Anatomy Does Not Determine Gender, Experts Say

DNA doesn't lie.
Yeah. Your chromosomes determine your "physical" gender. Basically, you're either XX (female) or XY (male). While some Hermaphrodites do exist (containing elements of both XX and XY), they are extremely rare. Having the desire to have sex with members of the same gender, obviously stems from one's mental choice and thinking you are opposite the actual gender that biology gave you is still just in the mind which is not the same as one's actual gender. Ultimately, it boils down to the physical reality versus the mental image of one's self, however, insisting that someone who firmly stands with the biological status of genders, must compromise their reality with another person's personal belief as to who they are, is asking them to basically "pretend" you are what you claim you are and many won't do that.
Thank you for that remarkable and cogent thesis on human sexuality and gender identity . Obviously you are brilliant as evidenced by the fact that you didn't even have to do any research. Just fucking brilliant!
Ample biology studies and medical practice helped.
You practice medicine?? Holy shit!! Where did you study? Trump U?
You practice medicine?? Holy shit!! Where did you study? Trump U?

I practice farm breeding and have for over 30 years. There's only two genders, of that I can assure you. Deformities don't count and are for sure not held aloft as important icons. Ranch (the world by extrapolation) would be out of business in no time. There are two gender: male and female. And only that compliment results in offspring.

Anatomy Does Not Determine Gender, Experts Say

Yeah, and "experts" in Scientology say that aliens launched out of volcanoes to overrun the earth...and that in order to reach the highest plane of spiritual achievement, you need to surrender all your cash to the Church of Scientology. The Church of LGBT may have taken over the APA, but all that means is the APA no longer exists other than a mouthpiece for the Church of LGBT...

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