And obama spoke…..and the gates of Hell opened….obama to release 6,000 felons today...

Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population

So what's your solution, quit arresting people and allow them to roam freely in society?

End the war on drugs. The war itself is worse than the cause. Making drugs illegal opens a market for criminals to make millions of dollars. When there is millions of dollars to be opens the door for murder and other violence

End three strikes rules. Three strikes at a minor offense is still a minor offense

Review our sentencing guidelines. Why do criminals in our country serve so much more time than similar criminals in other countries?

Probably because our prison system is so much less of a deterrent than in other countries.

Question: how much experience have you had with drug users, in your neighborhood, in your family, amongst friends or at work? The reason I ask is because I've had plenty of experience with these people, and there is no way I would ever have your attitude towards the problem.

My house has been broken into. My house has been set afire to the point the destruction was almost a total loss. I've known several that committed suicide. I've even had a family member recently that lost her son due to an overdose. I've lost several friends in my lifetime because they smoked pot and became so paranoid they thought their friends were conspiring against them. I've had several tenants that were hooked or got hooked on drugs and it cost me thousands of dollars in lost rent and property destruction.

There are few if any experiences I've had with drug users that were positive, and not having laws and punishment for them would only make it much worse.
Frankly, I am willing to do whatever is necessary to get him off drugs
What I think is an unworkable solution is trying to imprison everyone in the heroin supply chain to keep your family member from getting at his drugs
Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population has changed in 30 years...the single teenage motherhood rate is skyrocketing..that is what creates criminals....fatherless boys with no adult role models to keep them from turning into criminals...check the out of wedlock birth rates going into the mid 60s vs. today and then track the crime rates among children of broken homes....see what it shows.
check the out of wedlock birth rates going into the mid 60s vs. today and then track the crime rates among children of broken homes....see what it shows.

No, you. You're making the claim. It's your burden to prove. Until you do, you're spouting wild, speculative fantasies.
Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population

So what's your solution, quit arresting people and allow them to roam freely in society?

End the war on drugs. The war itself is worse than the cause. Making drugs illegal opens a market for criminals to make millions of dollars. When there is millions of dollars to be opens the door for murder and other violence

End three strikes rules. Three strikes at a minor offense is still a minor offense

Review our sentencing guidelines. Why do criminals in our country serve so much more time than similar criminals in other countries?

Probably because our prison system is so much less of a deterrent than in other countries.

Question: how much experience have you had with drug users, in your neighborhood, in your family, amongst friends or at work? The reason I ask is because I've had plenty of experience with these people, and there is no way I would ever have your attitude towards the problem.

My house has been broken into. My house has been set afire to the point the destruction was almost a total loss. I've known several that committed suicide. I've even had a family member recently that lost her son due to an overdose. I've lost several friends in my lifetime because they smoked pot and became so paranoid they thought their friends were conspiring against them. I've had several tenants that were hooked or got hooked on drugs and it cost me thousands of dollars in lost rent and property destruction.

There are few if any experiences I've had with drug users that were positive, and not having laws and punishment for them would only make it much worse.

as some law enforcement have pointed out....the drug user will still need to pay for his drugs if they are legal or illegal....and if they are addicts they are not going to be holding down jobs.....and treatment only works if they want to stop using...and that usually takes about 7 years before they have reached a point where they will really stop using with the help of treatment.....
check the out of wedlock birth rates going into the mid 60s vs. today and then track the crime rates among children of broken homes....see what it shows.

No, you. You're making the claim. It's your burden to prove. Until you do, you're spouting wild, speculative fantasies.

I don't have you don't think that the rate of fatherless boys has anything to do with drug addiction or crime in these inner city Populations?
Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population

So what's your solution, quit arresting people and allow them to roam freely in society?

