An ironic twist of the Wuhan Virus, Americans are angry (they arent alone), they want China to pay. Only Trump would ensure this if he won in 2024

I preferred it when we just blamed God for pandemics. A tariff is just another tax increase for the consumer.
I kinda agree with ass-boy. AND I do not believe that Trump would even TRY to
penalize China for the VIRUS--------sheeeeeesh that would be IDIOTIC

What if it was found to have leaked or been created? Would that change your mind?

Certainly it would demand consequences. Whether from the Biden administration or the next one. Something has always been odd about this virus, and the risk of it being repeated, far more aggressively in the future, rests on the response and consequences imposed by the world.

"leaked" is an accident-------"created" is a fantasy

It had to be created to be leaked. What was it created for?

Why were citizens from Wuhan banned from traveling to other provinces, but happily flown on planes to other nations?

This spread globally at a rapid rate, killing millions. This wasn't some high school science experiment gone awry, this was deadly serious and undermined from day one. Now Americas position on the global stage is in jeopardy.
America's position on the global stage was deteriorating before the pandemic hit.
It started when republicans elected a thief and a moron The world loved Obama
To give Fauchi his due - he said what he could and I have no fault with what he has stated through time as I understand that he did as much as was possible in the circumstances and there was nothing that was in any way ever truly false.

What Fauci said in the early going about masks was intended for them to be available to those that needed them most - doctors and nurses. And he said so. Later, when masks became plentiful, he rec'ed them for everyone. He didn't lie about anything.

On the other hand, trump lied flagrantly, saying the pandemic was no big deal, how the "15 cases will soon be down to zero", how it would fade in warmer weather as if he was some kind of expert, and blowing off the wearing of masks, which his pathetic slobbering followers took to heart to this day. He cost many lives, and his followers ignore it all, critiquing expert opinion, worshipping an idiot.
What a differnce an election can make.

Yeah, Trump calls out the folks responsible, and Xiden ask us to take responsibly for the acts of his puppet masters in the CCP...not surprised, China owns Xiden...and he's deflecting and protecting his Chairman
And you are still brainwashed from the echo chamber what with yer overuse of dog whistles. Trump screwed the pooch, literally, ask my Ma and Pa who were staunch Trump deplorables in 2017 by 2020 they were embarressed to recognize the name.
hahahha nice deflection....don't worry, I don't expect you to take responsibility for your ignorance.
I voted for Trump that was my ignorance.
a man has to follow the dictates of his ass
And did Trump follow his here??
  • Porn star Stormy Daniels said she would love to testify against former President Trump at a Manhattan grand jury.
  • Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office is conducting a criminal investigation of Trump over hush money paid to Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal before the 2016 presidential election.
  • The Trump Organization’s chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, refused to answer whether he is cooperating with the Manhattan DA’s office.
Adult-film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, arrives at a television studio in New York, April 17, 2018.

Adult-film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, arrives at a television studio in New York, April 17, 2018.
Mike Segar | Reuters
Stormy Daniels says she “would love nothing more” than to take another shot at Donald Trump.
Daniels, the porn star who says she had a one-night stand with Trump more than a decade ago, declared Monday that she’s ready, willing and eager to testify at a Manhattan grand jury that is investigating the former president about possible crimes.

But so far, Daniels said on CNN, prosecutors have not called to ask her to appear at the grand jury and detail the hush money she received from Trump’s then-personal lawyer Michael Cohen to keep her quiet shortly before the 2016 election.
That $130,000 payment, along with a payment to Playboy model Karen McDougal, are being eyed, among other things, by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office in its criminal probe of Trump.
DA Cyrus Vance Jr.’s team of prosecutors is using the grand jury to obtain testimony from witnesses in the case. The grand jury has the power to issue indictments if it determines there was criminal conduct.
“I would tell them everything I know. I would tell them that I was approached,” Daniels said on CNN.
“I would tell them that I have evidence that the money came from an account set up by Donald Trump or at the direction of Donald Trump,” she said.

Daniels said that her lawyer, Clark Brewster, “has been in contact” with prosecutors and has been “very forthcoming with my willingness to participate.”
The adult film actress also said she has had meetings with prosecutors “about other issues.”
“I have not been called to testify yet, but I’ve been very forthcoming since the beginning of all this that I would love nothing more than my day in court and to give a deposition and to provide whatever evidence that they need from me,” Daniels said.
“You know, I have all the original forms and e-mails and wire transcripts and all of that stuff, and I’m happy to turn it over to the — anybody who needs it, honestly.”
Trump, has denied having sex with either Daniels or McDougal, who has said she had an extended affair with him while he was married to his current wife, Melania.
Despite his denial, Trump and his company, the Trump Organization, reimbursed Cohen for his payment to Daniels. One question for the DA’s probe is how the Trump Organization accounted for the reimbursement to Cohen.
Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018 to multiple crimes, including to campaign finance violations related to facilitating the payments to Daniels and to McDougal, who was paid $150,000 by the Trump-friendly publisher of The National Enquirer supermarket tabloid. Cohen has said he paid Daniels at Trump’s behest.
Cohen has been cooperating with the Manhattan DA’s investigation.
Records revealed last week show that company that purchased the Enquirer agreed to pay the Federal Election Commission more than $187,500 for the deal with McDougal, which violated a law barring corporations making so-called in-kind contributions to federal campaigns.
But the FEC has refused to sanction Trump for the payments to McDougal or to Daniels.
“Trump masterminded this whole thing, and so far he’s walked,” Common Cause vice president of policy and litigation Paul S. Ryan said last week. Common Cause filed the complaint that led to the FEC action.
is she still bitter about losing her lawsuit and having to pay trumps legal fees?
Maybe But her testifying might make up for it Let the world know what kind of scum cheats on his 3rd wife and that he only has 2 INCHES That will kill trump
Yea, Trump was having an affair with Daniels as Melania was home taking care of their infant son. There's some real family values for you. It also shows how full of shit the Evangelical crowd is for supporting him.
Because voting for a man means you support everything he has ever done?

That an odd thing to claim...;

Oh, wait, you're just talking shit!

Never mind. Dismissed troll boy.
Sometimes you can tell a book by it's cover and trump is evil A man who'd fuk over 3 wives and you think thats all thats wrong with him ??

And sometimes you can't.

See what I did there?

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