Analysis Finds Trump Tax Cuts Didn’t Benefit Workers, Just Made Rich Companies Richer

A) What do you think those stock buy back recipients did with the money that they received by selling their stock?

Where the rich hide their money
No one knows exactly how much money goes through the world’s offshore havens right now, but in 2010, it was a mind-blowing $21–$32 trillion built up in close to 140 black hole havens.
A) What do you think those stock buy back recipients did with the money that they received by selling their stock?
1) Did they bury it in the back yard? 2) Did they put in under their mattress?
B) Did you know that these wealthy evil people had to pay 15% capital gains TAX.... if they were in a 25% or higher tax bracket? So the government gets back 15%!
C) So if these wealthy evil people that gained from the stock buy back say put the money into
1) treasury bonds.... hmm goes back to the government... (pay your welfare 2) Or savings accounts... but at what interest rate???

And those are just the stock buy back benefits which truly ignorant people aren't ever thinking about much less those really financially ignorant reporter hacks!
Very true, but I can bet those bitching in this post about not having stocks, are actually those who don't have stock. So they remain victims of liberalism, and must live like peons, relying on the very government assistance that you have just identified in the wealthy paying taxes. And the welfare fuckers don't thank US, they just bitch more..

I knew from the get-go that Ryan and Trump were lying to the American People, and my wife and I own stocks and bonds. In fact the first year our holdings increased and we earned $80,000 thousand in "paper" money; sadly, with the swings in the markets every time Trump tweeted, we have lost about 50k of the profits which I attribute to the steady hand of Obama.

Denial by those who tout Trump as the greatest are fools and don't have a clue as to how inept and incompetent he is and the chaos he has created in The District. Chaos is the only thing to trickle down to Main Street!
dude that doesn't have any logic in it. if you took 80k out are you saying you made 50k bad investments afterward? That's on trump? hahahaahahahaha, go figure a left without logic.

I agree ! He wrote: $80,000 thousand in "paper" money; sadly, with the swings in the markets every time Trump tweeted, we have lost about 50k of the profits which I attribute to the steady hand of Obama.Denial by those who tout Trump as the greatest are fools and don't have a clue as to how inept and incompetent he is and the chaos he has created in The District. Chaos is the only thing to trickle down to Main Street!"

He evidently doesn't comprehend you don't make a "profit" until you sell the stock.
Once again the ignorance of people like him is on display. My only response to that ignorance is this question to him and others of his ignorance:

Guess what the DJI average was when I my securities license in 1970?
A clue:
It is 2,822% greater today 4/24/18 than it was in 1970.
Dividing 2,822% by 48 years is an average of annual growth rate of 58.8% per year.

F. U. From your first post you've proved to be a toxic troll and an agent provocateur. There is no better way to waste one's time than to read your efforts to dispense propaganda.

So YOU are telling me that THIS FACT!!! The DJI has increased from 1970 to 2018 (do you agree... that's 48 years right???) 2,822%?
December 31, 1970 838.92
April 20, 2018 24,462.94
Dow Jones Industrial Average History (DJIA / Dow 30)

How can you disagree with that FACT?

How about another MATH FACT?
Subtract from 24,462.94 the DJI 4/20/28 the DJI for 12/31/1970 838.92 ---- a growth over 48 years of 2,816%
FACT divide 2,816% by 48 years you get: 58.7% per year growth in the DJI!

So idiot? Where is the "propaganda" in the above MATH?

Trump and Republican leadership have long touted their tax cuts as a massive boon to America’s working class, if not through direct tax reductions or refunds, then through the trickle-down effect of bonuses and wage increases from their employers who receive massive corporate cuts. “Tax reform is working,” Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said in January, mentioning Apple’s decision to reward a bonus of $2,500 in stock grants to some Apple employees. “Workers are coming home and telling their families they got a bonus, or they got a raise or they got better benefits.”

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

“There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little—if anything—to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

The newest projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican tax plan led to, in part, a 2018 deficit $242 billion higher than previously estimated.

Roughly 36 percent of Americans approve of the Republican tax cuts, according to a March Quinnipiac University Poll and a CNBC poll found that 52 percent of working adults said they had not seen a change to their paychecks since the cuts were passed.

In January, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said 90 percent of all working adults would see increases in their paychecks because of the cuts.

The tard that wrote this trash does not understand how anything fucking works. The IRS has issued new withholding tables that will benefit the vast majority of workers. Fucking tards and their cherry picked stats can suck it.
A) What do you think those stock buy back recipients did with the money that they received by selling their stock?

