An IQ of 100

Back in the late 80s I bought an IQ test at the mall book store. I did well, but I question the validity of such a test because it was for sale. A test which is bias to high scores may sell better than one that is bias to low scores. If I had scored "less than average" I would be less likely to give the test word of mouth advertisement than if I score well on the test. In other words, there is a bragging factor in marketing the test.
Does anyone remember the episode of 'House' where the off-the-charts genius patient wanted to refuse treatment because the disease made him stupid enough to like his wife?
Okay, Sweetie. You spend too much time watching TV and too much time in coffee houses near Seattle. What does your wife think of all this? :nono:
Back in the late 80s I bought an IQ test at the mall book store. I did well, but I question the validity of such a test because it was for sale. A test which is bias to high scores may sell better than one that is bias to low scores. If I had scored "less than average" I would be less likely to give the test word of mouth advertisement than if I score well on the test. In other words, there is a bragging factor in marketing the test.
People's IQs increase when their level of education increases. That's one reason I have little faith in IQ tests.
I used to watch Jeopardy a lot. Alex Trebek (who has philosophy degrees from the University of Ottawa and the University of Toronto, and who was a noted philosophical debater in Canada before slumming into show business) never seemed to tire of announcing that MENSA members were miserable Jeopardy players, most getting bounced early on. I don't know what the connection is, I'm just passing on what Trebek observed over many years.
Jeopardy requires rapid recall of "trivial" information. Pattern recognition and problem solving are more often tested with IQ tests.
Back in the late 80s I bought an IQ test at the mall book store. I did well, but I question the validity of such a test because it was for sale. A test which is bias to high scores may sell better than one that is bias to low scores. If I had scored "less than average" I would be less likely to give the test word of mouth advertisement than if I score well on the test. In other words, there is a bragging factor in marketing the test.

Well, I think it is all quite silly and really doesn't mean much of anything at all. For me, IQ tests are just for fun. Doesn't mean I'm smart or stupid. People also have different strengths and weaknesses. It is silly to determine their intelligence based on such limited information.
Back in the late 80s I bought an IQ test at the mall book store. I did well, but I question the validity of such a test because it was for sale. A test which is bias to high scores may sell better than one that is bias to low scores. If I had scored "less than average" I would be less likely to give the test word of mouth advertisement than if I score well on the test. In other words, there is a bragging factor in marketing the test.

Well, I think it is all quite silly and really doesn't mean much of anything at all. For me, IQ tests are just for fun. Doesn't mean I'm smart or stupid. People also have different strengths and weaknesses. It is silly to determine their intelligence based on such limited information.
Sometimes the best way to know if a person is intelligent is to simply have a conversation with the person. However, the guy who may be super intelligent when it comes to being able to fix my car might not be able to articulate a coherent thought.
I'm sorry, I think it is a pretty shallow and shitty person who would choose their friends based upon their IQ. How stupid is that? A test that has to do with angles and math, etc. ???

Friends happen. But...people that have a more difficult time arriving at good decisions can be a liability in a lot of situations. People that just don't "get it" can be frustrating to hang with.

Example: When you see a couple that seems happy together and they are both Downs syndrome it actually looks natural and they are lucky to have each other. If you see a couple with say a normal person and a Downs victim it looks unnatural. Why is that?

People naturally tend to gravitate towards associations with people with like interests and abilities to think alike.

There is nothing wrong or evil about seeking out people that compliment one's own goals and interests.

About a week ago I was at the local "Pic and Pull" auto salvage yard and as I was entering the sales area with a decent set of headlight lenses the guy in front of me had an oil cooler in his hands dumping dirty oil all over the entry floor. I mentioned it to the about 20 year old kid and his response was laughingly "I guess I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed."

I don't find it "funny" to track dirty oil into my Cadillac Eldorado. No doubt most reasonably intelligent people would not be happy or amused scrubbing dirty oil off of their vehicle's carpet. I had the idiot pegged at about 90ish IQ and needing a good ass whipping. I couldn't imagine any situation I would become "friends" with the young moron. While waiting for him to finish paying for his nasty oil cooler and stop wasting his time trying to flirt with the cashier I was speculating how long it would take for his fatal "accident" that would surely catch up to him. My guess was probably within 5 years.

