Anchor Baby Outrage: Americans Pay BILLIONS for Illegal Alien Births


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Calling them anchor babies is accurate. Women scheme to come here and give birth and then they get access to the welfare system. It's out of hand. Why haven't we put pressure on Mexico to help their own people?

Anchor Baby Outrage: Americans Pay BILLIONS for Illegal Alien Births

Some inaccuracies in the video. It grossly underestimates the annual costs for U.S. taxpayers, and the impact on hospitals. Medicaid alone paid $2.2 billion last year to partially reimburse hospitals for unpaid illegal alien delivery bills, double the news report’s estimate.

And the amount not reimbursed to hospitals is in the tens of billions. A staggering 84 hospitals in California alone, have been forced to close their doors because of unpaid bills by illegal aliens. Hospitals which manage to remain open, pass the unpaid costs onto the rest of us, which translates into more out-of-pocket expenses and higher insurance premiums for Americans.

?Anchor Baby? Outrage: Americans Pay BILLIONS for Illegal Alien Births (Video) | Top Right News
I live near Denver which is a "sanctuary city." That means that illegals are welcome and no questions can be asked. The Denver P.D. is not allowed to ask for proof of citizenship. Therefore, we have literally TONS of Mexicans who don't know a lick of English living in and around Denver. I believe that breaking the law (including immigration laws) is a crime and those breaking that law should be prosecuted. If I were the Governor of Colorado or the Mayor of Denver I would have illegals deported. They have a country of their own. They need to make it a better place instead of making ours a worse place.

The "anchor baby" issue is a disturbing one.
Our corner stones of Borders, Language, and Culture, have been so radically changed by the subversives in Congress, that it will take that bloody revolution Jefferson talked about "“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” before we will ever start to regain what we once were.
Calling them anchor babies is accurate.

No it's not. "US citizen" is accurate. If you got a beef, think of a cute little name to call the illegal alien mothers involved. They are the ones breaking the law and violating our sovereignty.
I live near Denver which is a "sanctuary city." That means that illegals are welcome and no questions can be asked. The Denver P.D. is not allowed to ask for proof of citizenship. Therefore, we have literally TONS of Mexicans who don't know a lick of English living in and around Denver. I believe that breaking the law (including immigration laws) is a crime and those breaking that law should be prosecuted. If I were the Governor of Colorado or the Mayor of Denver I would have illegals deported. They have a country of their own. They need to make it a better place instead of making ours a worse place.

The "anchor baby" issue is a disturbing one.

I lived in Aurora, Colorado years ago. A few years ago I went there to visit and drove through the area where I used to live. I was shocked at how it went to hell. One area that used to have nice stores looked like a third world country. Signs everywhere in Spanish.

It's so sad.

Illegal immigration is against the law and it's not a victimless crime. Millions of people have had their Social Security number and/or identity stolen by illegals. There are countless stories of people having their lives ruined because someone supposedly looking for a better life found one- unfortunately it already belonged to someone else!! One woman was unable to attend school after her husband died because an illegal using her identity was making too much money and she couldn't get aid. One woman received a notice from the IRS that she owed taxes for three full-time jobs in three different states, even though she was not working at all. Another woman couldn't get a mortgage loan because an illegal using her identity had run up debt and never repaid it. The list goes on and on. The pro-illegal immigration crowd tells us that we should be happy that an illegal is paying into social security on our behalf, but it's rare that any citizen would benefit. One woman in California checked her account online and discovered that her social security and retirement accounts had the name of an illegal alien who was using her social security number.

People find that they have little recourse when they are ruined financially. Rarely do illegals get arrested and the citizens suffer the consequences of our government allowing illegals to come and break more laws. Local police often tell victims that it's a federal crime and they have no jurisdiction. The feds do their best to keep a lid on the problem and often don't help the victims. They always seem to favor the illegals.

Now they want to make some permanent citizens, but the fact is that many have no desire to become Americans. They want their children born here so they can take advantage of the welfare system and free schooling, then the parents work for money under the table or under a fake identity, send the money back to Mexico and they go back home after they've saved enough for a nice retirement in their home country. Many are here just to use us and eventually leave. Of course, they know they can come back and visit their children since the border is practically non-existent and the children are likely to be welcomed into Mexico after they've done well here. Mexico has stated that they do not want the poor people back into their country.

We are a doormat and the world knows it!

Aside from making money illegally while using the welfare money for living expenses, they also take advantage of tax refunds. One accountant found out that over a million in refunds went to a single house, where thousands of tax returns netted refund checks averaging $10,000 per person. The IRS sends the checks without question. This helps illegals speed up the time it takes to save for a cushy retirement that they will enjoy back home.

