And obama spoke…..and the gates of Hell opened….obama to release 6,000 felons today...

How would society collectively do that? I'd like to know the secret if there is one.

There's no secret to it. No magic bean, no easy button. I said that society has changed. I did not say that anyone waved a magic wand and changed it. Society's attitudes toward black people and race relations has changed over time. It hasn't been easy, nonetheless change has occurred. We didn't get here by locking up people who said racist things.
It depends on how you define crime rates. Are using and selling recreational narcotics a crime or not? I think it is. After all, the only way you end up in jail is if you commit a crime.

If you're trying to make a point that yes, we have an increase in our prison population because of narcotics, I can totally agree with that.

Of course it's a crime. But once again, crime rates have been declining for decades. We are increasing incarceration by exacting more and more incarceration for drug crimes. It's not the crime rate that is increasing. We're just throwing more and more people in jail, and we're leaving them there longer. It's really quite disturbing. We are supposed to live in a free society, but we're increasing the rate at which we incarcerate people and we're increasing the sentences, all for victimless crimes. This isn't how a free society should be handling itself.

We need to reevaluate how we view and address drug use. We'd spend less money if we redirected funding toward addiction treatment, and come out with better results.

Well if that worked, but in the personal instances I've seen, it doesn't.

Several years ago in my state, we had an issue for first time drug offenders to get rehab instead of jail. I voted for it, but the issue went down by a margin of 2 to 1. It's obvious society does want these people locked up.
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
Non-violent drug offenders.
Probably because our prison system is so much less of a deterrent than in other countries.

Question: how much experience have you had with drug users, in your neighborhood, in your family, amongst friends or at work? The reason I ask is because I've had plenty of experience with these people, and there is no way I would ever have your attitude towards the problem.

My house has been broken into. My house has been set afire to the point the destruction was almost a total loss. I've known several that committed suicide. I've even had a family member recently that lost her son due to an overdose. I've lost several friends in my lifetime because they smoked pot and became so paranoid they thought their friends were conspiring against them. I've had several tenants that were hooked or got hooked on drugs and it cost me thousands of dollars in lost rent and property destruction.

There are few if any experiences I've had with drug users that were positive, and not having laws and punishment for them would only make it much worse.
Frankly, I am willing to do whatever is necessary to get him off drugs
What I think is an unworkable solution is trying to imprison everyone in the heroin supply chain to keep your family member from getting at his drugs

Well he's dead now, so it really doesn't matter. Of course if the person that sold him the heroin were locked up before he made that sale, he might be alive today. Who knows?

Sorry for your loss, but you can't lock up every possible source of drugs.

Maybe not, but letting them all go back out on the streets would only make it worse.

Supply and demand

Keep the same demand for drugs and cut down the number of suppliers and you only increase the price of the product and the profit margin for the dealers

Price is not the problem here. The problem is we do have plenty of outlets for people to buy drugs. The solution is to reduce or eliminate those outlets, and you can't do that by allowing people to break the law or otherwise change the law so they can continue their business.
Well if that worked, but in the personal instances I've seen, it doesn't.

Several years ago in my state, we had an issue for first time drug offenders to get rehab instead of jail. I voted for it, but the issue went down by a margin of 2 to 1. It's obvious society does want these people locked up.

Treatment can and does work. It doesn't work 100% of the time, but treating the disease is far more effective than punishing the patient. Countries like Portugal have shown this. States that are transitioning their approach to drug crime have shown this.
Frankly, I am willing to do whatever is necessary to get him off drugs
What I think is an unworkable solution is trying to imprison everyone in the heroin supply chain to keep your family member from getting at his drugs

Well he's dead now, so it really doesn't matter. Of course if the person that sold him the heroin were locked up before he made that sale, he might be alive today. Who knows?

Sorry for your loss, but you can't lock up every possible source of drugs.

Maybe not, but letting them all go back out on the streets would only make it worse.

Supply and demand

Keep the same demand for drugs and cut down the number of suppliers and you only increase the price of the product and the profit margin for the dealers

Price is not the problem here. The problem is we do have plenty of outlets for people to buy drugs. The solution is to reduce or eliminate those outlets, and you can't do that by allowing people to break the law or otherwise change the law so they can continue their business.
Demand will remain the same

Even if you have only one dealer meeting that demand you still have the same outcome

Until we do something to reduce demand, we will always have a problem
...and when the President is an ex(?)-pot smoking cocaine user ...
the ghost of joe McCarthy speaks!

Daws, need I remind you that Obama admitted himself in hos own book that Obama admitted to being a pot abuser and using cocaine in college.... which is probably why his grades are sealed?! :p
your point? many of the founding fathers did drugs. most all our presidents were heavy alcohol consumers.
bush 2 smoked dope Nixon, Reagan and his wife were prescription drug addicts...
I smoked dope did coke and Hallucinogenics I have a masters degree . I HAVE HAD A FINE LIFE.
your assumption that drugs did it is false and stupid!

A man who was addicted to morphine and cocaine his entire life only revolutionized medicine. (He also co-founded Johns Hopkins.)
Thanks for making my point
"A man who was addicted to morphine and cocaine his entire life only revolutionized medicine. (He also co-founded Johns Hopkins."

That man was a DOCTOR....not a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER.
the ghost of joe McCarthy speaks!

