And obama spoke…..and the gates of Hell opened….obama to release 6,000 felons today...

It seems odd that a person supossedly that bright would be so unaware of the world around him


Obama: "I have visited all 57 states during my campaign..."

Obama: "And Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided."

Obama: “The private sector is doing fine.”

“No, no. I have been practicing…I bowled a 129. It’s like — it was like Special Olympics, or something.”

Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower….”

“…I inhaled frequently. That was the point.”

“Let’s not play games. I was suggesting – you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.”

“The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…”

Obama was talking about 57 primaries which includes Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and other US territories. Rather than say states and territories, he just said states. Of course the rightwing celebrates twisting what he was talking about

Carson speaks of evolution not being real and that muslims are not suited to be President
Also the president was joking
Why is it that uneasy 65 posts a laughing emoticon everytime he/she gets their ass handed to he/she?
Also the president was joking
The PRESIDENT himself is QUOTED as saying he had visited all 57 STATES ... and Liberals coming running to his defense declaring 'what he MEANT was..."

Dude, that's NOT getting my 'ass handed to me' - that's the pathetic case of democrats / Obama-zombies trying to make excuses for him. ...but whatever gets you to sleep at night, man. :p
Also the president was joking
The PRESIDENT himself is QUOTED as saying he had visited all 57 STATES ... and Liberals coming running to his defense declaring 'what he MEANT was..."

Dude, that's NOT getting my 'ass handed to me' - that's the pathetic case of democrats / Obama-zombies trying to make excuses for him. ...but whatever gets you to sleep at night, man. :p
It's was a joke .
Fact you've gotten your ass handed to you every time you post.
You being massively paranoid may have something to do with it.
[QUOTE="daws101, post: 12712577, member: 30999:]

Guess you like being wrong all the time.
Or like most most wilfully ignorant people.
Reality is more than you can handle.[/QUOTE]

Whether he got over his drug use or not had nothing to do with the main point, which was his contribution to medicine.

And willfully ignorant is RightWinger claiming Hillary is absolved of all proven crimes related to violations of existing laws pertaining to the storage/handling/destruction of classified documents because the State Department - that has no judicial power whatsoever' somehow magically waived those laws for Hillary by telling her she could have her own personal e-mail.

My point that the habitual drug user mentioned that made the great contribution was a DOCTOR, much like Ben Carson and very UN-LIKE the Chumba-gang Member who admitted extensive drug use and who will go down in history as the worst US President. Carter will have carved in his tombstone a special note of thanks to Obama.

Get a grip, dude. I am sure you have better things to do than attack me for petty crap, and I know I have better things to do than ready you attacking me for petty crap that don't matter... Have a nice day.
It's was a joke .
Fact you've gotten your ass handed to you every time you post.
You being massively paranoid may have something to do with it.

Please post the link to the site where it proves Obama was JOKING, not more opinion like yours.

What you call 'FACT' is unsubstantiated unmitigated OPNION, such as what you just posted. I see now part of the problem Liberals have is that they don't know what the hell a FACT is. Go ask your mom what a 'fact' is before your time today on the computer she lets you have expires.
[QUOTE="daws101, post: 12712577, member: 30999:]

Guess you like being wrong all the time.
Or like most most wilfully ignorant people.
Reality is more than you can handle.

Whether he got over his drug use or not had nothing to do with the main point, which was his contribution to medicine.

And willfully ignorant is RightWinger claiming Hillary is absolved of all proven crimes related to violations of existing laws pertaining to the storage/handling/destruction of classified documents because the State Department - that has no judicial power whatsoever' somehow magically waived those laws for Hillary by telling her she could have her own personal e-mail.

My point that the habitual drug user mentioned that made the great contribution was a DOCTOR, much like Ben Carson and very UN-LIKE the Chumba-gang Member who admitted extensive drug use and who will go down in history as the worst US President. Carter will have carved in his tombstone a special note of thanks to Obama.

Get a grip, dude. I am sure you have better things to do than attack me for petty crap, and I know I have better things to do than ready you attacking me for petty crap that don't matter... Have a nice day.[/QUOTE]
The longer the explanation the deeper the bullshit.
[QUOTE="daws101, post: 12712577, member: 30999:]

Guess you like being wrong all the time.
Or like most most wilfully ignorant people.
Reality is more than you can handle.

Whether he got over his drug use or not had nothing to do with the main point, which was his contribution to medicine.

And willfully ignorant is RightWinger claiming Hillary is absolved of all proven crimes related to violations of existing laws pertaining to the storage/handling/destruction of classified documents because the State Department - that has no judicial power whatsoever' somehow magically waived those laws for Hillary by telling her she could have her own personal e-mail.

My point that the habitual drug user mentioned that made the great contribution was a DOCTOR, much like Ben Carson and very UN-LIKE the Chumba-gang Member who admitted extensive drug use and who will go down in history as the worst US President. Carter will have carved in his tombstone a special note of thanks to Obama.

Get a grip, dude. I am sure you have better things to do than attack me for petty crap, and I know I have better things to do than ready you attacking me for petty crap that don't matter... Have a nice day.
The longer the explanation the deeper the bullshit.[/QUOTE]
How brainwashed/dumb do you have to be to believe the POTUS thinks there are 57 states?
Obama's gonna make the cost of illegal drugs go up by releasing these guys!
Breaking for dupes- People misspeak. He immediately corrected himself DUH. Oh, they don't show that on Fox? SHOCKING, dupes.
How brainwashed/dumb do you have to be to believe the POTUS thinks there are 57 states?
How stupid do you have to be to SAY you just finished visiting 'all 57 states'?! :p

He was referring to the 57 primaries which include DC, Puerto Rico, Samoa, Virgin Islands and yes, he had visited them all. Republicans giggled that he neglected to say states and territories

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