And now on to the more serious question of immunity. . .

SCOTUS should rule a President has immunity in conduct of his office

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It matters commie, you can't direct shit without taking personal action. So where's your link?

It's part of the Conspiracy charge against Benedict Donald. Page 4

e. Co-Conspirator 5, an attorney who assisted in devising and attempting to implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding.

f. Co-Conspirator 6, a political consultant who helped implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential elector

Furthermore on page 6......

d. The Defendant and co-conspirators attempted to enlist the Vice President to use his ceremonial role at the January 6 certification proceeding to fraudulently alter the election results. First, using knowingly false claims of election fraud, the Defendant and co-conspirators attempted to convince the Vice President to use the Defendant's fraudulent electors, reject legitimate electoral votes, or send legitimate electoral votes to state legislatures for review rather than counting them. When that failed, on the morning of January 6, the Defendant and co-conspirators repeated knowingly false claims of election fraud to gathered supporters, falsely told them that the Vice President had the authority to and might alter the election results, and directed them to the Capitol to obstruct the certification proceeding and exert pressure on the Vice President to take the fraudulent actions he had previously refused.

Benedict Donald needs to have his day in court and lets see where the chips fall.
Trying to jail your political opponent in an election then I suggest you move to a country that practices that sort of thing…America isn’t that place.
You MAGOTS need to stop you pathetic whining. You’re embarrassing yourselves. He is not being prosecuted because he is a political rival He is being prosecuted for the crimes that he is accused of for which there is substantial evidence of guilt
He said 2 years ago that they were exploring constitutional options to disqualify Trump from ever running again.
That was the primary reason they staged Jan6th and tried to blame it on him.

Now that's blown up in their faces. Jack Smith doesn't have a case.

A whistleblower has testified that Biden paid Fani Willis to indict Trump for election interference in Georgia.
Every prosecutor's election was funded by George Soros, and Alex Soros, Soros' son, made several trips to the White House earlier this year.

Only a blind man couldn't figure out that the Biden adm has been behind every lawsuit and indictment since he left office.

This is fake news.
Nah, this is ALL political and you know it…

There are dozens and dozens, maybe hundreds, of Trump threads to discuss everything Trump.

This thread is not about Trump. This is a thread about the Office of the President regardless of who is in it.

I wonder if anyone even cares how SCOTUS rules on the immunity issue? Or even has a clue at what is at stake here?
Nonsense, of course. Only Trump supporters want this to be a general question of blanket immunity, so tha at no point do they have to admit that anything Trump did was actually criminal.

In what we call reality, this is a constitutional crisis caused by the criminal orange slob. And any immunity granted a president will and should not be absolute. Obviously.

So we are left talking about the specific crimes of the orange slob.
This might help!
Trump's lawyer's argument before the DC Circuit court.

It wasn't his argument. Judge asked him about a current President assassinating his political rival. And his answer was that you'd have to impeach and remove him from office first.
Care4all thinks being out in the sticks is going to keep her safe when the shit hits the fan.
Willful-ignorance. Thy name is Care4all.
It isn't going to keep us safe 100%, nothing will...when God decides to take you.... that's it!!!

But it will keep us safer, at least for a time, in a number national crisis and catastrophic events, hopefully! :eek:

Our illegals, or refugees up here outside of a Somalian community in Lewiston, are primarily Canadians and hard to identify....and our crime rate is pretty low compared to most all states but Vermont....

It does seem to be getting worse, though I have not reviewed actual statistics...I think that mass shooter event in Lewiston has made me feel that way.... :(

During Covid and since, our population has been growing! People began moving to Maine from other states to get away from covid, and more jobs began to have remote capabilities which allowed workers and family to move to where they wanted, or felt safer.... Fewer people per 100,000 were killed by COVID in Maine, than any other State in the Nation, even though we have the highest percentage of old folks, even more than the state of Florida as a percentage...though this new influx of folks are younger, mid life.

But i know that more people, can lead to more crime.... Our utopia won't last forever...
I think they should go ahead and impeach Biden, just to say that he's been impeached.
But the charges should include criminal negligence at the border and abuse of authority with respect to his illegal actions in the prosecution of Trump.
Then throw in all of the FBI raids of Trump & associates and journalists.
I suppose just as a warning to future residents of the White House that such is intolerable behavior. But I also have to wonder whether it would be worth it. It wouldn't make anything different. It wouldn't make anything better. And all it would do is more solidify the divisions among us with many, perhaps most, Americans and others seeing it as taking vengeance rather than having any honorable purpose.

