And now for some actual News....

Will this postpone indefinitely the DNC impeachment hoaxes?

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It's in all the headlines, how is that a secret investigation?
It's being conducted in a SCIF, Einstien.

Do you know what that is and why its used?

It's a secure room that doesn't permit transmissions in or out.

Its normally used to keep military and national security information away from the enemy.

In this case it's being used to keep facts from the American people. Specifically that this latest Coup attempt is based on another Mueller sized hoax.
Outta the park, MAGAman.
And now, a flashback:

Will Closed-Door Benghazi Hearings Keep the Circus Away?

Trey Gowdy: "I can get more information in a five-hour deposition than I can in five minutes of listening to a colleague ask questions in committee hearings," Gowdy said. "If it's about getting the information, then you want to use the investigatory tool that is most calculated and gets you the most amount of information and that's not five minutes in a committee hearing."

Like I said, it is hilarious watching the Republicans pounding on the outside of the closed doors they themselves locked from the inside just a few short years ago.

You tards are being led around by the nose.

Trump said Obama wiretapped him Nixon style two and half years ago. What the hell do you have to show for it?

A Criminal investigation finally...

You got nothing.

You have no idea what "criminal investigation" is even about exactly or if it has anything to do with what Trump claimed about Obama wiretapping him.

You are the one who mentioned a wiretap & Nixon peckerbreath… And you are right I don't know exactly what or where the Criminal Investigation will lead, but it seems to scare the shit out of you and your ilk...

?? That made ZERO sense.

If you don't know what the fuck investigation is even about how can you possibly say you have SOMETHING on Obama wiretapping Trump?

Nothing but wild speculations at this point, so you Trumpsters can go back into your crazy cave until you have something.
Actually, Anton, it's not speculation. And there's going to be hell to pay for spying on the President by offenders.
No, that's not true. The American people will, however, be seeing a yardfull of Democrat criminals who broke with the Constitution marching to Ft. Leavenworth for treason.

If I had my druthers, GITMO would be full of these traitors...
...You cant just open a criminal Investigation for the hell of it. You first have to obtain evidence of a crime and that is why it went from an inquiry to a criminal investigation a crime was uncovered with enough evidence to proceed.
Next step is presenting that evidence to the court so to assemble a grand jury which then subpoenas and warrants can be issued
And once begun cannot be stopped without resolution. If irony is to be served, procuring FISA warrants would be the place to begin. Expect our Hysterical House Dems to threaten to cut funding to the LE agencies involved in the investigation.
SAYIT said: "Expect our Hysterical House Dems to threaten to cut funding to the LE agencies involved in the investigation."
Oh, goody! since things will be tied up awhile, we'll make sure the Congressional operatives who've been spying on the President and making up lies about him can be placed in the cramped conditions of the Border safehouses they refused to upgrade even for humanitarian reasons. And they can sit in their own shit until they come around back to the sane world which they haven't dwelt in for a long time. :abgg2q.jpg: Just desserts, I say.
Pass the popcorn!
View attachment 286158
Justice Dept. Is Said to Open Criminal Inquiry Into Its Own Russia Investigation: "The move gives the prosecutor running it, John H. Durham, the power to subpoena for witness testimony and documents, to impanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges."


They were hoping, gives Fox cable news something to talk about instead of the impeachment. The timing is very special, what are they afraid of. Barr did and does as Tramp's wants.
No Barr cant do what ever he wants he has to have evidence of a crime to be able to open a criminal investigation and he has to produce that evidence to the court so to be able to convene a grand jury so to issue subpoenas and petition the court for warrants
You cant open a criminal investigation for the hell of it because Trumps wants it
And you're going to do what to our Attorney General of the United States if he ignores your pathetic post? :lmao:
Attorney General William Barr does what is right. By coincidence, President Trump has learned what is right also. It must be so depressing to have TDS while you're going through Republicans doing the right thing.
Poor kid. :eusa_boohoo:
I'm hearing rumors that former FBI general counsel James Baker is fully cooperating with the Durham investigation.

I read months ago that baker was against going to the FISA court & said the dossier was garbage & should not be I find this rumor highly plausible!

Just wait until the low hanging fruit that KNOWS what's going on but has been remaining QUIET are faced with a CHOICE, to either SING LIKE A CANARY to save their own ass, or GO TO JAIL for the likes of COMEY, or McCABE, or BRENNAN, or CLAPPER, or CLINTON, or OBAMA, etc. To give up their ENTIRE LIFE just to SAVE one of those CORRUPT BASTARDS that THOUGHT Hitlery would win and NONE of this would have EVER SEEN THE LIGHT OF DAY.

