An interview with the leader of the "Proud Boys." He states some chapters are majority how are they White Supremacists?

Tim Pool interviews the Black, Cuban American leader of the Proud Boys....who states that there are some chapters that are made up of minorities.

Another left wing, democrat lie about an opposing group...

Doesn't matter. They are violent thugs, like Antifa.

got a link for that made up bullshit???

wait a minute,,
you said antifa doesnt exist,,, are you now saying they do???

Plenty of links have been provided showing their arrests and violence already. Not repeating it again and again.

I never said Antifa does not exist. I said they are not an organized group. If they are, I sure would like to know who their leader(s) is/are.

not backing down from a fight doesnt make them violent thugs it makes them men,,,

of course theyre an organized group as you keep referring to them as such,,,
Tim Pool interviews the Black, Cuban American leader of the Proud Boys....who states that there are some chapters that are made up of minorities.

Another left wing, democrat lie about an opposing group...

Doesn't matter. They are violent thugs, like Antifa.

No they aren't. Stop smearing them. They apparently like to fight---but they aren't the ones attacking innocent people----they are fighting with violent thugs in anti-fa and blm that are rioting and looting and raping and murdering.

Proud boy--fight back
Anti-fa---rapes, extorts, murders, burns, loots, smashes, and attacks

They are NOT even close to being the same.
Tim Pool interviews the Black, Cuban American leader of the Proud Boys....who states that there are some chapters that are made up of minorities.

Another left wing, democrat lie about an opposing group...

Doesn't matter. They are violent thugs, like Antifa.

Violent only when provoked by other violent people.

One thing you don't see is them fighting with the cops.
Tim Pool interviews the Black, Cuban American leader of the Proud Boys....who states that there are some chapters that are made up of minorities.

Another left wing, democrat lie about an opposing group...

Doesn't matter. They are violent thugs, like Antifa.

No they aren't. Stop smearing them. They apparently like to fight---but they aren't the ones attacking innocent people----they are fighting with violent thugs in anti-fa and blm that are rioting and looting and raping and murdering.

Proud boy--fight back
Anti-fa---rapes, extorts, murders, burns, loots, smashes, and attacks

They are NOT even close to being the same. I said. Thugs.

Tim Pool interviews the Black, Cuban American leader of the Proud Boys....who states that there are some chapters that are made up of minorities.

Another left wing, democrat lie about an opposing group...

Doesn't matter. They are violent thugs, like Antifa.

Violent only when provoked by other violent people.

One thing you don't see is them fighting with the cops.

Wow. Apparently they are so easily provoked they initiate violence.
Tim Pool interviews the Black, Cuban American leader of the Proud Boys....who states that there are some chapters that are made up of minorities.

Another left wing, democrat lie about an opposing group...

Doesn't matter. They are violent thugs, like Antifa.

Violent only when provoked by other violent people.

One thing you don't see is them fighting with the cops.

Wow. Apparently they are so easily provoked they initiate violence.

How so?

They march, anti-fa confronts, they confront back.
Tim Pool interviews the Black, Cuban American leader of the Proud Boys....who states that there are some chapters that are made up of minorities.

Another left wing, democrat lie about an opposing group...

Doesn't matter. They are violent thugs, like Antifa.

Violent only when provoked by other violent people.

One thing you don't see is them fighting with the cops.

Wow. Apparently they are so easily provoked they initiate violence.

How so?

They march, anti-fa confronts, they confront back.

Apparently not.
Tim Pool interviews the Black, Cuban American leader of the Proud Boys....who states that there are some chapters that are made up of minorities.

Another left wing, democrat lie about an opposing group...

Doesn't matter. They are violent thugs, like Antifa.

Violent only when provoked by other violent people.

One thing you don't see is them fighting with the cops.

Wow. Apparently they are so easily provoked they initiate violence.

How so?

They march, anti-fa confronts, they confront back.

Apparently not.

Apparently so. Again, you don't see property damage with them, you don't see confrontations with Police.

I'm sure you can dig up an example or two to the contrary, but the simple fact is anti-fa sees a person's viewpoint as "violence" and thus justifies their violent response, where for the most part groups like the Proud Boys only respond to actual violence from left wing agitators.
Racist or not, these "proud boys" have already admitted that they are bigoted against the female half of the population. This bigotry should be part of the discussion as well.

They openly are in favor of more traditional women's roles in society, just like they openly support Western Civilization.

They don't support imposing either on anyone, they want people to voluntarily embrace them.

That doesn't make them bigots.