After lying about illegals not being able to sign up for Obamacare, Obama recently told them that the information they type into the Obamacare website will not be used to deport them. The perks for illegally entering this country just get better all the time.

Don't try any of this yourself or you will land in jail.
I live near Denver which is a "sanctuary city." That means that illegals are welcome and no questions can be asked. The Denver P.D. is not allowed to ask for proof of citizenship. Therefore, we have literally TONS of Mexicans who don't know a lick of English living in and around Denver. I believe that breaking the law (including immigration laws) is a crime and those breaking that law should be prosecuted. If I were the Governor of Colorado or the Mayor of Denver I would have illegals deported. They have a country of their own. They need to make it a better place instead of making ours a worse place.

The "anchor baby" issue is a disturbing one.

I lived in Aurora, Colorado years ago. A few years ago I went there to visit and drove through the area where I used to live. I was shocked at how it went to hell. One area that used to have nice stores looked like a third world country. Signs everywhere in Spanish.

It's so sad.

Illegal immigration is against the law and it's not a victimless crime. Millions of people have had their Social Security number and/or identity stolen by illegals. There are countless stories of people having their lives ruined because someone supposedly looking for a better life found one- unfortunately it already belonged to someone else!! One woman was unable to attend school after her husband died because an illegal using her identity was making too much money and she couldn't get aid. One woman received a notice from the IRS that she owed taxes for three full-time jobs in three different states, even though she was not working at all. Another woman couldn't get a mortgage loan because an illegal using her identity had run up debt and never repaid it. The list goes on and on. The pro-illegal immigration crowd tells us that we should be happy that an illegal is paying into social security on our behalf, but it's rare that any citizen would benefit. One woman in California checked her account online and discovered that her social security and retirement accounts had the name of an illegal alien who was using her social security number.

People find that they have little recourse when they are ruined financially. Rarely do illegals get arrested and the citizens suffer the consequences of our government allowing illegals to come and break more laws. Local police often tell victims that it's a federal crime and they have no jurisdiction. The feds do their best to keep a lid on the problem and often don't help the victims. They always seem to favor the illegals.

Now they want to make some permanent citizens, but the fact is that many have no desire to become Americans. They want their children born here so they can take advantage of the welfare system and free schooling, then the parents work for money under the table or under a fake identity, send the money back to Mexico and they go back home after they've saved enough for a nice retirement in their home country. Many are here just to use us and eventually leave. Of course, they know they can come back and visit their children since the border is practically non-existent and the children are likely to be welcomed into Mexico after they've done well here. Mexico has stated that they do not want the poor people back into their country.

We are a doormat and the world knows it!

Aside from making money illegally while using the welfare money for living expenses, they also take advantage of tax refunds. One accountant found out that over a million in refunds went to a single house, where thousands of tax returns netted refund checks averaging $10,000 per person. The IRS sends the checks without question. This helps illegals speed up the time it takes to save for a cushy retirement that they will enjoy back home.

After lying about illegals not being able to sign up for Obamacare, Obama recently told them that the information they type into the Obamacare website will not be used to deport them. The perks for illegally entering this country just get better all the time.

Don't try any of this yourself or you will land in jail.

It's very unfortunate but they literally bring their 3rd world mentality and 3rd world habits with them. They can turn a nice neighborhood into a danger zone in a few short months. I run an industrial supply, retail store near the Denver/Aurora/Montbello part of town and I'm constantly having to try to communicate with folks who don't know English. I'm to the point now that if they can't communicate what it is they're looking for I simply walk away and do something more productive. I also lose about $2000.00 worth of inventory per month out of my store. I cringe when illegals come in 4 or 5 at a time. They all head different directions so that I can't keep an eye on all of them at once. They don't care about anyone but themselves and their personal wants. If they want something and can't afford it they simply steal it without any regard for the person or business they're stealing from. :mad:
Calling them anchor babies is accurate.

No it's not. "US citizen" is accurate. If you got a beef, think of a cute little name to call the illegal alien mothers involved. They are the ones breaking the law and violating our sovereignty.

I don't personally believe that "anchor babies" should be considered citizens unless their parents came here legally. The entire family needs to head back to whence they came.
Calling them anchor babies is accurate.

No it's not. "US citizen" is accurate. If you got a beef, think of a cute little name to call the illegal alien mothers involved. They are the ones breaking the law and violating our sovereignty.

I don't personally believe that "anchor babies" should be considered citizens unless their parents came here legally. .

