An olive branch

But yeah, thanks for affirming my point. You don't care if Trump engages in a little unethical behavior here and there.

At no time did I ever say I don't care if President Trump engages in unethical behavior, lying little snowflake. I just pointed out that lying shit-bags like yourself have no room to CONDEMN ANYONE for unethical behavior after you have continuously and knowingly lied, denied, and justified the OBVIOUS and even finally exposed crimes, to include seditious conspiracy and treason committed by the Obama Agency Directors, some of their employees, and others!

Trump has engaged in some inexcusable extremely disrespectful, unprofessional, and arguably unethical acts...HOWEVER...his actions come NO WHERE CLOSE to the level of crimes these traitors have been exposed as having perpetrated.
I'm asking, point blank;

Who am I carrying water for?

What reality am I refusing to accept?

What am I making up?

I have told you that I agree with everything you have said about the Obama administration and Hillary.
Since when has being disrespectful & unprofessional been a crime?
If Mueller could have nailed Trump with "unethical behavior" he'd have done it.
But he couldn't, and "unethical behavior" is often just a matter of opinion.

Try again.

Now you get it.

Nobody gave a shit that he was bragging about moving on women "like a bitch."

His supporters like the fact that he isn't an alpha male;

see fig. 1. :71:


fig. 1​
The First Gay President married to the First Gay Transexual First "IT"
What does Obama Bin Spying have to do with this discussion?
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch.

That's hilarious. Cult45 rejects have no shame. Does your olive branch extend to the last 30 years? Because that's about the time I started disliking the Orange Virus. There is no olive branch. Just corruption and lies by a Republican party that has completely lost its way.

A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out.

I don't think it will ever happen for you. The American democratic experiment officially failed on November 8, 2016, and the minority of the American public that voted for this abomination should be shamed into obscurity. In fact, I believe they owe the majority of the American public an apology for becoming a cult of trolls, enabling the Orange king troll as their new messiah with bad faith arguments and even worse behavior. Cult45 has marching orders to spread memes and various assortments of lies and propaganda using the very same playbook of their mortal enemies, the dreaded libturds. The right couldn't beat the left on their own merit, so they became a bastardized version of the left. Cult45 should be congratulated; if only for their zeal in disseminating party-driven misinformation rivaling even the media which they also ironically claim is biased. Again, there is no olive branch when you've done burned the tree down. This is the hill you die on.

If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

Whose nose are you going to rub? The left? That's sounds like a typical low-energy move, since the right has already been pummeling the left by lobbing partisan grenades for decades and vice-versa. There's no risk in this OP, because it's yet another of thousands highlighting the M.O. for how politics works these days. I've felt the same about the Orange Virus 30 years ago as I do today regardless of his actions since November 8, 2016. No meme, sarcastic rebuttal or photo is going to change my mind, sorry. I'm glad you're happy with your pResident, I really am. You will suffer or enjoy the ramifications of your decision either way. My amusement level might increase a bit once he's removed, but that's about it. I'm through patronizing this failed American experiment until the entire government shows any signs of getting its out of control spending, overreach and corruption under wraps.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try

Unfortunately, I predict this OP will do nothing and change nothing, with no compromises and no concessions. We're too far gone for that. Left vs. right is where were at. Merely slack jawed yokels cheering on their favorite sports teams on TV.

Aren't we a motley crew?
Didn’t vote Trump. Started many threads on here calling him out. See for yourself. Well that was one big ad hominem that wasn’t even true. At least make an accurate one.

There's nothing inaccurate about my post.
A lot of hyperbole, and generalizations. Accurate or inaccurate is a word you use for factual information, not conjecture.
Barr’s findings were released yesterday and they were good news for the President. Finally, all this will be put behind him

Until the full report is released, the cloud will still be over his presidency

Actually, the "cloud" is now over the Democrats and anti-Trump folks.

Not really

We were not the ones entangled with the Russians

But, we now know that Trump was not either. So, the cloud is your refusal to accept the truth. You were warned years ago that the Democrats shouldn't put all their eggs into the "Russia basket" and should instead concentrate on improving the lives of the middle class. Instead, they became obsessed with the Russia case to the point that they've done nothing but TALK about the middle class and still have done nothing positive for people. And, you continue to show that you can't accept reality and will have nothing to offer in the future.
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try
I am always going to support innocent till proven guilty no matter who is being accused you don’t want declaring someone guilty before the facts are known to become the norm because one day it could be you being accused.
But yeah, thanks for affirming my point. You don't care if Trump engages in a little unethical behavior here and there.

