An Open Letter To All Republican Politicians



So why is this David Hoggwash punk doing Nazi like tactics.
Did you see his salute at the end of his speech?

Yeah, a nazi socialist style salute.
Nazis are not socialists, dupe. You believe all right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'...
What do we do about the doctors who over prescribe opioids and the 300,000 drug related deaths per year, wait for democrats to stop using kids as a political tool?
What do we do about the doctors who over prescribe opioids and the 300,000 drug related deaths per year, wait for democrats to stop using kids as a political tool?
these kids are the future of america ,,,,thank god


So why is this David Hoggwash punk doing Nazi like tactics.
Did you see his salute at the end of his speech?

Yeah, a nazi socialist style salute.
Nazis are not socialists, dupe. You believe all right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'...

Was it Crazy Bernie that honeymooned in the USSR?
Yes which proves nothing...


So why is this David Hoggwash punk doing Nazi like tactics.
Did you see his salute at the end of his speech?

Yeah, a nazi socialist style salute.
Nazis are not socialists, dupe. You believe all right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'...
The National Socialist Party. Kinda says so right in the name.
That is called propaganda, stupid. Jesus Christ you're dumb, dupes.
Sadly there will be many more deaths because our young people are self absorbed, egotistical cretins. They live for gangs, video games and drugs.
Actually they have been very impressive. You would know if Fox ever dared to put them on.

They did, pure commiecrat propaganda. These brats are too stupid to know they are safer at school than they were at those rallies.


The courageous students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida established the “March For Our Lives” after seventeen of their classmates were gunned down in February.

Of course, the congressional Republicans and the worthless turds in the idiot trump’s administration sent their typically hollow “thoughts and prayers", which were then followed by the usual lip service Republicans’ offer for a few short days whenever children are slaughtered in a public school. Those politicians then return to business as usual, again choosing to ignore the danger our students now face.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders inspired, not only the Stoneman Douglas High School students, but hundred-of-thousands of students across the nation. The crusade started by the Stoneman Douglas survivors has rapidly become a true grassroots movement among students in grade schools, middle schools, high schools, and parents here in the U.S., and internationally.

Today (Saturday) the “March For Our Lives” in Washington, DC, is but one of the 800 rallies and marches scheduled to protest the epidemic of gun violence in the United States and to call for stricter gun control measures. And it’s happening only because kids nationwide are fed up with the Republicans forcing them to be sitting ducks for anyone with a gun.

Happily, the congressional Republicans are dismissing this movement as a fad that will soon disappear, so the cash from the NRA and its gun nut members will continue to roll in.

Fortunately, the children are not like their parents, adults who forget an issue as soon as it leaves the headlines. This is the students’ only issue. And with Facebook and other social media, the students need no press coverage to keep their “March For Our Lives” alive and growing. And face it, the kids are far more savvy of the power of social media than their parents, and infinitely more than the old geezers in the GOP.

So, to the congressional Republicans and the idiot trump and his corrupt cronies, please, do the United States a favor, do all you can to show disrespect for the students, “March For Our Lives”, and everyone who participates in marches, rallies, and any other form of protest associated with this movement.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders will then remain as a powerful inspiration those hundreds-of-thousands of student already involved, and motivate thousands upon thousands more to join with them.

This will increase their numbers even more in the voting block formed by those turning eighteen before the 2018 mid-term elections, and eligible to vote. It will really give a boost to that number for the 2020 presidential election.

Sadly, it is inevitable there will be more school shootings and deaths before November. But, with the GOP’s ongoing indifference and disrespect towards America’s students and these new voters, these young people will know, exactly who their enemies are in congress, the White House, in state legislatures, and in the governors’ mansions. And they will know who they must vote out of office.

So, keep those meaningless thoughts and prayers coming. Serve the NRA and its gun nuts. Most important of all, demand the idiot trump launch no Twitter campaign of insults or hurtful tirades directed at the students or the “March For Our Lives” movement. He will immediately do so, which will also help get you GOP S.O.B.s thrown out.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

Dumbass it was liberal policies that let the gunman buy the gun. Lol, Republican policy wouldn't have let him buy the gun. So how does it feel to have blood on your hands?
Pathetic liberals need high school students to fight their battles for them now?