Well, unless or until you can get the Constitution changed, they are. You are talking about US citizens.
I live near Denver which is a "sanctuary city." That means that illegals are welcome and no questions can be asked. The Denver P.D. is not allowed to ask for proof of citizenship. Therefore, we have literally TONS of Mexicans who don't know a lick of English living in and around Denver. I believe that breaking the law (including immigration laws) is a crime and those breaking that law should be prosecuted. If I were the Governor of Colorado or the Mayor of Denver I would have illegals deported. They have a country of their own. They need to make it a better place instead of making ours a worse place.

The "anchor baby" issue is a disturbing one.

No, actually "anchor baby" is neither an issue nor disturbing but --

How do you know the people speaking Spanish are not American citizens? Fact is, you assssume their not because it fits your agenda.

And, why is it the same fools are always saying that "we should just round them up and deport them" as thought that's possible.
No it's not. "US citizen" is accurate. If you got a beef, think of a cute little name to call the illegal alien mothers involved. They are the ones breaking the law and violating our sovereignty.

I don't personally believe that "anchor babies" should be considered citizens unless their parents came here legally. .

Then, go live where you don't have to put up with that pesky Constitution.

Are you one of those traitors who love Putin? Why don't you go live there? You wouldn't last very long under a dictator but you could live happily every after with other haters.
And you wouldn't have to pay for Reagan's EMTALA that lets illegals give live birth and have abortions for free.

And, for Pete's sake, they're not all Mexican. I wish the lot of you would get that fact in your heads.
Our corner stones of Borders, Language, and Culture, have been so radically changed by the subversives in Congress, that it will take that bloody revolution Jefferson talked about "“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” before we will ever start to regain what we once were.



Are you bitching because Obama deports so many? Is that it? Or bitching because he has hired so many Border Patrol that they're not coming from the south any more? Is that what's bugging you?

Some fool here actually said that Mexicans are coming from Canada now. :cuckoo:
The illegal parents should better leave before their baby gets older and makes friends/goes to school here. It's more painful if they have to leave when the illegal children have built up something and then have to leave.
What the government must do is stop giving benefits, then the problem will solve itself.
Our corner stones of Borders, Language, and Culture, have been so radically changed by the subversives in Congress, that it will take that bloody revolution Jefferson talked about "“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” before we will ever start to regain what we once were.



Are you bitching because Obama deports so many? Is that it? Or bitching because he has hired so many Border Patrol that they're not coming from the south any more? Is that what's bugging you?

Some fool here actually said that Mexicans are coming from Canada now. :cuckoo:

Let's see Liddly, I'll write this slowly so even a 2 digit IQ'd idiot can follow along, you can thank me later! The Southern border is just about as wide open as you can get. How do you think so much drug traffic gets here. The Government has even posted these signs in areas of Arizona...


And from a JUST RELEASED report, that again shows just what a lying piece of shit this president is.....

Fully 98 percent of individuals deported from the United States in 2013 were either criminals, apprehended while illegally crossing the border, or had been previously deported, according to a new analysis from Senate Budget Committee ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL).

The three-page document, labeled a “Critical Alert” by the senator’s office, found three executive actions by President Barack Obama providing amnesty to groups of illegal aliens meant that virtually no one who did not meet other criteria beyond simply being in the country illegal was deported.
“The evidence reveals that the Administration has carried out a dramatic nullification of federal law,” Sessions said in a statement to Breitbart News. “Under the guise of setting ‘priorities’, the Administration has determined that almost anyone in the world who can enter the United States is free to illegally live, work and claim benefits here as long as they are not caught committing a felony or other serious crime.

Obama's well-known executive action granted virtual amnesty to so-called DREAMers – individuals who claim to have entered the country as minors under their parents' guidance.
Two are lesser known executive actions include an Aug. 23, 2013, DHS directive “expanding that [summer 2012 executive DREAM Act] amnesty to illegal immigrant relatives of DREAM Act beneficiaries” and a Dec. 21, 2012, DHS directive “reinforcing that almost all immigration offenses were unenforceable absent a separate criminal conviction.”

In 2013, Sessions’ staff found, 98 percent of ICE’s removals of illegal aliens fit the agency’s “enforcement criteria.” There are four such criteria for illegal aliens to be considered deportation-worthy by ICE: a conviction of committing a serious criminal offense, an apprehension made while an individual is crossing the border, the resurfacing of someone previously deported, or someone having been a fugitive from the law. “Remarkably, the first two categories—border apprehensions (which are not deportations as commonly understood) and convicted criminals—account for 94% of the 368,000 removals (235,000 and 110,000, respectively),” Sessions’ staff wrote in the memo.