End the war on drugs. The war itself is worse than the cause. Making drugs illegal opens a market for criminals to make millions of dollars. When there is millions of dollars to be opens the door for murder and other violence

End three strikes rules. Three strikes at a minor offense is still a minor offense

Review our sentencing guidelines. Why do criminals in our country serve so much more time than similar criminals in other countries? we make drugs you have criminal organizations with thousands of criminal thugs who used to sell illegal education, no desire to be educated or does that work out?
Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population has changed in 30 years...the single teenage motherhood rate is skyrocketing..that is what creates criminals....fatherless boys with no adult role models to keep them from turning into criminals...check the out of wedlock birth rates going into the mid 60s vs. today and then track the crime rates among children of broken homes....see what it shows.

Yet our violent crime rate has not increased five times in the last thirty years. In fact, it is down
Not because we are locking everyone up but because the crack wars of the 80s and 90s ended

The way to fight drugs is not to attack the supply chain. That only increases the money to be made and the resulting violence
I think Obama is releasing these felons in states that oppose him for retaliation. I know the left will swallow whatever excuse he gives them but, to be fair, they will swallow any white creamy substance that comes out of Obama and they already probably have.
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
They are releasing POT SMOKERS ... not violent criminals.

They should release EVERYONE in prison for simple possession of marijuana.

And lock up FOR LIFE, anyone who uses a firearm in the commission of a crime.
Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population has changed in 30 years...the single teenage motherhood rate is skyrocketing..that is what creates criminals....fatherless boys with no adult role models to keep them from turning into criminals...check the out of wedlock birth rates going into the mid 60s vs. today and then track the crime rates among children of broken homes....see what it shows.

Yet our violent crime rate has not increased five times in the last thirty years. In fact, it is down
Not because we are locking everyone up but because the crack wars of the 80s and 90s ended

The way to fight drugs is not to attack the supply chain. That only increases the money to be made and the resulting violence

No...if you look at incarceration rates...they went up starting in the locking up criminals actually worked to lower the crime rate.....

Not to forget concealed carry laws going on line at the same time......
I don't have you don't think that the rate of fatherless boys has anything to do with drug addiction or crime in these inner city Populations?

I doubt that it contributes to crime rates to the degree which you are alleging. I will repeat: Crime rates have been on the decline for decades.



Even if we accept your base premise that the rise of single parent households is contributing to children going down the wrong paths in life (which is not an unreasonable premise), you still need to rectify your position against the fact that overall, crime rates are on the decline.

Therefore, it is impossible to attribute increased incarceration rates to increases in crime. Your full set of premises requires that increased incarceration positively correlate with increased crime. Instead, our country has been increasing incarceration rates, while crime rates have been decreasing. Therefore, there must be another source causing the increases in incarceration.

Given that incarceration rates began a nearly exponential increase at the same time as the initiation of the "war on drugs" this factor would appear to be an extremely strong candidate for attributing the increase in incarceration rates. As it turns out, 48% of the country's incarceration population are people doing time for drug offenses. Meanwhile, violent crime has been on the decline, and is at historic lows (despite what liberals want to tell you when proposing new gun restrictions).


The increase in incarceration rates in the country does not match any increase in criminal activity. And it does not align with any shift in severity of crime (ex: a reduction in petty shoplifting offset by an equal increase in murder). The only thing it coincides with is an increase in incarcerations for drug offenses. And it happens to line up quite nicely at that.


Accordingly, it is very clear that the United States' ballooning incarceration rates are due to increases in the incarceration of drug offenses, as an escalation of punishment against these offenses, and not due to an increase in actual crime rates.
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Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population has changed in 30 years...the single teenage motherhood rate is skyrocketing..that is what creates criminals....fatherless boys with no adult role models to keep them from turning into criminals...check the out of wedlock birth rates going into the mid 60s vs. today and then track the crime rates among children of broken homes....see what it shows.

Yet our violent crime rate has not increased five times in the last thirty years. In fact, it is down
Not because we are locking everyone up but because the crack wars of the 80s and 90s ended

The way to fight drugs is not to attack the supply chain. That only increases the money to be made and the resulting violence

No...if you look at incarceration rates...they went up starting in the locking up criminals actually worked to lower the crime rate.....

