grants based on your skin tone.

Black Privilege is having the media cover up your race in the event of a racist incident, or a gruesome murder.

Black Privilege is being able to claim entitlement because of your skin color.


Black Privilege is being able to make insensitive comments about other races and not being called out on it.

Black Privilege is when people assume that the police pulled you over because of racism, not because you were speeding.

Black Privilege is being able to preserve and promote your culture and having your culture protected from criticism.

Black Privilege is being able to blame your shortcomings on racism.

Black privilege is when people consider you to be superior at sports without it being considered racist.

Black privilege is not having to be fearful of offending anyone else.

Black Privilege is when you can be over-represented in a certain field without people trying to amend it.

Black Privilege is having the government pander to your interests in order to get your “black vote”.

Black privilege is being allowed to characterize criticisms of destructive black behaviors, as being ‘racist’.

Black privilege is when you are allowed to think you are superior to human beings and incapable of negative traits like racism or hate.
Black privilege is when you can use the race card, and get away with it even if you were the racist.

Black privilege is when you never take responsibility and always blame someone else.
Have you checked your black privilege recently?
The one thing you DO NOT want to talk about is JEWISH PRIVILEGE.

You can mention the fact that Jews enjoy the highest per capita income of ALL groups.
And you can even call attention to the fact that the Jews are vastly OVER REPRESENTED in all the most lucrative professions and offices of civil power.
But ONLY if you do so in such a way as to flatter them.
That is, you MAY NOT suggest that Jews have attained these advantages through any sort of networking, discriminatory practices, nepotism, or unethical business practices.

In order to shine a light on Jewish privilege you must always present THE FACTS so as to explain them in terms of Jewish SUPERIOR "work ethics" , intelligence, industry, and "higher morality.

You see the difference don't you?

Jewish privilege | Mondoweiss

Liz Shulman gave a talk on Jewish privilege at the meeting. Rabbi Brant Rosen was also at JVP, and he has said directly, here, “I feel as a white male American Jew, I feel very powerful. I feel part of a very powerful and privileged minority in the world.” Beautiful. Another friend I saw at the JVP conference accepts the idea that Jews are the new WASPS; he sent me a note about how many of the American ambassadors to the big European countries are Jews. I count eight. That’s real influence. The next ambassador to Israel is Daniel Shapiro, the aide who announced Obama’s Security Council veto was James Steinberg, Dennis Ross who headed an institute for the “Jewish people” is the Middle East envoy, the New Yorker magazine’s Jewish editor invokes “Jewish values” to oppose the occupation with the secure knowledge that his privileged readers will resonate to the phrase, and when NBC reports on the Arab world, it’s usually Andrea Mitchell and Richard Engel, both Jews, and at CNN it’s Wolf Blitzer…

Isn't it odd how a Rabbi could say this about himself and at the same time claim to belong to the most down trodden, mistreated, and persecuted race in human history.

A black may feel free to talk about the abuses he has suffered at the hands of the "white devil" as much as he want, so long as nothing he says eclipses the status of Jews as the preeminent victims.

A white non-Jew may indulge in as much self flagellation as he wishes. Outside of paying deference , making apologies and paying reparations to Jews, blacks, Mexicans and every other political correct designated "minority", that's ALL he's entitled to.
And you wonder why Obama is worried about Jewish money in the next presidential race. Or why his Defense Secretary gives a meeting to Rob’t Kagan and Bill Kristol on Libya and they then walk out and publicly trash him–they have connections to the rich conservative wing of Jewish life that is enmeshed in Democratic Party life too and is so significant in shaping the new Establishment.

“When do we get to talk about this– when the entire Supreme Court is Jewish?” my friend at JVP joked. Right now we have only three justices, all appointed by Democratic presidents.

When I spoke at Villanova on Monday, a Jewish professor at the school, Dveera Segal, rebuked me for talking about the number of Jews in elite journalism. She said the same kind of talk was a theme of anti-semites. I said, Sorry, but this is my experience, I have to talk about the facts.

These kinds of FACTS are beside the point.

The point is that whitey must be run down to the ground. And the Jews will enlist the support of ANY conglomerations of victims to get it done.
Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Black Privilege Defined: Excusing away Gang-Rape in Texas

Black privilege in BRA allows Black people to openly claim racial loyalty while simultaneously denying the same to whites.

In other words, this is another Jena 6 story -- a bunch of young black guys in a southern small town do something bad to somebody nonblack and then the national press turns it into a story about how these young fellows are, when you stop to think about it, the real victims.

It's the dogma that has been promulgated by Jews for decades.

You will notice how more and more though, the talking head Neo-con representatives of the radio have been permitted to bring all these issues about blacks more to the forefront.

Oh they still have to fawn over "Reverend" King like he was a saint, nevertheless they are allowed to do a goodly amount of black bashing.

Criticism of the Jews, however, is still an unpardonable offense.

The Jews wish for the Anglo whites to do all their black bashing for them. That way they can continue to present themselves as the champions of civil rights.