Bullshit. Explain why you talk about "traditional women's roles in society." This means that you support bigotry. Why is a penis so important? People with one range from the extreme fools to the brilliant, as people with vaginas do, also.

Explain what "western civilization" means. I'm part of it. I was born into it. How do you define it? I love rock and role and classical. I'm of Irish and Eastern European background. I was born and raised in suburban New Jersey, I vote in every election, I believe that sour cream goes on just about everything, Bruce Springsteen is the boss, and I love a good curry. (as well as big dogs, cats, and fast cars)
Tim Pool interviews the Black, Cuban American leader of the Proud Boys....who states that there are some chapters that are made up of minorities.

Another left wing, democrat lie about an opposing group...

Doesn't matter. They are violent thugs, like Antifa.

No, the defend themselves against your left wing ANTIFA criminals. Youre just mad because they always win those fights.
Racist or not, these "proud boys" have already admitted that they are bigoted against the female half of the population. This bigotry should be part of the discussion as well.
They are bigoted against hateful feminists, as everyone should be.
Racist or not, these "proud boys" have already admitted that they are bigoted against the female half of the population. This bigotry should be part of the discussion as well.

They openly are in favor of more traditional women's roles in society, just like they openly support Western Civilization.

They don't support imposing either on anyone, they want people to voluntarily embrace them.

That doesn't make them bigots.

Bullshit. Explain why you talk about "traditional women's roles in society." This means that you support bigotry. Why is a penis so important? People with one range from the extreme fools to the brilliant, as people with vaginas do, also.

Explain what "western civilization" means. I'm part of it. I was born into it. How do you define it? I love rock and role and classical. I'm of Irish and Eastern European background. I was born and raised in suburban New Jersey, I vote in every election, I believe that sour cream goes on just about everything, Bruce Springsteen is the boss, and I love a good curry.

It's not what I think, it's what they think. If a woman chooses to be a homemaker and have kids, and follow more traditional roles, is she a self-bigot?

As for western civ, here's the wikipedia version for your eduation.

Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Occidental culture, the Western world, Western society, and European civilization, is the heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies that originated in or are associated with Europe. The term also applies beyond Europe to countries and cultures whose histories are strongly connected to Europe by immigration, colonization, or influence. For example, Western culture includes countries in the Americas, such as Canada or the United States, and Oceania, such as Australia or New Zealand, whose language and demographic ethnicity majorities are of European descent without indigenous influence. Western culture is most strongly influenced by the Greco-Roman and Christian cultures.[1]
Racist or not, these "proud boys" have already admitted that they are bigoted against the female half of the population. This bigotry should be part of the discussion as well.
They are bigoted against hateful feminists, as everyone should be.

What is a "hateful feminist"? Love is not about having power over another. It's the opposite. it is a beautiful spiritual exchange between two people.

We can see this even in the current presidential campaign. Jill is always there for Joe. Douglas is always there for Kamala. They are there in the wings, to support their lovers.
Racist or not, these "proud boys" have already admitted that they are bigoted against the female half of the population. This bigotry should be part of the discussion as well.
They are bigoted against hateful feminists, as everyone should be.

What is a "hateful feminist"? Love is not about having power over another. It's the opposite. it is a beautiful spiritual exchange between two people.

We can see this even in the current presidential campaign. Jill is always there for Joe. Douglas is always there for Kamala. They are there in the wings, to support their lovers.
"What hateful feminists"? Its insulting that you imply that there arent a tremendous amount of hateful feminists out there.
Racist or not, these "proud boys" have already admitted that they are bigoted against the female half of the population. This bigotry should be part of the discussion as well.

They openly are in favor of more traditional women's roles in society, just like they openly support Western Civilization.

They don't support imposing either on anyone, they want people to voluntarily embrace them.

That doesn't make them bigots.

Bullshit. Explain why you talk about "traditional women's roles in society." This means that you support bigotry. Why is a penis so important? People with one range from the extreme fools to the brilliant, as people with vaginas do, also.

Explain what "western civilization" means. I'm part of it. I was born into it. How do you define it? I love rock and role and classical. I'm of Irish and Eastern European background. I was born and raised in suburban New Jersey, I vote in every election, I believe that sour cream goes on just about everything, Bruce Springsteen is the boss, and I love a good curry. (as well as big dogs, cats, and fast cars)

And then you shitheads can explain your defense of guys fall all over yourselves to defend Islam as a persecuted religion, while ignoring the problem they actually have with women......
Racist or not, these "proud boys" have already admitted that they are bigoted against the female half of the population. This bigotry should be part of the discussion as well.
They are bigoted against hateful feminists, as everyone should be.