Not to forget concealed carry laws going on line at the same time......

Actually it started in the early 80s. It is not working as our incarceration rate continues to increase

Self fulfilling prophesy
Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population has changed in 30 years...the single teenage motherhood rate is skyrocketing..that is what creates criminals....fatherless boys with no adult role models to keep them from turning into criminals...check the out of wedlock birth rates going into the mid 60s vs. today and then track the crime rates among children of broken homes....see what it shows.

Yet our violent crime rate has not increased five times in the last thirty years. In fact, it is down
Not because we are locking everyone up but because the crack wars of the 80s and 90s ended

The way to fight drugs is not to attack the supply chain. That only increases the money to be made and the resulting violence

No...if you look at incarceration rates...they went up starting in the locking up criminals actually worked to lower the crime rate.....

Not to forget concealed carry laws going on line at the same time......

Actually it started in the early 80s. It is not working as our incarceration rate continues to increase

Self fulfilling prophesy

and for some strange reason our crime rate is dropping too....hmmm...incarceration rate goes up...crime rate keeps going down......
I don't have you don't think that the rate of fatherless boys has anything to do with drug addiction or crime in these inner city Populations?

I doubt that it contributes to crime rates to the degree which you are alleging. I will repeat: Crime rates have been on the decline for decades.



Even if we accept your base premise that the rise of single parent households is contributing to children going down the wrong paths in life (which is not an unreasonable premise), you still need to rectify your position against the fact that overall, crime rates are on the decline.

Therefore, it is impossible to attribute increased incarceration rates to increases in crime. Your full set of premises requires that increased incarceration positively correlate with increased crime. Instead, our country has been increasing incarceration rates, while crime rates have been decreasing. Therefore, there must be another source causing the increases in incarceration.

Given that incarceration rates began a nearly exponential increase at the same time as the initiation of the "war on drugs" this factor would appear to be an extremely strong candidate for attributing the increase in incarceration rates. As it turns out, 48% of the country's incarceration population are people doing time for drug offenses. Meanwhile, violent crime has been on the decline, and is at historic lows (despite what liberals want to tell you when proposing new gun restrictions).


The increase in incarceration rates in the country does not match any increase in criminal activity. And it does not align with any shift in severity of crime (ex: a reduction in petty shoplifting offset by an equal increase in murder). The only thing it coincides with is an increase in incarcerations for drug offenses. And it happens to line up quite nicely at that.


Accordingly, it is very clear that the United States' ballooning incarceration rates are due to increases in the incarceration of 54321drug offenses, as an escalation of punishment against these offenses, and not due to an increase in actual crime rates.

Hmmmm...incarceration rate goes up......crime rate goes down.......hmmm.....
I don't have you don't think that the rate of fatherless boys has anything to do with drug addiction or crime in these inner city Populations?

I doubt that it contributes to crime rates to the degree which you are alleging. I will repeat: Crime rates have been on the decline for decades.



Even if we accept your base premise that the rise of single parent households is contributing to children going down the wrong paths in life (which is not an unreasonable premise), you still need to rectify your position against the fact that overall, crime rates are on the decline.

Therefore, it is impossible to attribute increased incarceration rates to increases in crime. Your full set of premises requires that increased incarceration positively correlate with increased crime. Instead, our country has been increasing incarceration rates, while crime rates have been decreasing. Therefore, there must be another source causing the increases in incarceration.

Given that incarceration rates began a nearly exponential increase at the same time as the initiation of the "war on drugs" this factor would appear to be an extremely strong candidate for attributing the increase in incarceration rates. As it turns out, 48% of the country's incarceration population are people doing time for drug offenses. Meanwhile, violent crime has been on the decline, and is at historic lows (despite what liberals want to tell you when proposing new gun restrictions).


