An Obama accomplishment

So republicans don't want us manufacturing. You guys send a lot of mixed messages.

Not if it has to be taxpayer subsidized.

So far, everything drumpf has done or has said/lied doing means money out of your pocket and into his and his 1% cronies.

RWNJs don't want US companies to succeed. They buy foreign made and voted for drumpf because he manufactures out of the US, hires illegals and foreigners.

Its right there in the link in my sig but RWNJ traitors are too chicken to address it.
We saved more than that on health insurance and care so it's a wash

We saved more than that on health insurance and care so it's a wash

We didn't....? But they promised

So republicans don't want us manufacturing. You guys send a lot of mixed messages.
That's a straw man argument; the problem isn't with manufacturing in the U.S. , the PROBLEM is the federal government picking winners and losers in the marketplace and using tax payer money to do it.

Propping up inefficient producers that are unable to compete in the marketplace using tax payer money is a sure fire recipe for making the economy LESS efficient since it allows those inefficient/non-competitive producers to hold resources captive that would otherwise be released to more efficient/competitive producers. In short, the governments actions short circuited the creative destruction process that capitalism relies on to increase efficiency. Not to mention it's unethical to force market participants to in effect subsidize their competitors via the government taking their tax dollars and bailing out some companies while giving others nothing.

What about using tariffs to prop up industries that can't compete?

So republicans don't want us manufacturing. You guys send a lot of mixed messages.
That's a straw man argument; the problem isn't with manufacturing in the U.S. , the PROBLEM is the federal government picking winners and losers in the marketplace and using tax payer money to do it.

Propping up inefficient producers that are unable to compete in the marketplace using tax payer money is a sure fire recipe for making the economy LESS efficient since it allows those inefficient/non-competitive producers to hold resources captive that would otherwise be released to more efficient/competitive producers. In short, the governments actions short circuited the creative destruction process that capitalism relies on to increase efficiency. Not to mention it's unethical to force market participants to in effect subsidize their competitors via the government taking their tax dollars and bailing out some companies while giving others nothing.

What about using tariffs to prop up industries that can't compete?

For one thing it's "prop" and for another, tariffs are OK.

You do realize Trump is "aiming high" with the tariff rate, correct?

That way when the target percentage is reached, both parties come away feeling they've won.
RWNJs don't want US companies to succeed.
Succeed at what? Buying political influence so they can pillage the public treasury because they can't compete in the marketplace?

... No I don't want US Companies to "succeed" at that, I want them to be successful at beating the competition because they're more efficient and produce a superior value proposition and if they're not capable of that to die off and make their resources available to somebody that can.

"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." -- Ayn Rand

So republicans don't want us manufacturing. You guys send a lot of mixed messages.
That's a straw man argument; the problem isn't with manufacturing in the U.S. , the PROBLEM is the federal government picking winners and losers in the marketplace and using tax payer money to do it.

Propping up inefficient producers that are unable to compete in the marketplace using tax payer money is a sure fire recipe for making the economy LESS efficient since it allows those inefficient/non-competitive producers to hold resources captive that would otherwise be released to more efficient/competitive producers. In short, the governments actions short circuited the creative destruction process that capitalism relies on to increase efficiency. Not to mention it's unethical to force market participants to in effect subsidize their competitors via the government taking their tax dollars and bailing out some companies while giving others nothing.

What about using tariffs to prop up industries that can't compete?

For one thing it's "prop" and for another, tariffs are OK.

You do realize Trump is "aiming high" with the tariff rate, correct?

That way when the target percentage is reached, both parties come away feeling they've won.

So tax payers subsidizing through tariffs is ok. You really are not honest or very stupid.

So republicans don't want us manufacturing. You guys send a lot of mixed messages.
That's a straw man argument; the problem isn't with manufacturing in the U.S. , the PROBLEM is the federal government picking winners and losers in the marketplace and using tax payer money to do it.

Propping up inefficient producers that are unable to compete in the marketplace using tax payer money is a sure fire recipe for making the economy LESS efficient since it allows those inefficient/non-competitive producers to hold resources captive that would otherwise be released to more efficient/competitive producers. In short, the governments actions short circuited the creative destruction process that capitalism relies on to increase efficiency. Not to mention it's unethical to force market participants to in effect subsidize their competitors via the government taking their tax dollars and bailing out some companies while giving others nothing.

What about using tariffs to prop up industries that can't compete?
It's no different than using tax payer money for corporate bail outs from an economic efficiency stand point, not to mention it has the added downside of potentially causing all sorts of relationship problems with trading partners.

Protectionism works for emerging economies but it has a very short shelf life before it begins to erode the efficiency and competitiveness of the domestic economy that deploys it: See the economic effects of Smoot-Hawley for an excellent historical example of the negative consequences of protectionist policies.
Its okay when stupid idiot liberals fail, because goddamnit they care.

