
How can it be anarchy without the FREE exchange of goods and services?
That is called a market and it is not synonymous with capitalism. Capitalism is a method of producing commodities.

How can it be anarchy if a central authority controls the economic system?
It can't.
Okay...tell me the economic system not centrally controlled, that you think would work?
The government of the USA is a predator and seeking world domination at any cost. It is without ethics or morals. It has proven it's willingness to murder vast numbers of people.
That's capitalism again.
How can it be anarchy without the FREE exchange of goods and services?
That is called a market and it is not synonymous with capitalism. Capitalism is a method of producing commodities.

How can it be anarchy if a central authority controls the economic system?
It can't.
Okay...tell me the economic system not centrally controlled, that you think would work?
How can it be anarchy without the FREE exchange of goods and services?
That is called a market and it is not synonymous with capitalism. Capitalism is a method of producing commodities.

How can it be anarchy if a central authority controls the economic system?
It can't.
Okay...tell me the economic system not centrally controlled, that you think would work?
LMFAO. As I thought. You are not serious.
How can it be anarchy without the FREE exchange of goods and services?
That is called a market and it is not synonymous with capitalism. Capitalism is a method of producing commodities.

How can it be anarchy if a central authority controls the economic system?
It can't.
Okay...tell me the economic system not centrally controlled, that you think would work?
LMFAO. As I thought. You are not serious.
Of course I'm serious. Socialism is a method of producing commodities cooperatively. You want a cooperative society, that is where you need to start.
How can it be anarchy without the FREE exchange of goods and services?
That is called a market and it is not synonymous with capitalism. Capitalism is a method of producing commodities.

How can it be anarchy if a central authority controls the economic system?
It can't.
Okay...tell me the economic system not centrally controlled, that you think would work?
LMFAO. As I thought. You are not serious.
Of course I'm serious. Socialism is a method of producing commodities cooperatively. You want a cooperative society, that is where you need to start.
No. Socialism is just another form of tyranny.
The government of the USA is a predator and seeking world domination at any cost. It is without ethics or morals. It has proven it's willingness to murder vast numbers of people.
That's capitalism again.
For what purpose does the US seek to dominate the world if not for resources?
It seeks to dominate so that the elite can get more wealthy and powerful. Nothing to do with capitalism.
The government of the USA is a predator and seeking world domination at any cost. It is without ethics or morals. It has proven it's willingness to murder vast numbers of people.
That's capitalism again.
For what purpose does the US seek to dominate the world if not for resources?
It seeks to dominate so that the elite can get more wealthy and powerful. Nothing to do with capitalism.
Who are the elite? And where does the wealth come from?
That is called a market and it is not synonymous with capitalism. Capitalism is a method of producing commodities.

It can't.
Okay...tell me the economic system not centrally controlled, that you think would work?
LMFAO. As I thought. You are not serious.
Of course I'm serious. Socialism is a method of producing commodities cooperatively. You want a cooperative society, that is where you need to start.
No. Socialism is just another form of tyranny.
The capitalist form of production is tyrannical. The Capitalist that sits at the head of the company dictates to the workers. The socialist form of production frees the workers from their dictator.
The government of the USA is a predator and seeking world domination at any cost. It is without ethics or morals. It has proven it's willingness to murder vast numbers of people.
That's capitalism again.
For what purpose does the US seek to dominate the world if not for resources?
It seeks to dominate so that the elite can get more wealthy and powerful. Nothing to do with capitalism.
Who are the elite? And where does the wealth come from?
The Oligarchy. War is amazingly enriching for them.
Okay...tell me the economic system not centrally controlled, that you think would work?
LMFAO. As I thought. You are not serious.
Of course I'm serious. Socialism is a method of producing commodities cooperatively. You want a cooperative society, that is where you need to start.
No. Socialism is just another form of tyranny.
The capitalist form of production is tyrannical. The Capitalist that sits at the head of the company dictates to the workers. The socialist form of production frees the workers from their dictator.
Yeah. Workers did really well in China USSR Cuba etc.
That's capitalism again.
For what purpose does the US seek to dominate the world if not for resources?
It seeks to dominate so that the elite can get more wealthy and powerful. Nothing to do with capitalism.
Who are the elite? And where does the wealth come from?
The Oligarchy. War is amazingly enriching for them.
Capitalism, the oligarchs reap the surplus value from the products their workers produce.
LMFAO. As I thought. You are not serious.
Of course I'm serious. Socialism is a method of producing commodities cooperatively. You want a cooperative society, that is where you need to start.
No. Socialism is just another form of tyranny.
The capitalist form of production is tyrannical. The Capitalist that sits at the head of the company dictates to the workers. The socialist form of production frees the workers from their dictator.
Yeah. Workers did really well in China USSR Cuba etc.
What is the difference to the worker, between a capitalist and a bureaucrat placed in that position at the head of production? There is none. He is still being taken advantage of. The surplus value still going to the top of the hierarchy.