At no time did I ever say I don't care if President Trump engages in unethical behavior, lying little snowflake. I just pointed out that lying shit-bags like yourself have no room to CONDEMN ANYONE for unethical behavior after you have continuously and knowingly lied, denied, and justified the OBVIOUS and even finally exposed crimes, to include seditious conspiracy and treason committed by the Obama Agency Directors, some of their employees, and others!

Trump has engaged in some inexcusable extremely disrespectful, unprofessional, and arguably unethical acts...HOWEVER...his actions come NO WHERE CLOSE to the level of crimes these traitors have been exposed as having perpetrated.
I'm asking, point blank;

Who am I carrying water for?

What reality am I refusing to accept?

What am I making up?

I have told you that I agree with everything you have said about the Obama administration and Hillary.
Since when has being disrespectful & unprofessional been a crime?
If Mueller could have nailed Trump with "unethical behavior" he'd have done it.
But he couldn't, and "unethical behavior" is often just a matter of opinion.

Try again.

Now you get it.

Nobody gave a shit that he was bragging about moving on women "like a bitch."

His supporters like the fact that he isn't an alpha male;

see fig. 1. :71:


fig. 1​
The First Gay President married to the First Gay Transexual First "IT"
What does Obama Bin Spying have to do with this discussion?
It's all about appearance son. Just drawing a distinction.

Intelligent folks can see beyond the facade, that is all I am getting at.

At no time did I ever say I don't care if President Trump engages in unethical behavior, lying little snowflake. I just pointed out that lying shit-bags like yourself have no room to CONDEMN ANYONE for unethical behavior after you have continuously and knowingly lied, denied, and justified the OBVIOUS and even finally exposed crimes, to include seditious conspiracy and treason committed by the Obama Agency Directors, some of their employees, and others!

Trump has engaged in some inexcusable extremely disrespectful, unprofessional, and arguably unethical acts...HOWEVER...his actions come NO WHERE CLOSE to the level of crimes these traitors have been exposed as having perpetrated.
I'm asking, point blank;

Who am I carrying water for?

What reality am I refusing to accept?

What am I making up?

I have told you that I agree with everything you have said about the Obama administration and Hillary.
Since when has being disrespectful & unprofessional been a crime?
If Mueller could have nailed Trump with "unethical behavior" he'd have done it.
But he couldn't, and "unethical behavior" is often just a matter of opinion.

Try again.

Now you get it.

Nobody gave a shit that he was bragging about moving on women "like a bitch."

His supporters like the fact that he isn't an alpha male;

see fig. 1. :71:


fig. 1​
The First Gay President married to the First Gay Transexual First "IT"
What does Obama Bin Spying have to do with this discussion?
It's all about appearance son. Just drawing a distinction.

Intelligent folks can see beyond the facade, that is all I am getting at.
The Facade came from The Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton who tried to create The Appearance of Russian Collusion with the help of their slimy treasonous trolls in The FBI, DOJ and FISA while using Russian Propaganda to do it, that everyone knew was Russian, and Knew was paid for by Obama and Clinton.

Three Years of this FACADE.

Time to burn it to the ground and everyone involved in it.
Barr’s findings were released yesterday and they were good news for the President. Finally, all this will be put behind him

Until the full report is released, the cloud will still be over his presidency

Actually, the "cloud" is now over the Democrats and anti-Trump folks.

Not really

We were not the ones entangled with the Russians

But, we now know that Trump was not either. So, the cloud is your refusal to accept the truth. You were warned years ago that the Democrats shouldn't put all their eggs into the "Russia basket" and should instead concentrate on improving the lives of the middle class. Instead, they became obsessed with the Russia case to the point that they've done nothing but TALK about the middle class and still have done nothing positive for people. And, you continue to show that you can't accept reality and will have nothing to offer in the future.
The Left is screwed, and it is just that simple. We will see various spin techniques to see if they can make anything stick, until the 1st indictment or arrest of the perps. After that, their quiver will be empty, and 1/2 of them will head for the hills.
I actually turned on cable news for the first time since the presidential election. Democratic leadership is no where to be found. Just the dolts they’re sending out there that don’t know they’re cannon fodder yet. Trying to buy time with the whole wait for the full report line. I shouldn’t be shocked since kavanaugh, but I’m still shocked. Either Barr seriously fucked himself which would be exposed very soon, or more likely the dems are fucked with this doubling down. Might work for their ideologues, but no one else really.
So you don't understand why Democrats want to see the report? What Mueller did find and what he investigated and found to be a nothing burger?