The courageous students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida established the “March For Our Lives” after seventeen of their classmates were gunned down in February.

Of course, the congressional Republicans and the worthless turds in the idiot trump’s administration sent their typically hollow “thoughts and prayers", which were then followed by the usual lip service Republicans’ offer for a few short days whenever children are slaughtered in a public school. Those politicians then return to business as usual, again choosing to ignore the danger our students now face.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders inspired, not only the Stoneman Douglas High School students, but hundred-of-thousands of students across the nation. The crusade started by the Stoneman Douglas survivors has rapidly become a true grassroots movement among students in grade schools, middle schools, high schools, and parents here in the U.S., and internationally.

Today (Saturday) the “March For Our Lives” in Washington, DC, is but one of the 800 rallies and marches scheduled to protest the epidemic of gun violence in the United States and to call for stricter gun control measures. And it’s happening only because kids nationwide are fed up with the Republicans forcing them to be sitting ducks for anyone with a gun.

Happily, the congressional Republicans are dismissing this movement as a fad that will soon disappear, so the cash from the NRA and its gun nut members will continue to roll in.

Fortunately, the children are not like their parents, adults who forget an issue as soon as it leaves the headlines. This is the students’ only issue. And with Facebook and other social media, the students need no press coverage to keep their “March For Our Lives” alive and growing. And face it, the kids are far more savvy of the power of social media than their parents, and infinitely more than the old geezers in the GOP.

So, to the congressional Republicans and the idiot trump and his corrupt cronies, please, do the United States a favor, do all you can to show disrespect for the students, “March For Our Lives”, and everyone who participates in marches, rallies, and any other form of protest associated with this movement.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders will then remain as a powerful inspiration those hundreds-of-thousands of student already involved, and motivate thousands upon thousands more to join with them.

This will increase their numbers even more in the voting block formed by those turning eighteen before the 2018 mid-term elections, and eligible to vote. It will really give a boost to that number for the 2020 presidential election.

Sadly, it is inevitable there will be more school shootings and deaths before November. But, with the GOP’s ongoing indifference and disrespect towards America’s students and these new voters, these young people will know, exactly who their enemies are in congress, the White House, in state legislatures, and in the governors’ mansions. And they will know who they must vote out of office.

So, keep those meaningless thoughts and prayers coming. Serve the NRA and its gun nuts. Most important of all, demand the idiot trump launch no Twitter campaign of insults or hurtful tirades directed at the students or the “March For Our Lives” movement. He will immediately do so, which will also help get you GOP S.O.B.s thrown out.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

I'll provide a thoughtful reply when the OP manages to make not only a thoughtful argument but an intelligent one. An argument that does not drip in unbridled and illogical emotionalism.
you mean like *these kids are crisis actors who want to take our guns*

that kind of logic?

fuckstains, all of you

The courageous students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida established the “March For Our Lives” after seventeen of their classmates were gunned down in February.

Of course, the congressional Republicans and the worthless turds in the idiot trump’s administration sent their typically hollow “thoughts and prayers", which were then followed by the usual lip service Republicans’ offer for a few short days whenever children are slaughtered in a public school. Those politicians then return to business as usual, again choosing to ignore the danger our students now face.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders inspired, not only the Stoneman Douglas High School students, but hundred-of-thousands of students across the nation. The crusade started by the Stoneman Douglas survivors has rapidly become a true grassroots movement among students in grade schools, middle schools, high schools, and parents here in the U.S., and internationally.

Today (Saturday) the “March For Our Lives” in Washington, DC, is but one of the 800 rallies and marches scheduled to protest the epidemic of gun violence in the United States and to call for stricter gun control measures. And it’s happening only because kids nationwide are fed up with the Republicans forcing them to be sitting ducks for anyone with a gun.

Happily, the congressional Republicans are dismissing this movement as a fad that will soon disappear, so the cash from the NRA and its gun nut members will continue to roll in.

