
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
I couldn't quite understand this absurd "Russia" narrative. Literally everyone (Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Allen Dershowitz, etc.) admitted that no evidence existed and never did. So where did this come from? It had to come from somewhere.

Well, now we know. It was typical Barack Insane Obama "Saul Alinksy" tactics. He develops a relationship with a Russian lawyer, places her in the middle of his Administration, and then has her cold-call Donald Trump Jr. out of the blue. Then he floods his associates with a "Russia collusion" because he knows that there was some contact between someone in the Trump family and a Russian since he facilitated the contact.

I think it is fairly obvious that Obama knew Hitlery Clinton was going to get slaughtered and was desperately looking for a way to undermine the Trump Administration. Like all Marxist-Fascists, Obama understands what an extreme danger President Trump is to the left since he will speak the unabashed truth. Losing a single election isn't all that damaging to their agenda if they can get Trump out of there and leave the Oval Office to Mike Pence. Another mild-mannered Republican poses no threat to the left. But a man who will divulge everything and tear the whole thing down terrifies them.

Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia - 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg.
You are thinking way too good about Obama: he's been just a Soros/Deep State puppet, big nothing with chewing gum in his mouth. They allowed him to play golf as much as he wanted and he allowed them to rule the country as much as they wanted. Pretty fair deal, ha?
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Helicopter rides for all Seditious Progressives

You are thinking way too good about Obama: he's been just a Soros/Deep State puppet, big nothing with chewing gum in his mouth. They allowed him to play golf as much as he wanted and he allowed them to rule the country as much as they wanted. Pretty fair deal, ha?
I am certainly glad Trump doesn't play golf..man, he can be more independent that way..
I couldn't quite understand this absurd "Russia" narrative. Literally everyone (Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Allen Dershowitz, etc.) admitted that no evidence existed and never did. So where did this come from? It had to come from somewhere.

Well, now we know. It was typical Barack Insane Obama "Saul Alinksy" tactics. He develops a relationship with a Russian lawyer, places her in the middle of his Administration, and then has her cold-call Donald Trump Jr. out of the blue. Then he floods his associates with a "Russia collusion" because he knows that there was some contact between someone in the Trump family and a Russian since he facilitated the contact.

I think it is fairly obvious that Obama knew Hitlery Clinton was going to get slaughtered and was desperately looking for a way to undermine the Trump Administration. Like all Marxist-Fascists, Obama understands what an extreme danger President Trump is to the left since he will speak the unabashed truth. Losing a single election isn't all that damaging to their agenda if they can get Trump out of there and leave the Oval Office to Mike Pence. Another mild-mannered Republican poses no threat to the left. But a man who will divulge everything and tear the whole thing down terrifies them.

Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia - 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg.
this is a great new obama/clinton scandal. maxine waters as the rosenbergs.
B-b-b-b-b-but..... OBAMA!!!
That's hilarious coming from the "but....but....but....BUUUUUUSH" crowd.
^ THAT'S hilarious, coming from a guy who just said b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama after years of saying it's wrong to say b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Bush.
^ That's even more hilarious coming from a person whining like a toddler about Obama being called out when he should be called out after 8 years of crying "Bush" as an excuse.
B-b-b-b-b-but..... OBAMA!!!
That's hilarious coming from the "but....but....but....BUUUUUUSH" crowd.
^ THAT'S hilarious, coming from a guy who just said b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama after years of saying it's wrong to say b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Bush.
^ That's even more hilarious coming from a person whining like a toddler about Obama being called out when he should be called out after 8 years of crying "Bush" as an excuse.
^ That's even more and MORE hilarious coming from a person prepared to spend the next 4 (possibly less depending on impeachment proceedings) years crying "Obama" as an excuse.
The bottom line - which BlackFag is desperately trying to draw attention away from - is that there is photographic evidence of this Russian attorney sitting with members of the Obama Administration right after making unsolicited contact with Donald Trump Jr.

This is one hell of an indictment on the entire "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory.
^ That's even more and MORE hilarious coming from a person prepared to spend the next 4 (possibly less depending on impeachment proceedings) years crying "Obama" as an excuse.
You mean 8 years? And that won't be necessary since President Trump doesn't fail like Barack Insane Obama did.
^ That's even more and MORE hilarious coming from a person prepared to spend the next 4 (possibly less depending on impeachment proceedings) years crying "Obama" as an excuse.

Now you know why we refer to your types as uninformed voters. Getting impeached (which is not possible with a Republican led Congress and Senate) does not mean the President loses his position as President. Those are separate proceedings after impeachment.