Those countries had no chance of succeeding along the paths they took. They were not fully industrialized and had poor political legacies.
The capitalist form of production is tyrannical. The Capitalist that sits at the head of the company dictates to the workers. The socialist form of production frees the workers from their dictator.
Okay, first off....:lol: nobody is forcing anyone else to work for the dictator.

Secondly, go back to the barter system. Everyone controls his or her labor and exchanges the value produced from that labor for something else that is valuable. The hunter exchanges the meat and skins he obtains from his hunt. The tailor exchanges work done sewing clothing for the hunter for meat.

No governing body should control the individual's labor BUT the individual. Likewise, nobody should govern the fruits of the individual's labor but the individual. If the individual is forced to work for someone else, that individual is exchanging labor for money/resources.

This is all basic and elementary. If the "dictator" wants to be an ass, don't work for him. The lie that the commies tell you is that you don't have a choice.
What is the difference to the worker, between a capitalist and a bureaucrat placed in that position at the head of production? There is none. He is still being taken advantage of. The surplus value still going to the top of the hierarchy.
The difference? Does the success or failure of the operation effect the bureaucrat's compensation, or does he/she get a paycheck no matter how food or shitty the outcome?

The surplus value goes to he who takes the risks.

Too chicken or stupid to take the risk? Work for that "dictator" and quit bitchin'
And, to the ultimate issue, Anarchy is not possible.

Anarchy is like perpetual motion. It is logically and physically impossible.

It's like trying to create or destroy matter. It can only be converted. Same with a "state." It can only be converted to another form of state. It can never be destroyed.
Defined: a theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.

I know the statists don't think it possible or workable. However, a stateless society is conceivable and far better than the state run society we have today.

Nothing has caused more death, suffering, and destruction than the state throughout human history. So, logically, why continue something so heinous?

There is NOTHING to fear from a stateless society. There is much to fear from a state run society. you can call me CRAZY!

PS. Anarchy is not synonymous with chaos.

Geez, people just don't think this stuff through.

Anarchy is The Law of The Jungle. Personally, I would advocate it because I am one bad Son of a Bitch.

If I want what you got, your woman, your house, your food, I'll take it. If you are weak, disabled, and unable to defend yourself, NO SOUP FOR YOU.

Anarchy is Right Wing, Extreme Right Wing, but it would be too much freedom for people to handle.
Libertarianism would be a lot better.

The capitalist form of production is tyrannical. The Capitalist that sits at the head of the company dictates to the workers. The socialist form of production frees the workers from their dictator.
Okay, first off....:lol: nobody is forcing anyone else to work for the dictator.

Secondly, go back to the barter system. Everyone controls his or her labor and exchanges the value produced from that labor for something else that is valuable. The hunter exchanges the meat and skins he obtains from his hunt. The tailor exchanges work done sewing clothing for the hunter for meat.

No governing body should control the individual's labor BUT the individual. Likewise, nobody should govern the fruits of the individual's labor but the individual. If the individual is forced to work for someone else, that individual is exchanging labor for money/resources.

This is all basic and elementary. If the "dictator" wants to be an ass, don't work for him. The lie that the commies tell you is that you don't have a choice.
If all you have to sell is your labor then you have no choice in a capitalist system but to sell it at a discount and submit to a capitalist.

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