An Honest Discussion of White Privilege, by Two White Guys

Assuming white privilege, as you describe it, exists, what do you think can/should be done about it?

Academically we can stop lying and pretending white people did anything more than take what they learned from other civilizations and use it as a foundation to advance themselves while holding back others. We shouldn't be celebrating people like Columbus as a hero since he was a bumbling ass and mass murderer that accidently landed in the Americas. He didn't discover America. the NA's were already here. Each ethnicity/race should learn about their contributions to World history and how their people saw the world before learning American history. Not some white persons version but the actual truth.

Economically, short of redistribution, AA or reparations are the only two things can be done unless someone comes up with something better. The problem with AA is that it affects low income whites and thats is why you see the low hanging fruit whining about it. The problem with reparations is the same as we see on this thread . A steadfast refusal to admit the past has any bearing on the present situation. Lots of whites would rather pretend they have all the economic wealth by virtue of hard work done on a level playing field. Secretly they look at institutions like the NBA and see what happens when Blacks and whites compete on equal footing. They cant take the reality of things as it destroys the illusion of white superiority.

Socially, things will have to work themselves out over time. As more and more whites lose their racists attitudes they will be able see things through the eyes of others and realize they have had the wool pulled over their eyes for centuries as have Black people. They will see Blacks succeed in every area of life and with that will come acceptance. Right now I see it in my childrens white friends. They know we are Black but to them its just a trait we have. It neither intimidates them or impresses them.

I get the impression that you want to demonize white people in history while promoting others. Perhaps you think that is the way history has unfolded, that whites have been suppressing others while those others have not done the same, I'm not sure.

I disagree that each race should learn their contributions before learning American history, at least as far as public school policy is concerned. I think American history should be taught first, as accurately and unbiased as possible. I have no problems with more specific racial history being taught, but as a secondary thing. Better to teach shared history before pointing out any differences. You seem to want differences highlighted first, as though to assure that each racial segment feels separate from the others.

I cannot accept reparations as viable or valid. I believe you've asked about what the cut off point should be before, and to me, it would be the immediate family of those who the reparations are for.

As to AA, I have always been a bit torn about it. I think it was a necessary evil in a way, needed to combat a worse evil in the racism that has been so rampant in this country. However, it has always seemed to me to be a clear case of government discrimination. Again, it was probably necessary when first implemented because of the discrimination against minorities and women at the time, but I'm not sure that remains the case now. I would prefer that it be abolished, as I don't like government elevating a group of people based on something as foolish as race or gender. The question, of course, is if white, male privilege is still prevalent enough in this country to make AA the lesser evil, hence this thread. I don't believe it is, but I'm more than willing to admit I don't have the experience to say that with any authority.

White men have most certainly had a great advantage over others for most of this country's history. I think, or maybe hope is more accurate, that at this point we have gotten far enough past that that we're better off avoiding or getting rid of things which highlight our differences, be they racial or gender based. I'm not a particular proponent of nationalism, but I think it is a better sort of pride for society than racial, ethnic, or gender based pride. If we must look at each other with labels, seeing people as Americans first will allow for a more stable and harmonious society.

I've rambled a bit and quite likely been unclear here and there, so I'll quit while I'm still ahead. :lol:

I dont need to demonize whites in history History does that itself when it is actually truthful. At the same time you cannot deny that there has always been a segment of the white population that has always assisted in making things better for non whites.

The reason children should learn their particular ethnicities history first is part and parcel of combating white privilege. I was taught African and African American history before I ever set foot in a public school. I was only allowed to watch TV if a Black show was on. I was not subjected to the constant stream of information that promoted white superiority and culture. Because I had that strong background in who I was and where my people came from, when I went to school I did not have a complex caused by being taught white is right overtly or subliminally. i had the confidence to excel in school because I knew i could do it. When I asked my parents about things that conflicted with what I had been taught at home they told me to just do as the teacher asked but to always know the truth I was taught at home. This knowledge of who you are and where you come from is way more important to success than American history. All of my children were raised the same way and all of them have excelled.

The reason reparations should be a viable alternative is because it does not affect low income whites economically as AA does. Reparations would only affect their egos which they would just have to get over.

Since the strangle hold whites have held over this country's infrastructure and resources still exists, white privilege itself still exists.

