Analysis Finds Trump Tax Cuts Didn’t Benefit Workers, Just Made Rich Companies Richer

Absurd ignorance. 91% of tax payers got a tax cut. Resulting in thousands of extra dollars per year in their pocket.

Gramps, I like you, but you’ve been duped once again.

Enjoy your tax cuts while they last

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
you say you work, did you get a reduction in your payroll tax? i did, four hundred a month. so I'm curious, it seems you didn't. that seems odd.

I think you are a damn liar. My check grew by a little over $200.00 each month, and my income from retirement is 2 and 1/2 times that of the mean monthly income of American's.

I can't tell you what to think. I can only tell you what I get. I'm getting four hundred a month. two hundred a pay check. Don't know what to tell you jack. I earn more than you maybe? And since you're unhappy with your extra 200 a month, why don't you just give it away to a charity and feel good about yourself. tell your family they don't deserve the extra money and hand it out. be that good little lefty you always wanted to be.

I take care of my own, each month $100 is added to each of the 529 accounts for my grandchildren. I also send $100 each month to the United Way.
so you are investing in your grandchildren and it doesn't hurt you in your wallet. that seems like the tax cut helped your family out. The money you donate, I'm sure is greatly appreciated by the United Way. So, again, why is that a bad thing exactly?
A very small percentage of workers got small one-time bonuses compared to the millions their employers are going to save on taxes. Is that worth putting billions on the backs of our children?

Ad hominem attack from a person of subpar intelligence = no substantive argument.

You lose, loser

A) What do you think those stock buy back recipients did with the money that they received by selling their stock?
1) Did they bury it in the back yard? 2) Did they put in under their mattress?
B) Did you know that these wealthy evil people had to pay 15% capital gains TAX.... if they were in a 25% or higher tax bracket? So the government gets back 15%!
C) So if these wealthy evil people that gained from the stock buy back say put the money into
1) treasury bonds.... hmm goes back to the government... (pay your welfare 2) Or savings accounts... but at what interest rate???

And those are just the stock buy back benefits which truly ignorant people aren't ever thinking about much less those really financially ignorant reporter hacks!
Very true, but I can bet those bitching in this post about not having stocks, are actually those who don't have stock. So they remain victims of liberalism, and must live like peons, relying on the very government assistance that you have just identified in the wealthy paying taxes. And the welfare fuckers don't thank US, they just bitch more..

I knew from the get-go that Ryan and Trump were lying to the American People, and my wife and I own stocks and bonds. In fact the first year our holdings increased and we earned $80,000 thousand in "paper" money; sadly, with the swings in the markets every time Trump tweeted, we have lost about 50k of the profits which I attribute to the steady hand of Obama.

Denial by those who tout Trump as the greatest are fools and don't have a clue as to how inept and incompetent he is and the chaos he has created in The District. Chaos is the only thing to trickle down to Main Street!
dude that doesn't have any logic in it. if you took 80k out are you saying you made 50k bad investments afterward? That's on trump? hahahaahahahaha, go figure a left without logic.

I agree ! He wrote: $80,000 thousand in "paper" money; sadly, with the swings in the markets every time Trump tweeted, we have lost about 50k of the profits which I attribute to the steady hand of Obama.Denial by those who tout Trump as the greatest are fools and don't have a clue as to how inept and incompetent he is and the chaos he has created in The District. Chaos is the only thing to trickle down to Main Street!"

He evidently doesn't comprehend you don't make a "profit" until you sell the stock.
Once again the ignorance of people like him is on display. My only response to that ignorance is this question to him and others of his ignorance:

Guess what the DJI average was when I my securities license in 1970?
A clue:
It is 2,822% greater today 4/24/18 than it was in 1970.
Dividing 2,822% by 48 years is an average of annual growth rate of 58.8% per year.

F. U. From your first post you've proved to be a toxic troll and an agent provocateur. There is no better way to waste one's time than to read your efforts to dispense propaganda.
Gramps, I like you, but you’ve been duped once again.
you say you work, did you get a reduction in your payroll tax? i did, four hundred a month. so I'm curious, it seems you didn't. that seems odd.

