An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police.

An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.
how about changing the behavior of black people?

Would that be a good idea too?

But brilliant people, like you, seem to think that there is some kind of magical way of saying things that will get people to stop fighting and then solve the problems.
You call me a know it all because I can see a larger threat from china to our way of life than the petty bullshit complaints coming from the left today over race and sexual perversion?

because black and transgender/homosexual discontent occupy most of our attention these days

I dont have all the answers but at least I can see the problem
White Americans are the least prejudiced toward other races than any other group of people on the planet

That is a statement of an idiot.

As a white man, I know being white's benefits I have are not shared by minorities. That is because of prejudice of many whites. Trump white minions are screeching like pigs because they are losing their white benefits in the new world

ok, if you say so

I notice that you began this thread presenting yourself as Mr Reasonable

a little to the left, but not so much that we couldnt get along

unfortunately, for a lib reasonablness is reserved for members of your own kind who agree with you

while the rest of us are idiots in your opinion

oh well

it is the firm belief of “trump minions” that black street criminals are being treated as well as they deserve

fighting with the police or resisting arrest should have bad consequences if the cops are doing their job
of these people are more interested in dividing the country up among the races than in helping anyone or anything.
You think Americans who support the police are dividing the country?

I think its the radical left who are dividing us

and you are an apologist for them
An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.
Policing doesn't need to change. Blacks need to learn to obey the law.
Policing needs to change to help policeman as much as helping other problems.
Neanderthal, reactionaries like you are scared shitless about change. That is why you live a pathetic life.
Shooting someone attempting to murder an innocent person is "Neanderthal?"
Neanderthals did not have guns, dumbass. Everything statement you make exposes your stupidity.
But the police shooting of the young girl attacking with a knife cannot be equated to the George Floyd case.
You're the one who used the term Neanderthal, you fucking dumbass.

Who equated it to the George Floyd case?

You're 0-2 when it comes to using logic.
Bripat, I know you are very dumb so I will type very slow so you might understand. I compared Neanderthal to YOU. You do not fit in today's world by your own admission. You continually complain about today's world. You would fit better in the world of Neanderthals. You would be happier. You may even be considered an intellect in the Neanderthal world.
In other words you're the one who used the term Neanderthal, you fucking dumbass.
White Americans are the least prejudiced toward other races than any other group of people on the planet

That is a statement of an idiot.

As a white man, I know being white's benefits I have are not shared by minorities. That is because of prejudice of many whites. Trump white minions are screeching like pigs because they are losing their white benefits in the new world

ok, if you say so

I notice that you began this thread presenting yourself as Mr Reasonable

a little to the left, but not so much that we couldnt get along

unfortunately, for a lib reasonablness is reserved for members of your own kind who agree with you

while the rest of us are idiots in your opinion

oh well

it is the firm belief of “trump minions” that black street criminals are being treated as well as they deserve

fighting with the police or resisting arrest should have bad consequences if the cops are doing their job
Elmer called me a Neanderthal, and then attacked me for using the word "Neanderthal." That's how fucking dumb he is.
Elmer called me a Neanderthal, and then attacked me for using the word "Neanderthal." That's how fucking dumb he is.
I was following that and noticed the same thing you just mentioned

Elmer began this thread pretending to be a moderate

but when practically no one agreed with him he turned confrontational and insulting

He’s a typical lib
Unfortunately, the only likely way to fix the problem is to only put white cops in white communities and black cops in black communities.
The fact that we're still living in racially segregated communities is the problem.
Maybe, but the issue, at present, is that blacks feel they are being targeted by the police. The most immediate and simple solution is to remove the conflict.
Define "the conflict"!
Then tell me how you remove said conflict while keeping people safe on the streets?
The conflict is any interaction between white police and black people where there is potential for aggression or the need to detain the respondee.

You put only black police in black communities and white police in white communities. You still have police presence in place, but no potential for a white officer to injure or shoot a black person.
So your "plan" is to get rid of all interaction between white Police officers and black people? I can't even begin to tell you how moronic that statement is! What would you send to a mixed race neighborhood...only mixed race Police Officers? (eye roll)

Beyond that...I can flat out guarantee you that an all black Police force dealing with black people is STILL going to result in black people getting shot! They aren't being shot because of racism...they're being shot because they're doing things that are against the law and then resisting arrest! Anyone who thinks that's going to change because you "segregate" blacks and whites is naive to a fault!
For mixed race communities, if the opposites cross paths, then the officer doesn't engage, instead, calls for the appropriate officer to be on scene, or, those patrol areas could be done with team officers. One black, one white.