I'm not sure if it was because I spoke up concerning the nasty mess the stupid guy in front of me had made but the cashier gave me around 125 bucks worth of used car parts for $52. Maybe she also had a low IQ. I prefer to think she appreciated my comments.
Back in the late 80s I bought an IQ test at the mall book store. I did well, but I question the validity of such a test because it was for sale. A test which is bias to high scores may sell better than one that is bias to low scores. If I had scored "less than average" I would be less likely to give the test word of mouth advertisement than if I score well on the test. In other words, there is a bragging factor in marketing the test.

Well, I think it is all quite silly and really doesn't mean much of anything at all. For me, IQ tests are just for fun. Doesn't mean I'm smart or stupid. People also have different strengths and weaknesses. It is silly to determine their intelligence based on such limited information.
Sometimes the best way to know if a person is intelligent is to simply have a conversation with the person. However, the guy who may be super intelligent when it comes to being able to fix my car might not be able to articulate a coherent thought.

I feel that a connection with a person, their personality, how they treat me, etc., are much more important indicators for friendship or something more than a person's IQ. I don't demand that my friends be geniuses. Lol.
I'm sorry, I think it is a pretty shallow and shitty person who would choose their friends based upon their IQ. How stupid is that? A test that has to do with angles and math, etc. ???

Friends happen. But...people that have a more difficult time arriving at good decisions can be a liability in a lot of situations. People that just don't "get it" can be frustrating to hang with.

Example: When you see a couple that seems happy together and they are both Downs syndrome it actually looks natural and they are lucky to have each other. If you see a couple with say a normal person and a Downs victim it looks unnatural. Why is that?

People naturally tend to gravitate towards associations with people with like interests and abilities to think alike.

There is nothing wrong or evil about seeking out people that compliment one's own goals and interests.

About a week ago I was at the local "Pic and Pull" auto salvage yard and as I was entering the sales area with a decent set of headlight lenses the guy in front of me had an oil cooler in his hands dumping dirty oil all over the entry floor. I mentioned it to the about 20 year old kid and his response was laughingly "I guess I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed."

I don't find it "funny" to track dirty oil into my Cadillac Eldorado. No doubt most reasonably intelligent people would not be happy or amused scrubbing dirty oil off of their vehicle's carpet. I had the idiot pegged at about 90ish IQ and needing a good ass whipping. I couldn't imagine any situation I would become "friends" with the young moron. While waiting for him to finish paying for his nasty oil cooler and stop wasting his time trying to flirt with the cashier I was speculating how long it would take for his fatal "accident" that would surely catch up to him. My guess was probably within 5 years.

I'm not sure if it was because I spoke up concerning the nasty mess the stupid guy in front of me had made but the cashier gave me around 125 bucks worth of used car parts for $52. Maybe she also had a low IQ. I prefer to think she appreciated my comments.

Okay, sure, but like I said, if you aren't mentally retarded, then it really doesn't matter how intelligent your friends are, does it? If they treat you good and have good personalities, that's what is really important. In fact, sometimes very smart people can be bores with no sense of humor.
I have an IQ of 147, this the latest test I took.

So I have a question.
What makes the "Average IQ" so attractive to other people ?
The average IQ is 100.

Just a reminder, 100 is very first number with three digits !
Compared to how I function, how most people I have ever dealt with on a daily basis as equals function... 100 is fucking slow as molasses.

An IQ of 90 is considered dull.... 100 is just 10 points higher than DULL, scientifically, and 85 is getting near retarded, if it isn't retarded.

The average person that I know has an IQ ranging from about 118, up to about 160.

So what is with all these complaints in marriages, when the spouse has an "above average iq".. especially regarding people with Asperger ?

So what the fuck is the attraction to people with just an "Average IQ" ?

A 160 IQ is MENSA territory, there are not many that fall there, and most of the subversive left here fall far below 100, just read their posts.... Comedy Central is nothing compared to these parrots!