Come now, you haven't displayed any problem with reading comprehension up to now.
I KNOW you can do this thang!

Get to the point instead of writing a dissertation.
I get the impression that you want to demonize white people in history while promoting others. Perhaps you think that is the way history has unfolded, that whites have been suppressing others while those others have not done the same, I'm not sure.

I disagree that each race should learn their contributions before learning American history, at least as far as public school policy is concerned. I think American history should be taught first, as accurately and unbiased as possible. I have no problems with more specific racial history being taught, but as a secondary thing. Better to teach shared history before pointing out any differences. You seem to want differences highlighted first, as though to assure that each racial segment feels separate from the others.

I cannot accept reparations as viable or valid. I believe you've asked about what the cut off point should be before, and to me, it would be the immediate family of those who the reparations are for.

As to AA, I have always been a bit torn about it. I think it was a necessary evil in a way, needed to combat a worse evil in the racism that has been so rampant in this country. However, it has always seemed to me to be a clear case of government discrimination. Again, it was probably necessary when first implemented because of the discrimination against minorities and women at the time, but I'm not sure that remains the case now. I would prefer that it be abolished, as I don't like government elevating a group of people based on something as foolish as race or gender. The question, of course, is if white, male privilege is still prevalent enough in this country to make AA the lesser evil, hence this thread. I don't believe it is, but I'm more than willing to admit I don't have the experience to say that with any authority.

White men have most certainly had a great advantage over others for most of this country's history. I think, or maybe hope is more accurate, that at this point we have gotten far enough past that that we're better off avoiding or getting rid of things which highlight our differences, be they racial or gender based. I'm not a particular proponent of nationalism, but I think it is a better sort of pride for society than racial, ethnic, or gender based pride. If we must look at each other with labels, seeing people as Americans first will allow for a more stable and harmonious society.

I've rambled a bit and quite likely been unclear here and there, so I'll quit while I'm still ahead. :lol:

No you haven't. You've been quite clear.

You believe that white men, ie white NON-JEWISH, MEN, have been responsible for all the "racism" in this country.
The only thing you are inconsistent here on is that you are intimating that the milkweed is trying to demonize "white people".
Why should you object to that when you have as much as demonized them yourself already?
Get to the point instead of writing a dissertation.

I think I did make my point. And I think you got it.
How many page of your blather and the other Hasbarats already consumed.

Should we pile them all on one side and then compare them to the volumes I have written?

And what have YOU accomplished in the process? Have you persuaded all the white NON-JEWS out there that they should send the blacks a check?
Or have you managed to inflame even more of them with resentment caused by all these impositions.

I would say that you've most likely succeeded in the later That's IF there are any non-Jewish white people on this thread.
Frankly I wonder if there are any BLACK people on this thread either!
Holston. You do realize the original gangstas in this country were white people right?

So is that YOUR excuse?

Are you honestly so naive as to assume that organized crime originated in the US circa the 1920s?

Why should it bother you if they were since you seem to admire them so much you want to emulate them?

It IS good however that you are willing to give them credit for a profession that so many blacks today aspire to.
Get to the point instead of writing a dissertation.

I think I did make my point. And I think you got it.
How many page of your blather and the other Hasbarats already consumed.

Should we pile them all on one side and then compare them to the volumes I have written?

And what have YOU accomplished in the process? Have you persuaded all the white NON-JEWS out there that they should send the blacks a check?
Or have you managed to inflame even more of them with resentment caused by all these impositions.

I would say that you've most likely succeeded in the later That's IF there are any non-Jewish white people on this thread.
Frankly I wonder if there are any BLACK people on this thread either!

If you tip your tinfoil hat just so you may be able to pick up the radio signals from the aurora borealis.

My intent was not to convince anyone to give me anything. I doubt anyone on this message board has more than i do nor would I care if they did. Some of us are discussing white privilege. We are simply discussing the validity of the concept. Just because it is brought up does not mean people are asking for anything. i know it frightens white guys like you so you immediately go on the defensive. I dont have a problem with that but please dont try to make it seem like I would ask for something you dont have the financial means to give me personally. The very thought is hilarious.
Academically we can stop lying and pretending white people did anything more than take what they learned from other civilizations and use it as a foundation to advance themselves while holding back others. We shouldn't be celebrating people like Columbus as a hero since he was a bumbling ass and mass murderer that accidently landed in the Americas. He didn't discover America. the NA's were already here. Each ethnicity/race should learn about their contributions to World history and how their people saw the world before learning American history. Not some white persons version but the actual truth.

