Analysis Finds Trump Tax Cuts Didn’t Benefit Workers, Just Made Rich Companies Richer

Well I guess really idiots like you would bury the money those wealthy evil stock buy back recipients received! Actually I bet you would probably go out and literally "blow" it!

Of course my FACTS are confusing to you! Ignorant people of how finance works resort to "babble" when they don't understand...
So just in case let me repeat:

A) What do you think those stock buy back recipients did with the money that they received by selling their stock?

1) Did they bury it in the back yard? 2) Did they put in under their mattress?

B) Did you know that these wealthy evil people had to pay 15% capital gains TAX.... if they were in a 25% or higher tax bracket?
So the government gets back 15% which I'm sure a part of which is used to make your welfare payment!

C) So if these wealthy evil people that gained from the stock buy back say put the money into
1) treasury bonds.... hmm goes back to the government... (pay your welfare 2) Or savings accounts... but at what interest rate???

In response to your questions above, #s 1 & 2, neither one of us knows what they all did. But I suspect some of it went into buying stocks in foreign nations, or some into banks on the Cayman Islands, or donated it to the Republican Party in their quest (which is failing) to make the US a single party system or to pay off prostitutes so as to not be subjected to the screw-tany which your darling donald is under.
well first you have to understand the tax cuts. so come on back when you know what is what. Cause no more Cayman Islands was the intent of the tax cut, derp!
Let’s’re the same guy who tried to tell me that gun reform advocates are infringing on your second amendment rights by peacefully protesting. You’re also the same guy who doesn’t understand how primary elections work. So, don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about on any given subject.
so you don't know, go read up. learn what repatriation means
Again, you don’t know shit about shit.
when I win the fight.
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Unemployment is under 5%, which is considered full employment. The economy is roaring.

ahhhhhh, an Obama fan........thank

Ha...ha...ha.... Guess YOU never hear of QE1,2,3 that was borrowed from the US government to support the market to the tune of nearly $4.5 TRILLION! Added to the national debt!

Ha...ha...ha? You really should stop laughing, as you are too clueless to even know the difference between fiscal and monetary policy.

Federal Reserve, by definition, does not control fiscal policy and cannot burrow ANYTHING against national debt.

Of course they can't "burrow"... You should pay more attention to reality and your spelling!
There were four phases of the QE program that lasted until October 2014.

The Fed ended up with $4.5 trillion in Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities on its balance sheet.

Once the Fed starts retiring its bonds, long-term interest rates will rise further.
That’s because there will be a greater supply of Treasurys on the market.
he U.S. Treasury will have to offer higher interest rates on the Treasurys it auctions to convince anyone to buy them.
That will make the U.S. debt more expensive for the government to pay back.
It’s a serious issue with an almost $20 trillion debt.
Furthermore, the debt-to-gross domestic product ratio is more than 100 percent.

That’s beyond a safe level. It makes lenders question whether a nation can afford to repay its loans.

A low prime rate helps companies expand and create jobs.
Low mortgage rates help people afford more expensive homes.
The Fed wanted QE to revive the housing market[Shades of the 2007 housing bubble!]. Low interest rates also reduce returns on bonds.
That turns investors toward stocks and other higher-yielding investments. For all these reasons, low interest rates help boost economic growth.

But part of the Fed's intention could have been to monetize the debt. It’s never admitted that, but it makes sense. QE helped increase government spending and boost growth. The Treasury didn't have to raise interest rates to attract buyers. That would have depressed the economy. When the economy has fully recovered, the Fed can safely reverse its QE transactions. It will sell the Treasurys it owns

How the Federal Reserve Worsens the U.S. Debt

I love the way you say nonsense and then try to play it off as some sort of misunderstanding on my part.

Contrary to what you said QE did not, and could not, add 4.5 Trillion to debt. You were wrong, period.
The myth of trickle down economics has always been known to be failed fiscal policy, but the idiotic right keeps doing the same stupid thing over and over again expecting different results.
Wow... strange... you are using the Internet. Something that didn't exist when I was 20 years old.
You walk around texting with your cell phone... when I had a brick for a cell in the 80s and very few had bricks.
And you say trickle down doesn't work. Wow...
Uh what?.... Please elaborate on how “trickle down economics” gave rise to the internet and advancements in cell phone technology.

This ought to be good :eusa_whistle:
define trickle down economics, let's hear your version and who came up with the name.
Trickle down economics is the fantasy that by giving the wealthy tax cuts, they’ll go against all they stand for and pass their good fortune on to the less fortunate in the form of jobs and opportunities. It didn’t work in the 80s and it’s not going to work now. When the wealthy get more money, they keep it
so people didn't have jobs in the 80's? well unemployment is down today. isn't that private business creating jobs? who deemed the phrase? it was whacky demolosers who couldn't figure out how to explain the success, so instead made up a myth.
Consumer demand creates jobs, in demand-constrained economy.

65 percent of public thinks that tax bill was a payoff to GOP donors... what else could it be?
The other 35 percent are dumber than rocks.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said GOP donors will quit giving to Republicans if Congress does not pass tax reform.
Graham specifically said that "financial contributions will stop" for the GOP.