What is a "hateful feminist"? Love is not about having power over another. It's the opposite. it is a beautiful spiritual exchange between two people.

We can see this even in the current presidential campaign. Jill is always there for Joe. Douglas is always there for Kamala. They are there in the wings, to support their lovers.
"What hateful feminists"? Its insulting that you imply that there arent a tremendous amount of hateful feminists out there.

There is nothing "hateful" about insisting that all people be treated equally. Who are these "hateful feminists" and where are they? Males make many more insulting comments and carry out many more hateful acts against women than vice versa. Who has excluded whom from many areas of society? Who has made cheap cracks about someone's looks, intellect, talents, sexuality? Who has tried to prevent whom from speaking, voting, working, getting an education, and even praying?
Racist or not, these "proud boys" have already admitted that they are bigoted against the female half of the population. This bigotry should be part of the discussion as well.

They openly are in favor of more traditional women's roles in society, just like they openly support Western Civilization.

They don't support imposing either on anyone, they want people to voluntarily embrace them.

That doesn't make them bigots.

Bullshit. Explain why you talk about "traditional women's roles in society." This means that you support bigotry. Why is a penis so important? People with one range from the extreme fools to the brilliant, as people with vaginas do, also.

Explain what "western civilization" means. I'm part of it. I was born into it. How do you define it? I love rock and role and classical. I'm of Irish and Eastern European background. I was born and raised in suburban New Jersey, I vote in every election, I believe that sour cream goes on just about everything, Bruce Springsteen is the boss, and I love a good curry. (as well as big dogs, cats, and fast cars)

And then you shitheads can explain your defense of guys fall all over yourselves to defend Islam as a persecuted religion, while ignoring the problem they actually have with women......

The only "defense of Islam" consists of defending the right to choose one's religion and practice it, which we all supposedly have in this country. Every religion seems to have a problem with women. Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Hindus all have problems with women. Bigotry against the female sex was one of the chief reasons that I left the Roman Catholic Church. Orthodox Jewish males are trying to keep Jewish women from praying at Judaism's most holy site. What is this about, faithful people arguing with each other over genitals? Why not just pray side-by-side and read Torah together?

Actually, it was my father (that white, Christian, heterosexual, Irish-descended guy, who always has my love) who objected to the sexism of the Catholic church and didn't want me to be treated that way. Before I could drive, he drove me to whatever house of worship I chose to attend, and told me that he was just happy that I wanted to go somewhere on Sunday morning. We used to sit on the porch drinking iced tea and argue about history. He fought in WWII and thought that dropping the bomb on Hiroshima was necessary, but I said Nagasaki? What I wouldn't give just to sit there and argue with him one more time. When the funeral home guy brought me his wedding ring, I put it right back on his finger. He was always faithful to what he swore to my mother over six decades before. He understood the oath he took.

About the Muslim faith: my aunt took me and my mother to the site in Turkey that supposedly was the last earthly home of the mother of Jesus. We prayed alongside of Muslims, for whom Jesus is a prophet of God. The caretaker of the mosque in Izmir took me to the tower from which he gives the call to prayer so that I could look out over the city. A few weeks later, we all went to Athens and then on to Rome and the Vatican, I have a Muslim "son" who addresses me as "mama" and asks me whether I need him to carry my trash bags down. One cannot ask for better. There are "radicals" in all faiths. Look at people like franklin graham.
Racist or not, these "proud boys" have already admitted that they are bigoted against the female half of the population. This bigotry should be part of the discussion as well.

They openly are in favor of more traditional women's roles in society, just like they openly support Western Civilization.

They don't support imposing either on anyone, they want people to voluntarily embrace them.

That doesn't make them bigots.

Bullshit. Explain why you talk about "traditional women's roles in society." This means that you support bigotry. Why is a penis so important? People with one range from the extreme fools to the brilliant, as people with vaginas do, also.

Explain what "western civilization" means. I'm part of it. I was born into it. How do you define it? I love rock and role and classical. I'm of Irish and Eastern European background. I was born and raised in suburban New Jersey, I vote in every election, I believe that sour cream goes on just about everything, Bruce Springsteen is the boss, and I love a good curry. (as well as big dogs, cats, and fast cars)

And then you shitheads can explain your defense of guys fall all over yourselves to defend Islam as a persecuted religion, while ignoring the problem they actually have with women......