Economically, short of redistribution, AA or reparations are the only two things can be done unless someone comes up with something better. The problem with AA is that it affects low income whites and thats is why you see the low hanging fruit whining about it. The problem with reparations is the same as we see on this thread . A steadfast refusal to admit the past has any bearing on the present situation. Lots of whites would rather pretend they have all the economic wealth by virtue of hard work done on a level playing field. Secretly they look at institutions like the NBA and see what happens when Blacks and whites compete on equal footing. They cant take the reality of things as it destroys the illusion of white superiority.

Socially, things will have to work themselves out over time. As more and more whites lose their racists attitudes they will be able see things through the eyes of others and realize they have had the wool pulled over their eyes for centuries as have Black people. They will see Blacks succeed in every area of life and with that will come acceptance. Right now I see it in my childrens white friends. They know we are Black but to them its just a trait we have. It neither intimidates them or impresses them.

I get the impression that you want to demonize white people in history while promoting others. Perhaps you think that is the way history has unfolded, that whites have been suppressing others while those others have not done the same, I'm not sure.

I disagree that each race should learn their contributions before learning American history, at least as far as public school policy is concerned. I think American history should be taught first, as accurately and unbiased as possible. I have no problems with more specific racial history being taught, but as a secondary thing. Better to teach shared history before pointing out any differences. You seem to want differences highlighted first, as though to assure that each racial segment feels separate from the others.

I cannot accept reparations as viable or valid. I believe you've asked about what the cut off point should be before, and to me, it would be the immediate family of those who the reparations are for.

As to AA, I have always been a bit torn about it. I think it was a necessary evil in a way, needed to combat a worse evil in the racism that has been so rampant in this country. However, it has always seemed to me to be a clear case of government discrimination. Again, it was probably necessary when first implemented because of the discrimination against minorities and women at the time, but I'm not sure that remains the case now. I would prefer that it be abolished, as I don't like government elevating a group of people based on something as foolish as race or gender. The question, of course, is if white, male privilege is still prevalent enough in this country to make AA the lesser evil, hence this thread. I don't believe it is, but I'm more than willing to admit I don't have the experience to say that with any authority.

White men have most certainly had a great advantage over others for most of this country's history. I think, or maybe hope is more accurate, that at this point we have gotten far enough past that that we're better off avoiding or getting rid of things which highlight our differences, be they racial or gender based. I'm not a particular proponent of nationalism, but I think it is a better sort of pride for society than racial, ethnic, or gender based pride. If we must look at each other with labels, seeing people as Americans first will allow for a more stable and harmonious society.

I've rambled a bit and quite likely been unclear here and there, so I'll quit while I'm still ahead. :lol:

I dont need to demonize whites in history History does that itself when it is actually truthful. At the same time you cannot deny that there has always been a segment of the white population that has always assisted in making things better for non whites.

The reason children should learn their particular ethnicities history first is part and parcel of combating white privilege. I was taught African and African American history before I ever set foot in a public school. I was only allowed to watch TV if a Black show was on. I was not subjected to the constant stream of information that promoted white superiority and culture. Because I had that strong background in who I was and where my people came from, when I went to school I did not have a complex caused by being taught white is right overtly or subliminally. i had the confidence to excel in school because I knew i could do it. When I asked my parents about things that conflicted with what I had been taught at home they told me to just do as the teacher asked but to always know the truth I was taught at home. This knowledge of who you are and where you come from is way more important to success than American history. All of my children were raised the same way and all of them have excelled.

The reason reparations should be a viable alternative is because it does not affect low income whites economically as AA does. Reparations would only affect their egos which they would just have to get over.

Since the strangle hold whites have held over this country's infrastructure and resources still exists, white privilege itself still exists.

What parents teach their children at home is, and should be, up to them. When talking about what is taught in public schools, however, I think it is both preferable and more efficient to be more concerned with the history of the country as a whole rather than separating it up into racial or ethnic divisions.

American is part of who we are, and for the vast majority where we come from. You discuss it as though this isn't true. I would guess that a large majority of US citizens have had family living in this country for multiple generations.

