An interview with the leader of the "Proud Boys." He states some chapters are majority how are they White Supremacists?

Prides a white privledge thing so it’s kinda confusing and scary

So.. gay pride, and.."say it loud, I'm black, and I'm proud"..are examples of white privilege?

How does that work?

It's always the same with the sjws. You talk yourself into a corner with your nonsensical rhetoric.
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Racist or not, these "proud boys" have already admitted that they are bigoted against the female half of the population. This bigotry should be part of the discussion as well.

They openly are in favor of more traditional women's roles in society, just like they openly support Western Civilization.

They don't support imposing either on anyone, they want people to voluntarily embrace them.

That doesn't make them bigots.

Bullshit. Explain why you talk about "traditional women's roles in society." This means that you support bigotry. Why is a penis so important? People with one range from the extreme fools to the brilliant, as people with vaginas do, also.

Explain what "western civilization" means. I'm part of it. I was born into it. How do you define it? I love rock and role and classical. I'm of Irish and Eastern European background. I was born and raised in suburban New Jersey, I vote in every election, I believe that sour cream goes on just about everything, Bruce Springsteen is the boss, and I love a good curry. (as well as big dogs, cats, and fast cars)

And then you shitheads can explain your defense of guys fall all over yourselves to defend Islam as a persecuted religion, while ignoring the problem they actually have with women......

The only "defense of Islam" consists of defending the right to choose one's religion and practice it, which we all supposedly have in this country. Every religion seems to have a problem with women. Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Hindus all have problems with women. Bigotry against the female sex was one of the chief reasons that I left the Roman Catholic Church. Orthodox Jewish males are trying to keep Jewish women from praying at Judaism's most holy site. What is this about, faithful people arguing with each other over genitals? Why not just pray side-by-side and read Torah together?

Actually, it was my father (that white, Christian, heterosexual, Irish-descended guy, who always has my love) who objected to the sexism of the Catholic church and didn't want me to be treated that way. Before I could drive, he drove me to whatever house of worship I chose to attend, and told me that he was just happy that I wanted to go somewhere on Sunday morning. We used to sit on the porch drinking iced tea and argue about history. He fought in WWII and thought that dropping the bomb on Hiroshima was necessary, but I said Nagasaki? What I wouldn't give just to sit there and argue with him one more time. When the funeral home guy brought me his wedding ring, I put it right back on his finger. He was always faithful to what he swore to my mother over six decades before. He understood the oath he took.

About the Muslim faith: my aunt took me and my mother to the site in Turkey that supposedly was the last earthly home of the mother of Jesus. We prayed alongside of Muslims, for whom Jesus is a prophet of God. The caretaker of the mosque in Izmir took me to the tower from which he gives the call to prayer so that I could look out over the city. A few weeks later, we all went to Athens and then on to Rome and the Vatican, I have a Muslim "son" who addresses me as "mama" and asks me whether I need him to carry my trash bags down. One cannot ask for better. There are "radicals" in all faiths. Look at people like franklin graham.
Franklin Graham never blew up innocent people. :cuckoo:
Who did? Radicals did. Who is trying to keep women out of religion and the sacred sites of these religions? whatever is your faith, kneel down and seek forgiveness for what you and your faith has done to your sisters.
Im an atheist, so im unbiased when it comes to which religions suck, and which ones dont suck. Islam fucking sucks. Its a poison on humanity.

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