And now a word from the "Coffee Party".....


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
Dear Speaker Boehner,

As a Republican, I have followed your handling of the debt ceiling negotiations, and the future of the federal budget, with mounting concern. You appear to be engaged in a game of partisan brinksmanship with our nation’s financial future. Now is not the time for scoring political points or playing to the fantasies of the anti-government libertarian zealots within our Party.

Your handling of the debt ceiling negotiations, and the prior budget proposals advanced in Representative Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity,” makes it clear that the GOP is more concerned with protecting the interests of America’s most wealthy citizens, even to the detriment of the rest of us, and to the common good. For example, it is farcical to frame the debt and the deficit as merely problems of spending — they are, in fact, issues created by both expenditures and revenues. Nor is taking an axe to the federal government an acceptable solution — traditionally, we conservatives have been in favor of a limited government, not an eviscerated one. In the end, we simply have to pay for the services we expect government to provide. As such, a discussion of raising additional revenue — taxes — must be a part of any long-term solution.

Read more of his letter here:

Dear Speaker Boehner: An open letter on the debt and the budget | Coffee Party
I thought it was cute how he managed to get a shot in at people who are libertarian in principle, that's how insecure neoconservatives address real conservatives, with petty childishness.
Dear Speaker Boehner,

As a Republican, I have followed your handling of the debt ceiling negotiations, and the future of the federal budget, with mounting concern. You appear to be engaged in a game of partisan brinksmanship with our nation’s financial future. Now is not the time for scoring political points or playing to the fantasies of the anti-government libertarian zealots within our Party.

Your handling of the debt ceiling negotiations, and the prior budget proposals advanced in Representative Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity,” makes it clear that the GOP is more concerned with protecting the interests of America’s most wealthy citizens, even to the detriment of the rest of us, and to the common good. For example, it is farcical to frame the debt and the deficit as merely problems of spending — they are, in fact, issues created by both expenditures and revenues. Nor is taking an axe to the federal government an acceptable solution — traditionally, we conservatives have been in favor of a limited government, not an eviscerated one. In the end, we simply have to pay for the services we expect government to provide. As such, a discussion of raising additional revenue — taxes — must be a part of any long-term solution.

Read more of his letter here:

Dear Speaker Boehner: An open letter on the debt and the budget | Coffee Party

I used blue for all the bs and lies that are in that letter.

Whoever wrote that was pretending to be a conservative.
Dear Speaker Boehner,
As a Republican, I have followed your handling of the debt ceiling negotiations, and the future of the federal budget, with mounting concern. You appear to be engaged in a game of partisan brinksmanship with our nation’s financial future. Now is not the time for scoring political points or playing to the fantasies of the anti-government libertarian zealots within our Party.

Your handling of the debt ceiling negotiations, and the prior budget proposals advanced in Representative Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity,” makes it clear that the GOP is more concerned with protecting the interests of America’s most wealthy citizens, even to the detriment of the rest of us, and to the common good. For example, it is farcical to frame the debt and the deficit as merely problems of spending — they are, in fact, issues created by both expenditures and revenues. Nor is taking an axe to the federal government an acceptable solution — traditionally, we conservatives have been in favor of a limited government, not an eviscerated one. In the end, we simply have to pay for the services we expect government to provide. As such, a discussion of raising additional revenue — taxes — must be a part of any long-term solution.

Read more of his letter here:

Dear Speaker Boehner: An open letter on the debt and the budget | Coffee Party

I used blue for all the bs and lies that are in that letter.

Whoever wrote that was pretending to be a conservative.
Indeed. Republican doesn't necessarily mean Conservative. Just look at Lindsay Grahamnesty? John McCain? Boehner?
We live in a plutocracy. The average american worker is just way too stupid and dumb to see it. They will, eventually.
Dear Speaker Boehner,

As a Republican, I have followed your handling of the debt ceiling negotiations, and the future of the federal budget, with mounting concern. You appear to be engaged in a game of partisan brinksmanship with our nation’s financial future. Now is not the time for scoring political points or playing to the fantasies of the anti-government libertarian zealots within our Party.

Your handling of the debt ceiling negotiations, and the prior budget proposals advanced in Representative Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity,” makes it clear that the GOP is more concerned with protecting the interests of America’s most wealthy citizens, even to the detriment of the rest of us, and to the common good. For example, it is farcical to frame the debt and the deficit as merely problems of spending — they are, in fact, issues created by both expenditures and revenues. Nor is taking an axe to the federal government an acceptable solution — traditionally, we conservatives have been in favor of a limited government, not an eviscerated one. In the end, we simply have to pay for the services we expect government to provide. As such, a discussion of raising additional revenue — taxes — must be a part of any long-term solution.

Read more of his letter here:

Dear Speaker Boehner: An open letter on the debt and the budget | Coffee Party

I used blue for all the bs and lies that are in that letter.

