And Just Like That, Tucker Carlson Has Returned Tonight!


Tucker literally declared most of what he's discussed in the past was "stupid", "irrelevant" drivel...

"The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. They're completely irrelevant. They mean nothing. In five years we won't even remember that we had them. Trust me as someone who participated." ~ Tucker Carlson, 4.26.2023

... but you still adore him, don'tcha?


When you work for someone, you do as your told. Tucker did what he was paid to do. He "entertained."
That doesn't make it right. But considering that's what news organizations have gone to, it makes no difference now.

One thing though, Tucker is not obligated to lie for Fox now. And will in the near future be exposing how they all lie and why they do it. (as if we don't already know)

The difference between Tucker and the others (including CNN and MSNBC), the others are still doing it. Tucker isn't.
When you work for someone, you do as your told. Tucker did what he was paid to do. He "entertained."
That doesn't make it right. But considering that's what news organizations have gone to, it makes no difference now.

One thing though, Tucker is not obligated to lie for Fox now. And will in the near future be exposing how they all lie and why they do it. (as if we don't already know)

The difference between Tucker and the others (including CNN and MSNBC), the others are still doing it. Tucker isn't.

How will we know if he is not lying when he tells us whatever he tells us now?
The reality TV star did an ok job for his first 3 years of not fucking up what he was handed.

In Jan of 2020 I would have ranked him the best POTUS this century.

But he was still the POUTS in 2020 and he proved he was not up to the task of handling a crisis.

Instead of repeating commie propaganda, what else could Trump have done?

Trump did an excellent job when the country got hit with a virus we knew nothing about. We went through the same thing when AIDS first hit our country. Not much in research on the subject, China withholding valuable information we needed, yet we had the highest GDP of any of the G7 countries, DumBama emptied out all our PPE and never replaced it. And in spite of all that, we had less covid deaths under Trump with no vaccines than we did under Dementia with three of them.

Trump had the US military retrofit two ships for the overflow of covid patients and sent them to help two commie states in record time. He ordered the emergency manufacturing of ventilators because NYC auctioned all of theirs off because they didn't want to perform periodic PMs on them. He ordered 3M to sell masks to Americans only instead of them making masks here and shipping them all over the world.

A virus is going to do what a virus is going to do. There is only so much a President can do to stop the spread of a microorganism in a constitutional Republic.

An old white male.....yep.
Instead of repeating commie propaganda, what else could Trump have done?

Trump did an excellent job when the country got hit with a virus we knew nothing about. We went through the same thing when AIDS first hit our country. Not much in research on the subject, China withholding valuable information we needed, yet we had the highest GDP of any of the G7 countries, DumBama emptied out all our PPE and never replaced it. And in spite of all that, we had less covid deaths under Trump with no vaccines than we did under Dementia with three of them.

Trump had the US military retrofit two ships for the overflow of covid patients and sent them to help two commie states in record time. He ordered the emergency manufacturing of ventilators because NYC auctioned all of theirs off because they didn't want to perform periodic PMs on them. He ordered 3M to sell masks to Americans only instead of them making masks here and shipping them all over the world.

A virus is going to do what a virus is going to do. There is only so much a President can do to stop the spread of a microorganism in a constitutional Republic.

I have posted this before and this is just a copy and paste of that post...

In the very beginning I would have not waited months to do any real actions. South Korea, which had their first case the same day we did, started mass producing PPE gear in Jan. They started mass producing testing kits in Jan. They put together a contact tracing program in Jan. Their leader told the populous about the dangers to come in Jan.

All of this should have happened here the same time, but it did not happen till late March or later.

The biggest of these would have been being honest with the American people. The Govt knew how bad it was going to get. In early Feb the local VA closed a unit and undertook a 6 week construction project to turn it into a Negative Pressure area for the singular purpose of dealing with COVID patients. During this same time the same Govt was telling us it would be gone in a week or two. I remember laughing at how stupid they were for wasting this money on something that would be gone before they were done. Then my wife spent the next year and a half working in it dealing with COVID patients and I realized how fucking stupid I was for believing the lies from the Govt.
The Covid numbers were skewed. And a shit ton of the money that was put into it was corrupt. So there's not winning on either side of this argument.
A whole lot of people got very sick and died from covid. But because they skewed the numbers on the amount of people who died of other causes, but claimed it was covid, there's no way to prove either or.

A woman I knew was in the final stages of dementia. She was in a nursing home when she slid out of bed, and laid there for over 5 hours before she was found. She had a huge bruise on her face.
Less than 24hrs later, she was dead. Listed on her death certificate as the cause of death, "Covid."
She had covid. But that's not what killed her.
Another woman I knew, she actually died of covid. That was the only thing she had.

So arguing over covid, from either side, is futile.

Trump didn't have a clue as to how to deal with it. No president would've. But one thing he should've done was to ensure that there was little to no fraud in the covid spending bills he was signing. And not allowed big pharma to go without being sued if the vaccine didn't work or caused future problems to those who got the shot.

The liability protection was necessary to get those vaccines out ASAP. Without that protection, companies would have no choice but to do years of research until they allowed them to be sold. We really didn't have the time or lives for that.

My Uncle died during covid. He had terminal stage 4 colon cancer. He was 93 years old. During his last days his son called family members over to say their final goodbyes because hospitals cutoff all visitation rights, even to immediate family. The ambulance came and they hauled him to the VA where they claim he had covid. Where did he get it from? He was bed ridden and didn't go anywhere. Anybody near him was tested and retested after they claim he had covid. Nobody else had it.

He dies less than two weeks later. On the death certificate it was marked he died of covid.
And in spite of all that, we had less covid deaths under Trump with no vaccines than we did under Dementia with three of them.

Would you like to compare deaths per day? Trump had 11 months worth of deaths from COVID while Biden has had 27 and counting.
I have posted this before and this is just a copy and paste of that post...

In the very beginning I would have not waited months to do any real actions. South Korea, which had their first case the same day we did, started mass producing PPE gear in Jan. They started mass producing testing kits in Jan. They put together a contact tracing program in Jan. Their leader told the populous about the dangers to come in Jan.

All of this should have happened here the same time, but it did not happen till late March or later.

The biggest of these would have been being honest with the American people. The Govt knew how bad it was going to get. In early Feb the local VA closed a unit and undertook a 6 week construction project to turn it into a Negative Pressure area for the singular purpose of dealing with COVID patients. During this same time the same Govt was telling us it would be gone in a week or two. I remember laughing at how stupid they were for wasting this money on something that would be gone before they were done. Then my wife spent the next year and a half working in it dealing with COVID patients and I realized how fucking stupid I was for believing the lies from the Govt.

The government had no idea how bad it would get. Even when it started to spread, Fauci of all people said masks were unnecessary. Piglosi was telling people to shop in Chinatown. DeBlasio was telling people to take the subway to stores and places of entertainment. Nobody knew.

I trust in my caregivers at the world famous Cleveland Clinic. They had no mask mandate at the time. They didn't make a mandate until it was clear things were getting out of control. In fact they only lifted the mask mandate a week and a half ago when I went to say goodbye to my father. I was shocked that they did.
At least you’re honestly admitting your lack of patriotism instead of pretending like the other MAGA tards that they love their country
Those who love the country do not seek to change it…They do not denounce our founding values and principles, the moral order we were pillared upon, they don’t attack our constitution, the 1A and 2A, they do not want an open border, a change in demography without consent from The People, they don’t stand against law and order and with criminals….Are you sure you backwards Twilight Zone dwellers know what love of country looks like?


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