And Now the West Bank is Erupting

I live in "The sweetest city in the south seas" Sydney Australia...a very long way from the Middle East, .....Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, Arab world, Lebanon. Palestine[is there actually such a place?], Jerusalem, Bethlehem etc.

I usually only hear of such places at Christmas time, in carols etc.

[ame] [/ame]
David Hobson - The Holy City - Carols by Candlelight 2010 .

Jerusalem...who owns it?
It's all very confusing.

From the internet;

I don't get it, who owns Jerusalem -Jews or Palestine?
Did the jews live in in Jerusalem before the Palestine or are the jews doing this becauase they were to told they are the chosen people ? I used to think the Jews used to live in Jerusalem before the Palestine and the Jews left and came back to take over agian.

Best Answer;

90% of SO called Jews in Israel have no blood line connection with the Authentic Jews from the Middle East, these European SO called Jews are from Khazar (Easter Europe).These are so called thirteenth tribe the adopted ones, the other twelve tribes come from the Middle East and are authentic jews.

Another reason for studying the Khazar's is that anti-Semites, and some Assimilationist Jews, claim that the present-day "Ashkenazi" (European) Jewish people came from the Khazars, who they assume were non-Israelite. Anti-Semites use this notion of the Khazars to allege that the Jews are impostors and not true descendants of Israel. Some “Identity” groups also make this allegation.
So do the Arabs and other anti-Semites. In the past some Assimilationist Jews used the Khazar idea to claim that since their ancestors were not in Judah at a certain time therefore they were not culpable for whatever the Jews may or may not have done to the Christian Messiah. The background for some of these ideas also concerns the Karaites of Russia.
"KHAZARS". An Overview. Israelite Tribes in Exile
So when someone says that we the jews were there thousands of years in Jerusalam is untrue.
Smartal----You are full of lies, Israel was not even a nation, it was because there was a deal down by the Rothchilds on the Belflour treaty that Israel was given to the AshaNAZI SO called jews (European SO called jews) Get that right!
The Jewish homeland was nearly in Australia;

Tasmania has an area of 68,000 square kilometres. Israel has an area of 20,770 square kilometres. Therefore, Israel would fit into Tasmania at least three times.

[ame] [/ame]
Tasmania - Paradise at the End of the World - The Secrets of Nature .

Map of Australia

The 7.30 Report - ABC

The plan for a Jewish homeland in Tasmania

Broadcast: 18/01/2010

Reporter: Conor Duffy

During the Second World War, a Melbourne businessman drafted a plan to relocate persecuted Jewish Europeans to the remote south-west coast of Tasmania. Critchley Parker Junior died while he was surveying the boundaries for the new state and his vision was never realised.
But as documents from the Tasmanian Archives show, his proposal had the support of Tasmania’s Premier and may well have gone ahead. A new book by Richard Flanagan is revisiting Parker’s plan.


No Hamas.
No Hezbollah.
No incoming rockets.
No suicide bombers.

Just peace, harmony with nature, and a happy and secure life...with the US fleet cruising by.

If only.
Last edited:
1967?? 1973 just dates on a calender right?
Did you forget 1948 on purpose?
I'm sure you didn't mean 8 June 1967.

Any date which is the inception of a Muslim ass kicking is a fine date.
"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel.

"The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it.

"Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public.

"The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."

USS Liberty Memorial
Anybody have some real video of the carnage? Not the fake stuff put out by the msm that is taken in Israel??!!!!

This shit all needs to end now......anybody who has studied history knows, that in war, there comes peace ONLY when one side wins decisively. That needs to happen here at this time in history. These subhumans are executing their own and blaming Israel during the ceasefires. Fucking place needs to be made a sheet of fucking glass. If the people don't have the balls to confront the radicals, fuck them.........their asses go down..

Nobody supports Hammas except the meathead msm and the fringe k00k left. Every polls backs it up. Overwhelmingly, people don't give a rats ass about subhuman pos's.

More MOABS all the time.:clap2::rock::rock::rock::rock::blowup:

Only those with plates in their heads will lose sleep.
Stop hitting that heavy bag with your head and read more:

"When Israel began its latest large-scale aerial offensive on Gaza on July 7, Muhammad switched from mostly Arabic-language tweets to exclusively English, and started contributing to online discourse on the conflict as a commentator.

"These early tweets leave out the first person, discussing the situation in general. But on the third day of the assault, as the death toll passes 70, something in Muhammed’s tone changes.

"His Twitter feed becomes a sort of diary, a poetic outpouring in the face of fear, a human response reflecting the uncertainty of survival.

