An issue I have with both sides

Every candidate makes a bunch of promises to the electorate. Then when one of those candidates makes it to D.C the other side does everything in its power to obstruct the goals of said candidate. Then when said candidate fails to complete their goals due to the obstruction of the other side, the other side talks shit about how that candidate didn't follow through with their campaign promises. Yeah, that's because your side didn't allow it, asshole. Why would you criticize a candidate for being unable to accomplish things you refused to let them accomplish?
If one side says they will replace Obamacare, and then it turns out they NEVER had a replacement for Obamacare and they were just hoaxing the rubes all that time, that is not the other side's fault.

The only obstruction is between the ears of the rubes who fell for the hoax.

Is cherry picking fun?
None of Obama’s agenda items were obstructed

That's not what I saw during his 8 years in office, but maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention.
He got his stimulus through with less problems than Trump had getting one cabinet member, he got his judges through with a Republican controlled House, he got Obamacare through without any rioting, he got Supreme Court justices through without anyone even knowing who the hell one of them even was.

A complete contrast to Trump’s 1st term in every way.

Imagine if Republicans rioted after losing the election in 2008 and held up signs that said “not my president” and called Obama a racist for his ties to Wright and destroyed property and most if not all Republicans in public office were openly hostile to him despite Obama somehow deciding to talk to Republicans more. All Democrats have is the “you lie” moment, but yet Democrats are constantly refusing to stand and clap for things that any patriotic American would be cheering for just because Trump said it while the looney tunes like Cortez wear white like they are listening to fucking Castro or something.

I think it's important to recognize that despite anything Obama did or didn't accomplish, Republicans wanted to and tried to obstruct everything he did. And they absolutely criticized Obama for everything he wasn't able to pull off, just like the left is doing to Trump right now. Trump will get some of his stuff done too, but some of it he won't because of obstruction. When his time is done the left will say "Haha, you never followed through with X, Y, Z, and that makes you full of it even though it was us that stood in your way and stopped you."
Indeed....To which Oboingo said "I have my pen and my phone"...And republicans rolled over like the wimpy pussies that they are every time.
None of Obama’s agenda items were obstructed

That's not what I saw during his 8 years in office, but maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention.
He got his stimulus through with less problems than Trump had getting one cabinet member, he got his judges through with a Republican controlled House, he got Obamacare through without any rioting, he got Supreme Court justices through without anyone even knowing who the hell one of them even was.

A complete contrast to Trump’s 1st term in every way.

Imagine if Republicans rioted after losing the election in 2008 and held up signs that said “not my president” and called Obama a racist for his ties to Wright and destroyed property and most if not all Republicans in public office were openly hostile to him despite Obama somehow deciding to talk to Republicans more. All Democrats have is the “you lie” moment, but yet Democrats are constantly refusing to stand and clap for things that any patriotic American would be cheering for just because Trump said it while the looney tunes like Cortez wear white like they are listening to fucking Castro or something.

View attachment 248988 View attachment 248989 View attachment 248990
A Tea Party in Denver?


Everyone knows that was fake

All you have is people with signs A YEAR AFTER Obama was inaugurated.

Do you want me to bring up a picture of the inbreds in Washington and California the morning after the election?

Do you want me to bring up the sign from the New York protest advocating the rape of Melania?

Obama dealt with absolutely nothing in his entire 8 years compared to what Trump dealt with before his inauguration.
Trump was right then as he is now.

Obama didn’t have judges looking to pick fights with him and making embarrassing and childish rulings like the 9th circuit did with the travel ban.

Democrats literally refused to go to Trump’s inauguration in large numbers after seeing MONTHS of terrorism from Democrats across the country because they lost the election(not to mention the terrorism and assassination attempts DURING the election), even going so far as to threaten the electors.

Get fucked.
Every candidate makes a bunch of promises to the electorate. Then when one of those candidates makes it to D.C the other side does everything in its power to obstruct the goals of said candidate. Then when said candidate fails to complete their goals due to the obstruction of the other side, the other side talks shit about how that candidate didn't follow through with their campaign promises. Yeah, that's because your side didn't allow it, asshole. Why would you criticize a candidate for being unable to accomplish things you refused to let them accomplish?
Except the courts didn’t challenge everything Obama did. Republicans went along with basically everything except Obamacare. Fox News(which was Bill O’Reilly, Greta and the morning and afternoon people(headed by Democrat Shepherd Smith) was all “let’s give him a chance” except for Glenn Beck and Hannity etc

None of Obama’s agenda items were obstructed and he received endless praise for anything he even thought of doing.

