An outright lie about the Mormon Church

We still have posters on this board posting that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints supports condones and practices polygamy.

The Church forbade such practice in 1890. Anyone after that date that marries more then one wife is excommunicated and removed from the Church. No teachings are done on allowing polygamy and no support for it is given. Anyone caught practicing it is removed from the Church.

Those of you that keep repeating this lie have been told in those threads it is not true and yet you keep claiming it. That makes you liars.

Be so kind as to actually get your facts right for change.

LDS NEVER practiced polygamy. Polygamy means men and women may have plural spouses. Polygany (note the 'N') is what LDS once practiced, and FLDS still do.

Worth mentioning, that the Bible DOES condone polyagny.

That's incorrect. The Bible never once condones polygamy, slavery, or a whole host of human rights violations that people have attempted to defend using Scripture. In fact, God specifically sets up the ideal of one man, one woman in marriage, but in a culture where women were treated like commodities, everyone participated in abominable practices, even those who were otherwise righteous.

The Bible can't speak or judge anyone using it for selfish reasons.
There is nothing in the Book of Mormon that orders anyone to practice polygamy. Wanna try again?
I never mentioned the retarded Book of Mormon.

But the founder of the Mormon cult Joseph Smith and his original followers endorsed polygamy. . :cool:

You obviously do not know how the Church works. A Prophet runs the Church. When Smith was Murdered a new Prophet was ordained and took over, in 1890 the Prophet was instructed that polygamy was no longer sanctioned. See how that works?

The Church is not a cult about one man.

The Plain Truth about the Mormons

This tract and others are available in printed form.

To Order Printed Tracts

Any takers?

Another paid piece of one-sided propaganda to support someone's paid ministry vs the non-paid lay ministry of the saints! :funnyface:

attack the source, but you cannot defend any charge because they are all true.
Christ was crucified by people like you that were convinced wrong was right by the religious experts of His day.
I never mentioned the retarded Book of Mormon.

But the founder of the Mormon cult Joseph Smith and his original followers endorsed polygamy. . :cool:

You obviously do not know how the Church works. A Prophet runs the Church. When Smith was Murdered a new Prophet was ordained and took over, in 1890 the Prophet was instructed that polygamy was no longer sanctioned. See how that works?

The Church is not a cult about one man.

The Plain Truth about the Mormons

This tract and others are available in printed form.

To Order Printed Tracts

Any takers?

Another paid piece of one-sided propaganda to support someone's paid ministry vs the non-paid lay ministry of the saints! :funnyface:

attack the source, but you cannot defend any charge because they are all true.
Christ was crucified by people like you that were convinced wrong was right by the religious experts of His day.

Jesus laid down His life as a ransom for many. No one took it from Him. He could have called legions of angels to save Him, but He did not- He fulfilled His Father's perfect will.
We still have posters on this board posting that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints supports condones and practices polygamy.

The Church forbade such practice in 1890. Anyone after that date that marries more then one wife is excommunicated and removed from the Church. No teachings are done on allowing polygamy and no support for it is given. Anyone caught practicing it is removed from the Church.

Those of you that keep repeating this lie have been told in those threads it is not true and yet you keep claiming it. That makes you liars.

Be so kind as to actually get your facts right for change.
I don't see why it should matter.

To deny plural marriage is as wrong as denying same sex marriage.

Or, as right.

What was wrong was Congress's unconstitutional intrusion into the issue with the Morril Anti-bigomy Act of 1866 (Signed by Herr Lincoln Über Alles) which inserted federal power in an arena where the Constitution grants it no power. This, by the way, laid the groundwork for DOMA, just so you know. Every state has the right to enact its own social experiments. So if Utah wanted to practice polygamy and the results of it were devastating, the fallout would only affect the residents of that state.
Lincoln was dead In 1866.

If you bothered to do any research, you would know I got the year wrong, not the president who signed it.

Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

We still have posters on this board posting that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints supports condones and practices polygamy.

The Church forbade such practice in 1890. Anyone after that date that marries more then one wife is excommunicated and removed from the Church. No teachings are done on allowing polygamy and no support for it is given. Anyone caught practicing it is removed from the Church.

Those of you that keep repeating this lie have been told in those threads it is not true and yet you keep claiming it. That makes you liars.

Be so kind as to actually get your facts right for change.
I don't see why it should matter.

To deny plural marriage is as wrong as denying same sex marriage.

Or, as right.

What was wrong was Congress's unconstitutional intrusion into the issue with the Morril Anti-bigomy Act of 1866 (Signed by Herr Lincoln Über Alles) which inserted federal power in an arena where the Constitution grants it no power. This, by the way, laid the groundwork for DOMA, just so you know. Every state has the right to enact its own social experiments. So if Utah wanted to practice polygamy and the results of it were devastating, the fallout would only affect the residents of that state.
Lincoln was dead In 1866.