Fortunately, the children are not like their parents, adults who forget an issue as soon as it leaves the headlines. This is the students’ only issue. And with Facebook and other social media, the students need no press coverage to keep their “March For Our Lives” alive and growing. And face it, the kids are far more savvy of the power of social media than their parents, and infinitely more than the old geezers in the GOP.

So, to the congressional Republicans and the idiot trump and his corrupt cronies, please, do the United States a favor, do all you can to show disrespect for the students, “March For Our Lives”, and everyone who participates in marches, rallies, and any other form of protest associated with this movement.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders will then remain as a powerful inspiration those hundreds-of-thousands of student already involved, and motivate thousands upon thousands more to join with them.

This will increase their numbers even more in the voting block formed by those turning eighteen before the 2018 mid-term elections, and eligible to vote. It will really give a boost to that number for the 2020 presidential election.

Sadly, it is inevitable there will be more school shootings and deaths before November. But, with the GOP’s ongoing indifference and disrespect towards America’s students and these new voters, these young people will know, exactly who their enemies are in congress, the White House, in state legislatures, and in the governors’ mansions. And they will know who they must vote out of office.

So, keep those meaningless thoughts and prayers coming. Serve the NRA and its gun nuts. Most important of all, demand the idiot trump launch no Twitter campaign of insults or hurtful tirades directed at the students or the “March For Our Lives” movement. He will immediately do so, which will also help get you GOP S.O.B.s thrown out.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

Dumbass it was liberal policies that let the gunman buy the gun. Lol, Republican policy wouldn't have let him buy the gun. So how does it feel to have blood on your hands?
Ole Dell thinks it's funny to let people who shouldn't be able to buy guns, buy them. You're the problem.

The courageous students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida established the “March For Our Lives” after seventeen of their classmates were gunned down in February.

Of course, the congressional Republicans and the worthless turds in the idiot trump’s administration sent their typically hollow “thoughts and prayers", which were then followed by the usual lip service Republicans’ offer for a few short days whenever children are slaughtered in a public school. Those politicians then return to business as usual, again choosing to ignore the danger our students now face.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders inspired, not only the Stoneman Douglas High School students, but hundred-of-thousands of students across the nation. The crusade started by the Stoneman Douglas survivors has rapidly become a true grassroots movement among students in grade schools, middle schools, high schools, and parents here in the U.S., and internationally.

Today (Saturday) the “March For Our Lives” in Washington, DC, is but one of the 800 rallies and marches scheduled to protest the epidemic of gun violence in the United States and to call for stricter gun control measures. And it’s happening only because kids nationwide are fed up with the Republicans forcing them to be sitting ducks for anyone with a gun.

Happily, the congressional Republicans are dismissing this movement as a fad that will soon disappear, so the cash from the NRA and its gun nut members will continue to roll in.

Fortunately, the children are not like their parents, adults who forget an issue as soon as it leaves the headlines. This is the students’ only issue. And with Facebook and other social media, the students need no press coverage to keep their “March For Our Lives” alive and growing. And face it, the kids are far more savvy of the power of social media than their parents, and infinitely more than the old geezers in the GOP.

So, to the congressional Republicans and the idiot trump and his corrupt cronies, please, do the United States a favor, do all you can to show disrespect for the students, “March For Our Lives”, and everyone who participates in marches, rallies, and any other form of protest associated with this movement.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders will then remain as a powerful inspiration those hundreds-of-thousands of student already involved, and motivate thousands upon thousands more to join with them.

This will increase their numbers even more in the voting block formed by those turning eighteen before the 2018 mid-term elections, and eligible to vote. It will really give a boost to that number for the 2020 presidential election.

Sadly, it is inevitable there will be more school shootings and deaths before November. But, with the GOP’s ongoing indifference and disrespect towards America’s students and these new voters, these young people will know, exactly who their enemies are in congress, the White House, in state legislatures, and in the governors’ mansions. And they will know who they must vote out of office.