Impeachment needs a reason or cause which nobody has on Trump. The Russian thing is just to keep the Commies entertained for a while, but that's all it is.
^ That's even more and MORE hilarious coming from a person prepared to spend the next 4 (possibly less depending on impeachment proceedings) years crying "Obama" as an excuse.

Now you know why we refer to your types as uninformed voters. Getting impeached (which is not possible with a Republican led Congress and Senate) does not mean the President loses his position as President. Those are separate proceedings after impeachment.

Impeachment needs a reason or cause which nobody has on Trump. The Russian thing is just to keep the Commies entertained for a while, but that's all it is.
Wow the Republican party does not have the power to impeach a President? Then how did they impeach Clinton? Damn, you are very uninformed.
I couldn't quite understand this absurd "Russia" narrative. Literally everyone (Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Allen Dershowitz, etc.) admitted that no evidence existed and never did. So where did this come from? It had to come from somewhere.

Well, now we know. It was typical Barack Insane Obama "Saul Alinksy" tactics. He develops a relationship with a Russian lawyer, places her in the middle of his Administration, and then has her cold-call Donald Trump Jr. out of the blue. Then he floods his associates with a "Russia collusion" because he knows that there was some contact between someone in the Trump family and a Russian since he facilitated the contact.

I think it is fairly obvious that Obama knew Hitlery Clinton was going to get slaughtered and was desperately looking for a way to undermine the Trump Administration. Like all Marxist-Fascists, Obama understands what an extreme danger President Trump is to the left since he will speak the unabashed truth. Losing a single election isn't all that damaging to their agenda if they can get Trump out of there and leave the Oval Office to Mike Pence. Another mild-mannered Republican poses no threat to the left. But a man who will divulge everything and tear the whole thing down terrifies them.

Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia - 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg.

It does all make sense now. They knew there was something there because they planted it.
^ That's even more and MORE hilarious coming from a person prepared to spend the next 4 (possibly less depending on impeachment proceedings) years crying "Obama" as an excuse.

Now you know why we refer to your types as uninformed voters. Getting impeached (which is not possible with a Republican led Congress and Senate) does not mean the President loses his position as President. Those are separate proceedings after impeachment.

Impeachment needs a reason or cause which nobody has on Trump. The Russian thing is just to keep the Commies entertained for a while, but that's all it is.
Wow the Republican party does not have the power to impeach a President? Then how did they impeach Clinton? Damn, you are very uninformed.

Wow....did you ever make his point.
^ That's even more and MORE hilarious coming from a person prepared to spend the next 4 (possibly less depending on impeachment proceedings) years crying "Obama" as an excuse.

Now you know why we refer to your types as uninformed voters. Getting impeached (which is not possible with a Republican led Congress and Senate) does not mean the President loses his position as President. Those are separate proceedings after impeachment.

Impeachment needs a reason or cause which nobody has on Trump. The Russian thing is just to keep the Commies entertained for a while, but that's all it is.
Wow the Republican party does not have the power to impeach a President? Then how did they impeach Clinton? Damn, you are very uninformed.

Wow....did you ever make his point.
This point? "Getting impeached (which is not possible with a Republican led Congress and Senate)"

Is that really true?
^ That's even more and MORE hilarious coming from a person prepared to spend the next 4 (possibly less depending on impeachment proceedings) years crying "Obama" as an excuse.

Now you know why we refer to your types as uninformed voters. Getting impeached (which is not possible with a Republican led Congress and Senate) does not mean the President loses his position as President. Those are separate proceedings after impeachment.

Impeachment needs a reason or cause which nobody has on Trump. The Russian thing is just to keep the Commies entertained for a while, but that's all it is.
Wow the Republican party does not have the power to impeach a President? Then how did they impeach Clinton? Damn, you are very uninformed.

Wow....did you ever make his point.
This point? "Getting impeached (which is not possible with a Republican led Congress and Senate)"

Is that really true?

You're either a complete idiot or you're playing word games...which is it?
^ That's even more and MORE hilarious coming from a person prepared to spend the next 4 (possibly less depending on impeachment proceedings) years crying "Obama" as an excuse.

Now you know why we refer to your types as uninformed voters. Getting impeached (which is not possible with a Republican led Congress and Senate) does not mean the President loses his position as President. Those are separate proceedings after impeachment.

Impeachment needs a reason or cause which nobody has on Trump. The Russian thing is just to keep the Commies entertained for a while, but that's all it is.
Wow the Republican party does not have the power to impeach a President? Then how did they impeach Clinton? Damn, you are very uninformed.

Wow....did you ever make his point.
This point? "Getting impeached (which is not possible with a Republican led Congress and Senate)"

Is that really true?

You're either a complete idiot or you're playing word games...which is it?
You need to talk to Ray. He's the one that said it. If it's true, then this is a real game changer.

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