A 160 IQ is MENSA territory

Mensa is more like 130.

It had been 150 several decades ago, apparently their standards have dropped, or perhaps the general IQ of the public has collectively dropped, which seems more than likely!

It had been 150 several decades ago

No. Top 2% has always been in the area of 130, depending on the test.
I have an IQ of 147, this the latest test I took.

So I have a question.
What makes the "Average IQ" so attractive to other people ?
The average IQ is 100.

Just a reminder, 100 is very first number with three digits !
Compared to how I function, how most people I have ever dealt with on a daily basis as equals function... 100 is fucking slow as molasses.

An IQ of 90 is considered dull.... 100 is just 10 points higher than DULL, scientifically, and 85 is getting near retarded, if it isn't retarded.

The average person that I know has an IQ ranging from about 118, up to about 160.

So what is with all these complaints in marriages, when the spouse has an "above average iq".. especially regarding people with Asperger ?

So what the fuck is the attraction to people with just an "Average IQ" ?

A 160 IQ is MENSA territory, there are not many that fall there, and most of the subversive left here fall far below 100, just read their posts.... Comedy Central is nothing compared to these parrots!

A 160 IQ is MENSA territory

Mensa is more like 130.

It had been 150 several decades ago, apparently their standards have dropped, or perhaps the general IQ of the public has collectively dropped, which seems more than likely!

It had been 150 several decades ago

No. Top 2% has always been in the area of 130, depending on the test.
I wish somebody would tell the people here that 15 question internet IQ tests don't count.
IQ has never had anything to do with good old, just plain COMMON SENSE!

I dispute that assertion. The tests I took were MOSTLY, what seemed to me as, "common sense" questions.

And what is "common" to you or I may not be so typical to say someone from a ghetto. That is why there was a push to test some people without the weight being placed on language they might not have become familiar with.

Testing someone's ability to learn must be skewed towards what situations and information they have had an opportunity to access.
I'm sorry, I think it is a pretty shallow and shitty person who would choose their friends based upon their IQ. How stupid is that? A test that has to do with angles and math, etc. ???

Friends happen. But...people that have a more difficult time arriving at good decisions can be a liability in a lot of situations. People that just don't "get it" can be frustrating to hang with.

Example: When you see a couple that seems happy together and they are both Downs syndrome it actually looks natural and they are lucky to have each other. If you see a couple with say a normal person and a Downs victim it looks unnatural. Why is that?

People naturally tend to gravitate towards associations with people with like interests and abilities to think alike.

There is nothing wrong or evil about seeking out people that compliment one's own goals and interests.

About a week ago I was at the local "Pic and Pull" auto salvage yard and as I was entering the sales area with a decent set of headlight lenses the guy in front of me had an oil cooler in his hands dumping dirty oil all over the entry floor. I mentioned it to the about 20 year old kid and his response was laughingly "I guess I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed."

I don't find it "funny" to track dirty oil into my Cadillac Eldorado. No doubt most reasonably intelligent people would not be happy or amused scrubbing dirty oil off of their vehicle's carpet. I had the idiot pegged at about 90ish IQ and needing a good ass whipping. I couldn't imagine any situation I would become "friends" with the young moron. While waiting for him to finish paying for his nasty oil cooler and stop wasting his time trying to flirt with the cashier I was speculating how long it would take for his fatal "accident" that would surely catch up to him. My guess was probably within 5 years.

I'm not sure if it was because I spoke up concerning the nasty mess the stupid guy in front of me had made but the cashier gave me around 125 bucks worth of used car parts for $52. Maybe she also had a low IQ. I prefer to think she appreciated my comments.

Okay, sure, but like I said, if you aren't mentally retarded, then it really doesn't matter how intelligent your friends are, does it? If they treat you good and have good personalities, that's what is really important. In fact, sometimes very smart people can be bores with no sense of humor.

Maybe so. I find slap stick and "gotcha" humor leaving me finding something else to do. I find "laugh track" television moronic and insulting. Many laugh their asses off when they hear other people laugh. I don't. One thing for sure is that I don't hang around and "bore" people like that.
IQ has never had anything to do with good old, just plain COMMON SENSE!