Everything they could obstruct they did. No compromises, and no victories for President Obama. GOP members we're threatened by the GOP Leadership not to engage in any way. They challenged nearly everyone of his EO that they could too. They spent most of their time doing just that for 8 years.
Every candidate makes a bunch of promises to the electorate. Then when one of those candidates makes it to D.C the other side does everything in its power to obstruct the goals of said candidate. Then when said candidate fails to complete their goals due to the obstruction of the other side, the other side talks shit about how that candidate didn't follow through with their campaign promises. Yeah, that's because your side didn't allow it, asshole. Why would you criticize a candidate for being unable to accomplish things you refused to let them accomplish?
So, Trump isn't doing everything he can to build a wall?
That's not a knock on him. It's a knock on congress.
None of Obama’s agenda items were obstructed

That's not what I saw during his 8 years in office, but maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention.
He got his stimulus through with less problems than Trump had getting one cabinet member, he got his judges through with a Republican controlled House, he got Obamacare through without any rioting, he got Supreme Court justices through without anyone even knowing who the hell one of them even was.

A complete contrast to Trump’s 1st term in every way.

Imagine if Republicans rioted after losing the election in 2008 and held up signs that said “not my president” and called Obama a racist for his ties to Wright and destroyed property and most if not all Republicans in public office were openly hostile to him despite Obama somehow deciding to talk to Republicans more. All Democrats have is the “you lie” moment, but yet Democrats are constantly refusing to stand and clap for things that any patriotic American would be cheering for just because Trump said it while the looney tunes like Cortez wear white like they are listening to fucking Castro or something.

Funny you forget the Tea Party was a concerted effort to organize opposition to the Kenyan and to spread lies about him and his policies. The raucous town hall meetings where Democrat Congressmen faced screaming, unruly crowds who came to disrupt the proceedings with yells and chants.

Trumps own raucous style is in part to blame for the raucous protests that followed his election.
Every candidate makes a bunch of promises to the electorate. Then when one of those candidates makes it to D.C the other side does everything in its power to obstruct the goals of said candidate. Then when said candidate fails to complete their goals due to the obstruction of the other side, the other side talks shit about how that candidate didn't follow through with their campaign promises. Yeah, that's because your side didn't allow it, asshole. Why would you criticize a candidate for being unable to accomplish things you refused to let them accomplish?
Except the courts didn’t challenge everything Obama did. Republicans went along with basically everything except Obamacare. Fox News(which was Bill O’Reilly, Greta and the morning and afternoon people(headed by Democrat Shepherd Smith) was all “let’s give him a chance” except for Glenn Beck and Hannity etc

None of Obama’s agenda items were obstructed and he received endless praise for anything he even thought of doing.

Everything they could obstruct they did. No compromises, and no victories for President Obama. GOP members we're threatened by the GOP Leadership not to engage in any way. They challenged nearly everyone of his EO that they could too. They spent most of their time doing just that for 8 years.
Except they couldn’t.

Democrats had a filibuster proof Senate majority with a ton of backstabbing traitor Republicans.

The stimulus sailed through, Obamacare was entirely debated on the Democrats’ terms and both Supreme Court picks went through with almost no hint of controversy.
None of Obama’s agenda items were obstructed

That's not what I saw during his 8 years in office, but maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention.
He got his stimulus through with less problems than Trump had getting one cabinet member, he got his judges through with a Republican controlled House, he got Obamacare through without any rioting, he got Supreme Court justices through without anyone even knowing who the hell one of them even was.

A complete contrast to Trump’s 1st term in every way.

Imagine if Republicans rioted after losing the election in 2008 and held up signs that said “not my president” and called Obama a racist for his ties to Wright and destroyed property and most if not all Republicans in public office were openly hostile to him despite Obama somehow deciding to talk to Republicans more. All Democrats have is the “you lie” moment, but yet Democrats are constantly refusing to stand and clap for things that any patriotic American would be cheering for just because Trump said it while the looney tunes like Cortez wear white like they are listening to fucking Castro or something.

