And Now the West Bank is Erupting

They've been fighting in the ME for thousands of years.

No president has solved the problem. I've watched and listened to them all since the 50's ....and they've all had extravagant, grandiose, detailed plans.
It hasn't made one bit of difference.
Doesn't matter who "did it first"...doesn't matter who tries to intervene... there will never be "peace" in the ME.
The past is prologue.

Let them sink or swim on their own. We've wasted enough time and resources on both sides.
Let nature take its course.
I've been watching since the '50s as well and I can't think of one US President who has tried to serve as an honest broker for anything except arms sales to Israel; maybe this is a good time for those living between the River and the sea to try one person: one vote?
They've been fighting in the ME for thousands of years.

No president has solved the problem. I've watched and listened to them all since the 50's ....and they've all had extravagant, grandiose, detailed plans.
It hasn't made one bit of difference.
Doesn't matter who "did it first"...doesn't matter who tries to intervene... there will never be "peace" in the ME.
The past is prologue.

Let them sink or swim on their own. We've wasted enough time and resources on both sides.
Let nature take its course.
I've been watching since the '50s as well and I can't think of one US President who has tried to serve as an honest broker for anything except arms sales to Israel; maybe this is a good time for those living between the River and the sea to try one person: one vote?

Thanks for the reply.
Personally, I don't care if they flip a coin, say "eenie meenie miney moe" have a foot race or blast each other into oblivion. I just couldn't care less.
They've been fighting in the ME for thousands of years.

No president has solved the problem. I've watched and listened to them all since the 50's ....and they've all had extravagant, grandiose, detailed plans.
It hasn't made one bit of difference.
Doesn't matter who "did it first"...doesn't matter who tries to intervene... there will never be "peace" in the ME.
The past is prologue.

Let them sink or swim on their own. We've wasted enough time and resources on both sides.
Let nature take its course.
I've been watching since the '50s as well and I can't think of one US President who has tried to serve as an honest broker for anything except arms sales to Israel; maybe this is a good time for those living between the River and the sea to try one person: one vote?

Thanks for the reply.
Personally, I don't care if they flip a coin, say "eenie meenie miney moe" have a foot race or blast each other into oblivion. I just couldn't care less.
I don't think you're alone in feeling the way you do.
The contest between the two sides in Palestine is completely one sided in every way except demographics.

There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea. Every Jew of voting age has a vote to determine who writes the laws they live under. Less than half of Arabs have the same right. Fanatics on both sides demand all the land, and the destruction of "the other." And one side has dozens of nuclear weapons available as a "final solution.":eek:
<Other proposals tend to focus on rebuilding Gaza&#8217;s economy, on the ground that only if the people of the strip become better off will they turn their backs on the puritans, zealots and rocket-launchers of Hamas. Even before Operation Protective Edge, electricity functioned for less than half the day. Half of Gazans are out of work or unpaid. Some say that in 18 months Gazans will have no piped drinking water at all. But proposals for rebuilding Gaza&#8217;s economy seem unworldly in present circumstances. And if the rockets keep on raining down on Israel and the bombs keep clobbering Gaza, there may be precious little left to rebuild.>

Qatar---a complicated friendship.

<David Weinberg, a scholar who also studies the Gulf states at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Business Insider by email that Congress hasn't been concerned enough with Qatar's policies to put a hold on weapons sales, and confirmed the Obama administration's recent nominee as ambassador to Doha without controversy.

"It's not clear whether Congress has the stomach for a fight over these issues with an ostensible ally when so much seems to be going wrong elsewhere in the Middle East and when the administration seems to be vouching for Qatari conduct," wrote Weinberg by email last week, when the Hamas-Israel escalation was at a far different stage.

At this point, nearly 700 Palestinians and 34 Israelis have been killed in the conflict. Hamas has achieved battlefield objectives &#8212; like the successful targeting of Israel's international airport, and deadly attacks inside Israeli territory &#8212; that dictate against an immediate resolution
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They've been fighting in the ME for thousands of years.

No president has solved the problem. I've watched and listened to them all since the 50's ....and they've all had extravagant, grandiose, detailed plans.
It hasn't made one bit of difference.
Doesn't matter who "did it first"...doesn't matter who tries to intervene... there will never be "peace" in the ME.
The past is prologue.

Let them sink or swim on their own. We've wasted enough time and resources on both sides.
Let nature take its course.
I've been watching since the '50s as well and I can't think of one US President who has tried to serve as an honest broker for anything except arms sales to Israel; maybe this is a good time for those living between the River and the sea to try one person: one vote?

Sadat made peace. How did the Arab League Respond..........................
I would guess half of the Palestinian casualties are faked.....

Palestine Arabs stage fake Israeli &#8220;attacks&#8221; for media with extreme regularity.

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Anybody have some real video of the carnage? Not the fake stuff put out by the msm that is taken in Israel??!!!!

This shit all needs to end now......anybody who has studied history knows, that in war, there comes peace ONLY when one side wins decisively. That needs to happen here at this time in history. These subhumans are executing their own and blaming Israel during the ceasefires. Fucking place needs to be made a sheet of fucking glass. If the people don't have the balls to confront the radicals, fuck them.........their asses go down..

Nobody supports Hammas except the meathead msm and the fringe k00k left. Every polls backs it up. Overwhelmingly, people don't give a rats ass about subhuman pos's.

