And now Biden loses Maureen Dowd


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Ok, this is getting ridiculous!! How many more dominoes need to fall before Joe gets it?
Finally someone says it!!! “He’s being selfish. He’s putting himself ahead of the country. He’s surrounded by opportunistic enablers. He has created a reality distortion field where we’re told not to believe what we’ve plainly seen. His hubris is infuriating. He says he’s doing this for us, but he’s really doing it for himself,” she started the column.
And this right here, that Democrats just cannot seem to get: “He has age-related issues, and those go in only one direction,”

Maureen Dowd calls for Biden to leave race after shaky debate: He 'looked ghostly'​

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd called on President Biden to abandon his re-election campaign following his poor debate showing on Thursday night, warning that deciding to run was ill-advised and made him no better than his adversary, former President Trump.

“He’s being selfish. He’s putting himself ahead of the country. He’s surrounded by opportunistic enablers. He has created a reality distortion field where we’re told not to believe what we’ve plainly seen. His hubris is infuriating. He says he’s doing this for us, but he’s really doing it for himself,” she started the column.

“I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about the other president.”

In a column titled “The Ghastly vs. the Ghostly” Dowd joined several of her New York Times columnist colleagues on Saturday morning to call on the president to step aside. On Friday, the NYT Editorial Board also called on Biden to drop out of the race.

“He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans,” the board said. “More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.”

They used Joe to get into power. No one else could have given legitimacy to the stealing of an election. They started questioning his abilities several months ago as the 2024 election was getting closer. He was damaged goods before 2020. Now all of those straight-faced spin meisters, liars and masters of cover stories are changing their tune. The orders from their masters came. Only Joe is resisting and/or Jill is, or they are acting.
Ok, this is getting ridiculous!! How many more dominoes need to fall before Joe gets it?
Finally someone says it!!! “He’s being selfish. He’s putting himself ahead of the country. He’s surrounded by opportunistic enablers. He has created a reality distortion field where we’re told not to believe what we’ve plainly seen. His hubris is infuriating. He says he’s doing this for us, but he’s really doing it for himself,” she started the column.
And this right here, that Democrats just cannot seem to get: “He has age-related issues, and those go in only one direction,”

Maureen Dowd calls for Biden to leave race after shaky debate: He 'looked ghostly'​

Biden isn't selfish. The Dem Party and those who bend their knee to power and elites are the selfish ones.

I am actually rooting for him to mess up their plans. They created him. They continue to B.S everyone. All these years yet they turn on him on a dime, not because of HIM but because they know their credibility has been shot. They have been exposed.

I find it disturbing and comical how the same people who just a week ago told you that Biden was the greatest thing since sliced bread and mocked you for daring to disagree but after they see writing on the wall, they do a 180 and tell you "he is damned selfish!" On a dime!

Low lifes.
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Reporters are one thing....campaign staff and cabinet members are another.

Watch the staff running for the door soon. If they can get out....there aren't many jobs out there.
The big money Dem donors are rattling their sabers. Remember they only give money to elect a Dem on the promise of getting paid back 10x. There's no return on the investment if Biden loses.
Democrats are showing the world their lack of respect for the office of the president.

Democrats disdain our form of government hence the disdain they demonstrate using the old.

Thank God Democrats love Biden. Imagine how democrats will treat someone they hate.

Biden is dying of dementia yet instead of resting these last months of his life the democrats are squeezing every drop of blood out of him.
Biden hasn't lost a single Democrat vote, including that of Maureen Dowd. Does ANYONE think that she would for DJT, or even sit it out because of Biden's incapacity?

No. No one believes that.
If Biden does drop out, the left will ALL immediately pivot to claiming the new candidate is the best ever and forget about Joe without missing a beat.

They will never admit their lies about Biden’s mental condition.
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I am thinking, what a gift the democrats are giving Putin, China, and Iran. A president that is unable to lead our military.

Xi should move on Taiwan before the election if he is ever going to move on Taiwan.

The US is a wounded duck right now.
Ok, this is getting ridiculous!! How many more dominoes need to fall before Joe gets it?
Finally someone says it!!! “He’s being selfish. He’s putting himself ahead of the country. He’s surrounded by opportunistic enablers. He has created a reality distortion field where we’re told not to believe what we’ve plainly seen. His hubris is infuriating. He says he’s doing this for us, but he’s really doing it for himself,” she started the column.
And this right here, that Democrats just cannot seem to get: “He has age-related issues, and those go in only one direction,”

Maureen Dowd calls for Biden to leave race after shaky debate: He 'looked ghostly'​

Trump, 78, has been on the political stage for eight years marked by chaos, corruption, and incivility. Why go back to that?

To build himself up, Trump constantly tears the country down. There is no shining city on the hill. It’s just mourning in America. [...]

Trump told more than 30 liesduring the debate to go with the more than 30,000 mistruths told during his four years as president. He dodged the CNN moderators’ questions, took no responsibility for his actions, and blamed others, mainly Biden, for everything that is wrong in the world.

The debate served as a reminder of what another four years of Trump would look like. More lies, grievance, narcissism, and hate. Supporters say they like Trump because he says whatever he thinks. But he mainly spews raw sewage.

Trump attacks the military. He denigrates the Justice Department and judges. He belittles the FBI and the CIA. He picks fights with allies and cozies up to dictators.


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