To be fair to the Jews though, blacks do owe them many of the privileges which they now enjoy.
Thanks to the Jews, blacks now enjoy all the following privileges.
Honorable mention must go to all the white boys and girls who try to dress and act like blacks, and all the pot heads and other stoners who think that running down other whites demonstrates to others around them how morally enlightened they are.

What is black privilege? | - Site of Henri Le Riche


Black Privilege is being able to make insensitive comments about other races and not being called out on it.

Black Privilege is when people assume that the police pulled you over because of racism, not because you were speeding.

Black Privilege is being able to preserve and promote your culture and having your culture protected from criticism.

Black Privilege is being able to blame your shortcomings on racism.

Black privilege is when people consider you to be superior at sports without it being considered racist.

Black privilege is not having to be fearful of offending anyone else.

Black Privilege is when you can be over-represented in a certain field without people trying to amend it.

Black Privilege is having the government pander to your interests in order to get your “black vote”.

Black privilege is being allowed to characterize criticisms of destructive black behaviors, as being ‘racist’.

Black privilege is when you are allowed to think you are superior to human beings and incapable of negative traits like racism or hate.
Black privilege is when you can use the race card, and get away with it even if you were the racist.

Black privilege is when you never take responsibility and always blame someone else.
Have you checked your black privilege recently?

That black privilege list is a great way to expose the hypocrisy.
Every one of those is true.
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f**king AA girlie boy looser ^^^^.

Maybe so, but I have to agree with him about holston and his constant refrain of, "It's the Jooooooooos!". :lol:

Yeah but no different than Asclepias screaming white privilege!!

Plus Asslips has that fake history he always peddles around here, where he claims that black people invented everything that white people actually invented, or how Africa was a meca for math, science and technology before the bad white men came along. That shit is hilarious! :lol:
I like the one where he brags about bedding down white women right after he claims white people have white privilege. I suppose he fashions himself as a Mandingo. Funny how he needs white people to carry his ass.
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:lol: f**king nut case. ^^^^
f**king AA girlie boy looser ^^^^.

Maybe so, but I have to agree with him about holston and his constant refrain of, "It's the Jooooooooos!". :lol:

I report on what I believe is the most pressing political and social issue there it, which also happens to be the least reported on in the main stream media and the most repressed subject on the internet.

I'll tell you what I just told one of your compatriots. You would be a lot more convincing if you would address the articles I have linked to and the comments made on them rather than constantly attacking me personally.

If you can prove me wrong, then by all means do so.

Don't you think that would do more to convince anyone unfamiliar with the subject that I am mistaken in my assessment of the situation if you could?

If so, then why do you people continue to require the reader to simply accept what you have to say about me personally rather than weigh what I have said for content of truth?
I like the one where he brags about bedding down white women right after he claims white people have white privilege. I suppose he fashions himself as a Mandingo. Funny how he needs white people to carry his ass.

I love it when he talks tough too. He always telling some ridiculous story where he faced an evil white white man and beat him up. :lol:
Maybe so, but I have to agree with him about holston and his constant refrain of, "It's the Jooooooooos!". :lol:

Yeah but no different than Asclepias screaming white privilege!!

Plus Asslips has that fake history he always peddles around here, where he claims that black people invented everything that white people actually invented, or how Africa was a meca for math, science and technology before the bad white men came along. That shit is hilarious! :lol:

Why is it that you accuse me of being a "hater", an "anti-Semite", and all manner of things for making statements about the Jews and yet take such liberties in belittling the blacks.

That seems to be the way of the majority of people who post on this web site. The belittling of blacks is perfectly acceptable while any mention of the Jews or their umpteen hundred political organizations in a negative light is always met with a barrage of slurs and insults.

If you are trying to say that the claims of blacks to innovations whites were responsible is a bad thing, the same would be true of Jews who have used the power of copyrights and patents to usurp intellectual property as their own when in fact they it lifted from others.

If blacks have a propensity for aggression, Jews have a knack for relieving people of their valuables.
Yeah but no different than Asclepias screaming white privilege!!

Plus Asslips has that fake history he always peddles around here, where he claims that black people invented everything that white people actually invented, or how Africa was a meca for math, science and technology before the bad white men came along. That shit is hilarious! :lol:

Why is it that you accuse me of being a "hater", an "anti-Semite", and all manner of things for making statements about the Jews and yet take such liberties in belittling the blacks.

That seems to be the way of the majority of people who post on this web site. The belittling of blacks is perfectly acceptable while any mention of the Jews or their umpteen hundred political organizations in a negative light is always met with a barrage of slurs and insults.

If you are trying to say that the claims of blacks to innovations whites were responsible is a bad thing, the same would be true of Jews who have used the power of copyrights and patents to usurp intellectual property as their own when in fact they it lifted from others.

If blacks have a propensity for aggression, Jews have a knack for relieving people of their valuables.