Funny you forget the Tea Party was a concerted effort to organize opposition to the Kenyan and to spread lies about him and his policies. The raucous town hall meetings where Democrat Congressmen faced screaming, unruly crowds who came to disrupt the proceedings with yells and chants.

Trumps own raucous style is in part to blame for the raucous protests that followed his election.
No, they came to the town hall to be heard by THEIR representatives. That is literally what a town hall is for.

Even Trump’s worst comments about paying for bail for supporters who beat up protesters pales in comparison to the shit that was being pulled by Democrats the entire election.
Every candidate makes a bunch of promises to the electorate. Then when one of those candidates makes it to D.C the other side does everything in its power to obstruct the goals of said candidate. Then when said candidate fails to complete their goals due to the obstruction of the other side, the other side talks shit about how that candidate didn't follow through with their campaign promises. Yeah, that's because your side didn't allow it, asshole. Why would you criticize a candidate for being unable to accomplish things you refused to let them accomplish?
It's when they make promises they never intend to keep, or when they abandon them voluntarily.

I'll balance the budget, Reagan.

If you like your plan, you can keep it. Obama.

Big Beautiful Better than Obamacare, Trump. I'll raise taxes on the rich, Trump. I'll make the gop and dems compromise, Trump.
Every candidate makes a bunch of promises to the electorate. Then when one of those candidates makes it to D.C the other side does everything in its power to obstruct the goals of said candidate. Then when said candidate fails to complete their goals due to the obstruction of the other side, the other side talks shit about how that candidate didn't follow through with their campaign promises. Yeah, that's because your side didn't allow it, asshole. Why would you criticize a candidate for being unable to accomplish things you refused to let them accomplish?
Except the courts didn’t challenge everything Obama did. Republicans went along with basically everything except Obamacare. Fox News(which was Bill O’Reilly, Greta and the morning and afternoon people(headed by Democrat Shepherd Smith) was all “let’s give him a chance” except for Glenn Beck and Hannity etc

None of Obama’s agenda items were obstructed and he received endless praise for anything he even thought of doing.

Everything they could obstruct they did. No compromises, and no victories for President Obama. GOP members we're threatened by the GOP Leadership not to engage in any way. They challenged nearly everyone of his EO that they could too. They spent most of their time doing just that for 8 years.
Except they couldn’t.

Democrats had a filibuster proof Senate majority with a ton of backstabbing traitor Republicans.

The stimulus sailed through, Obamacare was entirely debated on the Democrats’ terms and both Supreme Court picks went through with almost no hint of controversy.
Until Garland. And the Freedom Caucus refused to raise future taxes in exchange for future lowering of increases and eligibility in Medicare and Soc Sec
Every candidate makes a bunch of promises to the electorate. Then when one of those candidates makes it to D.C the other side does everything in its power to obstruct the goals of said candidate. Then when said candidate fails to complete their goals due to the obstruction of the other side, the other side talks shit about how that candidate didn't follow through with their campaign promises. Yeah, that's because your side didn't allow it, asshole. Why would you criticize a candidate for being unable to accomplish things you refused to let them accomplish?
Except the courts didn’t challenge everything Obama did. Republicans went along with basically everything except Obamacare. Fox News(which was Bill O’Reilly, Greta and the morning and afternoon people(headed by Democrat Shepherd Smith) was all “let’s give him a chance” except for Glenn Beck and Hannity etc

None of Obama’s agenda items were obstructed and he received endless praise for anything he even thought of doing.

Everything they could obstruct they did. No compromises, and no victories for President Obama. GOP members we're threatened by the GOP Leadership not to engage in any way. They challenged nearly everyone of his EO that they could too. They spent most of their time doing just that for 8 years.
Except they couldn’t.

Democrats had a filibuster proof Senate majority with a ton of backstabbing traitor Republicans.

The stimulus sailed through, Obamacare was entirely debated on the Democrats’ terms and both Supreme Court picks went through with almost no hint of controversy.

In all, Democrats had a shaky 60 vote supermajority for all of four months and one week; from the time Kennedy’s interim successor Paul Kirk was sworn in on September 24th until the time Republican Scott Brown was sworn in as Kennedy’s “permanent” replacement .....