@RepChrisCollins (R-NY) on tax reform: "My donors are basically saying, 'Get it done or don’t ever call me again.'
So, the workers who got a bonus, that didn't help that at all? I wonder how many of the workers have stock in the company that they work for? I bet at least 66%. Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhhaaaaa. You must be a welfare queen or queer....

Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies. As owners of these companies they love the corporate tax cuts. Poor libs they have quite the sour puss face over the tax cuts.

Name 100,000! Or admit you make stuff up to appease your biases.
See how the WSJ "struggles" to justify the dubious success of the tax scam.

..........the first quarter was when the tax cut took effect, raising the take-home pay of many Americans in addition to sharply reducing corporate taxes. That ought to have boosted consumer spending, but apparently it wasn’t enough to offset the temporary factors weighing on the economy in the first quarter.......

Still Waiting for the Tax-Cut Boost
Wow... strange... you are using the Internet. Something that didn't exist when I was 20 years old.
You walk around texting with your cell phone... when I had a brick for a cell in the 80s and very few had bricks.
And you say trickle down doesn't work. Wow...
Uh what?.... Please elaborate on how “trickle down economics” gave rise to the internet and advancements in cell phone technology.

This ought to be good :eusa_whistle:
define trickle down economics, let's hear your version and who came up with the name.
Trickle down economics is the fantasy that by giving the wealthy tax cuts, they’ll go against all they stand for and pass their good fortune on to the less fortunate in the form of jobs and opportunities. It didn’t work in the 80s and it’s not going to work now. When the wealthy get more money, they keep it
so people didn't have jobs in the 80's? well unemployment is down today. isn't that private business creating jobs? who deemed the phrase? it was whacky demolosers who couldn't figure out how to explain the success, so instead made up a myth.
Consumer demand creates jobs, in demand-constrained economy.

65 percent of public thinks that tax bill was a payoff to GOP donors... what else could it be?
The other 35 percent are dumber than rocks.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said GOP donors will quit giving to Republicans if Congress does not pass tax reform.
Graham specifically said that "financial contributions will stop" for the GOP.

@RepChrisCollins (R-NY) on tax reform: "My donors are basically saying, 'Get it done or don’t ever call me again.'

As I've said time and again the Republicans in Congress value their job as priority #1, and their party a close second. The rest of American can go to hell before they stop doing he bidding of global corporations, Wall Street and billionaires.
So, the workers who got a bonus, that didn't help that at all? I wonder how many of the workers have stock in the company that they work for? I bet at least 66%. Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhhaaaaa. You must be a welfare queen or queer....

Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies. As owners of these companies they love the corporate tax cuts. Poor libs they have quite the sour puss face over the tax cuts.

Name 100,000! Or admit you make stuff up to appease your biases.
how stupid is this. Why don't you name 100,000 that don't like the tax cuts? how about that?
That is hilarious. If a company didn’t publicly make an announcement, then they didn’t do it.

Let’s look at who is behind the group that did this so-called analysis, shall we?
All left wing so-called organizations and think tanks that derives their funds from, guess who?
It's the group that said oil companies don't get subsidies.
True but they get huge tax breaks
So, the workers who got a bonus, that didn't help that at all? I wonder how many of the workers have stock in the company that they work for? I bet at least 66%. Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhhaaaaa. You must be a welfare queen or queer....

Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies. As owners of these companies they love the corporate tax cuts. Poor libs they have quite the sour puss face over the tax cuts.

Name 100,000! Or admit you make stuff up to appease your biases.
how stupid is this. Why don't you name 100,000 that don't like the tax cuts? how about that?
I'm filthy rich so don't care.
I do care aboutthedeficit though.
Never a mention of that
That is hilarious. If a company didn’t publicly make an announcement, then they didn’t do it.

Let’s look at who is behind the group that did this so-called analysis, shall we?
All left wing so-called organizations and think tanks that derives their funds from, guess who?
It's the group that said oil companies don't get subsidies.
True but they get huge tax breaks
Whose money does it belong to? When you work, how much do you keep, that is of course if you work?
So, the workers who got a bonus, that didn't help that at all? I wonder how many of the workers have stock in the company that they work for? I bet at least 66%. Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhhaaaaa. You must be a welfare queen or queer....

Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies. As owners of these companies they love the corporate tax cuts. Poor libs they have quite the sour puss face over the tax cuts.

Name 100,000! Or admit you make stuff up to appease your biases.
how stupid is this. Why don't you name 100,000 that don't like the tax cuts? how about that?
I'm filthy rich so don't care.
I do care aboutthedeficit though.
Never a mention of that
Did you care when Obama was increasing the debt 1.25 trillion dollars a year? Along with the 4.5 trillion FAUX debt put on the Federal Reserve? You are a fucking liar....
So, the workers who got a bonus, that didn't help that at all? I wonder how many of the workers have stock in the company that they work for? I bet at least 66%. Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhhaaaaa. You must be a welfare queen or queer....

Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies. As owners of these companies they love the corporate tax cuts. Poor libs they have quite the sour puss face over the tax cuts.