Where the rich hide their money
No one knows exactly how much money goes through the world’s offshore havens right now, but in 2010, it was a mind-blowing $21–$32 trillion built up in close to 140 black hole havens.

HEY still can't dispute THIS FACT dummy!
B) Did you know that these wealthy evil people had to pay 15% capital gains TAX.... if they were in a 25% or higher tax bracket? So the government gets back 15%!

Obviously you have NO idea how the IRS works but all these publicly held companies that "buy back" have to file with IRS who they bought the stock from!
THE IRS KNOW who had a capital gains and if this is NOT reported...guess what??

But more importantly did YOU READ your article you quoted???

"they are an incredibly diverse group, from 30-year-old Chinese real estate speculators
and Silicon Valley software tycoons to Dubai oil sheiks,
Russian presidents, mineral-rich African dictators and Mexican drug lords.”
I only can contribute what facts are true for my self. the cash value of my property has not gone up in 4 years, but my property tax increase letter came yesterday, increased my taxes by 12% for 2018. the working middle class will be paying as usual for our state & federal miss management of our money. this administration like others is not improving the life's of the average American.
Evidently we're just going to ignore how well the economy has been doing, ignore the low numbers of unemployment, ignore the "crumbs" paid out so far, ignore the lowest number of black unemployed...and just run with "oh no, life is terrible". LOL...what a bunch of idiots.

That's exactly what Dem's did for 8 years under Bush.
The myth of trickle down economics has always been known to be failed fiscal policy, but the idiotic right keeps doing the same stupid thing over and over again expecting different results.
I only can contribute what facts are true for my self. the cash value of my property has not gone up in 4 years, but my property tax increase letter came yesterday, increased my taxes by 12% for 2018. the working middle class will be paying as usual for our state & federal miss management of our money. this administration like others is not improving the life's of the average American.

True for your self. You said it! An exceptional situation.

The two issues are totally unrelated to the Federal Tax cuts though.
Your property is obviously NOT in a desirable part of the community. Because in my particular property values have gone up 7.7% IN ONE YEAR!
But that has NOTHING to do with Federal TAX cuts "DIRECTLY"... Indirectly... as employers have reduced unemployment ...due to federal capital write-offs in year occur to less then 3%
of the community's employable.
Absurd ignorance. 91% of tax payers got a tax cut. Resulting in thousands of extra dollars per year in their pocket.

Gramps, I like you, but you’ve been duped once again.

Enjoy your tax cuts while they last

But here's the thing: After 2025, all individual tax cuts are set to expire. At the same time, corporate rate cuts are made permanent under the bill.

As a result, by 2027 a large majority of people making less than $200,000 will either see little change in their tax bill or a tax increase relative to what they pay today, the JCT estimates.
The tax cuts are not permanent because Democrats refused to support them making 60 votes impossible. Reconciliation by rule requires that any law be sunsetted or reapproved.

So the cuts are not permanent because of the left.

Yea, that's bullshit - corporate cuts are permanent.
The myth of trickle down economics has always been known to be failed fiscal policy, but the idiotic right keeps doing the same stupid thing over and over again expecting different results.
Wow... strange... you are using the Internet. Something that didn't exist when I was 20 years old.
You walk around texting with your cell phone... when I had a brick for a cell in the 80s and very few had bricks.
And you say trickle down doesn't work. Wow...
What do you think those stock buy back recipients did with the money that they received by selling their stock?

What the fuck are you babbling about???

RE-read what you wrote above and apologize for your stupidity.

Well I guess really idiots like you would bury the money those wealthy evil stock buy back recipients received! Actually I bet you would probably go out and literally "blow" it!

Of course my FACTS are confusing to you! Ignorant people of how finance works resort to "babble" when they don't understand...
So just in case let me repeat:

A) What do you think those stock buy back recipients did with the money that they received by selling their stock?

1) Did they bury it in the back yard? 2) Did they put in under their mattress?

B) Did you know that these wealthy evil people had to pay 15% capital gains TAX.... if they were in a 25% or higher tax bracket?
So the government gets back 15% which I'm sure a part of which is used to make your welfare payment!

C) So if these wealthy evil people that gained from the stock buy back say put the money into
1) treasury bonds.... hmm goes back to the government... (pay your welfare 2) Or savings accounts... but at what interest rate???

In response to your questions above, #s 1 & 2, neither one of us knows what they all did. But I suspect some of it went into buying stocks in foreign nations, or some into banks on the Cayman Islands, or donated it to the Republican Party in their quest (which is failing) to make the US a single party system or to pay off prostitutes so as to not be subjected to the screw-tany which your darling donald is under.

