An unscientific poll: How do you lean politically?

An unscientific poll: How do you lean politically?

  • far left

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • left

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • center left

    Votes: 13 18.3%
  • center

    Votes: 11 15.5%
  • center right

    Votes: 17 23.9%
  • right

    Votes: 15 21.1%
  • far right

    Votes: 14 19.7%

  • Total voters
Funny, looks like many are not being honest in the poll at all.

Most LefTarded folks are smart enough to know they should be ashamed of their leftism or stupid enough to think they aren’t LefTarded at all.

For the record; I would have selected ‘Alt-Right‘ if there were an option.
I've certainly noticed a change. Since Trump's election, lots of left leaning members have left, or don't post as much. The most disappointing change, in my view, was the number of otherwise sane conservatives who have signed on to the Trump crazy train.
it's called policies. you should learn what matters to the majority of sane people. I bet you would vote for quid pro, creepy, sleepy, nutty Joe. The guy that doesn't even know he's running for president instead of the senate, that super thursday is actually super Tuesday. yeah go with that nut bag. Can't even say the word constitution, that 'thing'.
That's another bet you'd lose.
so communist Bernie eh?

Guess again. Trump is a joke. A bad joke.
If Trump was indeed a joke we would:

Have a collapsing economy.
Have high unemployment.
Be engaged in even more wars.
Would have gotten WORSE trade deals.
Be seeing the majority of the GOP run from him.
Not be seeing Democrats jump party all across the nation.

There is no rational for your assessment based on any typical factors.

I did not take you as an emotionally driven person. Guess I was wrong

Our GNP is falling, manufacturing s falling, deficits are skyrocketing, Trump's trade war is killing farmers as farm income is expected to be down 9% in 2020. The Fed has to keep bailing out Trump.
I've certainly noticed a change. Since Trump's election, lots of left leaning members have left, or don't post as much. The most disappointing change, in my view, was the number of otherwise sane conservatives who have signed on to the Trump crazy train.
it's called policies. you should learn what matters to the majority of sane people. I bet you would vote for quid pro, creepy, sleepy, nutty Joe. The guy that doesn't even know he's running for president instead of the senate, that super thursday is actually super Tuesday. yeah go with that nut bag. Can't even say the word constitution, that 'thing'.
I ll vote for Joe.

Joe has gaffs. Trump has ten times that amount in his lies.
still with the lie about his lies. I've asked and asked and asked in here and so far you all are still zero for whatever.
Every false claim Donald Trump has made as president

What kind of fucking idiot thinks that Trump has not lied?
what kind of fucking idiot buys everything they WANT to be true. oh, you.

115 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson
Melania did violate her VISA by working with not the correct VISA.

That was your first & it is a lie.
the defendants named on the filing were donald trump & fred trump .... before trump management was even mentioned.

that's for starters.... they had to take out ads & other measures as part of.... the settlement.

they settled because they didn't hafta admit any guilt - but if they didn't follow thru with the requirements in the settlement, then that settlement would have been null & void & they were looking at a hefty housing discrimination suit revival.
dude the filing says the defendant as Trump Management. you should read it.

donny & daddy are defendants AND trump management. trump management was listed as secondary. trump management was not the only defendant listed; hence the plural defendantS.

from the filing. It says the defendant as trump management, Inc. here again. They were principal officers. not defendants.

It is expressly understood and agreed that the execution of this Agreement by Trump Management, Inc., is in no way an admission by it of a violation of the prohibition against discrimination as set forth in the Fair Housing Act of 1968, or any other applicable statute, rule or regulation. Irrespective of the merits of the complaint, however, the principal officers of defendant Trump Management, Inc., are prepared to affirmatively assume and carry out the responsibility for assuring that their employees will comply with the Act and will promote equal opportunity. Accordingly, the parties are prepared to resolve this case by the entry of the following Consent Order.

trump management was incorporated. BFD. they physically are responsible for the physical actions that were discriminating. had there been no incorporation, they would have been the sole defendants. however if THEY didn't carry out the settlement requirements - THEY ... not trump management ... would have been fined & looking at another lawsuit.
there was never any admission of anything. Just a guarantee they'd honor what was asked in the deposition. And the FBI found no issues in the link I provided you done 20 years later. So now, how is he racist? Come on son, point to one thing Donald J. Trump did that was racist? you can't, you all fall back on this sorry excuse. Typical leftist failure.


& saying this racist bullshit along with condoning other racists' desire to keep honoring racist monuments that depict those who went to war to secede from the union so they can own people.

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

& if filthy ilk like the alt right, torch bearing neo nazis, & the dregs you see here rooting for their guy think he has the same mindset as them & is speaking di-rectly to them & their ideology....

... means he's got something just as filthy within him.
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I've certainly noticed a change. Since Trump's election, lots of left leaning members have left, or don't post as much. The most disappointing change, in my view, was the number of otherwise sane conservatives who have signed on to the Trump crazy train.
it's called policies. you should learn what matters to the majority of sane people. I bet you would vote for quid pro, creepy, sleepy, nutty Joe. The guy that doesn't even know he's running for president instead of the senate, that super thursday is actually super Tuesday. yeah go with that nut bag. Can't even say the word constitution, that 'thing'.
I ll vote for Joe.

Joe has gaffs. Trump has ten times that amount in his lies.
still with the lie about his lies. I've asked and asked and asked in here and so far you all are still zero for whatever.
Every false claim Donald Trump has made as president

What kind of fucking idiot thinks that Trump has not lied?
every false claim. do you know what a lie even is? has your mind been so affected by the political hacks on the left that you don't even know what constitutes a lie? hly fk,

the term used when a person knowingly makes an untrue statement or claim to gain an benefit or reward.
What is FALSE CLAIM? definition of FALSE CLAIM (Black's Law Dictionary)

Definition of untrue
1 : not faithful : disloyal
2 : not according with a standard of correctness : not level or exact
3 : not according with the facts : false
Definition of UNTRUE

in other words a fucking:

lie <--------
verb (2)
lied; lying
Definition of lie (Entry 3 of 6)
intransitive verb
1 : to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive
2 : to create a false or misleading impression
Definition of LIE
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Well, we see our resident leftists are not honest except one. They all think they're "moderates."
Yup all the supposed left moderates are hard left they even admit it when they post in political threads with the statements they make. No center left person would ever support banning ICE and allowing 20 MILLION illegals the citizenship. No center left would ever complain about trying to secure the Southern Border.
Well, we see our resident leftists are not honest except one. They all think they're "moderates."
Yup all the supposed left moderates are hard left they even admit it when they post in political threads with the statements they make. No center left person would ever support banning ICE and allowing 20 MILLION illegals the citizenship. No center left would ever complain about trying to secure the Southern Border.
That's why they call constitutionalists (right) "FAR RIGHT." They see the socialist/commie idiotology as "moderate" and judge anyone who doesnt agree with them as "nazi" (FAT RIGHT in their world).

Very revealing poll, but not surprising when you think about it.

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