Whoever wrote that was pretending to be a conservative.

He's actually taking the position of a SANE Republican. You know, those folks who at one time were, in fact, "compassionate" conservatives, while maintaining their fiscal conservative ideologies.
Another one of those "Republicans love only the rich" yawn.....

You mean to tell us you’re so used to the GOP working for the rich against the poor and middle class that it doesn't even faze you any more?

That is a sad statement indeed Willow...

I'm convinced that people on message boards who post agreement with the extremist right wing ideologies of today never had to worry about where their next rent or mortgage payment was going to come from; never were forced to apply for food stamps to feed their families; never had an astronomical medical bill that they lost sleep over how to pay for it; and of course, never been unemployed for REAL lack of work for long periods of time to the point it affects them financially, physically, and mentally. Not yet, anyway.
Anyone who believes that letter was from a "conservative" is a moron. :lol:
Dear Speaker Boehner,

As a Republican, I have followed your handling of the debt ceiling negotiations, and the future of the federal budget, with mounting concern. You appear to be engaged in a game of partisan brinksmanship with our nation’s financial future. Now is not the time for scoring political points or playing to the fantasies of the anti-government libertarian zealots within our Party.

Your handling of the debt ceiling negotiations, and the prior budget proposals advanced in Representative Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity,” makes it clear that the GOP is more concerned with protecting the interests of America’s most wealthy citizens, even to the detriment of the rest of us, and to the common good. For example, it is farcical to frame the debt and the deficit as merely problems of spending — they are, in fact, issues created by both expenditures and revenues. Nor is taking an axe to the federal government an acceptable solution — traditionally, we conservatives have been in favor of a limited government, not an eviscerated one. In the end, we simply have to pay for the services we expect government to provide. As such, a discussion of raising additional revenue — taxes — must be a part of any long-term solution.

Read more of his letter here:

Dear Speaker Boehner: An open letter on the debt and the budget | Coffee Party

I wonder if Boehner would like to be more pragmatic about it but can't cuz he's trying to keep his party together.
Another one of those "Republicans love only the rich" yawn.....

You mean to tell us you’re so used to the GOP working for the rich against the poor and middle class that it doesn't even faze you any more?

That is a sad statement indeed Willow...

I'm convinced that people on message boards who post agreement with the extremist right wing ideologies of today never had to worry about where their next rent or mortgage payment was going to come from; never were forced to apply for food stamps to feed their families; never had an astronomical medical bill that they lost sleep over how to pay for it; and of course, never been unemployed for REAL lack of work for long periods of time to the point it affects them financially, physically, and mentally. Not yet, anyway.

I'm starting to think that people on message boards who call people who disagree with them "extremist" are unemployed insomniac food stamp collecting debtors who are mentally affected. :razz::razz:

But I wouldn't sweat the Coffee Party. That half a dozen member voting block per State could not get a dog catcher elected.
He's actually taking the position of a SANE Republican. You know, those folks who at one time were, in fact, "compassionate" conservatives, while maintaining their fiscal conservative ideologies.

He is being a dishonest sleazy hack parroting demo talking points by rote.

I can get along with a democrat who is frank and honest about our differences of opinion. You have your priorities, theories of taxation and the importance of maintaining a certain level of debt and I have mine. We can argue them out in an adult manner any time you feel in the mood.

But this business of some coyote in sheep's clothing mouthing.... "I am a true republican" (that phrase right there makes me want to start counting the silverware) " but I think we should trample on principle and swallow the Democrat's codswallop, because after all they are right" does not inspire me to anything except anger at folks who would peddle such organic fertilizer as true metal.
Here is a brief bio of the man who wrote the letter. I guess if you don't agree with him, he's not a Republican, is that correct?

Michael Stafford is a 2003 graduate of Duke University School of Law, a former Republican Party officer from Delaware, and the founder of the Coffee Party 2.0 pilot project, Republicans for Responsible Reform. His writing has been featured on national and local blogs such as FrumForum, The Cagle Post, and TommyWonk. He is the author of An Upward Calling: Politics for the Common Good published by AVT Books.

I'd like to see who he wants to run on the GOP Platform in 2012.
" Your handling of the debt ceiling negotiations, and the prior budget proposals advanced in Representative Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity,” makes it clear that the GOP is more concerned with protecting the interests of America’s most wealthy citizens, even to the detriment of the rest of us, and to the common good. "

Hard to believe he's a republican after writing that. It's just wrong, sure some repubs are in bed with the uberwealthy and special interests, but so are many dems. The fact is that the GOP believes in enacting policies that incentivize new business and expanding existing businesses, and those policies by default aid the wealthy most of all cuz they're the ones with the capital to invest and make the big bucks as a result. Such policies are not detrimental to the middle and lower income people; on the contrary it offers more jobs and an increased chance to advance.

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