Trump and Republican leadership have long touted their tax cuts as a massive boon to America’s working class, if not through direct tax reductions or refunds, then through the trickle-down effect of bonuses and wage increases from their employers who receive massive corporate cuts. “Tax reform is working,” Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said in January, mentioning Apple’s decision to reward a bonus of $2,500 in stock grants to some Apple employees. “Workers are coming home and telling their families they got a bonus, or they got a raise or they got better benefits.”

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

“There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little—if anything—to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

The newest projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican tax plan led to, in part, a 2018 deficit $242 billion higher than previously estimated.

Roughly 36 percent of Americans approve of the Republican tax cuts, according to a March Quinnipiac University Poll and a CNBC poll found that 52 percent of working adults said they had not seen a change to their paychecks since the cuts were passed.

In January, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said 90 percent of all working adults would see increases in their paychecks because of the cuts.

Hmmm, "analysis" by a far, far left group doesn't like the fact that more Americans get to keep more of their own money. Who would of thunk it. Everyone knows that progressives think they know how to spend your money better than you do so they ALWAYS come to this same conclusion. Funny how that works. In the real world though, every one of my neighbors is seeing significant tax reductions. 7,000 seems to be the average.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
What do you think those stock buy back recipients did with the money that they received by selling their stock?

What the fuck are you babbling about???

RE-read what you wrote above and apologize for your stupidity.

Well I guess really idiots like you would bury the money those wealthy evil stock buy back recipients received! Actually I bet you would probably go out and literally "blow" it!

Of course my FACTS are confusing to you! Ignorant people of how finance works resort to "babble" when they don't understand...
So just in case let me repeat:

A) What do you think those stock buy back recipients did with the money that they received by selling their stock?

1) Did they bury it in the back yard? 2) Did they put in under their mattress?

B) Did you know that these wealthy evil people had to pay 15% capital gains TAX.... if they were in a 25% or higher tax bracket?
So the government gets back 15% which I'm sure a part of which is used to make your welfare payment!

C) So if these wealthy evil people that gained from the stock buy back say put the money into
1) treasury bonds.... hmm goes back to the government... (pay your welfare 2) Or savings accounts... but at what interest rate???

In response to your questions above, #s 1 & 2, neither one of us knows what they all did. But I suspect some of it went into buying stocks in foreign nations, or some into banks on the Cayman Islands, or donated it to the Republican Party in their quest (which is failing) to make the US a single party system or to pay off prostitutes so as to not be subjected to the screw-teny which your darling donald is under.

I have NO doubts "SOME" did what you suggest above.
That would happen under a Democrat also...but still there are now more people working. Wages are going up because there are fewer unemployed people.

Wage growth is expected to get a boost from the strong labor market,
which is forecast to hit full employment this year. Economists expect the jobless rate to hit 3.5 percent by the end of 2018.
U.S. private payrolls rise strongly, wage growth picking up
BS, I live in one of the three most sought after area's in my town. 2nd my friend just sold one of her rental property in a less desired but still nice middle class area at a loss. yes property values very from state to state. one former state I lived in & bought a house there lived in & sold at a good profit is now valued at about 15 times what it sold for back then. and regular working people in that area can no longer afford to buy & are paying 50% of there income for rentals & not great rentals at that. wake up the working middle class is being crushed.
Ha...ha...ha.... Guess YOU never hear of QE1,2,3 that was borrowed from the US government to support the market to the tune of nearly $4.5 TRILLION! Added to the national debt!

Ha...ha...ha? You really should stop laughing, as you are too clueless to even know the difference between fiscal and monetary policy.

Federal Reserve, by definition, does not control fiscal policy and cannot burrow ANYTHING against national debt.
The myth of trickle down economics has always been known to be failed fiscal policy, but the idiotic right keeps doing the same stupid thing over and over again expecting different results.
define trickle down for us and who came up with the name.
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but I can bet those bitching in this post about not having stocks, are actually those who don't have stock

Another 4th grade "retort"........No wonder trump honestly stated that he loves the poorly educated who voted for his sorry, fat ass.
In their world, if you don’t agree with them, you’re a “welfare queen”.

I’m a honest, hardworking American tax payer who has never been on welfare; but I support helping those in need over giving more money to already rich companies.

These bootlickers just continue licking even as their Dear Leader walks right over them
this is what nonsense looks like.

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