CDZ An open invitation to experts on day-to-day life in Israel for Arab-Israelis


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
rylah I am curious about what it is like for an Arab-Israeli living in Israel. I understand that you are knowledgeable about such things being that you are Israeli yourself. Others are welcome to provide feedback but, just remember, this is the "Clean Debate Zone".

Some have called Israel an "apartheid state". Do you share that view? Can you (or another) explain why they are or are not?

What, if anything, can Israeli Jews do in Israel that Israeli Arabs cannot?

Thanks in advance to any that provide quality, accurate, feedback.
I have been mistaken for Arab by the Askenazi. I am Mizrahi Persian on my fathers side Tunisian on my mothers. I do not get offended by it. I have dined in a bedouin tent in the Negev. Life in Israel is much the same for all of us. there is intermarriage between all groups. I would say the Arabs who serve in IDF such as the bedouin and the Druze are more respected than Arabs who do not serve. Service is not mandatory for Arabs which some Jews do not like.
I have been mistaken for Arab by the Askenazi. I am Mizrahi Persian on my fathers side Tunisian on my mothers. I do not get offended by it. I have dined in a bedouin tent in the Negev. Life in Israel is much the same for all of us. there is intermarriage between all groups. I would say the Arabs who serve in IDF such as the bedouin and the Druze are more respected than Arabs who do not serve. Service is not mandatory for Arabs which some Jews do not like.
The word is Ashkenazi.
Shouldn't you know that?
My English spelling is not the best. i use spell check but it did not notice that.
My English spelling is not the best. i use spell check but it did not notice that.
I would suggest just typing the word into your browser search window. It's important that you maintain flawless credibility when making such sweeping claims.
You lost me on it and now it's only fair that I can ask for you to scratch your way back.

Assuming that you care?

Frankly, I don't believe the Israeli (Jew) side of the argument anyway. The facts on the ground speak too loudly to ignore, on Israel being an apartheid regime.

"I" care because I consider the Zionists to be the world's largest risk of nuclear war and I'm totally convinced that will lead to nuclear revenge.
rylah I am curious about what it is like for an Arab-Israeli living in Israel. I understand that you are knowledgeable about such things being that you are Israeli yourself. Others are welcome to provide feedback but, just remember, this is the "Clean Debate Zone".

Some have called Israel an "apartheid state". Do you share that view? Can you (or another) explain why they are or are not?

What, if anything, can Israeli Jews do in Israel that Israeli Arabs cannot?

Thanks in advance to any that provide quality, accurate, feedback.

Here you go....Arab Muslim in Israeli army.........

And here....

Use to be Israel had my full support. No longer, greed & power madness now seem to overrule fair play.
Use to be Israel had my full support. No longer, greed & power madness now seem to overrule fair play.
All they've ever been interested in is expanding their territory at the expense of Arabs. They'll always be an apartheid regime until they end up starting a nuclear war.
There's no other word for it but 'evil'.
Use to be Israel had my full support. No longer, greed & power madness now seem to overrule fair play.
All they've ever been interested in is expanding their territory at the expense of Arabs. They'll always be an apartheid regime until they end up starting a nuclear war.
There's no other word for it but 'evil'.

had the Palestinians accepted partition they would have most of the country now. Do you know any Palestinians? They will tell you themselves saying no to the UN Partition plan was a mistake and they were sold by the Arab leadership.
Arafat said no the 97 percent of the territories. had he said yes there would be the Palestinian state today.
Do you wonder why the Arab world is moving on leaving the Palestinians behind? Because they will no longer be held hostage by people who do not want peace. We are less isolated than ever while they are more isolated. Abbas will have to make a deal without Hamas or be left behind. That is the reality.
Use to be Israel had my full support. No longer, greed & power madness now seem to overrule fair play.
All they've ever been interested in is expanding their territory at the expense of Arabs. They'll always be an apartheid regime until they end up starting a nuclear war.
There's no other word for it but 'evil'.

had the Palestinians accepted partition they would have most of the country now. Do you know any Palestinians? They will tell you themselves saying no to the UN Partition plan was a mistake and they were sold by the Arab leadership.
Arafat said no the 97 percent of the territories. had he said yes there would be the Palestinian state today.
Do you wonder why the Arab world is moving on leaving the Palestinians behind? Because they will no longer be held hostage by people who do not want peace. We are less isolated than ever while they are more isolated. Abbas will have to make a deal without Hamas or be left behind. That is the reality.
The Zionists have been building settlements on Palestinian land ever since they were allowed by the UN to trespass on Arab lands. They have no intention of ever stopping and obeying the treaty limits they're bound by.

It was a misguided experiment right from the beginning because they already had homes in their countries of origin and nobody was interfering with their rights.

