An Unbiased Poll With obama DOWN... BIG...

The real yougov poll has Obama up by one.

Of course it does, ass munch, that's why you linked to it... oh wait... no you didn't.

Well look at the bright side, you have a new circle jerk buddy called Ace. Looks like you to can play "pretend obama is going to win" together.
Hey Pole Rider put your sigline for a month (if you still have the nerve to post here when you lose, and you will) where your mouth is.
Hey Pole Rider put your sigline for a month (if you still have the nerve to post here when you lose, and you will) where your mouth is.

honestly, I have more faith in Pale than I do in daveman.
Without a break down of the sample it's irrelevant.

Yep, as much as I would love to Believe it, I will stick to RCP, a Poll like this with no info about who they Sampled is meaningless.

I could make it look like Obama was ahead by 90 Points if I only Asked Liberal, African Americans who they planned to vote for.

I love it when the libtards get SHRILL... you know you've gotten under their skin then, and it's a beautiful thing... :lol:
Without a break down of the sample it's irrelevant.

Yep, as much as I would love to Believe it, I will stick to RCP, a Poll like this with no info about who they Sampled is meaningless.

I could make it look like Obama was ahead by 90 Points if I only Asked Liberal, African Americans who they planned to vote for.

It's not really even a poll. It's randomly selected people without mention of political leanings that are freely giving their opinion of obama, which by default is a very credible cross section of America. It's also backed up by comments left on any website that offers a comment section following news articles.

obama is losing and his popularity is a sinking ship. It's just that simple. It shouldn't take coming from NASA rocket scientists for people to see it. The indications are everywhere.
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Without a break down of the sample it's irrelevant.

Yep, as much as I would love to Believe it, I will stick to RCP, a Poll like this with no info about who they Sampled is meaningless.

I could make it look like Obama was ahead by 90 Points if I only Asked Liberal, African Americans who they planned to vote for.

It's not really even a poll. It's randomly selected people without mention of political leanings that are freely giving their opinion of obama, which by default is a very credible cross section of America. It's also backed up by comments left on any website that offers a comment section following news articles.

obama is losing and his popularity is a sinking ship. It's just that simple. It shouldn't take coming from NASA rocket scientists for people to see it. The indications are everywhere.

We can make it interesting if you have the 'nads for it:

I have this bet already with Tea Party Samurai

If Obama wins, you change your sig line to, "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President."

If Governor Romney wins, I change my sig line to, ""All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President."

Blue font, bold face, size 3.

And we each agree to leave it there until 1/1/13.

Do we have a deal? :deal:
Obama is going to lose a landslide just like Carter did to Reagan. He knows it, the party knows it, and the liberal hacks here know it.

No president has ever been re-elected with unemployment above 7%. Obama has never been below 8%. Game Over.

Hey moron. Look at FDR's numbers. You're a total idiot.

Hey moron - don't let the facts get in the way of your dick-tucking, dick-sucking ideology...

No president has ever been re-elected with unemployment above 7%. Obama has never been below 8%. Game Over.
Obama is going to lose a landslide just like Carter did to Reagan. He knows it, the party knows it, and the liberal hacks here know it.

No president has ever been re-elected with unemployment above 7%. Obama has never been below 8%. Game Over.

Hey moron. Look at FDR's numbers. You're a total idiot.

Hey moron - don't let the facts get in the way of your dick-tucking, dick-sucking ideology...

No president has ever been re-elected with unemployment above 7%. Obama has never been below 8%. Game Over.

Do 1936 & 1940 not count?
Obama is going to lose a landslide just like Carter did to Reagan. He knows it, the party knows it, and the liberal hacks here know it.

No president has ever been re-elected with unemployment above 7%. Obama has never been below 8%. Game Over.

Hey moron. Look at FDR's numbers. You're a total idiot.

Hey moron - don't let the facts get in the way of your dick-tucking, dick-sucking ideology...

No president has ever been re-elected with unemployment above 7%. Obama has never been below 8%. Game Over.

No president post WWII has had a rate as high as Obama's at the start of a term.
Hey moron. Look at FDR's numbers. You're a total idiot.

Hey moron - don't let the facts get in the way of your dick-tucking, dick-sucking ideology...

No president has ever been re-elected with unemployment above 7%. Obama has never been below 8%. Game Over.

Do 1936 & 1940 not count?

Yes stupid, the GREAT DEPRESSSION does not count. Sad that you need to point to the GREAT DEPRESSION for "hope" of your failure of a president getting re-elected.... :lol:

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