How can you see something that isn't there?
I'm guessing Mueller looked into some things that he found no evidence to charge anyone with. Agreed? What things, specifically, did he look into? That might give Democrats more confidence in the ultimate decision.

Ma'am, listen to me for just a second without partisan eyes------------> If there was no collusion, then thinking people after ask themselves...……..why did anyone ever think there was? What evidence brought about this investigation, and since it was phony information, who gave the lying information to start it?

Don't you think that is important, that our whole government was mostly paralyzed by a lie?

You know, it could be swamp rat Republicans as much as swamp rat Democrats, and what percentage is unimportant, you have been LIED TO, and the media helped.

Don't you want to know, and if it was a conspiracy, make sure it NEVER happens again! This whole thing is about PRESIDENTS, not a Republican President. It is about the office, not who holds the office.

We can agree, to disagree on policy every day, but what we can NOT do, is scare the hell out of our brightest people from running for any office, if they believe that if they are successful and get elected, the wrath of some people in Washington will descend upon them, like the plague!
I'll be following the next phase of this with interest. I was pretty sure the FISA warrant furor was all just hurt feelings and squashed toes, but it sure seems like the idea is percolating up toward responsible adults who may just look into this.
We'll see.
They want tosee the report solely for the purpose of finding new ways to harass the president and his associates.

No one should give The Democrat Party
One More Inch of Ground or
Any respect, nor

The Left is screwed, and it is just that simple. We will see various spin techniques to see if they can make anything stick, until the 1st indictment or arrest of the perps. After that, their quiver will be empty, and 1/2 of them will head for the hills.
I actually turned on cable news for the first time since the presidential election. Democratic leadership is no where to be found. Just the dolts they’re sending out there that don’t know they’re cannon fodder yet. Trying to buy time with the whole wait for the full report line. I shouldn’t be shocked since kavanaugh, but I’m still shocked. Either Barr seriously fucked himself which would be exposed very soon, or more likely the dems are fucked with this doubling down. Might work for their ideologues, but no one else really.
So you don't understand why Democrats want to see the report? What Mueller did find and what he investigated and found to be a nothing burger?
If our President has engaged in unethical but not illegal activity, the public needs to know

Agreed! That is why the investigation will now center on the Obama Administration, and their involvement in this fiasco

LOL, not as soon as the special counsel was put in. Now that he is out of the picture, it is open season on Leftists. Enjoy!
Barr’s findings were released yesterday and they were good news for the President. Finally, all this will be put behind him

Until the full report is released, the cloud will still be over his presidency

Actually, the "cloud" is now over the Democrats and anti-Trump folks.

Not really

We were not the ones entangled with the Russians

But, we now know that Trump was not either. So, the cloud is your refusal to accept the truth. You were warned years ago that the Democrats shouldn't put all their eggs into the "Russia basket" and should instead concentrate on improving the lives of the middle class. Instead, they became obsessed with the Russia case to the point that they've done nothing but TALK about the middle class and still have done nothing positive for people. And, you continue to show that you can't accept reality and will have nothing to offer in the future.
I actually turned on cable news for the first time since the presidential election. Democratic leadership is no where to be found. Just the dolts they’re sending out there that don’t know they’re cannon fodder yet. Trying to buy time with the whole wait for the full report line. I shouldn’t be shocked since kavanaugh, but I’m still shocked. Either Barr seriously fucked himself which would be exposed very soon, or more likely the dems are fucked with this doubling down. Might work for their ideologues, but no one else really.
So you don't understand why Democrats want to see the report? What Mueller did find and what he investigated and found to be a nothing burger?

How can you see something that isn't there?
I'm guessing Mueller looked into some things that he found no evidence to charge anyone with. Agreed? What things, specifically, did he look into? That might give Democrats more confidence in the ultimate decision.

Ma'am, listen to me for just a second without partisan eyes------------> If there was no collusion, then thinking people after ask themselves...……..why did anyone ever think there was? What evidence brought about this investigation, and since it was phony information, who gave the lying information to start it?