The only "defense of Islam" consists of defending the right to choose one's religion and practice it, which we all supposedly have in this country. Every religion seems to have a problem with women. Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Hindus all have problems with women. Bigotry against the female sex was one of the chief reasons that I left the Roman Catholic Church. Orthodox Jewish males are trying to keep Jewish women from praying at Judaism's most holy site. What is this about, faithful people arguing with each other over genitals? Why not just pray side-by-side and read Torah together?

Actually, it was my father (that white, Christian, heterosexual, Irish-descended guy, who always has my love) who objected to the sexism of the Catholic church and didn't want me to be treated that way. Before I could drive, he drove me to whatever house of worship I chose to attend, and told me that he was just happy that I wanted to go somewhere on Sunday morning. We used to sit on the porch drinking iced tea and argue about history. He fought in WWII and thought that dropping the bomb on Hiroshima was necessary, but I said Nagasaki? What I wouldn't give just to sit there and argue with him one more time. When the funeral home guy brought me his wedding ring, I put it right back on his finger. He was always faithful to what he swore to my mother over six decades before. He understood the oath he took.

About the Muslim faith: my aunt took me and my mother to the site in Turkey that supposedly was the last earthly home of the mother of Jesus. We prayed alongside of Muslims, for whom Jesus is a prophet of God. The caretaker of the mosque in Izmir took me to the tower from which he gives the call to prayer so that I could look out over the city. A few weeks later, we all went to Athens and then on to Rome and the Vatican, I have a Muslim "son" who addresses me as "mama" and asks me whether I need him to carry my trash bags down. One cannot ask for better. There are "radicals" in all faiths. Look at people like franklin graham.
Franklin Graham never blew up innocent people. :cuckoo:
Racist or not, these "proud boys" have already admitted that they are bigoted against the female half of the population. This bigotry should be part of the discussion as well.

They openly are in favor of more traditional women's roles in society, just like they openly support Western Civilization.

They don't support imposing either on anyone, they want people to voluntarily embrace them.

That doesn't make them bigots.

Bullshit. Explain why you talk about "traditional women's roles in society." This means that you support bigotry. Why is a penis so important? People with one range from the extreme fools to the brilliant, as people with vaginas do, also.

Explain what "western civilization" means. I'm part of it. I was born into it. How do you define it? I love rock and role and classical. I'm of Irish and Eastern European background. I was born and raised in suburban New Jersey, I vote in every election, I believe that sour cream goes on just about everything, Bruce Springsteen is the boss, and I love a good curry. (as well as big dogs, cats, and fast cars)

And then you shitheads can explain your defense of guys fall all over yourselves to defend Islam as a persecuted religion, while ignoring the problem they actually have with women......

The only "defense of Islam" consists of defending the right to choose one's religion and practice it, which we all supposedly have in this country. Every religion seems to have a problem with women. Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Hindus all have problems with women. Bigotry against the female sex was one of the chief reasons that I left the Roman Catholic Church. Orthodox Jewish males are trying to keep Jewish women from praying at Judaism's most holy site. What is this about, faithful people arguing with each other over genitals? Why not just pray side-by-side and read Torah together?

Actually, it was my father (that white, Christian, heterosexual, Irish-descended guy, who always has my love) who objected to the sexism of the Catholic church and didn't want me to be treated that way. Before I could drive, he drove me to whatever house of worship I chose to attend, and told me that he was just happy that I wanted to go somewhere on Sunday morning. We used to sit on the porch drinking iced tea and argue about history. He fought in WWII and thought that dropping the bomb on Hiroshima was necessary, but I said Nagasaki? What I wouldn't give just to sit there and argue with him one more time. When the funeral home guy brought me his wedding ring, I put it right back on his finger. He was always faithful to what he swore to my mother over six decades before. He understood the oath he took.

About the Muslim faith: my aunt took me and my mother to the site in Turkey that supposedly was the last earthly home of the mother of Jesus. We prayed alongside of Muslims, for whom Jesus is a prophet of God. The caretaker of the mosque in Izmir took me to the tower from which he gives the call to prayer so that I could look out over the city. A few weeks later, we all went to Athens and then on to Rome and the Vatican, I have a Muslim "son" who addresses me as "mama" and asks me whether I need him to carry my trash bags down. One cannot ask for better. There are "radicals" in all faiths. Look at people like franklin graham.
Franklin Graham never blew up innocent people. :cuckoo:
Who did? Radicals did. Who is trying to keep women out of religion and the sacred sites of these religions? whatever is your faith, kneel down and seek forgiveness for what you and your faith has done to your sisters.

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