Whether reparations or AA affect low income whites is irrelevant to me. I disagree with the idea of giving money to people who are multiple generations removed from the reason that money is supposedly needed. I also do not believe it would do any real good for racial relations in the country and quite possibly might do harm.

In some ways, whites are almost certain to retain a 'stranglehold' on the infrastructure and resources of the country due to simply numbers. Whites are likely to remain the largest racial group in the country for quite some time yet, and as such likely to control the most resources of the country.

Your view of the world and this country in particular seems far too based on race to me. Your discussion of these things is one in which people are easily defined by their race and that, in my mind, is the worst possible way to combat bigotry and racism. It is by seeing how incredibly similar we all are, rather than focusing on any differences, that people will be able to see how foolish racial and ethnic bigotry is. While your motivations may be good, I think the methods you promote are not helpful in overcoming the racial issues which continue to exist.
Holston. You do realize the original gangstas in this country were white people right?

So is that YOUR excuse?

Are you honestly so naive as to assume that organized crime originated in the US circa the 1920s?

Why should it bother you if they were since you seem to admire them so much you want to emulate them?

It IS good however that you are willing to give them credit for a profession that so many blacks today aspire to.

Thats not an excuse. Thats a fact. The original gangstas in this country were white people. What makes you think thats an excuse for whites being violent?
Holston. You do realize the original gangstas in this country were white people right?

So is that YOUR excuse?

Are you honestly so naive as to assume that organized crime originated in the US circa the 1920s?

Why should it bother you if they were since you seem to admire them so much you want to emulate them?

It IS good however that you are willing to give them credit for a profession that so many blacks today aspire to.

Thats not an excuse. Thats a fact. The original gangstas in this country were white people. What makes you think thats an excuse for whites being violent?

Angered white people can be very violent.
I get the impression that you want to demonize white people in history while promoting others. Perhaps you think that is the way history has unfolded, that whites have been suppressing others while those others have not done the same, I'm not sure.

I disagree that each race should learn their contributions before learning American history, at least as far as public school policy is concerned. I think American history should be taught first, as accurately and unbiased as possible. I have no problems with more specific racial history being taught, but as a secondary thing. Better to teach shared history before pointing out any differences. You seem to want differences highlighted first, as though to assure that each racial segment feels separate from the others.

I cannot accept reparations as viable or valid. I believe you've asked about what the cut off point should be before, and to me, it would be the immediate family of those who the reparations are for.

As to AA, I have always been a bit torn about it. I think it was a necessary evil in a way, needed to combat a worse evil in the racism that has been so rampant in this country. However, it has always seemed to me to be a clear case of government discrimination. Again, it was probably necessary when first implemented because of the discrimination against minorities and women at the time, but I'm not sure that remains the case now. I would prefer that it be abolished, as I don't like government elevating a group of people based on something as foolish as race or gender. The question, of course, is if white, male privilege is still prevalent enough in this country to make AA the lesser evil, hence this thread. I don't believe it is, but I'm more than willing to admit I don't have the experience to say that with any authority.

White men have most certainly had a great advantage over others for most of this country's history. I think, or maybe hope is more accurate, that at this point we have gotten far enough past that that we're better off avoiding or getting rid of things which highlight our differences, be they racial or gender based. I'm not a particular proponent of nationalism, but I think it is a better sort of pride for society than racial, ethnic, or gender based pride. If we must look at each other with labels, seeing people as Americans first will allow for a more stable and harmonious society.

I've rambled a bit and quite likely been unclear here and there, so I'll quit while I'm still ahead. :lol:

I dont need to demonize whites in history History does that itself when it is actually truthful. At the same time you cannot deny that there has always been a segment of the white population that has always assisted in making things better for non whites.

The reason children should learn their particular ethnicities history first is part and parcel of combating white privilege. I was taught African and African American history before I ever set foot in a public school. I was only allowed to watch TV if a Black show was on. I was not subjected to the constant stream of information that promoted white superiority and culture. Because I had that strong background in who I was and where my people came from, when I went to school I did not have a complex caused by being taught white is right overtly or subliminally. i had the confidence to excel in school because I knew i could do it. When I asked my parents about things that conflicted with what I had been taught at home they told me to just do as the teacher asked but to always know the truth I was taught at home. This knowledge of who you are and where you come from is way more important to success than American history. All of my children were raised the same way and all of them have excelled.