Do you have any idea how fucking corny "its the jews" is to the rest of us? Do you really think youre getting anywhere with that horse shit? How out of touch are you? On this earth you have people believing all kinds of kooky shit, like alien abductions, 9/11 was an inside job, and then you have you moronic jew haters. You are all equally mocked by the rest of the world. Forget about how offensive you are to us, we think youre a fucking idiot.

You want to believe in that stupid shit, fine, but get a fucking clue and keep it quiet. Talking about it will only make people hate you. How can you not understand that?

White privilege is more of an old boy network of opportunities. If you are white, you have more old boys available to you.

Contacts with people who can help you career wise are fewer if you are black

You've apparently never tried to get a job working for the City of Atlanta or Fulton County.
Excuse? Dont make me laugh. Whites are the most violent race the earth has seen and its not even close. Command of the English language? Fuck the english language. I'm not english. I'm Black.

You're definitely an idiot.

What does being Black have to do with learning English language?

People care about violence in their local community a lot more than they care about violence in history.

You are the idiot. Black people generally are from Africa. i said that specifically to point out the white privilege. if I am not European why am I being taught to speak as a European instead as a person from a country in Africa in our schools? Who determined that english (which is the native language to the founders of this country) is the one everyone should learn?

Whites are violent now and you dont speak for everyone.

I had a Lance Corporal make this argument to me one time. It was an intensive two week period where I supervised (as a Corporal) Marines from a few different units. This young man was very intelligent and hardworking, and we both had mutual respect for each other although he seemed to think he should be in charge because he thought he was smarter than me. It didn't matter to him that I was 4 years older than him, had done this job before, and was indeed a higher rank due to achievement and time not my skin color.

He wondered why I demanded that we speak English and he's not English.

"The same reason I have to speak Arabic when I'm in the Middle East, fucknuts" was my reply. It came full-circle a few months later when we were both in a taxi in Mombassa, Kenya.

"Ok Mr. Africa, dazzle us with your Swahili."

"What's Swahili? Oh, touche ha ha."

Last I heard he was a Major and a true leader of men. I'm happy for him because once he knocked that chip off his shoulder he showed people how to actually combat racism. Here's a hint, bitching and whining wasn't part of it. It's one thing to have a discussion and a civil debate, it's another to always blame "the man" for keeping you down without doing anything the lift yourself up. The now senior Marine rose and achieved more than I could even imagine and God love him for it.
A small but significant scandal in my social and professional circle is developing. My 15 year old daughter kissed a black teenager at the end of camp dance this week. The only time any teen romance activity is tolerated is the dance that happens 2 hours before all us parents show up. I know the kid from volunteering at school and he's a fine gentleman. I've known his Dad for 30 years, he was the worst towards me when I was the only white boy in a 300 plus day camp at Boy's Club.

The controversy isn't coming from my family, it's from his. Apparently it's "cultural" which is code for "we can be racist when we want to because we're black." Poor guy, living in a family stuck in the old South. He likes my daughter, she likes him, I approve. His dad won't tolerate any race mixing.

But apparently it's the white man's fault, and since I'm white it's my fault and since my daughter is white it's her fault? I don't think so.
I love it when he talks tough too. He always telling some ridiculous story where he faced an evil white white man and beat him up. :lol:

The idea of blacks beating up on whites is not so incredulous as you make it sound.

It's not nearly as ridiculous as the Hollywood fantasy of "Jew Bear" or that shrimp Tom Cruise masquerading as a "fearless" conquering hero, along with a thousand other made for TV "macho Jews".


"I mutht thay. I was tho macho hitting all those mean ol' white guys with my big ol' bat."


"Aren't I simply dashing in my spiffy uniform? All the little gentile girls will be thrilled at my manhood. "

These kinds of demonstrations could go on indefinitely.

The only thing that impresses me about them is the flagrant vanity, self aggrandizement, and in cases like Roth, the passionate obsession with sadism.
Otherwise, I'm inclined to believe that they have problems with their concepts of manhood or doubts about their own.
Maybe so, but I have to agree with him about holston and his constant refrain of, "It's the Jooooooooos!". :lol:

Yeah but no different than Asclepias screaming white privilege!!

Plus Asslips has that fake history he always peddles around here, where he claims that black people invented everything that white people actually invented, or how Africa was a meca for math, science and technology before the bad white men came along. That shit is hilarious! :lol:

It's common for race baiters to claim North Africa as their own when it's convenient.

We all come from Africa if you go far enough back, but there is a huge difference between Sub-Saharan intellectualism 1000 years ago and Mediterranean/Middle Eastern intellectualism 5000 years ago.

He's claiming racial superiority, so let's see if he can point out any astronomy texts from Senegal, Kenya, Chad, Ghana, or anywhere south of Mauritania older than 200 years. Where are the ancient architectural and engineering wonders in Zimbabwe?

By the way if slavery is the root cause of racial disparity in education and achievement, why is it that Africa is the only continent where slavery actually exists today and why aren't these champions of human rights doing anything about it?

Slavery in contemporary Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah - that's black people owning other black people.

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