Ancient Tablets CONFIRM the Bible

It's seriously disturbing to me that a person could be in favor of rape.

And it would be seriously disturbing to me that you would twist what I said to that conclusion.

But it just rolls off my shoulders, Anguille, I know what your intent is, there is nothing that could be said that would make you any less "disturbed" than you already want to be.
Robert, did you MISS the part where raping them is a forever bond?

That's a little bit different than the expectation of your modern rapist today.

It would make it a whole lot more likely he would go to a brothel than rape.

A forever bond? No victim wants to be bonded to her rapist.

You're making assumptions that could be very deadly for women. I'd suggest getting help.

Do you know what the alternatives often were for women who never married, Robert?
So if a woman (that no one has offered to marry) is raped, the unwanted woman gains a husband who is now obligated to care for her FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.

Wrong. All he had to do was giver her a letter of divorce, and she would spend her live as a single divorcee with no means of caring for herself.

Now let’s look at the example of Dinah, who was raped, and what her brothers did in response before this law was written.

Then God's laws are not absolute and really mean nothing
So if a woman (that no one has offered to marry) is raped, the unwanted woman gains a husband who is now obligated to care for her FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.

Wrong. All he had to do was giver her a letter of divorce, and she would spend her live as a single divorcee with no means of caring for herself.

Now let’s look at the example of Dinah, who was raped, and what her brothers did in response before this law was written.

Then God's laws are not absolute and really mean nothing

JB, it is right there in the Scripture that we're discussing. If he raped her he can never divorce her.

And again, you're not reading what I wrote. The law was given to Moses. Moses has not arrived on the scene yet.
Jen, do you have a daughter? Please say yes,. I like rough sex and I'm looking for a wife who'll have no choice but to perform her duty whenever I'm in the mood....
I don't think anything will confirm the Bible. If PROOF exists, there is no need for faith. with PROOF, there is no need to trust God, which is what he wants.
Jen, do you have a daughter? Please say yes,. I like rough sex and I'm looking for a wife who'll have no choice but to perform her duty whenever I'm in the mood....

I believe that about you, JB. And what amazes me is it's men like you that are so hard hearted about women that has brought so many problems into the world. And yet you can accuse God of all kinds of injustices in the world when it's your type that brings them.
I don't think anything will confirm the Bible. If PROOF exists, there is no need for faith. with PROOF, there is no need to trust God, which is what he wants.

Seriously though, how do you know that is what this god of yours wants? Aren't you just projecting?
Deut 22:26 But if a woman who is not betrothed... Stop right here. In those days before she reaches maidenhood, a woman is usually betrothed. Therefore one who is not betrothed is already in dire circumstances because apparently nobody has asked for her.

This was probably of great shame in your average village. Something a woman would have a hard time living with, since the whole village would know and feel sorry for her.

So if a woman (that no one has offered to marry) is raped, the unwanted woman gains a husband who is now obligated to care for her FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.

I wonder how many rapists today would rape their victims if their whole world saw to it that they took care of her for the rest of her days?

So you see, this isn’t likely to happen very often because if the man was so desperate for her that he would do such a thing, he could have offered to marry her in the first place. He is now sort of forced to marry the woman he didn’t have the gumption to ask for in the first place, thus securing for the woman, a man responsible to pay for EVERYTHING, and you can bet that whole town would be sure he obeyed the laws of how a man is to treat his wife.

Now if the woman (notice woman not child, for that would be a death sentence) if the woman WAS betrothed and thus this man stole her from her future, then he was to DIE. She would be considered sinless and her life would go on.

And it is for these reasons that few Jewish women (who were not possibly looking for a husband) went out alone and unprotected.

Now let’s look at the example of Dinah, who was raped, and what her brothers did in response before this law was written.

Genesis 34:13 and on, you might want to check it out. Circumsized and then murdered while in the pain of it...
Talk about a man’s worst nightmare.

I don’t know that God agreed with what Dinah’s brothers did, but God helped them escape after they did it. Which sort of gave a history to all men an idea of what might happen if you go about raping the daughters of a King.

God is not blind. No matter what happens on this planet, God is the final Judge of all actions on this planet. There is no injustice that doesn’t go unpunished, the only sin we do not feel wrath of are the sins that have already been paid for at the Cross, which has been offered to all, that all may reconcile with God, for we all have sinned.