During those four months and one week, Congress was in session for a total of 72 days. So for 72 days the Democrats held a 60 seat, filibuster-proof supermajority in the United States Senate. But wait! There’s more! As Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn points out, even that was unreliable. “Even in this window Obama’s ‘control’ of the Senate was incomplete and highly adulterated due to the balkiness of the so-called Blue Dog conservative and moderate Democratic Senators such as Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Evan Bayh of Indiana, and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas.”

The Myth of the Filibuster-Proof Democratic Senate

The Stimulus was bipartisan and necessary for the recovery. For a full and quick recovery it should have been twice the size it was. But that is all the GOP was willing to go for, because they didn't want President Obama to be able to take credit for a full and quick recovery.
Every candidate makes a bunch of promises to the electorate. Then when one of those candidates makes it to D.C the other side does everything in its power to obstruct the goals of said candidate. Then when said candidate fails to complete their goals due to the obstruction of the other side, the other side talks shit about how that candidate didn't follow through with their campaign promises. Yeah, that's because your side didn't allow it, asshole. Why would you criticize a candidate for being unable to accomplish things you refused to let them accomplish?
Except the courts didn’t challenge everything Obama did. Republicans went along with basically everything except Obamacare. Fox News(which was Bill O’Reilly, Greta and the morning and afternoon people(headed by Democrat Shepherd Smith) was all “let’s give him a chance” except for Glenn Beck and Hannity etc

None of Obama’s agenda items were obstructed and he received endless praise for anything he even thought of doing.

Everything they could obstruct they did. No compromises, and no victories for President Obama. GOP members we're threatened by the GOP Leadership not to engage in any way. They challenged nearly everyone of his EO that they could too. They spent most of their time doing just that for 8 years.
Except they couldn’t.

Democrats had a filibuster proof Senate majority with a ton of backstabbing traitor Republicans.

The stimulus sailed through, Obamacare was entirely debated on the Democrats’ terms and both Supreme Court picks went through with almost no hint of controversy.

In all, Democrats had a shaky 60 vote supermajority for all of four months and one week; from the time Kennedy’s interim successor Paul Kirk was sworn in on September 24th until the time Republican Scott Brown was sworn in as Kennedy’s “permanent” replacement .....

During those four months and one week, Congress was in session for a total of 72 days. So for 72 days the Democrats held a 60 seat, filibuster-proof supermajority in the United States Senate. But wait! There’s more! As Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn points out, even that was unreliable. “Even in this window Obama’s ‘control’ of the Senate was incomplete and highly adulterated due to the balkiness of the so-called Blue Dog conservative and moderate Democratic Senators such as Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Evan Bayh of Indiana, and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas.”

The Myth of the Filibuster-Proof Democratic Senate

The Stimulus was bipartisan and necessary for the recovery. For a full and quick recovery it should have been twice the size it was. But that is all the GOP was willing to go for, because they didn't want President Obama to be able to take credit for a full and quick recovery.
Compared to the majority that Trump and Republicans have? LOL

Half the fucking Republican Senate is literally “moderates”, including the fucking leader. Not to mention Rand Paul doing whatever the fuck he wants.

Obama and the Democrats had far more to work with even with Scott Brown in there.
Every candidate makes a bunch of promises to the electorate. Then when one of those candidates makes it to D.C the other side does everything in its power to obstruct the goals of said candidate. Then when said candidate fails to complete their goals due to the obstruction of the other side, the other side talks shit about how that candidate didn't follow through with their campaign promises. Yeah, that's because your side didn't allow it, asshole. Why would you criticize a candidate for being unable to accomplish things you refused to let them accomplish?
Except the courts didn’t challenge everything Obama did. Republicans went along with basically everything except Obamacare. Fox News(which was Bill O’Reilly, Greta and the morning and afternoon people(headed by Democrat Shepherd Smith) was all “let’s give him a chance” except for Glenn Beck and Hannity etc

None of Obama’s agenda items were obstructed and he received endless praise for anything he even thought of doing.

Everything they could obstruct they did. No compromises, and no victories for President Obama. GOP members we're threatened by the GOP Leadership not to engage in any way. They challenged nearly everyone of his EO that they could too. They spent most of their time doing just that for 8 years.
Except they couldn’t.