Only 0.2 percent of an estimated 12 million illegal aliens in the U.S. who were actually placed into removal proceedings in 2013 in 2013 did not have a violent or otherwise serious criminal conviction on their record. Only .08 percent of the total number of illegal aliens placed into removal proceedings were neither repeat or serial immigration law violators nor convicted of a serious crime. Even with that .08 percent of removals who were not caught crossing the border or being a serial immigration law violator or being convicted of serious crimes, Sessions’ staff notes that ICE officers who communicate with his office say that there is likely some other serious security risk for allowing them to stay in the country that is cause for their removal.

The findings stand in stark contrast to liberal calls on Obama to reduce deportations. Top Hispanic Democrats recently met with Obama at the White House recently about the issue, prompting an announcement about a review at the Department of Homeland Security about how to deport illegal aliens in a more “humane” fashion.
The report was enough to prompt a chorus of outrage from Sessions' like-minded colleagues in the House, who slammed the Obama administration for enacting amnesty by fiat.
“This is another clear warning to anyone who thinks immigration reform is possible under President Obama,” said Rep. John Fleming (R-LA). “He has repeatedly shown a willingness to enforce the law selectively, while looking the other way when it doesn't fit his agenda.”

“We can add immigration enforcement to the long list of areas where President Obama is selectively enforcing the law,” Rep. John Culberson (R-TX) told Breitbart News in response to Sessions’ new report. “This is part of a repeated pattern of overreach on the part of the Administration and shows their unwillingness to follow the law as it is written—not the law as they want it to be. It’s impossible for Congress to have an open and honest debate on border security when we can’t trust the President to do his job.”
“At least 99.92% of illegal immigrants and visa overstays without known crimes on their records did not face removal,” Sessions’ staff wrote. “Those who do not facially meet the Administration’s select ‘priorities’ are free to illegally work in the United States and to receive taxpayer benefits, regardless of whether or not they come into contact with immigration enforcement.”

Sessions’ staff cites August 2013 reports from an ICE raid at Danny’s Car Wash in Phoenix, Arizona, where many workers suspected of being in the country illegally were taken into custody but released shortly thereafter. “Workers suspected of being in the country illegally were taken into custody, but [ICE spokeswoman Amber] Cargile said they would be released within a matter of hours as long as they had no outstanding criminal records,” the Associated Press wrote then.
In another incident in Brownsville, Texas, a dozen illegal aliens were set free at a bus station after being taken into ICE custody because the federal immigration law agency said it “doesn’t consider the group a major threat to our safety.”

Sessions’ staff also cites a 2011 instance where authorities at ICE warned one of their officers he would be subject to disciplinary action if he followed through with his intent to enforce the law by issuing a Notice to Appear in court to an illegal alien “driving the vehicle of a known fugitive without a license.”
“The suspect, who had multiple misdemeanor offenses on his record, was released while the ICE officer was threatened with suspension,” Sessions’ staff wrote.
“The Obama administration’s subversion of the Constitution and the rule of law make enforcement of our immigration laws virtually impossible,” Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said in an email. “The law-abiding and taxpaying Americans who oppose this executive amnesty policy are paying the price with lower wages and fewer job opportunities.”

“At the same time President Obama hypocritically tells people he is for income equality, he violates federal immigration law, floods the labor market with wage-suppressing illegal aliens, and destroys the chance millions of hard-working Americans have of attaining self-sufficiency and the American dream,” Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said. “It is clear that President Obama believes it is more important to pander to voters based on race than it is to enforce immigration laws that protect American workers’ ability to earn a living wage.”

Brooks and Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar said the findings raise grave questions of constitutional law.
”Perhaps the most important role of the President is defined in Article II, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, which states that the President ‘shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,’” Gosar said in reaction to Sessions’ new report. “From President Obama’s capricious ObamaCare delays to his arbitrary refusal to enforce current immigration laws, his transgressions against the Constitution are egregious and must stop. The first step in restoring the rule of law is holding Attorney General Eric Holder – our nation’s chief law enforcement officer – accountable for allowing and participating in the Administration’s blatant disregard for the Constitution.”

“The President should be ashamed of himself for violating his oath of office, violating his Constitutional duty to enforce America’s laws, and making illegal aliens a higher priority than the livelihoods of hard-working Americans,” Brooks said.

Sessions Report Demolishes Obama 'Deporter In Chief' Myth

Of course, NOT A FUCKING WOIRD from the Manchurian muslim in denial of any of this!

AND, back in April, 2013...

The union president for immigration officers blasted President Barack Obama as well as Congress’ Gang of Eight immigration proposal, saying the plan will “doom” the country on Friday.

Chris Crane, president of the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, said that ICE officers are being shut out of the immigration debate.