I dispute that assertion. The tests I took were MOSTLY, what seemed to me as, "common sense" questions.

And what is "common" to you or I may not be so typical to say someone from a ghetto. That is why there was a push to test some people without the weight being placed on language they might not have become familiar with.

Testing someone's ability to learn must be skewed towards what situations and information they have had an opportunity to access.

I've taken some that had a lot of math, like geometry and such. Math is one of MY biggest weaknesses. :D I don't really think that makes me "stupid" though. Lol.
I'm sorry, I think it is a pretty shallow and shitty person who would choose their friends based upon their IQ. How stupid is that? A test that has to do with angles and math, etc. ???

Friends happen. But...people that have a more difficult time arriving at good decisions can be a liability in a lot of situations. People that just don't "get it" can be frustrating to hang with.

Example: When you see a couple that seems happy together and they are both Downs syndrome it actually looks natural and they are lucky to have each other. If you see a couple with say a normal person and a Downs victim it looks unnatural. Why is that?

People naturally tend to gravitate towards associations with people with like interests and abilities to think alike.

There is nothing wrong or evil about seeking out people that compliment one's own goals and interests.

About a week ago I was at the local "Pic and Pull" auto salvage yard and as I was entering the sales area with a decent set of headlight lenses the guy in front of me had an oil cooler in his hands dumping dirty oil all over the entry floor. I mentioned it to the about 20 year old kid and his response was laughingly "I guess I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed."

I don't find it "funny" to track dirty oil into my Cadillac Eldorado. No doubt most reasonably intelligent people would not be happy or amused scrubbing dirty oil off of their vehicle's carpet. I had the idiot pegged at about 90ish IQ and needing a good ass whipping. I couldn't imagine any situation I would become "friends" with the young moron. While waiting for him to finish paying for his nasty oil cooler and stop wasting his time trying to flirt with the cashier I was speculating how long it would take for his fatal "accident" that would surely catch up to him. My guess was probably within 5 years.

I'm not sure if it was because I spoke up concerning the nasty mess the stupid guy in front of me had made but the cashier gave me around 125 bucks worth of used car parts for $52. Maybe she also had a low IQ. I prefer to think she appreciated my comments.

Okay, sure, but like I said, if you aren't mentally retarded, then it really doesn't matter how intelligent your friends are, does it? If they treat you good and have good personalities, that's what is really important. In fact, sometimes very smart people can be bores with no sense of humor.

Maybe so. I find slap stick and "gotcha" humor leaving me finding something else to do. I find "laugh track" television moronic and insulting. Many laugh their asses off when they hear other people laugh. I don't. One thing for sure is that I don't hang around and "bore" people like that.

Laugh tracks are why I never could watch TV shitcoms.

I rarely laugh out loud, though I do snicker under my breath from time to time.
I have an IQ of 147, this the latest test I took.

So I have a question.
What makes the "Average IQ" so attractive to other people ?
The average IQ is 100.

Just a reminder, 100 is very first number with three digits !
Compared to how I function, how most people I have ever dealt with on a daily basis as equals function... 100 is fucking slow as molasses.

An IQ of 90 is considered dull.... 100 is just 10 points higher than DULL, scientifically, and 85 is getting near retarded, if it isn't retarded.

The average person that I know has an IQ ranging from about 118, up to about 160.

So what is with all these complaints in marriages, when the spouse has an "above average iq".. especially regarding people with Asperger ?

So what the fuck is the attraction to people with just an "Average IQ" ?

A 160 IQ is MENSA territory, there are not many that fall there, and most of the subversive left here fall far below 100, just read their posts.... Comedy Central is nothing compared to these parrots!

A 160 IQ is MENSA territory

Mensa is more like 130.

It had been 150 several decades ago, apparently their standards have dropped, or perhaps the general IQ of the public has collectively dropped, which seems more than likely!

It had been 150 several decades ago

No. Top 2% has always been in the area of 130, depending on the test.
I wish somebody would tell the people here that 15 question internet IQ tests don't count.
I hope you are wrong I just put it on my resume.

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