I don't want to stop the interaction between white police and black people, but, show me another method that would have immediate results?

You want to stop white police from killing black people, right? This will do it. I'm not saying that anything will change, but, with my method, you won't have white police put into a situation where they may have to kill a black person. If the killings stop, the the riots should stop as well, right?
Your "method" is idiotic, Elmer! Let's take the situation where the young girl wielding a knife was just shot. Black girl...white Police Officer. Under your system that Police Officer doesn't "engage" but instead sits there waiting for a black Police Officer to get to the scene? While that's taking place that girl stabs another black girl to death? Is that what you think is the answer?
Ok, have officers teams. One black and one white, in each car.
And does only the "appropriate color" Officer get out of the car according to who's on scene? Do they look to see who they're dealing with BEFORE they're exiting the vehicle? LOL Come on...this notion that girl would not have been shot if it was a black Officer there instead of a white one is ridiculous!
I suspect that the cops are going to let black people rob and rape and murder each other with no interference from civil authority

then libs will complain about that too
In the real world one person's liberty can encroach on another's liberty. People like you, only care about your liberty. Screw anybody else whose liberty may be infringed on by your liberty. That is the backbone of Trumpism, liberty for all who agree with us, screw everybody else.

Most of these people are more interested in dividing the country up among the races than in helping anyone or anything.

In your opinion, specifically how do these remarks, by prominent blacks, help blacks or anyone else to avoid tragic incidents?

Lots of times resisting arrest is not only justified, but a civic duty.
There are many laws that are not legal and police are criminals when they enforce them.
Examples are, the War on Drugs, 3 Strikes, federal gun control, asset forfeiture, etc.
I have started hanging an air freshener from my rear view mirror now with the intent of resisting if a cop ever even mentions it.
The police have gone way too far and we would be better of without them if they do not change.

One of the most ignorant statements I've seen on this board, and that's going some!
Well for starters, the police could stop enforcing illegal laws, like the War on Drugs.
That is really what they illegally searched Floyd's car over and that is what started the death.
The $20 really was insignificant and not even a crime any more.

You're being facetious, aren't you?

Or, are you that stoned?
An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.
How about black men stop resisting arrest? Oh, that's right, they have never had a father figure in the home because they are in prison for being a piece of shit.

Lots of times resisting arrest is not only justified, but a civic duty.
There are many laws that are not legal and police are criminals when they enforce them.
Examples are, the War on Drugs, 3 Strikes, federal gun control, asset forfeiture, etc.
I have started hanging an air freshener from my rear view mirror now with the intent of resisting if a cop ever even mentions it.
The police have gone way too far and we would be better of without them if they do not change.
Resisting arrest when you've broken the law is now a "civic duty"? That's so idiotic it borders on farce! Not breaking the law is your civic duty. If you don't like a law...get it changed or resist the charge in court. What you should NEVER do is resist arrest. That Police Officer didn't pass the law you've broken...he or she is simply tasked with enforcing it!
An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.
Policing doesn't need to change. Blacks need to learn to obey the law.
Policing needs to change to help policeman as much as helping other problems.
Neanderthal, reactionaries like you are scared shitless about change. That is why you live a pathetic life.
Shooting someone attempting to murder an innocent person is "Neanderthal?"

I would not criticize the shooting in this defense against knife situation, but I don't think it was optimal either.
With better training, more community involvement, etc., I think we could achieve better results.
If nothing else, I think there would be fewer deaths is police went with the international .380, fully jacketed,
And one shot even then would have been more than sufficient.
Do you know what a high powered full jacketed round is really good at doing, Rigby? Going right through it's target and hitting something else. In the case of this shooting the person on the far side of the girl who was shot was the victim she was trying to stab. Chances are fairly good that fully jacketed rounds would have killed both the girl wielding the knife and the girl she was trying to stab! Please don't espouse opinions on subjects you obviously know nothing about!
White Americans are the least prejudiced toward other races than any other group of people on the planet

That is a statement of an idiot. As a white man, I know being white's benefits I have are not shared by minorities. That is because of prejudice of many whites. Trump white minions are screeching like pigs because they are losing their white benefits in the new world.