More MOABS all the time.:clap2::rock::rock::rock::rock::blowup:

Only those with plates in their heads will lose sleep.
They've been fighting in the ME for thousands of years.

So... What's that mean going forward?

Israel needs to poop or get off the pot. The creation of Gaza and the second class citizens of The West Bank may have been the right thing to do at the time, but maintaining it indefinitely is beginning to put Israel on the wrong side of history.

The choices are three:

  • Free them as an independent state with genuine boundaries.
  • Finish the occupation and absorb the people of Gaza in to the population of Israel.
  • Out live them.

Whatever they decide, they need to hurry the fuck up so history can judge them and we can move on.

Dragging it out decade after bloody decade like this is making ALL the Monkeys look stupid from space.
True Story! :thup:
It's a wonder this stuff makes news anymore. I mean, as long as I can remember, Palestinians (and pretty much everyone in the neighborhood) and Israelis have been going at it. Sad to say it's become, meh. Those guys again? And whatshisname is going over there to make peace...again?
Hey, when's football starting up again?
Anybody have some real video of the carnage? Not the fake stuff put out by the msm that is taken in Israel??!!!!

This shit all needs to end now......anybody who has studied history knows, that in war, there comes peace ONLY when one side wins decisively. That needs to happen here at this time in history. These subhumans are executing their own and blaming Israel during the ceasefires. Fucking place needs to be made a sheet of fucking glass. If the people don't have the balls to confront the radicals, fuck them.........their asses go down..

Nobody supports Hammas except the meathead msm and the fringe k00k left. Every polls backs it up. Overwhelmingly, people don't give a rats ass about subhuman pos's.

More MOABS all the time.:clap2::rock::rock::rock::rock::blowup:

Only those with plates in their heads will lose sleep.
Stop hitting that heavy bag with your head and read more:

"When Israel began its latest large-scale aerial offensive on Gaza on July 7, Muhammad switched from mostly Arabic-language tweets to exclusively English, and started contributing to online discourse on the conflict as a commentator.

"These early tweets leave out the first person, discussing the situation in general. But on the third day of the assault, as the death toll passes 70, something in Muhammed’s tone changes.

"His Twitter feed becomes a sort of diary, a poetic outpouring in the face of fear, a human response reflecting the uncertainty of survival.

"'I sit near a window, next to my wife who finally fell asleep. I hear drones buzzing overhead coupled with birds chirping. I anticipate a blast

"'The blast has come. Sooner than I thought. War experience enables you to expect next blast. I extend my hand to my wife, and she takes it.'

"Muhammed’s tweets become a narration of his life and the lives and deaths of other Palestinians in Gaza. His feed reads like a nail-biting and heart-pumping novel, or a collection of visceral haikus, only this isn’t literature but a compressed report of Muhammed’s observations, thoughts, and feelings. Real apocalyptic scenes squeezed through the filter of social media."

USC Students for Justice in Palestine
Anybody have some real video of the carnage? Not the fake stuff put out by the msm that is taken in Israel??!!!!

This shit all needs to end now......anybody who has studied history knows, that in war, there comes peace ONLY when one side wins decisively. That needs to happen here at this time in history. These subhumans are executing their own and blaming Israel during the ceasefires. Fucking place needs to be made a sheet of fucking glass. If the people don't have the balls to confront the radicals, fuck them.........their asses go down..

Nobody supports Hammas except the meathead msm and the fringe k00k left. Every polls backs it up. Overwhelmingly, people don't give a rats ass about subhuman pos's.

More MOABS all the time.:clap2::rock::rock::rock::rock::blowup:

Only those with plates in their heads will lose sleep.
Stop hitting that heavy bag with your head and read more:

"When Israel began its latest large-scale aerial offensive on Gaza on July 7, Muhammad switched from mostly Arabic-language tweets to exclusively English, and started contributing to online discourse on the conflict as a commentator.

"These early tweets leave out the first person, discussing the situation in general. But on the third day of the assault, as the death toll passes 70, something in Muhammed&#8217;s tone changes.

"His Twitter feed becomes a sort of diary, a poetic outpouring in the face of fear, a human response reflecting the uncertainty of survival.

"'I sit near a window, next to my wife who finally fell asleep. I hear drones buzzing overhead coupled with birds chirping. I anticipate a blast

"'The blast has come. Sooner than I thought. War experience enables you to expect next blast. I extend my hand to my wife, and she takes it.'

"Muhammed&#8217;s tweets become a narration of his life and the lives and deaths of other Palestinians in Gaza. His feed reads like a nail-biting and heart-pumping novel, or a collection of visceral haikus, only this isn&#8217;t literature but a compressed report of Muhammed&#8217;s observations, thoughts, and feelings. Real apocalyptic scenes squeezed through the filter of social media."

USC Students for Justice in Palestine


sounds like lOsInG to me we speak, the mofus are getting bombed back to the stone age and 85% of the world are dancing a jig. Mental cases like you are taking the red hot poker firmly up the pooper. Nobody cares about Gaza.

But you go right on supporting the uber-fringe position.......the 85%ers love the nut sack kick opportunities in here.
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This is classic.........laughed my balls off when I saw it!!

[ame=]Israelis Watch From Hilltop As Bombs Drop On Gaza FOR ENTERTAINMENT! - YouTube[/ame]

Listen to the narrative from the miserable cheesedick.......made me laugh twice as loud!!

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