Care about what? is it something beyond increasing their own power and interfering in other peoples lives as much as possible? because from what I've seen so far they don't give a fuck about anything or anybody else.

For liberals its about how they feel as individuals they are ruled by their emotions.
Its okay when stupid idiot liberals fail, because goddamnit they care.

Care about what? is it something beyond increasing their own power and interfering in other peoples lives as much as possible? because from what I've seen so far they don't give a fuck about anything or anybody else.

For liberals its about how they feel as individuals they are ruled by their emotions.

Republicans supported trump and his tariffs. Tariffs have never worked. But I guess they made righties feel good.
Its okay when stupid idiot liberals fail, because goddamnit they care.

Care about what? is it something beyond increasing their own power and interfering in other peoples lives as much as possible? because from what I've seen so far they don't give a fuck about anything or anybody else.

For liberals its about how they feel as individuals they are ruled by their emotions.

Republicans supported trump and his tariffs. Tariffs have never worked. But I guess they made righties feel good.

Your pain and suffering over losing the election is noted.
One thing Obama did while president was set up the C.A.R.S (Car Allowance Rebate System) system. The idea was to take older, less efficient cars off the road and stimulate new auto production in the process.

Obama used $3 billion taxpayer dollars to fund C.A.R.S. AKA "Cash for clunkers" and called it

However, C.A.R.S. is a dismal failure that wastes taxpayer money, drives up the prices of new and used cars, and slows new car production.

According to research by 2 University of Delaware professors it is a net loss of $2600 per vehicle.

"With per vehicle environmental benets
at $596 and the costs at $2,600 per ve-
hicle, the clunker program is a net drain on
society of roughly $2,000 per vehicle. Given
the approximately 700,000 vehicles in the
program, we estimate the total welfare loss to
be about $1.4 billion.

Prices of new and used cars are now higher for everyone thanks to less availability of used cars on the market.

"the average used car price hit a record $16,800 last year, according to a report from"

Average used car price hits record high in 2014

"The deep cuts in production capacity during the restructuring of recent years, coupled with the recent rebound in demand for new cars from consumers, means that shoppers can't find the deals they once did."

Car prices at record highs - and rising

If anyone wishes to compare any auto prices between pre-C.A.R.S. and post cars, you can do so here with any make, model, and year:

Car Prices, Sales History, and Mileage on a Graph

So in effect, C.A.R.S. is a program that cost everybody $2k per car, drives up the price of new and used cars, and is a net loss to everyone.

Thanks, Obama!

Our car companies are still in business. Thanks Obama.

At what cost? If they couldn't make it financially, they should have been allowed to fail.

Subsidizing them with taxpayer funds is making people invest in them knowing there will never be any returns.

Newer cars have better mileage. Was a move toward energy independence.
Let's not forget the other energy policy, check your tire pressure. Lol
One thing Obama did while president was set up the C.A.R.S (Car Allowance Rebate System) system. The idea was to take older, less efficient cars off the road and stimulate new auto production in the process.

Obama used $3 billion taxpayer dollars to fund C.A.R.S. AKA "Cash for clunkers" and called it

However, C.A.R.S. is a dismal failure that wastes taxpayer money, drives up the prices of new and used cars, and slows new car production.

According to research by 2 University of Delaware professors it is a net loss of $2600 per vehicle.

"With per vehicle environmental benets
at $596 and the costs at $2,600 per ve-
hicle, the clunker program is a net drain on
society of roughly $2,000 per vehicle. Given
the approximately 700,000 vehicles in the
program, we estimate the total welfare loss to
be about $1.4 billion.

Prices of new and used cars are now higher for everyone thanks to less availability of used cars on the market.

"the average used car price hit a record $16,800 last year, according to a report from"

Average used car price hits record high in 2014

"The deep cuts in production capacity during the restructuring of recent years, coupled with the recent rebound in demand for new cars from consumers, means that shoppers can't find the deals they once did."

Car prices at record highs - and rising

If anyone wishes to compare any auto prices between pre-C.A.R.S. and post cars, you can do so here with any make, model, and year:

Car Prices, Sales History, and Mileage on a Graph

So in effect, C.A.R.S. is a program that cost everybody $2k per car, drives up the price of new and used cars, and is a net loss to everyone.

Thanks, Obama!

Our car companies are still in business. Thanks Obama.

At what cost? If they couldn't make it financially, they should have been allowed to fail.

Subsidizing them with taxpayer funds is making people invest in them knowing there will never be any returns.

Newer cars have better mileage. Was a move toward energy independence.
Let's not forget the other energy policy, check your tire pressure. Lol

Everybody should check tire pressure.

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