EVERY race is prejudiced. Not a thing in the world wrong with that, it is perfectly natural.


You know what will stop the Police from shooting blacks? Blacks no longer committing crimes and then resisting arrest. That isn't a Police problem...that is a problem with blacks having no respect for the rule of law and seeing themselves as "victims" even when they break the law! THAT needs to change or the shooting deaths will continue to happen and it has NOTHING to do with Police "racism"!
There are plenty of whites that do not respect the police and resist arrest but they do not get shot at the same % as blacks.
Black shootings usually take place in high crime areas. Police go there expecting trouble because they find trouble there time after time after time! Would you care to give the percentage of black shooting victims that had priors? Would you care to give the percentages of blacks being shot by other blacks? With all due respect, Elmer...the Police go into some areas on edge simply because those areas are dangerous. To the general public AND the Police! There is the possibility every time they step out of their cruiser that someone in the neighborhood has a gun that they're willing to use.
An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.

Specifically how does policing need to change to help everyone?

Well for starters, the police could stop enforcing illegal laws, like the War on Drugs.
That is really what they illegally searched Floyd's car over and that is what started the death.
The $20 really was insignificant and not even a crime any more.
What started George Floyd's death was him ingesting large amounts of drugs! What brought the Police into it was a drug addled Floyd not having enough common sense to give back the cigarettes he purchased with a bill that he knew was counterfeit or leave the scene. That's just plain idiotic.
Unfortunately, the only likely way to fix the problem is to only put white cops in white communities and black cops in black communities.
The fact that we're still living in racially segregated communities is the problem.
Maybe, but the issue, at present, is that blacks feel they are being targeted by the police. The most immediate and simple solution is to remove the conflict.
Define "the conflict"!
Then tell me how you remove said conflict while keeping people safe on the streets?
The conflict is any interaction between white police and black people where there is potential for aggression or the need to detain the respondee.

You put only black police in black communities and white police in white communities. You still have police presence in place, but no potential for a white officer to injure or shoot a black person.
So your "plan" is to get rid of all interaction between white Police officers and black people? I can't even begin to tell you how moronic that statement is! What would you send to a mixed race neighborhood...only mixed race Police Officers? (eye roll)

Beyond that...I can flat out guarantee you that an all black Police force dealing with black people is STILL going to result in black people getting shot! They aren't being shot because of racism...they're being shot because they're doing things that are against the law and then resisting arrest! Anyone who thinks that's going to change because you "segregate" blacks and whites is naive to a fault!
For mixed race communities, if the opposites cross paths, then the officer doesn't engage, instead, calls for the appropriate officer to be on scene, or, those patrol areas could be done with team officers. One black, one white.

I don't want to stop the interaction between white police and black people, but, show me another method that would have immediate results?

You want to stop white police from killing black people, right? This will do it. I'm not saying that anything will change, but, with my method, you won't have white police put into a situation where they may have to kill a black person. If the killings stop, the the riots should stop as well, right?
Your "method" is idiotic, Elmer! Let's take the situation where the young girl wielding a knife was just shot. Black girl...white Police Officer. Under your system that Police Officer doesn't "engage" but instead sits there waiting for a black Police Officer to get to the scene? While that's taking place that girl stabs another black girl to death? Is that what you think is the answer?
Ok, have officers teams. One black and one white, in each car.
And does only the "appropriate color" Officer get out of the car according to who's on scene? Do they look to see who they're dealing with BEFORE they're exiting the vehicle? LOL Come on...this notion that girl would not have been shot if it was a black Officer there instead of a white one is ridiculous!
You may be right, but, in that situation, you won't have riots break out because a white cop shot a black person, right? You won't have the media being able to push a racial narrative that "another white cop shot a black person", right?

Maybe if only black officers are allowed to handle cases involving black people, then either they will handle the situation differently, or, the results will be the same. If the results are the same, then we can dispel the notion that the shootings are racially motivated...right?

Another shooting, another angry crowd before any news comes out. If a black officer would have been the one to pull the trigger, then maybe there wouldn't be an angry crowd, and another leftist media organization to blame white people.

Do you not see my point? Remove the white cops from the equation and if the shootings still exist, then the problem is not with the white cops, and CNN can stop with their constant race baiting.

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