The reason reparations should be a viable alternative is because it does not affect low income whites economically as AA does. Reparations would only affect their egos which they would just have to get over.

Since the strangle hold whites have held over this country's infrastructure and resources still exists, white privilege itself still exists.

What parents teach their children at home is, and should be, up to them. When talking about what is taught in public schools, however, I think it is both preferable and more efficient to be more concerned with the history of the country as a whole rather than separating it up into racial or ethnic divisions.

American is part of who we are, and for the vast majority where we come from. You discuss it as though this isn't true. I would guess that a large majority of US citizens have had family living in this country for multiple generations.

Whether reparations or AA affect low income whites is irrelevant to me. I disagree with the idea of giving money to people who are multiple generations removed from the reason that money is supposedly needed. I also do not believe it would do any real good for racial relations in the country and quite possibly might do harm.

In some ways, whites are almost certain to retain a 'stranglehold' on the infrastructure and resources of the country due to simply numbers. Whites are likely to remain the largest racial group in the country for quite some time yet, and as such likely to control the most resources of the country.

Your view of the world and this country in particular seems far too based on race to me. Your discussion of these things is one in which people are easily defined by their race and that, in my mind, is the worst possible way to combat bigotry and racism. It is by seeing how incredibly similar we all are, rather than focusing on any differences, that people will be able to see how foolish racial and ethnic bigotry is. While your motivations may be good, I think the methods you promote are not helpful in overcoming the racial issues which continue to exist.

When you teach American history first you leave out every other ethnicities contribution except whites simply because it is being told from a white perspective. Its a gigantic indoctrination that white is right or superior since this country was founded for and by whites. Are you getting this? Its like white kids growing up looking at the NBA and thinking Black people are the only people that can play the game not knowing the NBA was originally all white. If children are taught their respective ethnicities history they have a basis of strength with which to combat this aspect of white privilege.

I agree being American is part of who we are. I dont think the experience however, is the same for all races. I get the feeling you do.

The reason the people are multiple generations removed is because reparations were never paid. That doesn't make them less valid. It actually makes them more valid. Black people can start their own businesses, buy real estate, and pay that money back into the economy. What makes you think paying reparations would make racial relations worse?

My view of the world as race based is accurate but unpopular due to PC. There is a reason the world and this country is in the mess it is in. Racism.
So is that YOUR excuse?

Are you honestly so naive as to assume that organized crime originated in the US circa the 1920s?

Why should it bother you if they were since you seem to admire them so much you want to emulate them?

It IS good however that you are willing to give them credit for a profession that so many blacks today aspire to.

Thats not an excuse. Thats a fact. The original gangstas in this country were white people. What makes you think thats an excuse for whites being violent?

Angered white people can be very violent.

Maybe that will make you braver.
These two guys get it...

Particularly the guest, who helped the host, David Pakman, to articulate the situation more effectively.

To those who wish to respond, please watch the video first, it's about 8 minutes and change long.

First off: speaking about Bill O'Reilly :lol:

Second: "presumed competent"? Middle Class white guy think he represents all white especially white males. D'Uh! Oh, generally speaking...

Upper Middle Class folks come in all shades and stripes and they do not represent any color especially white folks ...what percentage of white folks get to be Upper Middle Class?

So we are speaking more about privilege and class...where race is a factor.

Eliliott Rogers may have wanted to be viewed as white, but reality speaks differently

We ascribe suburban school massacres as part of white gun culture.

2.41 minutes into it. Gawd, this white guy is a bore
Ok, but the kid my daughter likes is black and we're Catholic.

Your daughter is free to sack up with as many black men as she desires. And you are free to offer your blessings to the whole affair.

Listen up, asshole. I described a situation where my daughter kissed a boy at a church camp. That you expand it to "sacking up" shows me that you should not ever be around teenage girls.

That's nothing to me.

What you are not free to do is force your multicultural agenda on those who are not willing to submit to it.

I do not and have not forced anything. I gave my opinion and told people about my life, that's it.

You are making shit up because I guess you have some sort of inadequacy that you can't satiate otherwise.

This is exactly what the Jewish political faction is doing and they are using the Marxist/Socialist political platform to do so, only by other names, such as Progressivism, Liberalism, Humanism, and Atheism. They are even using the Democratic and what was formerly the Republican party as well.