Don't you think that is important, that our whole government was mostly paralyzed by a lie?

You know, it could be swamp rat Republicans as much as swamp rat Democrats, and what percentage is unimportant, you have been LIED TO, and the media helped.

Don't you want to know, and if it was a conspiracy, make sure it NEVER happens again! This whole thing is about PRESIDENTS, not a Republican President. It is about the office, not who holds the office.

We can agree, to disagree on policy every day, but what we can NOT do, is scare the hell out of our brightest people from running for any office, if they believe that if they are successful and get elected, the wrath of some people in Washington will descend upon them, like the plague!
I'll be following the next phase of this with interest. I was pretty sure the FISA warrant furor was all just hurt feelings and squashed toes, but it sure seems like the idea is percolating up toward responsible adults who may just look into this.
We'll see.

And we both agree. Let it lead us to wherever it goes. The swamp rats from both entities need to be removed. Neither of us are dumb, we just need accurate information.

We can never change minds, if the best we can do is make the other person worse than what we have to offer. Sadly, that is todays politics.

Be one of those who rise above that. Will you get a trophy? Will you even get an "atta boy/girl?"

Probably not, in fact, you will probably get attacked from your own people. But reality asks the question-------->do YOU want to be a solution to the problem? It is not that YOU should become a moderate, or anything resembling that; but rather are you willing to face reality!

Obama was NOT born outside of the United States, and Trump did NOT collude! Now where do we go from here? Should we continue to debate that which is proven, or rather, should we debate policy, and make our most convincing case?

People like YOU have the choice! Why should any of us fight a losing battle? Do we have such little confidence in our points?

I believe you have confidence, and while I do not agree with you, I look forward to disagreeing.

Let Washington clean their own mess. We, (you and I) have a decision to make. I look forward to your input.
Barr’s findings were released yesterday and they were good news for the President. Finally, all this will be put behind him

Until the full report is released, the cloud will still be over his presidency

Actually, the "cloud" is now over the Democrats and anti-Trump folks.

Not really

We were not the ones entangled with the Russians

But, we now know that Trump was not either. So, the cloud is your refusal to accept the truth. You were warned years ago that the Democrats shouldn't put all their eggs into the "Russia basket" and should instead concentrate on improving the lives of the middle class. Instead, they became obsessed with the Russia case to the point that they've done nothing but TALK about the middle class and still have done nothing positive for people. And, you continue to show that you can't accept reality and will have nothing to offer in the future.
I actually turned on cable news for the first time since the presidential election. Democratic leadership is no where to be found. Just the dolts they’re sending out there that don’t know they’re cannon fodder yet. Trying to buy time with the whole wait for the full report line. I shouldn’t be shocked since kavanaugh, but I’m still shocked. Either Barr seriously fucked himself which would be exposed very soon, or more likely the dems are fucked with this doubling down. Might work for their ideologues, but no one else really.
So you don't understand why Democrats want to see the report? What Mueller did find and what he investigated and found to be a nothing burger?

How can you see something that isn't there?
I'm guessing Mueller looked into some things that he found no evidence to charge anyone with. Agreed? What things, specifically, did he look into? That might give Democrats more confidence in the ultimate decision.

Ma'am, listen to me for just a second without partisan eyes------------> If there was no collusion, then thinking people after ask themselves...……..why did anyone ever think there was? What evidence brought about this investigation, and since it was phony information, who gave the lying information to start it?

Don't you think that is important, that our whole government was mostly paralyzed by a lie?

You know, it could be swamp rat Republicans as much as swamp rat Democrats, and what percentage is unimportant, you have been LIED TO, and the media helped.

Don't you want to know, and if it was a conspiracy, make sure it NEVER happens again! This whole thing is about PRESIDENTS, not a Republican President. It is about the office, not who holds the office.

We can agree, to disagree on policy every day, but what we can NOT do, is scare the hell out of our brightest people from running for any office, if they believe that if they are successful and get elected, the wrath of some people in Washington will descend upon them, like the plague!
I'll be following the next phase of this with interest. I was pretty sure the FISA warrant furor was all just hurt feelings and squashed toes, but it sure seems like the idea is percolating up toward responsible adults who may just look into this.
We'll see.