So, keep those meaningless thoughts and prayers coming. Serve the NRA and its gun nuts. Most important of all, demand the idiot trump launch no Twitter campaign of insults or hurtful tirades directed at the students or the “March For Our Lives” movement. He will immediately do so, which will also help get you GOP S.O.B.s thrown out.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

So when are you loons going to march for black lives other than the bullshit BLM. Black on Black crime is horrifyingly high. The number one killer of Black males between the ages of 15 to 34 is homicide. So why are we not hearing about this travesty ? Because the majority happens in areas were the Democratic party has been in control for decades. If any serious attention is given to the genocide of the black male community the policies and criminal neglect of the left will be called to order. If the Democrats lose the support of the Black community then the party is through.
The Goal of the left has always been banning all guns. Now they have a small army of young people doing their bidding. The left Polarizes the death of these shootings to push their main goal of outlawing guns in America. They will rant and rave that is not their goal, but in reality it is their very goal.

This has happened across Europe and in Canada..............using the same tactics to take away the citizens rights to own guns.
In these countries like Europe, who have banned guns, guns are used to kill the citizens and kids in those countries. Not only guns but HAND GRENADES in places like France. The left can ban guns in the United States and gangs and criminals will still buy them.

Had the shooter came into the school with a shotgun or pistols he still could have inflicted major casualties. While the AR15 has a higher mag cap, it doesn't change the equation that other semi automatic weapons could have inflicted similar damage such as a shotgun. So banning these types of weapons changes NOTHING. So the left will go we have to ban this one and this one and this one UNTIL THEIR ULTIMATE GOAL IS REACHED...............GUNS OUTLAWED IN THE UNITED STATES.


Banning weapons, WHICH HAS ALWAYS BEEN YOUR GOAL, is like castrating your neighbor because you have too many kids....................

This is a POLARIZED MEDIA FRENZY EVENT....................and NOTHING MORE.
1- Your an idiot, Now everyone in the room is more stupid
2- go buy stock in Dixie cups and candle compaines
and candles
1- Your an idiot, Now everyone in the room is more stupid
2- go buy stock in Dixie cups and candle compainesView attachment 184543 and candles
The kids are polarized............and I have no problem with them protesting and holding candle light vigils for the fallen.........

But I will not go the path of other countries that will lead to the UTOPIA of what the left wants and has wet dreams over. The banning of all guns in the United States............Whether they deny it or not............that is their ultimate goal...........and they can pound sand........
Sadly there will be many more deaths because our young people are self absorbed, egotistical cretins. They live for gangs, video games and drugs.
Actually they have been very impressive. You would know if Fox ever dared to put them on.

They did, pure commiecrat propaganda. These brats are too stupid to know they are safer at school than they were at those rallies.

Cuz all dupes know how violent Democrats are LOL... Funny how you hater dupes hate everyone who disagrees with you. You are a disgrace.
1- Your an idiot, Now everyone in the room is more stupid
2- go buy stock in Dixie cups and candle compainesView attachment 184543 and candles
The kids are polarized............and I have no problem with them protesting and holding candle light vigils for the fallen.........

But I will not go the path of other countries that will lead to the UTOPIA of what the left wants and has wet dreams over. The banning of all guns in the United States............Whether they deny it or not............that is their ultimate goal...........and they can pound sand........
Bulshit. Almost no one has a problem with Hunters. And hunting weapons are all anyone needs 4 defense.

The courageous students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida established the “March For Our Lives” after seventeen of their classmates were gunned down in February.

Of course, the congressional Republicans and the worthless turds in the idiot trump’s administration sent their typically hollow “thoughts and prayers", which were then followed by the usual lip service Republicans’ offer for a few short days whenever children are slaughtered in a public school. Those politicians then return to business as usual, again choosing to ignore the danger our students now face.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders inspired, not only the Stoneman Douglas High School students, but hundred-of-thousands of students across the nation. The crusade started by the Stoneman Douglas survivors has rapidly become a true grassroots movement among students in grade schools, middle schools, high schools, and parents here in the U.S., and internationally.