Jen, you are seriously demented.
And you realize that you are still seeing women as no more than the property of men. If she is betrothed and raped he deserves death for stealing her virginity that another man was looking forward to taking. If she was an old maid, she could consider herself lucky because now she could get herself a hubby and he father would gain some cash and not have to worry about providing for her anymore. You are basically saying rape can be a good thing.

...And that old maids benefit greatly from being raped. In fact, they benefit so much from it, that it would behoove them to seek out a raping.
I don't think anything will confirm the Bible. If PROOF exists, there is no need for faith. with PROOF, there is no need to trust God, which is what he wants.

Seriously though, how do you know that is what this god of yours wants? Aren't you just projecting?

IF my religion is true, then that is the case. Is that better?
Deut 22:26 But if a woman who is not betrothed... Stop right here. In those days before she reaches maidenhood, a woman is usually betrothed. Therefore one who is not betrothed is already in dire circumstances because apparently nobody has asked for her.

This was probably of great shame in your average village. Something a woman would have a hard time living with, since the whole village would know and feel sorry for her.

So if a woman (that no one has offered to marry) is raped, the unwanted woman gains a husband who is now obligated to care for her FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.

I wonder how many rapists today would rape their victims if their whole world saw to it that they took care of her for the rest of her days?

So you see, this isn’t likely to happen very often because if the man was so desperate for her that he would do such a thing, he could have offered to marry her in the first place. He is now sort of forced to marry the woman he didn’t have the gumption to ask for in the first place, thus securing for the woman, a man responsible to pay for EVERYTHING, and you can bet that whole town would be sure he obeyed the laws of how a man is to treat his wife.

Now if the woman (notice woman not child, for that would be a death sentence) if the woman WAS betrothed and thus this man stole her from her future, then he was to DIE. She would be considered sinless and her life would go on.

And it is for these reasons that few Jewish women (who were not possibly looking for a husband) went out alone and unprotected.

Now let’s look at the example of Dinah, who was raped, and what her brothers did in response before this law was written.

Genesis 34:13 and on, you might want to check it out. Circumsized and then murdered while in the pain of it...
Talk about a man’s worst nightmare.

I don’t know that God agreed with what Dinah’s brothers did, but God helped them escape after they did it. Which sort of gave a history to all men an idea of what might happen if you go about raping the daughters of a King.

God is not blind. No matter what happens on this planet, God is the final Judge of all actions on this planet. There is no injustice that doesn’t go unpunished, the only sin we do not feel wrath of are the sins that have already been paid for at the Cross, which has been offered to all, that all may reconcile with God, for we all have sinned.

Jen, you are seriously demented.
And you realize that you are still seeing women as no more than the property of men. If she is betrothed and raped he deserves death for stealing her virginity that another man was looking forward to taking. If she was an old maid, she could consider herself lucky because now she could get herself a hubby and he father would gain some cash and not have to worry about providing for her anymore. You are basically saying rape can be a good thing.

...And that old maids benefit greatly from being raped. In fact, they benefit so much from it, that it would behoove them to seek out a raping.

It's amazing how many men actually think that way.
Deut 22:26 But if a woman who is not betrothed... Stop right here. In those days before she reaches maidenhood, a woman is usually betrothed. Therefore one who is not betrothed is already in dire circumstances because apparently nobody has asked for her.

This was probably of great shame in your average village. Something a woman would have a hard time living with, since the whole village would know and feel sorry for her.

So if a woman (that no one has offered to marry) is raped, the unwanted woman gains a husband who is now obligated to care for her FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.

I wonder how many rapists today would rape their victims if their whole world saw to it that they took care of her for the rest of her days?

So you see, this isn’t likely to happen very often because if the man was so desperate for her that he would do such a thing, he could have offered to marry her in the first place. He is now sort of forced to marry the woman he didn’t have the gumption to ask for in the first place, thus securing for the woman, a man responsible to pay for EVERYTHING, and you can bet that whole town would be sure he obeyed the laws of how a man is to treat his wife.

Now if the woman (notice woman not child, for that would be a death sentence) if the woman WAS betrothed and thus this man stole her from her future, then he was to DIE. She would be considered sinless and her life would go on.