If you bothered to do any research, you would know I got the year wrong, not the president who signed it.

Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Regarding office of Bishop to have one wife:
When one consults STRONG'S EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE, an amazing piece of evidence becomes revealed. In most cases, the word for ONE in the Greek is "heis" (hice), meaning the primary numeral "1". Yet, in the references to "ONE WIFE", the Greek word for ONE is not that word for the primary numeral "1". Indeed, in those three cases, ONE is "mia" (mee'-ah), meaning "one" or "first".
We still have posters on this board posting that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints supports condones and practices polygamy.

The Church forbade such practice in 1890. Anyone after that date that marries more then one wife is excommunicated and removed from the Church. No teachings are done on allowing polygamy and no support for it is given. Anyone caught practicing it is removed from the Church.

Those of you that keep repeating this lie have been told in those threads it is not true and yet you keep claiming it. That makes you liars.

Be so kind as to actually get your facts right for change.
I don't see why it should matter.

To deny plural marriage is as wrong as denying same sex marriage.

Or, as right.

What was wrong was Congress's unconstitutional intrusion into the issue with the Morril Anti-bigomy Act of 1866 (Signed by Herr Lincoln Über Alles) which inserted federal power in an arena where the Constitution grants it no power. This, by the way, laid the groundwork for DOMA, just so you know. Every state has the right to enact its own social experiments. So if Utah wanted to practice polygamy and the results of it were devastating, the fallout would only affect the residents of that state.
Lincoln was dead In 1866.

If you bothered to do any research, you would know I got the year wrong, not the president who signed it.

Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Regarding office of Bishop to have one wife:
When one consults STRONG'S EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE, an amazing piece of evidence becomes revealed. In most cases, the word for ONE in the Greek is "heis" (hice), meaning the primary numeral "1". Yet, in the references to "ONE WIFE", the Greek word for ONE is not that word for the primary numeral "1". Indeed, in those three cases, ONE is "mia" (mee'-ah), meaning "one" or "first".

Uh huh. How does that have ANYTHING to do with what we're discussing?
The LDS church only renounced polygamy for political reasons.

Basically, so that Utah could join the United States as a state and reap financial rewards.

And their money grubbing so called "Prophet" claimed he was instructed to do so by God. . :cool:

Your prophet Mohammad only married a 9 year old cause he likes child sex, see how that works?
Try to stay on topic for once Poindexter. . :cuckoo: :lol:

You made a claim against one of my Prophets, I returned the favor. Mohammad married a 9 year old girl. And by all accounts had sex with her. And you don't mind.

One of my Prophets was advised by God to end the practice of polygamy because it violated the laws of the Country they lived in. Or haven't you ever heard that a good follower of God is to follow the laws of the lands in which he lives in as long as they are not against Gods laws?

What the mormon bible says about polygamy :ack-1:

What the Book of Mormon says about Polygamy
The LDS church only renounced polygamy for political reasons.

Basically, so that Utah could join the United States as a state and reap financial rewards.

And their money grubbing so called "Prophet" claimed he was instructed to do so by God. . :cool:

Your prophet Mohammad only married a 9 year old cause he likes child sex, see how that works?
Try to stay on topic for once Poindexter. . :cuckoo: :lol:

You made a claim against one of my Prophets, I returned the favor. Mohammad married a 9 year old girl. And by all accounts had sex with her. And you don't mind.

One of my Prophets was advised by God to end the practice of polygamy because it violated the laws of the Country they lived in. Or haven't you ever heard that a good follower of God is to follow the laws of the lands in which he lives in as long as they are not against Gods laws?

Government pressure to end polygamy
After the Mormons' announcement of plural marriage in 1852 kindled the nation's anger, the U.S. government engaged in a vigorous tug of war with the Mormons in Salt Lake City. For nearly 40 years, the government applied as much political and social pressure as possible to get the Mormons to abandon the hated practice. Congress created antipolygamy legislation that gradually tightened the noose around the Church. Here's a thumbnail sketch:

  • In 1862, Congress passed the Morrill Antibigamy Act, which made practicing polygamy a felony. However, this law was full of loopholes (not the least of which was that bigamy means only two wives!) and didn't hold any weight in the Mormon-dominated Utah courts.
  • In 1874, the government resolved that judicial loophole with the Poland Act. This law stated that all polygamy cases would be tried in federal courts with federally appointed judges. This way, Mormon judges or juries couldn't just dismiss the cases.
  • In 1882, the Edmunds Act made unlawful cohabitation a crime, and anyone who broke the law could be imprisoned for six months.Unlawful cohabitation was a much easier judicial standard to prove than bigamy or polygamy, because prosecutors didn't have to provide evidence of a marriage.
  • In 1887, Congress passed the Edmunds-Tucker Act in a final attempt to drive the nail in the coffin of polygamy. This act accomplished three things:
• It disfranchised (took the vote away from) all the women of Utah and polygamous men.