Today (Saturday) the “March For Our Lives” in Washington, DC, is but one of the 800 rallies and marches scheduled to protest the epidemic of gun violence in the United States and to call for stricter gun control measures. And it’s happening only because kids nationwide are fed up with the Republicans forcing them to be sitting ducks for anyone with a gun.

Happily, the congressional Republicans are dismissing this movement as a fad that will soon disappear, so the cash from the NRA and its gun nut members will continue to roll in.

Fortunately, the children are not like their parents, adults who forget an issue as soon as it leaves the headlines. This is the students’ only issue. And with Facebook and other social media, the students need no press coverage to keep their “March For Our Lives” alive and growing. And face it, the kids are far more savvy of the power of social media than their parents, and infinitely more than the old geezers in the GOP.

So, to the congressional Republicans and the idiot trump and his corrupt cronies, please, do the United States a favor, do all you can to show disrespect for the students, “March For Our Lives”, and everyone who participates in marches, rallies, and any other form of protest associated with this movement.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders will then remain as a powerful inspiration those hundreds-of-thousands of student already involved, and motivate thousands upon thousands more to join with them.

This will increase their numbers even more in the voting block formed by those turning eighteen before the 2018 mid-term elections, and eligible to vote. It will really give a boost to that number for the 2020 presidential election.

Sadly, it is inevitable there will be more school shootings and deaths before November. But, with the GOP’s ongoing indifference and disrespect towards America’s students and these new voters, these young people will know, exactly who their enemies are in congress, the White House, in state legislatures, and in the governors’ mansions. And they will know who they must vote out of office.

So, keep those meaningless thoughts and prayers coming. Serve the NRA and its gun nuts. Most important of all, demand the idiot trump launch no Twitter campaign of insults or hurtful tirades directed at the students or the “March For Our Lives” movement. He will immediately do so, which will also help get you GOP S.O.B.s thrown out.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

Dumbass it was liberal policies that let the gunman buy the gun. Lol, Republican policy wouldn't have let him buy the gun. So how does it feel to have blood on your hands?
Please explain. What planet are you on?

The courageous students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida established the “March For Our Lives” after seventeen of their classmates were gunned down in February.

Of course, the congressional Republicans and the worthless turds in the idiot trump’s administration sent their typically hollow “thoughts and prayers", which were then followed by the usual lip service Republicans’ offer for a few short days whenever children are slaughtered in a public school. Those politicians then return to business as usual, again choosing to ignore the danger our students now face.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders inspired, not only the Stoneman Douglas High School students, but hundred-of-thousands of students across the nation. The crusade started by the Stoneman Douglas survivors has rapidly become a true grassroots movement among students in grade schools, middle schools, high schools, and parents here in the U.S., and internationally.

Today (Saturday) the “March For Our Lives” in Washington, DC, is but one of the 800 rallies and marches scheduled to protest the epidemic of gun violence in the United States and to call for stricter gun control measures. And it’s happening only because kids nationwide are fed up with the Republicans forcing them to be sitting ducks for anyone with a gun.

Happily, the congressional Republicans are dismissing this movement as a fad that will soon disappear, so the cash from the NRA and its gun nut members will continue to roll in.

Fortunately, the children are not like their parents, adults who forget an issue as soon as it leaves the headlines. This is the students’ only issue. And with Facebook and other social media, the students need no press coverage to keep their “March For Our Lives” alive and growing. And face it, the kids are far more savvy of the power of social media than their parents, and infinitely more than the old geezers in the GOP.

So, to the congressional Republicans and the idiot trump and his corrupt cronies, please, do the United States a favor, do all you can to show disrespect for the students, “March For Our Lives”, and everyone who participates in marches, rallies, and any other form of protest associated with this movement.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders will then remain as a powerful inspiration those hundreds-of-thousands of student already involved, and motivate thousands upon thousands more to join with them.

This will increase their numbers even more in the voting block formed by those turning eighteen before the 2018 mid-term elections, and eligible to vote. It will really give a boost to that number for the 2020 presidential election.