Perhaps it should be investigated, but I'd love it the Justice Department ran a legitimate investigation while both political sides would just stop talking about all this and get back to running the nation in a way that benefits the PEOPLE and not the Parties.
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch.

That's hilarious. Cult45 rejects have no shame. Does your olive branch extend to the last 30 years? Because that's about the time I started disliking the Orange Virus. There is no olive branch. Just corruption and lies by a Republican party that has completely lost its way.

A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out.

I don't think it will ever happen for you. The American democratic experiment officially failed on November 8, 2016, and the minority of the American public that voted for this abomination should be shamed into obscurity. In fact, I believe they owe the majority of the American public an apology for becoming a cult of trolls, enabling the Orange king troll as their new messiah with bad faith arguments and even worse behavior. Cult45 has marching orders to spread memes and various assortments of lies and propaganda using the very same playbook of their mortal enemies, the dreaded libturds. The right couldn't beat the left on their own merit, so they became a bastardized version of the left. Cult45 should be congratulated; if only for their zeal in disseminating party-driven misinformation rivaling even the media which they also ironically claim is biased. Again, there is no olive branch when you've done burned the tree down. This is the hill you die on.

If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

Whose nose are you going to rub? The left? That's sounds like a typical low-energy move, since the right has already been pummeling the left by lobbing partisan grenades for decades and vice-versa. There's no risk in this OP, because it's yet another of thousands highlighting the M.O. for how politics works these days. I've felt the same about the Orange Virus 30 years ago as I do today regardless of his actions since November 8, 2016. No meme, sarcastic rebuttal or photo is going to change my mind, sorry. I'm glad you're happy with your pResident, I really am. You will suffer or enjoy the ramifications of your decision either way. My amusement level might increase a bit once he's removed, but that's about it. I'm through patronizing this failed American experiment until the entire government shows any signs of getting its out of control spending, overreach and corruption under wraps.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try

Unfortunately, I predict this OP will do nothing and change nothing, with no compromises and no concessions. We're too far gone for that. Left vs. right is where were at. Merely slack jawed yokels cheering on their favorite sports teams on TV.

Aren't we a motley crew?
Didn’t vote Trump. Started many threads on here calling him out. See for yourself. Well that was one big ad hominem that wasn’t even true. At least make an accurate one.

There's nothing inaccurate about my post.
A lot of hyperbole, and generalizations. Accurate or inaccurate is a word you use for factual information, not conjecture.

LOL, 'conjecture'. I'm not in a deposition. I'm on a message board on the Internet. I'm allowed opinions.
brothers and sisters: Bob Mueller, in his silent, steely, methodical way showed through his actions not speeches or leaks an approach to following evidence not assumptions that is a contrast to Trumpism and our culture where people search for leaks instead of evidence!
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch.

That's hilarious. Cult45 rejects have no shame. Does your olive branch extend to the last 30 years? Because that's about the time I started disliking the Orange Virus. There is no olive branch. Just corruption and lies by a Republican party that has completely lost its way.

A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out.

I don't think it will ever happen for you. The American democratic experiment officially failed on November 8, 2016, and the minority of the American public that voted for this abomination should be shamed into obscurity. In fact, I believe they owe the majority of the American public an apology for becoming a cult of trolls, enabling the Orange king troll as their new messiah with bad faith arguments and even worse behavior. Cult45 has marching orders to spread memes and various assortments of lies and propaganda using the very same playbook of their mortal enemies, the dreaded libturds. The right couldn't beat the left on their own merit, so they became a bastardized version of the left. Cult45 should be congratulated; if only for their zeal in disseminating party-driven misinformation rivaling even the media which they also ironically claim is biased. Again, there is no olive branch when you've done burned the tree down. This is the hill you die on.

If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

Whose nose are you going to rub? The left? That's sounds like a typical low-energy move, since the right has already been pummeling the left by lobbing partisan grenades for decades and vice-versa. There's no risk in this OP, because it's yet another of thousands highlighting the M.O. for how politics works these days. I've felt the same about the Orange Virus 30 years ago as I do today regardless of his actions since November 8, 2016. No meme, sarcastic rebuttal or photo is going to change my mind, sorry. I'm glad you're happy with your pResident, I really am. You will suffer or enjoy the ramifications of your decision either way. My amusement level might increase a bit once he's removed, but that's about it. I'm through patronizing this failed American experiment until the entire government shows any signs of getting its out of control spending, overreach and corruption under wraps.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try

Unfortunately, I predict this OP will do nothing and change nothing, with no compromises and no concessions. We're too far gone for that. Left vs. right is where were at. Merely slack jawed yokels cheering on their favorite sports teams on TV.