I think you are a damn liar. My check grew by a little over $200.00 each month, and my income from retirement is 2 and 1/2 times that of the mean monthly income of American's.

I can't tell you what to think. I can only tell you what I get. I'm getting four hundred a month. two hundred a pay check. Don't know what to tell you jack. I earn more than you maybe? And since you're unhappy with your extra 200 a month, why don't you just give it away to a charity and feel good about yourself. tell your family they don't deserve the extra money and hand it out. be that good little lefty you always wanted to be.

I take care of my own, each month $100 is added to each of the 529 accounts for my grandchildren. I also send $100 each month to the United Way.

so you are investing in your grandchildren and it doesn't hurt you in your wallet. that seems like the tax cut helped your family out. The money you donate, I'm sure is greatly appreciated by the United Way. So, again, why is that a bad thing exactly?

That $200k was being transferred from my credit union every month for over a year, before that $100 a month was transferred to the 529 account since our second grandson had yet to be born.

Even your efforts to post an ad hominem fail. Dishonesty on the Internet is to be expected, and I expect every post on topical issues from you is an effort to mislead the reader.
So, the workers who got a bonus, that didn't help that at all? I wonder how many of the workers have stock in the company that they work for? I bet at least 66%. Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhhaaaaa. You must be a welfare queen or queer....

Most people don't own stock.

If you have a retirement plan you do
Well I guess really idiots like you would bury the money those wealthy evil stock buy back recipients received!

Stop digging yourself an even bigger hole......
Again, re-read what the heck you're spewing.... LOL
So, the workers who got a bonus, that didn't help that at all? I wonder how many of the workers have stock in the company that they work for? I bet at least 66%. Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhhaaaaa. You must be a welfare queen or queer....

Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies. As owners of these companies they love the corporate tax cuts. Poor libs they have quite the sour puss face over the tax cuts.
Liberals keep trying to SPIN tax cuts as horrible and tax increases as popular LMAO! I almost feel sorry for moderate Dem's their liberal wing is nuts.
Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies.

MORON......Companies' buying their own stock back only INCREASES the price of that stock, making buyers LESS able to invest their money......

Here, contemplate this little nugget.....

The Commerce Department released its latest data on foreign ownership of U.S. assets.......And its findings may be surprising to some.

According to the data, the value of foreign-owned American assets climbed to $32.5 trillion..........while total foreign assets held by Americans reached $24.5 trillion, leaving the U.S. with an investment deficit of $8 trillion.

How much of America do foreigners really own?
Liberals keep trying to SPIN tax cuts as horrible and tax increases as popular LMAO! I almost feel sorry for moderate Dem's their liberal wing is nuts.

NO, IDIOT........Tax cuts would be great.....IF the middle class was to receive them.
Trump's tax scam gave over 80% of those tax cuts NOT to the middle class, but to those companies who helped elect him and his swamp....
This is a democrat analysis telling people that they didn't really get a bonus and that money they have in their paychecks every week isn't really there. This is step 2 in telling people "you didn't build that".
Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies.

MORON......Companies' buying their own stock back only INCREASES the price of that stock, making buyers LESS able to invest their money......

Here, contemplate this little nugget.....

The Commerce Department released its latest data on foreign ownership of U.S. assets.......And its findings may be surprising to some.

According to the data, the value of foreign-owned American assets climbed to $32.5 trillion..........while total foreign assets held by Americans reached $24.5 trillion, leaving the U.S. with an investment deficit of $8 trillion.

How much of America do foreigners really own?

Get a 5th grader to explain it to you, MILLIONS OF MIDDLE CLASS AMERICANS HAVE TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS INVESTED IN CORPORATIONS. I know that triggers you liberals and gives you a sour puss face, get over it. :itsok:
Liberals keep trying to SPIN tax cuts as horrible and tax increases as popular LMAO! I almost feel sorry for moderate Dem's their liberal wing is nuts.