Democrats had a filibuster proof Senate majority with a ton of backstabbing traitor Republicans.

The stimulus sailed through, Obamacare was entirely debated on the Democrats’ terms and both Supreme Court picks went through with almost no hint of controversy.

In all, Democrats had a shaky 60 vote supermajority for all of four months and one week; from the time Kennedy’s interim successor Paul Kirk was sworn in on September 24th until the time Republican Scott Brown was sworn in as Kennedy’s “permanent” replacement .....

During those four months and one week, Congress was in session for a total of 72 days. So for 72 days the Democrats held a 60 seat, filibuster-proof supermajority in the United States Senate. But wait! There’s more! As Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn points out, even that was unreliable. “Even in this window Obama’s ‘control’ of the Senate was incomplete and highly adulterated due to the balkiness of the so-called Blue Dog conservative and moderate Democratic Senators such as Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Evan Bayh of Indiana, and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas.”

The Myth of the Filibuster-Proof Democratic Senate

The Stimulus was bipartisan and necessary for the recovery. For a full and quick recovery it should have been twice the size it was. But that is all the GOP was willing to go for, because they didn't want President Obama to be able to take credit for a full and quick recovery.
Compared to the majority that Trump and Republicans have? LOL

Half the fucking Republican Senate is literally “moderates”, including the fucking leader. Not to mention Rand Paul doing whatever the fuck he wants.

Obama and the Democrats had far more to work with even with Scott Brown in there.
Well 60% wanted HC reform, and 60% don't want the fucking wall. Guess what happens.

but Obama really pissed off the gop going reconcillition on Obamacare. And justifiably, imo.
Every candidate makes a bunch of promises to the electorate. Then when one of those candidates makes it to D.C the other side does everything in its power to obstruct the goals of said candidate. Then when said candidate fails to complete their goals due to the obstruction of the other side, the other side talks shit about how that candidate didn't follow through with their campaign promises. Yeah, that's because your side didn't allow it, asshole. Why would you criticize a candidate for being unable to accomplish things you refused to let them accomplish?
Except the courts didn’t challenge everything Obama did. Republicans went along with basically everything except Obamacare. Fox News(which was Bill O’Reilly, Greta and the morning and afternoon people(headed by Democrat Shepherd Smith) was all “let’s give him a chance” except for Glenn Beck and Hannity etc

None of Obama’s agenda items were obstructed and he received endless praise for anything he even thought of doing.

Everything they could obstruct they did. No compromises, and no victories for President Obama. GOP members we're threatened by the GOP Leadership not to engage in any way. They challenged nearly everyone of his EO that they could too. They spent most of their time doing just that for 8 years.
Except they couldn’t.

Democrats had a filibuster proof Senate majority with a ton of backstabbing traitor Republicans.

The stimulus sailed through, Obamacare was entirely debated on the Democrats’ terms and both Supreme Court picks went through with almost no hint of controversy.

In all, Democrats had a shaky 60 vote supermajority for all of four months and one week; from the time Kennedy’s interim successor Paul Kirk was sworn in on September 24th until the time Republican Scott Brown was sworn in as Kennedy’s “permanent” replacement .....

During those four months and one week, Congress was in session for a total of 72 days. So for 72 days the Democrats held a 60 seat, filibuster-proof supermajority in the United States Senate. But wait! There’s more! As Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn points out, even that was unreliable. “Even in this window Obama’s ‘control’ of the Senate was incomplete and highly adulterated due to the balkiness of the so-called Blue Dog conservative and moderate Democratic Senators such as Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Evan Bayh of Indiana, and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas.”

The Myth of the Filibuster-Proof Democratic Senate

The Stimulus was bipartisan and necessary for the recovery. For a full and quick recovery it should have been twice the size it was. But that is all the GOP was willing to go for, because they didn't want President Obama to be able to take credit for a full and quick recovery.
Compared to the majority that Trump and Republicans have? LOL

Half the fucking Republican Senate is literally “moderates”, including the fucking leader. Not to mention Rand Paul doing whatever the fuck he wants.

Obama and the Democrats had far more to work with even with Scott Brown in there.

Well yeah, that what happen in 2008. Much closer to a mandate than 2016. Obama was thwarted by his own party too.

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