Aren't we a motley crew?
Didn’t vote Trump. Started many threads on here calling him out. See for yourself. Well that was one big ad hominem that wasn’t even true. At least make an accurate one.

There's nothing inaccurate about my post.
A lot of hyperbole, and generalizations. Accurate or inaccurate is a word you use for factual information, not conjecture.

LOL, 'conjecture'. I'm not in a deposition. I'm on a message board on the Internet. I'm allowed opinions.
So it’s opinion now? I thought the question was accuracy?
That's hilarious. Cult45 rejects have no shame. Does your olive branch extend to the last 30 years? Because that's about the time I started disliking the Orange Virus. There is no olive branch. Just corruption and lies by a Republican party that has completely lost its way.

I don't think it will ever happen for you. The American democratic experiment officially failed on November 8, 2016, and the minority of the American public that voted for this abomination should be shamed into obscurity. In fact, I believe they owe the majority of the American public an apology for becoming a cult of trolls, enabling the Orange king troll as their new messiah with bad faith arguments and even worse behavior. Cult45 has marching orders to spread memes and various assortments of lies and propaganda using the very same playbook of their mortal enemies, the dreaded libturds. The right couldn't beat the left on their own merit, so they became a bastardized version of the left. Cult45 should be congratulated; if only for their zeal in disseminating party-driven misinformation rivaling even the media which they also ironically claim is biased. Again, there is no olive branch when you've done burned the tree down. This is the hill you die on.

Whose nose are you going to rub? The left? That's sounds like a typical low-energy move, since the right has already been pummeling the left by lobbing partisan grenades for decades and vice-versa. There's no risk in this OP, because it's yet another of thousands highlighting the M.O. for how politics works these days. I've felt the same about the Orange Virus 30 years ago as I do today regardless of his actions since November 8, 2016. No meme, sarcastic rebuttal or photo is going to change my mind, sorry. I'm glad you're happy with your pResident, I really am. You will suffer or enjoy the ramifications of your decision either way. My amusement level might increase a bit once he's removed, but that's about it. I'm through patronizing this failed American experiment until the entire government shows any signs of getting its out of control spending, overreach and corruption under wraps.

Unfortunately, I predict this OP will do nothing and change nothing, with no compromises and no concessions. We're too far gone for that. Left vs. right is where were at. Merely slack jawed yokels cheering on their favorite sports teams on TV.

Aren't we a motley crew?
Didn’t vote Trump. Started many threads on here calling him out. See for yourself. Well that was one big ad hominem that wasn’t even true. At least make an accurate one.

There's nothing inaccurate about my post.
A lot of hyperbole, and generalizations. Accurate or inaccurate is a word you use for factual information, not conjecture.

LOL, 'conjecture'. I'm not in a deposition. I'm on a message board on the Internet. I'm allowed opinions.
So it’s opinion now? I thought the question was accuracy?

You've done little to prove the inaccuracy of my opinion with your own conjecture. You support the Orange Virus. I do not. Thus, an olive branch is not a possibility. Sorry.
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try


I offer a Bougainviella branch to Commie turds. :)

In lieu of that, A Silk Floss branch, k? :113:

I am far more leftist than anyone one this board, and the Russian collusion claims never made any sense.
There was no Russian influence in the media, on the boards, or anywhere.
Someone did hack the DNC, but that is whistleblowing, so is not a crime.
And in fact, Cohen has to be an idiot, because paying blackmail is not a crime either.
Edwards was charged with the same thing, and the jury refused to convict even though the evidence was obivous.
So clearly no one thinks it is a crime.
Barr’s findings were released yesterday and they were good news for the President. Finally, all this will be put behind him

Until the full report is released, the cloud will still be over his presidency

For you, for most of America, not at all. That is the group that matters.
Are you saying that the "right should commit to this" by refraining from reminding the public that President Trump was vindicated while the lying media continues to claim that he is guilty? Get lost.
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try
The facts have yet to come out junior.

Let us know when the Mueller Report is released in full

Mueller leaked everything else, except the Collusion, to CNN


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