Not everyone is willing to accept the Jewish agenda even among those who do not recognize it as such.
There are many Catholics within the Catholic Church itself who are aware of the infiltration of the upper echelons by Jews and those who work for them. They are not all as amicable in their attitude to having the Catholic Church Judaized as you seem to be.

Excuse me if I mistake your true identity given the cryptic allusion to the Star of David in your moniker. The Hasbarats play this game so often that it is not always easy to tell them apart from those who are not.

You've gone off the rails, numbnuts. Google is your friend. "Asterism" is an astronomical term used to describe a set of stars that are not a constellation. "Ursa Major" is a constellation. "The Big Dipper" is part of the constellation but it's an easily noticed pattern of stars so it's an "asterism." The avatar I use is a picture I took of a sunset across the lake behind my house.

Nevertheless it is easy enough to identify those who are proponents of Jewish social and political dogma. So far you fit the description. I judge you and others by the criteria of the views they express.

Don't think because I criticize the Jewish agenda by name that I have any more affinity for those Anglo Saxon Protestants who support them in their efforts to bring about the Mashianic Age through the internal commandeering of governments such as the USA and the control of the nations via the World Bank, IMF, and other global financial courts.

I have as much use for the likes of John McCain as I do Rabbi Lieberman.

What difference does it make what you call a rattlesnake if it bites you?
But rather than assail the WASP sycophants for aiding in the economic and spiritual decay of the US, it is more expedient to go straight to the root of the problem.

I'm not sure how you typed that, much less remembered to breathe while doing it. You're insane and you should seek professional help. You missed the mark big time on this one.


So since I was born Catholic, accepted Jesus as my true Lord and Savior, and did so in the first religion known to recognize Jesus as the son of God, that makes me a Jew how?

I've got nothing against Jews, I'm just not part of "the tribe."

What is your religion? Some splinter group of a Calvinist offshoot?

There are many people who say they have nothing against the Jews. It is a popular thing to say and one which helps to ensure neutrality and avoid the kind of ostracism and attacks which are received by those who question their authority.

It is politically correct to assume that any such criticism or attempt to expose Jewish political and social activism for it's motives, effects, and consequences is motivated by nothing more than a hatred of someones race or ethnicity.

This position assumes that there is nothing objectionable inherent in the effects of those activities and the philosophical objectives of the Jewish religion and political body.

It also assumes that no Jews themselves ever harbor any corresponding contempt for religions and ideas which are not in accordance with those of their own.

Yeah, you really missed the mark on this one. I have nothing against anyone on the basis of their religion, including Jews but that's because I'm friends with many and did some training with the IDF back when I was in the military. That doesn't mean I approve of everything every Jewish person has ever done and it doesn't mean I am unwilling to see and criticize certain actions taken by the Israeli government.

But all you saw was "jews....jooooooos."

I would like to ask anyone how they can make such assumptions and how they can be sure that the motives and objectives of the Jewish religious and political body have nothing offensive concealed in them.

I can't. How can you assume that there is some unified strategy shared by everyone who goes to Temple on Saturday?

I submit to you there are. And that the averse effects can be demonstrated and directly traced to the actions of the Jewish Socio-Political Union.

Does this mean that I am ignoring, or ignorant of, all other social, political, philosophical, ideological, or religious entities which also exert detrimental effects on the US?

What it means is that it is impossible to address them all at one time. Therefore immediate attention should be given to those which present the most imminent danger.

This is what I am doing. The inability of you and others to recognize this or the refusal to admit it will not deter me in my efforts. If anything these assaults do nothing but increase my determination by adding further assurance to me that I am on the right trail.

Do whatever you want to do, keyboard kommando that you are. :cuckoo:

At any rate, the willingness with which so many people have to allow criticisms and attacks to be directed at any and every other political or ideological persuasion taken in conjunction with their expressed to desire to silence criticism of Judaism/Zionism/Israeli policies is nothing less than the kind of political censorship that occurs in totalitarian societies and also serves to indicate who among us are in favor of Jewish hegemony and are willing to be subjected to "Noahide" law as shall be dictated by the new Sanhedrin.