Daws, need I remind you that Obama admitted himself in hos own book that Obama admitted to being a pot abuser and using cocaine in college.... which is probably why his grades are sealed?! :p
your point? many of the founding fathers did drugs. most all our presidents were heavy alcohol consumers.
bush 2 smoked dope Nixon, Reagan and his wife were prescription drug addicts...
I smoked dope did coke and Hallucinogenics I have a masters degree . I HAVE HAD A FINE LIFE.
your assumption that drugs did it is false and stupid!
And I bet your folks went crazy staying up late at night wondering what drugs you were on and where you were. No wait you lived a privileged childhood and was sent to a top university.
While your neighbors were preparing the burial of their only child after OD'ing on some new designer drug.
Just the reply I would expect from an ivy leaguer..
another extremely false assumption I left home at 16 because , not to put too fine a point on it my parents were fucked up.
I worked my way through the last part of high school and all of college ,got a small scholarship.
your post is not only crammed full of asinine assumption and melodramatic bullshit but it screams ignorance.
as to my parents, besides mentioning them being against board policy, my dad spent most of his night playing country music and getting hammered.
my mom spends most of her nights spewing religious dogma and doing pills by the handful.
like most cons you spew shit and have no idea what you're talking about!
oh btw that's were sent to, not was sent to.
I sent me.

With that post - full of grammatical errors, total lack of correct punctuation, spelling errors - you have colossal nerve to chide somebody else for a misuse of one single word.

Your Masters Degree must be for basket weaving.
Jealous rears it's misshapen head.
"A man who was addicted to morphine and cocaine his entire life only revolutionized medicine. (He also co-founded Johns Hopkins."

That man was a DOCTOR....not a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER.
Could you be anyless meaningless?
You seemed to think it was such a big deal that ONE habitual drug abuser who cleaned up his act and did something great and noble in his chose profession was such a great thing - ' proving your point' .. So I just thought it would be good to point out that the person who did that, like Ben Carson, was a doctor and NOT a Community Organizer.

"A man who was addicted to morphine and cocaine his entire life only revolutionized medicine. (He also co-founded Johns Hopkins."

That man was a DOCTOR....not a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER.

Even a Community Organizer is better qualified than a doctor

At least a community organizer needs to go out and meet with his community and is aware of local issues and the needs of the community

A doctor is essentially isolated from the community. That is clearly evident with Dr Carson
"A man who was addicted to morphine and cocaine his entire life only revolutionized medicine. (He also co-founded Johns Hopkins."

That man was a DOCTOR....not a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER.

Even a Community Organizer is better qualified than a doctor

At least a community organizer needs to go out and meet with his community and is aware of local issues and the needs of the community

A doctor is essentially isolated from the community. That is clearly evident with Dr Carson
In my opinion, Carson gave up surgery because they took his knife away after he made several terrible medical mistakes --- due to having had a STROKE(s). In my opinion, his speech and mannerisms are due to having one or more strokes. That also accounts ( or helps to ) for the gibberish crazy shit he says.
"A man who was addicted to morphine and cocaine his entire life only revolutionized medicine. (He also co-founded Johns Hopkins."

That man was a DOCTOR....not a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER.

Even a Community Organizer is better qualified than a doctor

At least a community organizer needs to go out and meet with his community and is aware of local issues and the needs of the community

A doctor is essentially isolated from the community. That is clearly evident with Dr Carson
In my opinion, Carson gave up surgery because they took his knife away after he made several terrible medical mistakes --- due to having had a STROKE(s). In my opinion, his speech and mannerisms are due to having one or more strokes. That also accounts ( or helps to ) for the gibberish crazy shit he says.

It seems odd that a person supossedly that bright would be so unaware of the world around him
It seems odd that a person supossedly that bright would be so unaware of the world around him


Obama: "I have visited all 57 states during my campaign..."

Obama: "And Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided."

Obama: “The private sector is doing fine.”

“No, no. I have been practicing…I bowled a 129. It’s like — it was like Special Olympics, or something.”

Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower….”

“…I inhaled frequently. That was the point.”

“Let’s not play games. I was suggesting – you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.”

“The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…”
It seems odd that a person supossedly that bright would be so unaware of the world around him


Obama: "I have visited all 57 states during my campaign..."

Obama: "And Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided."

Obama: “The private sector is doing fine.”

“No, no. I have been practicing…I bowled a 129. It’s like — it was like Special Olympics, or something.”

Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower….”

“…I inhaled frequently. That was the point.”

“Let’s not play games. I was suggesting – you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.”

“The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…”

Obama was talking about 57 primaries which includes Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and other US territories. Rather than say states and territories, he just said states. Of course the rightwing celebrates twisting what he was talking about

Carson speaks of evolution not being real and that muslims are not suited to be President
"A man who was addicted to morphine and cocaine his entire life only revolutionized medicine. (He also co-founded Johns Hopkins.

That man was a DOCTOR....not a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER.
Could you be anyless meaningless?
You seemed to think it was such a big deal that ONE habitual drug abuser who cleaned up his act and did something great and noble in his chose profession was such a great thing - ' proving your point' .. So I just thought it would be good to point out that the person who did that, like Ben Carson, was a doctor and NOT a Community ..

That drug user never did clean up his act.
Guess the part where is says addicted His Entire life. Went right by you.

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