And Just Like That, Tucker Carlson Has Returned Tonight!

Actual facts? From biased sources that have been proven to lie?

Sure thing, sport.

Yeah, the STL FED has been proven to be a lair when it comes to the Labor Force Participation Rate :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Do tell, what source do you use that told you Trump had the highest LFPR in decades? Please link to your source to support your claim that Trump had the highest LFPR in decades and that the STL FED is lying on their graph.

I will be happy to wait while you link to your source of data.
Actual facts? From biased sources that have been proven to lie?

Sure thing, sport.

Like you claim, I was actually alive, and witnessed what happened. Your graphs claim the I didn't actually see what I saw.

I will trust my eyes over proven liars any day.
We are all brainwashed, how dare we support those who fight to preserve and protect our once great nation.

Yes, you have been brainwashed into thinking being a racist hate filled piece of shit equals preserving our nation.
You blatant coward. Why does the notion of America First frightening to you? I know everything about the Constitution.
America First.......ah.

America First (policy) - Wikipedia

America First is best known as the slogan and foreign policy advocated by the America First Committee, a non-interventionist pressure group against the American entry into World War II, which emphasized American nationalism and unilateralism in international relations. The America First Committee's membership peaked at 800,000 paying members in 450 chapters, and it popularized the slogan "America First".[3] While the America First Committee had a variety of supporters in the U.S., the movement was muddled with anti-Semitic and fascist rhetoric.[17] Notable Americans who supported "America First" causes include Elizabeth Dilling, Gerald L. K. Smith,[18][19] and Charles Lindbergh,[20] while Dr. Seuss derided the policy in a number of political cartoons, linking it to Nazism.[21]
Yes, you have been brainwashed into thinking being a racist hate filled piece of shit equals preserving our nation.
“How dare you have the balls to be so honest about social issues and facts as they relate to skin color!”
Meanwhile you backwards whackos spend your days displaying your support for the authoritarian fascists pushing fewer rights, marxism, socialism an open border and free shit for Mexico’s people.
You have no credibility bud.

Tumblin Tumbleweed
“How dare you have the balls to be so honest about social issues and facts as they relate to skin color!”
Meanwhile you backwards whackos spend your days displaying your support for the authoritarian fascists pushing fewer rights, marxism, socialism an open border and free shit for Mexico’s people.
You have no credibility bud.

Tumblin Tumbleweed

Yes! Trump did so much worse than other world leaders.
Remember when all those NYers died because Trump wouldn’t give the Covid expert Cuomo enough Respirators! Respirators! Respirators!

Yes, he did worse than many world leaders.

I do remember him telling us it would be gone in a week at the same time his VA was closing a unit to turn it into a Negative Pressure area just for treating COVID patients. I remember laughing at the VA for being so stupid as to take on a 6 week project for something that would be gone in a week. Seems Trump and his VA knew the truth and kept it from the rest of us.
The Covid numbers were skewed. And a shit ton of the money that was put into it was corrupt. So there's not winning on either side of this argument.
A whole lot of people got very sick and died from covid. But because they skewed the numbers on the amount of people who died of other causes, but claimed it was covid, there's no way to prove either or.

A woman I knew was in the final stages of dementia. She was in a nursing home when she slid out of bed, and laid there for over 5 hours before she was found. She had a huge bruise on her face.
Less than 24hrs later, she was dead. Listed on her death certificate as the cause of death, "Covid."
She had covid. But that's not what killed her.
Another woman I knew, she actually died of covid. That was the only thing she had.

So arguing over covid, from either side, is futile.

Trump didn't have a clue as to how to deal with it. No president would've. But one thing he should've done was to ensure that there was little to no fraud in the covid spending bills he was signing. And not allowed big pharma to go without being sued if the vaccine didn't work or caused future problems to those who got the shot.
Poor Leftists, for 3 glorious days they partied and danced to the death of Tucker Carlson.



Tucker literally declared most of what he's discussed in the past was "stupid", "irrelevant" drivel...

"The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. They're completely irrelevant. They mean nothing. In five years we won't even remember that we had them. Trust me as someone who participated." ~ Tucker Carlson, 4.26.2023

... but you still adore him, don'tcha?

The truth will always win.

Tucker is right about that. I have no patriotism left for this nation that, among other things, is complicit in trafficking children from the Southern border.

Stuff that in your pipes and smoke it liberals, I don't care.
At least you’re honestly admitting your lack of patriotism instead of pretending like the other MAGA tards that they love their country

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