"'I sit near a window, next to my wife who finally fell asleep. I hear drones buzzing overhead coupled with birds chirping. I anticipate a blast

"'The blast has come. Sooner than I thought. War experience enables you to expect next blast. I extend my hand to my wife, and she takes it.'

"Muhammed’s tweets become a narration of his life and the lives and deaths of other Palestinians in Gaza. His feed reads like a nail-biting and heart-pumping novel, or a collection of visceral haikus, only this isn’t literature but a compressed report of Muhammed’s observations, thoughts, and feelings. Real apocalyptic scenes squeezed through the filter of social media."

USC Students for Justice in Palestine


sounds like lOsInG to me we speak, the mofus are getting bombed back to the stone age and 85% of the world are dancing a jig. Mental cases like you are taking the red hot poker firmly up the pooper. Nobody cares about Gaza.

But you go right on supporting the uber-fringe position.......the 85%ers love the nut sack kick opportunities in here.
Where did you get the idea that "85% of the world" support what Jews are doing in Gaza?
Voices in your head, again?:doubt:
You're half-right.
End the occupation.
Problem solved.

1967?? 1973 just dates on a calender right?
Did you forget 1948 on purpose?
I'm sure you didn't mean 8 June 1967.

Stolen land 1948 standard routine. USS Liberty Standard Routine played as usual.

In 1948 the Arab League ordered their people out, and drove out Israeli's from their areas of control. Their reasoning was simple. To put all the Jews in one place to be slaughtered, and then those arabs that left would return to own everything as there would be no Jews left. A plan of systematic slaughter of an entire race, just as Hitler had tried to do and nearly succeeded.

Problem is the Israeli's refused to DIE FOR THEM, and WON THE WAR. That is part of the plan the Arab league failed to see............And they have been losing ever since.

In the 2 following Wars, Egypt and Syria came in with shining armored columns laughing on how they would achieve the FINAL SOLUTION, and both times they left as Bloodied BROKEN ARMIES after suffering MASSIVE DEFEAT.

Egypt finally said enough and CHOSE PEACE. They rest have refused to accept Israel and never stop and thus the War continues. Until they are killed or realize, like Egypt, that the old ways are BS.
Further highlighting the fact that there never has/never will be peace.

Let 'em extinguish each other. Who cares.
It's a wonder this stuff makes news anymore. I mean, as long as I can remember, Palestinians (and pretty much everyone in the neighborhood) and Israelis have been going at it. Sad to say it's become, meh. Those guys again? And whatshisname is going over there to make peace...again?
Hey, when's football starting up again?

Yes - and at least in this Israeli-Palestinian fighting, there are real differences, but you don't see liberals wringing their hands over Muslims killing other Muslims in Syria and Egypt.

And if the violence is really so bad, then why don't the Palestinians emigrate like the Central Americans are doing? What stops them from relocating to an Islamic nation?
1967?? 1973 just dates on a calender right?
Did you forget 1948 on purpose?
I'm sure you didn't mean 8 June 1967.

Stolen land 1948 standard routine. USS Liberty Standard Routine played as usual.

In 1948 the Arab League ordered their people out, and drove out Israeli's from their areas of control. Their reasoning was simple. To put all the Jews in one place to be slaughtered, and then those arabs that left would return to own everything as there would be no Jews left. A plan of systematic slaughter of an entire race, just as Hitler had tried to do and nearly succeeded.

Problem is the Israeli's refused to DIE FOR THEM, and WON THE WAR. That is part of the plan the Arab league failed to see............And they have been losing ever since.

In the 2 following Wars, Egypt and Syria came in with shining armored columns laughing on how they would achieve the FINAL SOLUTION, and both times they left as Bloodied BROKEN ARMIES after suffering MASSIVE DEFEAT.

Egypt finally said enough and CHOSE PEACE. They rest have refused to accept Israel and never stop and thus the War continues. Until they are killed or realize, like Egypt, that the old ways are BS.
You're propaganda about Arabs being ordered to leave Palestine is the best example of Kosher BS around.

Why don't you manufacture some more about the Lydda Death March?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle was the expulsion of 50,000–70,000 Palestinian Arabs when Israeli troops captured the towns in July that year.

"The military action occurred within the context of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

"The two Arab towns, lying outside the area designated for a Jewish state in the UN Partition Plan of 1947, and inside the area set aside for an Arab state in Palestine,[1][2] subsequently were transformed into predominantly Jewish areas in the new State of Israel, known as Lod and Ramla."

Don't forget the links, Loon.

1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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