And it's only going to take ONE, and believe me, the FLOOD GATES FROM HELL, the FLOOD GATES OF THE DEMOCRAT ACTIVIST DEEP STATE are going to BURST. You want to see RATS JUMPING THE SINKING SHIP... just wait.

We haven't seen ANYTHING yet... it's about to get REAL GOOD.

I can minimize it,

If you investigate tramp, Barr will investigate you and might put you in prison, either way he will ruin your life.

Barr is Shokin. (art. from 2016)

Kasko said then that prosecutors had opened five criminal cases against him. He argued that the cases were Shokin's revenge for Kasko's criticism of his boss.Kasko resigned as a deputy prosecutor general in February, saying that Shokin had transformed the prosecutorial system into a corrupt “dead body” that “creates and tolerates total lawlessness,” as well as making it “a tool of political intimidation and profiteering.”

Read more on UNIAN: Notice of suspicion served against Kasko, who exposed prosecutorial corruption: Kyiv Post
CNN on Thursday reported that three Republican senators, including Johnson, Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and then-Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) signed a 2016 letter urging “urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and Judiciary.”

GOP senator says he doesn't remember signing 2016 letter urging 'reform' of Ukraine prosecutor's office
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It's in all the headlines, how is that a secret investigation?
It's being conducted in a SCIF, Einstien.

Do you know what that is and why its used?

It's a secure room that doesn't permit transmissions in or out.

Its normally used to keep military and national security information away from the enemy.

In this case it's being used to keep facts from the American people. Specifically that this latest Coup attempt is based on another Mueller sized hoax.
Outta the park, MAGAman.
Are you another moron who doesn't understand that there are at least 45 republicans on those committees?
Lame attempt to distract

Distract from what? The cat fight between Bill's wife and the Samoan lady? :04:
You can't really be that uninformed.

Ok you are the rocket surgeon, inform me...
Pull yer head outta the echo chamber and listen to a news broadcast. I don't have time to give you 3-4 years of background.

Sooner or later you kids are gonna hafta learn to take care of yourselves.

With someone literally as uninformed and stupid as you are, its hilarious when you write echo chamber - you are the Democratic media's wet dream, or just a troll. Or both.
If they are retaining criminal lawyers, you know they're starting to sweat.

"Justice Department officials have shifted an administrative review of the Russia investigation closely overseen by Attorney General William P. Barr to a criminal inquiry, according to two people familiar with the matter. The move gives the prosecutor running it, John H. Durham, the power to subpoena for witness testimony and documents, to impanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges..."

"Some C.I.A. officials have retained criminal lawyers in anticipation of being interviewed. It was not clear whether Mr. Durham was scrutinizing other former top intelligence officials. Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the former director of the National Security Agency, declined to say whether he had spoken with Mr. Durham's investigators."

Justice Dept. Is Said to Open Criminal Inquiry Into Its Own Russia Investigation
3AM raids to arrest are required. Tip off Fox first so we get the video.
Treat them just like they treated Roger Stone
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How do you think leftists are going to like it when obama is in a wheelchair from being in solitary and he is STILL in solitary?

Just like Paul Manafort!
Trump said Obama wiretapped him Nixon style two and half years ago. What the hell do you have to show for it?

A Criminal investigation finally...

You got nothing.

You have no idea what "criminal investigation" is even about exactly or if it has anything to do with what Trump claimed about Obama wiretapping him.

You are the one who mentioned a wiretap & Nixon peckerbreath… And you are right I don't know exactly what or where the Criminal Investigation will lead, but it seems to scare the shit out of you and your ilk...

?? That made ZERO sense.

If you don't know what the fuck investigation is even about how can you possibly say you have SOMETHING on Obama wiretapping Trump?

Nothing but wild speculations at this point, so you Trumpsters can go back into your crazy cave until you have something.
Actually, Anton, it's not speculation. And there's going to be hell to pay for spying on the President by offenders.

You say not speculation, then proceed to posit baseless speculations as facts.
I'm hearing rumors that former FBI general counsel James Baker is fully cooperating with the Durham investigation.

I read months ago that baker was against going to the FISA court & said the dossier was garbage & should not be I find this rumor highly plausible!

Aaaand? Nothing conspicuous about a difference of opinion within organization.

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