Now they are living an apartheid regime in which only Zionists are invited to be citizens.
Use to be Israel had my full support. No longer, greed & power madness now seem to overrule fair play.
All they've ever been interested in is expanding their territory at the expense of Arabs. They'll always be an apartheid regime until they end up starting a nuclear war.
There's no other word for it but 'evil'.

had the Palestinians accepted partition they would have most of the country now. Do you know any Palestinians? They will tell you themselves saying no to the UN Partition plan was a mistake and they were sold by the Arab leadership.
Arafat said no the 97 percent of the territories. had he said yes there would be the Palestinian state today.
Do you wonder why the Arab world is moving on leaving the Palestinians behind? Because they will no longer be held hostage by people who do not want peace. We are less isolated than ever while they are more isolated. Abbas will have to make a deal without Hamas or be left behind. That is the reality.
The Zionists have been building settlements on Palestinian land ever since they were allowed by the UN to trespass on Arab lands. They have no intention of ever stopping and obeying the treaty limits they're bound by.

It was a misguided experiment right from the beginning because they already had homes in their countries of origin and nobody was interfering with their rights.

Now they are living an apartheid regime in which only Zionists are invited to be citizens.

Do you blame the Arab Effendis who sold land to the Rothschilds in the Ottoman period? Or the Palestinian leadership who rejected the UN Partition plan that would have given them most of the land and insisted on going to war?
Do you blame the Arab Effendis who sold land to the Rothschilds in the Ottoman period? Or the Palestinian leadership who rejected the UN Partition plan that would have given them most of the land and insisted on going to war?

I have no interest in the least for the deflection from the facts on the ground. Israel is an evil Zionist apartheid regime that's only supported by the Zionist third of the population. Zionism is an evil lie that's been perped on the world for far too long.
It's become the most likely cause of a another world war that would turn nuclear.
Do you blame the Arab Effendis who sold land to the Rothschilds in the Ottoman period? Or the Palestinian leadership who rejected the UN Partition plan that would have given them most of the land and insisted on going to war?

I have no interest in the least for the deflection from the facts on the ground. Israel is an evil Zionist apartheid regime that's only supported by the Zionist third of the population. Zionism is an evil lie that's been perped on the world for far too long.
It's become the most likely cause of a another world war that would turn nuclear.

You do not know what a zionist is. A Zionist is a patriotic Israeli. I already tod you the facts on the ground. Abbas will soon have to make a deal as the Arab world is moving on and leaving Palestinians behind. Four Arab states recognized Israel this year. You never would have believed that would happen.
My English spelling is not the best. i use spell check but it did not notice that.
I would suggest just typing the word into your browser search window. It's important that you maintain flawless credibility when making such sweeping claims.
You lost me on it and now it's only fair that I can ask for you to scratch your way back.

Assuming that you care?

Frankly, I don't believe the Israeli (Jew) side of the argument anyway. The facts on the ground speak too loudly to ignore, on Israel being an apartheid regime.

"I" care because I consider the Zionists to be the world's largest risk of nuclear war and I'm totally convinced that will lead to nuclear revenge.
Frankly, I don't believe the Israeli (Jew) side of the argument anyway. The facts on the ground speak too loudly to ignore, on Israel being an apartheid regime.

"I" care because I consider the Zionists to be the world's largest risk of nuclear war and I'm totally convinced that will lead to nuclear revenge.

Clean Debate Zone
...present your facts.
If post #17 is an example of your behaviour then it's best we don't talk to each other. When you're ready to behave appropriately I will be glad to provide lots of proof on the Zionist apartheid regime.
Thanks for your interest!
CDZ..Present your facts.
Why does every Arab look well fed and have a smart phone?
What's the tactical?
Where are Arab being executed?
How many on daily basis?
How are so many Arab being murdered and yet the Arabs in Israel outnumber the Jews?
Why is almost every Arab nation making peace treaties with Israel?
My English spelling is not the best. i use spell check but it did not notice that.
I would suggest just typing the word into your browser search window. It's important that you maintain flawless credibility when making such sweeping claims.
You lost me on it and now it's only fair that I can ask for you to scratch your way back.

Assuming that you care?

Frankly, I don't believe the Israeli (Jew) side of the argument anyway. The facts on the ground speak too loudly to ignore, on Israel being an apartheid regime.

"I" care because I consider the Zionists to be the world's largest risk of nuclear war and I'm totally convinced that will lead to nuclear revenge.

Can you elaborate as to how Israel is an apartheid state? I honestly don't know. Thanks.
Use to be Israel had my full support. No longer, greed & power madness now seem to overrule fair play.
All they've ever been interested in is expanding their territory at the expense of Arabs. They'll always be an apartheid regime until they end up starting a nuclear war.
There's no other word for it but 'evil'.

What about the topic here? How many Arabs are elected to serve in the Knesset? Topic is not Palestinians. It's about Arab citizens of Israel... And BTW -- the standard of living for Palestinians in Israels FAR EXCEEDS the depressing refugee camps in neighboring Arab states. In Lebanon, just a few years ago -- they built a barbed wire security around one of the major camps..

The World Bank rates the residents of the West Bank as Middle class economically.. Israel does micro-manage their international trade, but without a valid Pali govt -- someone has to provide customs and duties for the shipments.

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