As far as differences in religious doctrines which exist between protestant and Catholic denominations, this is not the proper forum to discuss those.
If you wish to engage in that kind of debate you should seek it elsewhere.

This forum is about "privilege". I contend that Jews are the most privileged class of people in the US. The evidence supports my contention.

Jealous? Get of the internet and go make an actual life for yourself. You'll notice that the better you do, the less paranoia you feel. And seek help for your issue, you're going to whip yourself into a frenzy and hurt yourself one day.
Listen up, asshole. I described a situation where my daughter kissed a boy at a church camp. That you expand it to "sacking up" shows me that you should not ever be around teenage girls.

LMAO..right teenage girls NEVER have sex..
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Malware warning. I will never ever click on links to anything on this broken malfunctioning board. Damn, if you have something to SAY, say it. White privilege? That died out 3 decades ago. Stop beating a dead horse already.
Listen up, asshole. I described a situation where my daughter kissed a boy at a church camp. That you expand it to "sacking up" shows me that you should not ever be around teenage girls.

Well. Now that you have explained that it's all rather cute.


I don't know how you can be so sure about that black kid though. He might have different plans. And he probably wouldn't discuss them with you anymore than your daughter has sought your consultation on how to mix and mingle.

That's OK. White women with mulatto children is a common sight these days.

I do not and have not forced anything. I gave my opinion and told people about my life, that's it.

I've given mine which you object to because I do not approve of Jewish hedgemony, of Zionists ruling the US, and am not a willing servant of "the Chosen Race".

In addition I have provided some factual information. Thus far, all you have provided is your opinion. Excuse me if I don't reflexively accept it as gospel.

You are making shit up because I guess you have some sort of inadequacy that you can't satiate otherwise.

What inadequacy might that be?
Made up what?

You've gone off the rails, numbnuts. Google is your friend. "Asterism" is an astronomical term used to describe a set of stars that are not a constellation. "Ursa Major" is a constellation. "The Big Dipper" is part of the constellation but it's an easily noticed pattern of stars so it's an "asterism." The avatar I use is a picture I took of a sunset across the lake behind my house.

Three asterisks in a triangular formation used to call attention to a following passage.
A cluster of stars smaller than a constellation.
A six-rayed starlike figure optically produced in some crystal structures by reflected or transmitted light.


Very attractive symbol I must admit. It's too bad that the Talmudic doctrines aren't equally as attractive.
I'm not sure how you typed that, much less remembered to breathe while doing it. You're insane and you should seek professional help. You missed the mark big time on this one.

How much do I owe you for this psychiatric analysis, Dr Freud?

Yeah, you really missed the mark on this one. I have nothing against anyone on the basis of their religion, including Jews but that's because I'm friends with many and did some training with the IDF back when I was in the military. That doesn't mean I approve of everything every Jewish person has ever done and it doesn't mean I am unwilling to see and criticize certain actions taken by the Israeli government.

But all you saw was "jews....jooooooos."

You say you don't have anything against anyone because of their religion. Does that include the Muslims? How about Palestinians? What do you have against them?

I have news for you in case you haven't heard the rumor. Jews are ANTI- Christ.
That is to say that they do NOT believe he was God's son,
something that Christians purport to believe, including Catholics. They unequivocally DENY it.
Furthermore, according to Jewish beliefs, the worship of a man is idolatry. Since they consider Christ a man, anyone who believes he was who he said he was, is therefore an idolator.
Jews believe that all non-Jews are subject to Noahide laws. One of the first ones is the prohibition of idolatry which is punishable by death, according to them.

Incidentally , Papa Bush signed the House Resolution declaring Noahide Law to be the foundation of United States law and government way back in the '90s at the behest of Chabbad Lubavitch, one of the most militant of Jewish religious sects. (Separation of church and state they say?)

That isn't to say that they have the power to enforce those laws. They don't have the teeth for that, YET. But give them time. With the Lieberman sponsored NDAA, the "Patriot Act", NSA spying, the Expatriation Act, the War Powers Act which Yomamma exercises every day, and other Jewish initiated and controlled projects , they are well on their way of achieving their eschalogical dream of a Mashianic Age, or New World Order, as some like to refer to it. Personally I think Jew World Order is a more accurate description.