NO, IDIOT........Tax cuts would be great.....IF the middle class was to receive them.
Trump's tax scam gave over 80% of those tax cuts NOT to the middle class, but to those companies who helped elect him and his swamp....

The middle class received a giant tax cut, the corporate taxes of the corporations they own got a huge tax cut. I own stock in many companies, I own a piece of those companies, the corporate tax cut benefited me. Can someone explain it to this ^^^ libtard?
Evidently we're just going to ignore how well the economy has been doing, ignore the low numbers of unemployment, ignore the "crumbs" paid out so far, ignore the lowest number of black unemployed...and just run with "oh no, life is terrible". LOL...what a bunch of idiots.
you say you work, did you get a reduction in your payroll tax? i did, four hundred a month. so I'm curious, it seems you didn't. that seems odd.

I think you are a damn liar. My check grew by a little over $200.00 each month, and my income from retirement is 2 and 1/2 times that of the mean monthly income of American's.

I can't tell you what to think. I can only tell you what I get. I'm getting four hundred a month. two hundred a pay check. Don't know what to tell you jack. I earn more than you maybe? And since you're unhappy with your extra 200 a month, why don't you just give it away to a charity and feel good about yourself. tell your family they don't deserve the extra money and hand it out. be that good little lefty you always wanted to be.

I take care of my own, each month $100 is added to each of the 529 accounts for my grandchildren. I also send $100 each month to the United Way.

so you are investing in your grandchildren and it doesn't hurt you in your wallet. that seems like the tax cut helped your family out. The money you donate, I'm sure is greatly appreciated by the United Way. So, again, why is that a bad thing exactly?

That $200k was being transferred from my credit union every month for over a year, before that $100 a month was transferred to the 529 account since our second grandson had yet to be born.

Even your efforts to post an ad hominem fail. Dishonesty on the Internet is to be expected, and I expect every post on topical issues from you is an effort to mislead the reader.
$200k was being transferred from my credit union every month
200k a month? hly fk are those kids set. good for them. they also got an additional 100 a month. Still not sure what I made up.

Dishonesty on the Internet is to be expected,

So what was I dishonest about? I applauded you. so tell me what the fk you're talking about.

Do you have a conscience and be honest?
Evidently we're just going to ignore how well the economy has been doing, ignore the low numbers of unemployment, ignore the "crumbs" paid out so far, ignore the lowest number of black unemployed...and just run with "oh no, life is terrible". LOL...what a bunch of idiots.

Did morons like you "ignore" the economy that was INHERITED by trump from Obama????

Trump's First Year Echoes Obama's Record on the Economy ...

You need to pay closer attention...dumbass.
Economists agree: Trump, not Obama, gets credit for economy
Well I guess really idiots like you would bury the money those wealthy evil stock buy back recipients received!

Stop digging yourself an even bigger hole......
Again, re-read what the heck you're spewing.... LOL

Better than re-reading let me RE-POST and you point out the holes I'm digging OK???

A) What do you think those stock buy back recipients did with the money that they received by selling their stock?
1) Did they bury it in the back yard? 2) Did they put in under their mattress?
So what kind of "hole" did I dig with the above comment OR DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THEY BURY IN THE BAG YARD OR PUT UNDER THEIR MATTRESS?

B) Did you know that these wealthy evil people had to pay 15% capital gains TAX.... if they were in a 25% or higher tax bracket? So the government gets back 15%!
Explain what kind of "HOLE" is this where when these evil wealthy Americans have their stock bought back...geez that's called "capital gains" and is TAXED!

C) So if these wealthy evil people that gained from the stock buy back say put the money into
1) treasury bonds.... hmm goes back to the government... (pay your welfare 2) Or savings accounts... but at what interest rate???

So what kind of "hole" is it when these wealthy evil Americans buy treasury bonds that Chinese don't buy for example? That's not good?
Or the banks getting more cash and and a result have to lend to hmmm.... small businesses that will WHAT???? Hire more people! WOW!!! If that's a "HOLE" dig more HOLES!!!

And those are just the stock buy back benefits which truly ignorant people aren't ever thinking about much less those really financially ignorant reporter hacks!

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