Name 100,000! Or admit you make stuff up to appease your biases.
how stupid is this. Why don't you name 100,000 that don't like the tax cuts? how about that?
I'm filthy rich so don't care.
I do care aboutthedeficit though.
Never a mention of that
Did you care when Obama was increasing the debt 1.25 trillion dollars a year? Along with the 4.5 trillion FAUX debt put on the Federal Reserve? You are a fucking liar....
not at all. he didn't give two shits about the debt. In fact he most likely content with adding more free money to the laziest of the lazy, the 47%
So, the workers who got a bonus, that didn't help that at all? I wonder how many of the workers have stock in the company that they work for? I bet at least 66%. Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhhaaaaa. You must be a welfare queen or queer....

Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies. As owners of these companies they love the corporate tax cuts. Poor libs they have quite the sour puss face over the tax cuts.

Name 100,000! Or admit you make stuff up to appease your biases.
how stupid is this. Why don't you name 100,000 that don't like the tax cuts? how about that?
I'm filthy rich so don't care.
I do care aboutthedeficit though.
Never a mention of that
Did you care when Obama was increasing the debt 1.25 trillion dollars a year? Along with the 4.5 trillion FAUX debt put on the Federal Reserve? You are a fucking liar....
I did actually.
Where did you learn your foul mouth from again?
PhD study?
So, the workers who got a bonus, that didn't help that at all? I wonder how many of the workers have stock in the company that they work for? I bet at least 66%. Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhhaaaaa. You must be a welfare queen or queer....

Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies. As owners of these companies they love the corporate tax cuts. Poor libs they have quite the sour puss face over the tax cuts.

Name 100,000! Or admit you make stuff up to appease your biases.
how stupid is this. Why don't you name 100,000 that don't like the tax cuts? how about that?
I'm filthy rich so don't care.
I do care aboutthedeficit though.
Never a mention of that
no one asked you.
Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies. As owners of these companies they love the corporate tax cuts. Poor libs they have quite the sour puss face over the tax cuts.

Name 100,000! Or admit you make stuff up to appease your biases.
how stupid is this. Why don't you name 100,000 that don't like the tax cuts? how about that?
I'm filthy rich so don't care.
I do care aboutthedeficit though.
Never a mention of that
Did you care when Obama was increasing the debt 1.25 trillion dollars a year? Along with the 4.5 trillion FAUX debt put on the Federal Reserve? You are a fucking liar....
not at all. he didn't give two shits about the debt. In fact he most likely content with adding more free money to the laziest of the lazy, the 47%
says our oldshitefart sucking off his socialist SS Medicare benefits
Name 100,000! Or admit you make stuff up to appease your biases.
how stupid is this. Why don't you name 100,000 that don't like the tax cuts? how about that?
I'm filthy rich so don't care.
I do care aboutthedeficit though.
Never a mention of that
Did you care when Obama was increasing the debt 1.25 trillion dollars a year? Along with the 4.5 trillion FAUX debt put on the Federal Reserve? You are a fucking liar....
not at all. he didn't give two shits about the debt. In fact he most likely content with adding more free money to the laziest of the lazy, the 47%
says our oldshitefart sucking off his socialist SS Medicare benefits
SS and medicare is invested and paid for by me. it isn't a welfare system stupid ass.

Trump and Republican leadership have long touted their tax cuts as a massive boon to America’s working class, if not through direct tax reductions or refunds, then through the trickle-down effect of bonuses and wage increases from their employers who receive massive corporate cuts. “Tax reform is working,” Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said in January, mentioning Apple’s decision to reward a bonus of $2,500 in stock grants to some Apple employees. “Workers are coming home and telling their families they got a bonus, or they got a raise or they got better benefits.”

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

“There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little—if anything—to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

The newest projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican tax plan led to, in part, a 2018 deficit $242 billion higher than previously estimated.

Roughly 36 percent of Americans approve of the Republican tax cuts, according to a March Quinnipiac University Poll and a CNBC poll found that 52 percent of working adults said they had not seen a change to their paychecks since the cuts were passed.

In January, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said 90 percent of all working adults would see increases in their paychecks because of the cuts.

Hmmm, "analysis" by a far, far left group doesn't like the fact that more Americans get to keep more of their own money. Who would of thunk it. Everyone knows that progressives think they know how to spend your money better than you do so they ALWAYS come to this same conclusion. Funny how that works. In the real world though, every one of my neighbors is seeing significant tax reductions. 7,000 seems to be the average.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Put this up your ass where your head is:

The little bit increase in the pay checks this year will fade away next year and for years after that as the standard deduction remains the same, and the taxes and fees rise.

Only a fool believes a word that comes out of the mouth of Ryan or Trump.

Hmm, so a government worker bee, you. Who relies on the forced confiscation of the people money to keep you in your cushy job, and who is looking at the pension you have so non diligently been working for your whole life falling apart. See a group (this aforementioned ultra left, big government paid shill) who says "take more money from the people to prop up your lazy ass" and you think that this is a compelling argument?

Get real clown boy. Any person who uses this groups "analysis" for anything more than bird cage poop dropping collection, is an idiot.

That would be you.

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