Sadly, it is inevitable there will be more school shootings and deaths before November. But, with the GOP’s ongoing indifference and disrespect towards America’s students and these new voters, these young people will know, exactly who their enemies are in congress, the White House, in state legislatures, and in the governors’ mansions. And they will know who they must vote out of office.

So, keep those meaningless thoughts and prayers coming. Serve the NRA and its gun nuts. Most important of all, demand the idiot trump launch no Twitter campaign of insults or hurtful tirades directed at the students or the “March For Our Lives” movement. He will immediately do so, which will also help get you GOP S.O.B.s thrown out.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

So when are you loons going to march for black lives other than the bullshit BLM. Black on Black crime is horrifyingly high. The number one killer of Black males between the ages of 15 to 34 is homicide. So why are we not hearing about this travesty ? Because the majority happens in areas were the Democratic party has been in control for decades. If any serious attention is given to the genocide of the black male community the policies and criminal neglect of the left will be called to order. If the Democrats lose the support of the Black community then the party is through.
Legalize and tax and treat it. That will end it.

The courageous students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida established the “March For Our Lives” after seventeen of their classmates were gunned down in February.

Of course, the congressional Republicans and the worthless turds in the idiot trump’s administration sent their typically hollow “thoughts and prayers", which were then followed by the usual lip service Republicans’ offer for a few short days whenever children are slaughtered in a public school. Those politicians then return to business as usual, again choosing to ignore the danger our students now face.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders inspired, not only the Stoneman Douglas High School students, but hundred-of-thousands of students across the nation. The crusade started by the Stoneman Douglas survivors has rapidly become a true grassroots movement among students in grade schools, middle schools, high schools, and parents here in the U.S., and internationally.

Today (Saturday) the “March For Our Lives” in Washington, DC, is but one of the 800 rallies and marches scheduled to protest the epidemic of gun violence in the United States and to call for stricter gun control measures. And it’s happening only because kids nationwide are fed up with the Republicans forcing them to be sitting ducks for anyone with a gun.

Happily, the congressional Republicans are dismissing this movement as a fad that will soon disappear, so the cash from the NRA and its gun nut members will continue to roll in.

Fortunately, the children are not like their parents, adults who forget an issue as soon as it leaves the headlines. This is the students’ only issue. And with Facebook and other social media, the students need no press coverage to keep their “March For Our Lives” alive and growing. And face it, the kids are far more savvy of the power of social media than their parents, and infinitely more than the old geezers in the GOP.

So, to the congressional Republicans and the idiot trump and his corrupt cronies, please, do the United States a favor, do all you can to show disrespect for the students, “March For Our Lives”, and everyone who participates in marches, rallies, and any other form of protest associated with this movement.

The GOP’s consistent and unforgivable indifference to these mass murders will then remain as a powerful inspiration those hundreds-of-thousands of student already involved, and motivate thousands upon thousands more to join with them.

This will increase their numbers even more in the voting block formed by those turning eighteen before the 2018 mid-term elections, and eligible to vote. It will really give a boost to that number for the 2020 presidential election.

Sadly, it is inevitable there will be more school shootings and deaths before November. But, with the GOP’s ongoing indifference and disrespect towards America’s students and these new voters, these young people will know, exactly who their enemies are in congress, the White House, in state legislatures, and in the governors’ mansions. And they will know who they must vote out of office.

So, keep those meaningless thoughts and prayers coming. Serve the NRA and its gun nuts. Most important of all, demand the idiot trump launch no Twitter campaign of insults or hurtful tirades directed at the students or the “March For Our Lives” movement. He will immediately do so, which will also help get you GOP S.O.B.s thrown out.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

Dumbass it was liberal policies that let the gunman buy the gun. Lol, Republican policy wouldn't have let him buy the gun. So how does it feel to have blood on your hands?
Please explain. What planet are you on?
Earth, and it was an Obama school policy that discouraged schools to report criminal activities committed by students to the police. So if the school system reported the shooter. He would've never got the gun. So existing laws were implemented the way they should've, those children would still be alive. So yes, liberal policy is the reason for this shooting.

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