And Just Like That, Tucker Carlson Has Returned Tonight!

Would you like to compare deaths per day? Trump had 11 months worth of deaths from COVID while Biden has had 27 and counting.

Dementia took office in 2021. This article is from December of 2021, roughly ten months since he took office Jan 20th.

Then why did the spend the money to retro fit a unit in a VA hospital into a negative pressure area just for COVID?

Sure seems someone knew something they were not telling us

A better question is why did he spend the money to retrofit a medical vessel and build a temporary hospital in Central Park that they never used at the demand of your Covid expert Cuomo? But you knew that so you went with the VA thingy.
A better question is why did he spend the money to retrofit a medical vessel and build a temporary hospital in Central Park that they never used at the demand of your Covid expert Cuomo?

Good question. Why would anyone assume that Cuomo knew anything about COVID?

Came down rather steadily after the .com fall. Through obammy. And yes, the participation rate went up under Trump.

2020 was a planned attack on the country. The many stupid people believe it was normal, for me, I will believe until I die it was an attack on humankind. The restrictions and mandates were all demofks. And Xiden has not returned us to the 63% under Trump. Stats don't lie right? And as such hasn't created one fking new job.

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Moron, you see that massive drop in 2020...


That was because DeSantis, like 48 other governors, shutdown their respective states.

And BTW, DeSantis didn't fully reopen the state until around September.
well yes, that did happen. No argument from me. But from Trump, he said open it up after April 2020. Do you argue that point?
Good question. Why would anyone assume that Cuomo knew anything about COVID?

Because covid deaths were increasing rapidly, that's how. Instead of using those temporary facilities, he shipped patients to nursing homes that were unprepared to handle covid patients.
Came down rather steadily after the .com fall. Through obammy. And yes, the participation rate went up under Trump.

2020 was a planned attack on the country. The many stupid people believe it was normal, for me, I will believe until I die it was an attack on humankind. The restrictions and mandates were all demofks. And Xiden has not returned us to the 63% under Trump. Stats don't lie right? And as such hasn't created one fking new job.

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Please stop being a rube...

POTUS can't do much about LFPR.
Pretty much everytime they make an accusation, it's really a con-fession.
no cult with trump. you're very confused. it's anti government cult, that used to be a demofk thing that they abandoned for elites. Forfeited their honor and their patriotism.
The government had no idea how bad it would get. Even when it started to spread, Fauci of all people said masks were unnecessary. Piglosi was telling people to shop in Chinatown. DeBlasio was telling people to take the subway to stores and places of entertainment. Nobody knew.

I trust in my caregivers at the world famous Cleveland Clinic. They had no mask mandate at the time. They didn't make a mandate until it was clear things were getting out of control. In fact they only lifted the mask mandate a week and a half ago when I went to say goodbye to my father. I was shocked that they did.
So you admit trump was lying.

Tucker literally declared most of what he's discussed in the past was "stupid", "irrelevant" drivel...

"The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. They're completely irrelevant. They mean nothing. In five years we won't even remember that we had them. Trust me as someone who participated." ~ Tucker Carlson, 4.26.2023

... but you still adore him, don'tcha?


actually he admitted he was part of the media. He started to break and was fired. Even as the most watched fking show on any channel. Evidence it is us who are anti government elitists.
Please stop being a rube...

POTUS can't do much about LFPR.
presidents do not create jobs. No politician has ever created one accept Trump!! He was a business man who gave people jobs. His policies allowed a failing populace to begin rebounding, but elitists said that Trump was evil and needed to be stopped so wuhan released their virus on the world. Yep, the hoax was due directly because of Trump and us supporting him. The evidence is all over the fking place and slowly coming out. Jan 6 ish style. You know, the videos that show the calm hallways on Jan 6 that were hidden, like it all was hidden. Fauci still lies.
Those who love the country do not seek to change it…They do not denounce our founding values and principles, the moral order we were pillared upon, they don’t attack our constitution, the 1A and 2A, they do not want an open border, a change in demography without consent from The People, they don’t stand against law and order and with criminals….Are you sure you backwards Twilight Zone dwellers know what love of country looks like?

Sounds like you’re trying pretty hard to change it right now
presidents do not create jobs. No politician has ever created one accept Trump!! He was a business man who gave people jobs. His policies allowed a failing populace to begin rebounding, but elitists said that Trump was evil and needed to be stopped so wuhan released their virus on the world. Yep, the hoax was due directly because of Trump and us supporting him. The evidence is all over the fking place and slowly coming out. Jan 6 ish style. You know, the videos that show the calm hallways on Jan 6 that were hidden, like it all was hidden. Fauci still lies.
There is absolutely no logic to that spew.

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