It's nice of you to inform me of the training you have received with the IDF. You wouldn't mind at all if your son lost an arm or a leg fighting for the expansion of Zion, and certainly not the billions in military gear coming from US tax payers that go to protect an "ally" whose bristling war heads are aimed at Europe and everywhere else in the event of needing to execute the "Sampson" plan.
You will be delighted to hear that our State and local police forces in the US are now receiving training in how to enforce "Hate Crime laws" by the ADL who has sponsored them. This accompanies the increased Federalization and militarization of those same forces.
Since approximately 94% of the funds allocated for the DHS are given to Jewish organizations I would say that pretty much ensures the solidarity of the Jewish factor in our growing police state.

If I were one such as yourself I would be very cautious in the way I offered any criticism or negative comment on anything that any Jew or Jewish organization does or someone might perceive that as "anti-Semitism". Whether they actually would accuse you of that , as you have me, remains to be seen since, I assume, that you have never criticized them at all and probably never will.
But you might want to just keep your mouth shut anyway on the matter if you ever feel the urge and not jeopardize your social standing or risk becoming marked for retaliation or reeducation sometime in the future.

The last thing you would want is to be placed on a government watch list as a potential terrorist along with Ron Paul supporters, Christian "fundamentalists", and other "right wing nut jobs".

I can't. How can you assume that there is some unified strategy shared by everyone who goes to Temple on Saturday?

I assume that these people all assemble under the same roof to "worship" because they share similar ideological and religious attitudes. Having these beliefs in common, one might suspect that their motives and goals are all similar. They all worship the one, and only, true living G-d.....THEIRS. And theirs has declared them a priest class among all other peoples and entitled to all the honors and PRIVILEGES which G-d would award them.
Those shared goals and motives can be found expressed in the Talmudic writings which they all profess to be dedicated to and which they revere even above the "Torah".
Do you know anything about that?

Anyway, how are you certain that they do not?

Good of you to make the distinction between "temple" and church.
I really don't know why you should though since according to the liberal doctrine and humanist manifestos of today all people are "equal".

I don't know how the Jews could have missed this message of "equality" since they are some of main ones espousing the idea.

I submit to you there are. And that the averse effects can be demonstrated and directly traced to the actions of the Jewish Socio-Political Union.

Does this mean that I am ignoring, or ignorant of, all other social, political, philosophical, ideological, or religious entities which also exert detrimental effects on the US?

What it means is that it is impossible to address them all at one time. Therefore immediate attention should be given to those which present the most imminent danger.

This is what I am doing. The inability of you and others to recognize this or the refusal to admit it will not deter me in my efforts. If anything these assaults do nothing but increase my determination by adding further assurance to me that I am on the right trail.
Do whatever you want to do, keyboard kommando that you are. :cuckoo:

Why thank you. I most certainly will, at least until the Jewish intelligencia manages to censor the entire thing the way they have in China.
Google was a friend to the Chinese as well so I've read.

At any rate, the willingness with which so many people have to allow criticisms and attacks to be directed at any and every other political or ideological persuasion taken in conjunction with their expressed to desire to silence criticism of Judaism/Zionism/Israeli policies is nothing less than the kind of political censorship that occurs in totalitarian societies and also serves to indicate who among us are in favor of Jewish hegemony and are willing to be subjected to "Noahide" law as shall be dictated by the new Sanhedrin.

As far as differences in religious doctrines which exist between protestant and Catholic denominations, this is not the proper forum to discuss those.
If you wish to engage in that kind of debate you should seek it elsewhere.

This forum is about "privilege". I contend that Jews are the most privileged class of people in the US. The evidence supports my contention.

Jealous? Get of the internet and go make an actual life for yourself. You'll notice that the better you do, the less paranoia you feel. And seek help for your issue, you're going to whip yourself into a frenzy and hurt yourself one day.

Jealousy has nothing to do with it. The fact that Jews are a privileged class can be substantiated a number of ways, not the least of which is the fact that Jews occupy far and away more positions of lucre and powers than statistical probability allows for.

Don't worry, I no longer belong to the crowd of fool lemmings who are marching themselves over a cliff to the tunes played by the Zionist pied pipers.
I feel confident that as this country "progresses" more and more of them will begin to wake up and I will no longer feel the need to clue them in on anything.

In the day in which the new tune becomes popular there's no doubt in my mind that you will be among those who join in the refrain, staunch Catholic that you are.
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