And it is for these reasons that few Jewish women (who were not possibly looking for a husband) went out alone and unprotected.

Now let’s look at the example of Dinah, who was raped, and what her brothers did in response before this law was written.

Genesis 34:13 and on, you might want to check it out. Circumsized and then murdered while in the pain of it...
Talk about a man’s worst nightmare.

I don’t know that God agreed with what Dinah’s brothers did, but God helped them escape after they did it. Which sort of gave a history to all men an idea of what might happen if you go about raping the daughters of a King.

God is not blind. No matter what happens on this planet, God is the final Judge of all actions on this planet. There is no injustice that doesn’t go unpunished, the only sin we do not feel wrath of are the sins that have already been paid for at the Cross, which has been offered to all, that all may reconcile with God, for we all have sinned.

Jen, you are seriously demented.
And you realize that you are still seeing women as no more than the property of men. If she is betrothed and raped he deserves death for stealing her virginity that another man was looking forward to taking. If she was an old maid, she could consider herself lucky because now she could get herself a hubby and he father would gain some cash and not have to worry about providing for her anymore. You are basically saying rape can be a good thing.

...And that old maids benefit greatly from being raped. In fact, they benefit so much from it, that it would behoove them to seek out a raping.
Why anyone would worship a book that says that is beyond me!!
Well, seeing as it's coming from a professed whore whose friends are barren from too many abortions, is it any surprise? She's a good little masochistic slut and nothing more. She thinks waving a bible around will make her something other than we she even admitted she really is, but the reality is that she knows her place and thinks other women should, too. In my home town, we kept women like her on leashes and let the other women have fun with them
Remember when Elaine and Jerry decided to have sex as friends? They couldn't do it. Something happens when a man and a woman join together. It goes beyond just the sport of it. And when you belittle it to that, you've lost something extremely precious. The problem is most of us don't even realize it.

But Jerry and Elaine had previously had sex as unmarried boyfriend and girlfriend. They were unmarried. Unmarried, I say!

So do you consider an unmarried couple shacking up to be a sprirtual relationship?

You may know the Bible inside and out, but don't attempt to debate Seinfeld with me.

In the name of Jerry,

Jen, you are seriously demented.
And you realize that you are still seeing women as no more than the property of men. If she is betrothed and raped he deserves death for stealing her virginity that another man was looking forward to taking. If she was an old maid, she could consider herself lucky because now she could get herself a hubby and he father would gain some cash and not have to worry about providing for her anymore. You are basically saying rape can be a good thing.

...And that old maids benefit greatly from being raped. In fact, they benefit so much from it, that it would behoove them to seek out a raping.

It's amazing how many men actually think that way.

...Not to mention God!
Jen, you are seriously demented.
And you realize that you are still seeing women as no more than the property of men. If she is betrothed and raped he deserves death for stealing her virginity that another man was looking forward to taking. If she was an old maid, she could consider herself lucky because now she could get herself a hubby and he father would gain some cash and not have to worry about providing for her anymore. You are basically saying rape can be a good thing.

...And that old maids benefit greatly from being raped. In fact, they benefit so much from it, that it would behoove them to seek out a raping.
Why anyone would worship a book that says that is beyond me!!

Forget about worshipping the book.

How about worshiping the God for whom the book is a word for word transcription???
So because different tablets tell similar stories it must be true? Ok then, all those people saying they saw Elvis (after he died), Bigfoot, Nessie or claimed they were abducted by aliens must also be true because we can find so many people saying they did.
So because different tablets tell similar stories it must be true? Ok then, all those people saying they saw Elvis (after he died), Bigfoot, Nessie or claimed they were abducted by aliens must also be true because we can find so many people saying they did.

But Elvis is alive!

[ame=]YouTube - Elvis Presley - Live- Last Concert -My Way[/ame]

Even at the end though, he had an amazing voice that can never be matched.
Robert, did you MISS the part where raping them is a forever bond?

That's a little bit different than the expectation of your modern rapist today.

It would make it a whole lot more likely he would go to a brothel than rape.

A forever bond? No victim wants to be bonded to her rapist.

You're making assumptions that could be very deadly for women. I'd suggest getting help.

Do you know what the alternatives often were for women who never married, Robert?

they entered a monastery and became religious in no necessary order?

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