• It froze all the Church's assets in excess of $50,000, basically bankrupting the Church and crippling its missionary efforts.

• It declared all children of plural marriages to be illegitimate in the eyes of the government.

When the Supreme Court declared that this law was constitutional, the Mormons knew that continuing plural marriage could result in the government closing down their temples and threatening the very survival of the Church. Faced with this terrible situation, President Wilford Woodruff issued a document (now known as the Woodruff Manifesto) in 1890 ending the practice of plural marriage. Although the manifesto is included in every Mormon's collection of scriptures as part of the Doctrine and Covenants (D&C), they refer to it as an official declaration rather than a revelation, and God isn't mentioned in it at all.
ever notice that believers inevitably say, when the flaws in their dogma are pointed out things like I'll pray for you or you're lost and I hope you'll find your way ?
I find those sort of statements highly offensive.
they infer a false superiority and knowledge.
Imo it's a chicken shit way to tell you to fuck off and a lot less honest.
I'M off the pulpit now.

You don't want a religious person to try to save you don't post in the religion forum where you attack their religion. You don't believe, that is fine, it is my duty to inform you that as a choice in my opinion that is a bad choice.

Everyone can be saved. But they have to want to be saved.

You admit you were on the path and then left it. I find that sad. But in the end we all have freedom of choice.
there's that false superiority and knowledge bullshit again.
Also I'm not attacking anything or anybody's religion.
I am however pointing out facts that believers either deny or rationalize.if that gets your painties in a bunch that's on you.
I've never had the patience for pretense.
your painties in a bunch that's on you.

Should be: magical underwear in a bunch
What Mormons cannot deny is that BOTH Mr. Joseph Smith and Mr. Brigham Young were polygamists. They founded Mormonism and they are honored by Mormons. I've not heard Mormons condemn either as being in error per the New Testament and setting bad examples.
Who gives a damn that they were polygamists - a 100 years ago!

What about getting your knickers in a bunch over the millions of Muslims who practice it today? And treat their women like chattel with no rights or freedoms?

You haters are absolutely sickening.
Just to clear up a few things about the law of plural marriage. LDS believe that plural marriage is only legitimate when God commands us to live the law. Otherwise it is not lawful to practice it.

Jacob 2:27-30
27 Wherefore, my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none;
28 For I, the Lord God, delight in the chastity of women. And whoredoms are an abomination before me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts.
29 Wherefore, this people shall keep my commandments, saith the Lord of Hosts, or cursed be the land for their sakes.
30 For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things.

At times the Lord will command plural marriage to raise up see unto him. Otherwise it is considered a whoredom or abomination. Such were the times of the early church. It was a time of plural marriage. In the bible we this same thing. Abraham, who is considered the father of the faithful had multiple wives as did Jacob, otherwise known as Israel. These plural marriages were sanctioned by the Lord and he blessed Abraham with the great blessing of being the Father of the faithful. In the 22nd chapter of Genesis and in Genesis 17 God blessed Abraham while he had both Sarah and Hagar as wives, and covenanted with him. Great blessings did God give to Abraham and no where does he consider the multiple marriage to be a sin. This was also the case of Jacob aka Israel who had 4 wives and was blessed with the 12 sons who became the 12 tribes of Israel. So obviously at this time the law of plural marriage was in effect among the people. But in the days of Jesus it was not. A restoration of all things was necessary in these last days:

Acts 3:21
21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.

Thus there was a two fold reason for plural marriage in these Latter days. 1. To raise up seed. and 2. As a restoration of all things.
Plural marriage is practiced all over the world despite which religion is being practiced.

It's always been a law of nature where dominant males have harems to increase the gene pool and secure continuation of the species.

Monogamy is rare in Nature.
We still have posters on this board posting that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints supports condones and practices polygamy.

The Church forbade such practice in 1890. Anyone after that date that marries more then one wife is excommunicated and removed from the Church. No teachings are done on allowing polygamy and no support for it is given. Anyone caught practicing it is removed from the Church.

Those of you that keep repeating this lie have been told in those threads it is not true and yet you keep claiming it. That makes you liars.

Be so kind as to actually get your facts right for change.

LDS never practiced polygamy. They quit practicing polygany (note the 'n') only under extreme duress by the federal government who'd just tried wiping them out. No mainstream religion I'm familar with practiced, or practises polygamy.

The FLDS still practises polygany but is to the main 'body' of Mormons much as Amish are to mainstream Christianity.

The Bible has no objection to polygany in point of fact. So that Mormons used to practice, and some fringe elements still do certainly isn't antithetical to Christianity.

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