“We’re just in shock right now that the law enforcement officers from the border control, from ICE, our prosecuting attorneys – people that are in the trenches right now and see exactly what’s wrong with our broken immigration system – don’t have a seat at the table and can’t have input,” Crane told former GOP Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on Huckabee’s radio program.

Crane continued: “Quite honestly, I think it’s going to doom us to repeat all of the failures that we already currently have with the immigration system as it exists.”.....

ICE union chief: Immigration plan to 'doom' U.S. - Kevin Cirilli -

Who should know more about these illegal THUGS and TRESPASSERS than the man responsible for ALL the Border Patrol agents?

You talk of him hiring more Patrol? The only thing he has done was on early March 2014 when requesting a budget for DHS, according to Obuma´s petition, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) will receive 4.2 percent more money than it did in 2013 so it can hire some 4,000 more agents to combat illegal immigration.....IF PASSED, and the chances aren't good!

Now being a good subversive, even you should know that the great PROGRESSIVE PRESIDENT, Teddy Roosevelt, wrote this little ditty about Immigration....

We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn't doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. . . We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.

Now Liddly dear, did you know that Teddy Roosevelt was the FOUNDER of the PROGRESSIVE PARTY.... Bet you had no fucking idea, and that's because 100 years ago PROGRESSIVES stood for completely different things than your subversive friends do today....

Do you need me to go into anything else? You're a nice lady, you love cats and animals, I'd suggest you concentrate all your efforts there instead of making yourself look like a bigger fool than Pogo does!
judas priest, half us of whites' foreparents did the same thing before 1868 to get to the American dream, it wasn't illegal then, is not now and will not be in the future.
I lived just west of Tucson for more than 25 years. I helped illegals who came to my door. I lived it and saw it first hand.

Vigilante, you're one of the most ignorant and obnoxious fools I've seen. All you know is filth and hate. You have no frikken clue what you're talking about and every single post outside the Pets forum is hate-driven. Along with some of the other sicko rw freaks here, I will be forever grateful that I don't know you in real life. I will take those illegals I helped over traitor slime like you any day.
I lived just west of Tucson for more than 25 years. I helped illegals who came to my door. I saw it first hand.

Vigilante, you're one of the most ignorant and obnoxious fools I've seen. You have no frikken clue what you're talking about and every single post outside the Pets forum is hate-driven. Along with some of the other sicko rw freaks here, I will be forever grateful that I don't know you in real life. I will take those illegals I helped over traitor slime like you any day.

Liddly, you're a fool, but I don't wish this on you!

  • Illegal immigrant charged in Fayetteville woman's death
Fayetteville, N.C. — Cumberland County investigators arrested an illegal immigrant from Honduras in connection with the death of a 64-year-old woman Tuesday.
Julio Cesar Ramos, 45, who claims to be homeless and unemployed, is charged with beating Paulette Locklear outside her house Tuesday afternoon. He was being held without bond Wednesday in the Cumberland County Detention Center.
Investigators said Ramos had been deported at least a dozen times over the last 20 years but kept getting back into the U.S. Barbara Gonzalez, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Charlotte, could confirm only one deportation – from Houston in 1988 – and neither she nor local authorities could say what felony charges prompted the deportation.

Locklear and her family befriended Ramos, and she even let him live in a small building behind her house, at 1213 Wilmington Highway, said her brother, Paul Brewington, and nephew, Jeremy Brewington.
"The family just helped him any way we could," Jeremy Brewington said. "He would come and help us work, and we would pay him. He's just been sort of part of the family for a long time."
Paul Brewington said he took Ramos to church after seeing him walking along the road in Gray's Creek and learning he lived in the woods nearby.
"We just started helping him and giving him food and giving him clothes and stuff," he said. "That's what she was doing to this fellow – just giving him a helping hand."

Locklear called 911 for help Tuesday when Ramos became violent and started breaking windows in an attempt to get inside her house, according to authorities.
Deputies found Locklear's body when they arrived at her house.
"She was a wonderful person, and we're going to miss her a lot," Paul Brewington said.

The state medical examiner’s office has not determined her cause of death, and authorities haven't determined a motive for the slaying.
"We're having trouble determining exactly what his name is because, during the times he was deported, he used several different aliases," said Debbie Tanna, a spokeswoman for the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office.
Jeremy Brewington said his family was unaware Ramos had been deported so many times. He said it appeared the man was mentally challenged and was known to have a temper.

"We didn't think he would do anything of this nature. We didn't really see that in him," he said. "He would get angry sometimes and would leave ... for a while. (He) would come back, and we would take him in and help him any way we could."

Illegal immigrant charged in Fayetteville woman's death ::

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