When dealing with the most corrupt characteristics of humankind, sometimes there really is no remedy but to choose good over evil in the future. Whatever his thoughts, whatever his character, whatever he has done in the past, President Trump did very little as President that did not work out to be good for all Americans and for the country. And he nor any other occupant of the White House should not be subject to prosecution for exaggerated/misrepresented or made up 'crimes' or those for whom no other occupant of the White House has ever been charged.

But at least the High Court has opportunity to provide the protections for the Office of the President that the Founders intended. If they do not, all living Presidents and those of the future could be subject to endless investigations, prosecutions, even political imprisonment by any vindictive administration or citizen action. It would have a hugely chilling effect on a President's choices to do anything that the political opposition could use to attack him/her and cause him/her to become ineffective in his/her job.

I hope and pray SCOTUS does the right thing as they did in the Colorado case. And I hope again the vote is 9-0.
This is fake news.
No it is not fake news. Biden absolutely said they would constitutionally prevent Trump from running again. .

And it was after that when Leticia James et al began filing lawsuits against Trump. And it is a near certainty that these suits were aided and abetted by Biden's DOJ though I don't have a link to prove that.

And THAT kind of corruption by any presidential administration or any other entities must not be allowed if we are to remain a government of the people, by the people, for the people. No administration should be able to put political prisoners in jail with immunity or destroy the opposition with exaggerated or made up crimes for which no President has ever been charged.

THAT is why the Supreme Court should clarify once and for all that the President must be able to do his job in his own way without fear of malicious prosecution for doing it. It won't affect anything he does outside the power, authority, prerogatives of the Office of President, but it would allow future Presidents to actually do their job.
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No it is not fake news. Biden absolutely said they would constitutionally prevent Trump from running again.
“We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run, making sure he — under legitimate efforts of our Constitution — does not become the next president again,” Biden said.

An literally within the week, they appointed Comrade Smith to use the criminal justice system to take down his political opponent.

This is why immunity is necessary.
It wasn't his argument. Judge asked him about a current President assassinating his political rival. And his answer was that you'd have to impeach and remove him from office first.
That is what they can't get through their heads. If a President is impeached AND removed from office, i.e. found guilty in the Senate trial, then yes, he can be prosecuted for any damages incurred from his actions. Assassinating opponents is not a legitimate function of the Presidency. Biden hasn't exactly assassinated his political opposition but he should be impeached and convicted of illegitimately prosecuting his political opponent for legitimate actions/exercising prerogatives given to the President of the United States. That should happen so no other President feels he/she has license to do that to a political opponent.

But since that won't happen, especially since it is only eight months to the election now, and highly partisan Democrat majority in the Senate wouldn't convict him anyway, the best we can hope for is that SCOTUS will give us a ruling discouraging this kind of corruption from ever happening again.

As an aside, it would even prohibit Trump, if elected, from going after Biden for the his destructive and what many of us consider illegal actions/policies. He could rescind the funding for the corrupt processes going on now though.
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It wasn't his argument. Judge asked him about a current President assassinating his political rival. And his answer was that you'd have to impeach and remove him from office first.
And if they don't impeach him, when he leaves office, he CAN NOT be criminally charged was the claim, he would be immune from criminal prosecution...even from murder/an illegal assassination.

There is no such thing as Trump's claim of ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY, that he spews.... There is immunity for official acts that could end up being illegal while president. I agree with that measure 100%!

The president takes an oath to follow and see to it that all laws of the land are followed, including for himself...the take care, clause. When performing an official act, his duty is to follow the Law... The presidential immunity comes when a president during an official act, does not reasonably see it as illegal, though it may turn out to be illegal....he's granted immunity....

But if a president during an official duty or event, like seemingly ordering seal team 6 to assassinate a political rival as the extreme example used, ordering an assassination of a political rival, would not be an official duty because common knowledge of this is more than reasonably evident in my opinion... And if he were not impeached by congress while serving in office for this murder and assassination, the DOJ could not charge him, while in office or when he left office. Absolute immunity. I disagree with that!

Trump's original arguments were that Presidents are immune from criminal prosecution even AFTER the president leaves office, even though it has never been understood to be that way....

The Supreme court changed the focus of what Smith and Trump lawyers wanted to argue that they presented the court in their SC briefs.

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