The increase in incarceration rates in the country does not match any increase in criminal activity. And it does not align with any shift in severity of crime (ex: a reduction in petty shoplifting offset by an equal increase in murder). The only thing it coincides with is an increase in incarcerations for drug offenses. And it happens to line up quite nicely at that.


Accordingly, it is very clear that the United States' ballooning incarceration rates are due to increases in the incarceration of 54321drug offenses, as an escalation of punishment against these offenses, and not due to an increase in actual crime rates.

Hmmmm...lock up drug users...and the crime rate goes down....hmmmm...... we make drugs you have criminal organizations with thousands of criminal thugs who used to sell illegal education, no desire to be educated or does that work out?

With 2.5 million Americans incarcerated, it is time to start releasing alot more than that

We had 500 million in prison 30 years ago, we now have five times that number

Fine, can they stay at your place? :)

I'm already paying to keep 2.5 million people in prison while we can't find money for healthcare or education

What on earth are you smoking? We spend more on education and healthcare than just about any other item.

Yet no matter how much we spend you people get dumber and more unhealthy because you expect government to to fix the problems in your life rather than educating yourself and taking care of your health
Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population has changed in 30 years...the single teenage motherhood rate is skyrocketing..that is what creates criminals....fatherless boys with no adult role models to keep them from turning into criminals...check the out of wedlock birth rates going into the mid 60s vs. today and then track the crime rates among children of broken homes....see what it shows.

Yet our violent crime rate has not increased five times in the last thirty years. In fact, it is down
Not because we are locking everyone up but because the crack wars of the 80s and 90s ended

The way to fight drugs is not to attack the supply chain. That only increases the money to be made and the resulting violence

No...if you look at incarceration rates...they went up starting in the locking up criminals actually worked to lower the crime rate.....

Not to forget concealed carry laws going on line at the same time......

Actually it started in the early 80s. It is not working as our incarceration rate continues to increase

Self fulfilling prophesy

and for some strange reason our crime rate is dropping too....hmmm...incarceration rate goes up...crime rate keeps going down......
Nothing strange about it

Our gang led drug wars of the 90s have ended. Violent crimes across the nation have dropped

Our incarceration rate has not
and for some strange reason our crime rate is dropping too....hmmm...incarceration rate goes up...crime rate keeps going down......

Yes. And I know what you are thinking...that increased incarceration is responsible for decreases in crime rates. However, you are forgetting to ask one important question: Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Crime precedes incarceration. Crime leads to incarceration. Not the other way around. People do not start out in a state of incarceration, and then get released after they are determined to not be criminals. That's not how our free society works.

All people start off in a free state. It is only after they have been convicted of a crime that they are incarcerated. Therefore, incarceration rates should generally mimic crime rates when incarcerating behaviors are maintained as static. That is to say, if the definitions of crimes, enforcement strategies, and prescribed penalties for said crimes remain the same, then incarceration rates will naturally mimic crime rates. When incarceration rates deviate from crime rates, the cause is due to changes in either how the criminal behavior is defined (ex: reclassifying a behavior from a misdemeanor to a felony), how it is enforced, or the penalties that are prescribed for the same criminal behavior (ex: mandatory minimum incarceration for behavior previously not resulting in incarceration, increased lengths of incarceration, etc).
Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population

So what's your solution, quit arresting people and allow them to roam freely in society?

End the war on drugs. The war itself is worse than the cause. Making drugs illegal opens a market for criminals to make millions of dollars. When there is millions of dollars to be opens the door for murder and other violence

End three strikes rules. Three strikes at a minor offense is still a minor offense

Review our sentencing guidelines. Why do criminals in our country serve so much more time than similar criminals in other countries?

Probably because our prison system is so much less of a deterrent than in other countries.

Question: how much experience have you had with drug users, in your neighborhood, in your family, amongst friends or at work? The reason I ask is because I've had plenty of experience with these people, and there is no way I would ever have your attitude towards the problem.

My house has been broken into. My house has been set afire to the point the destruction was almost a total loss. I've known several that committed suicide. I've even had a family member recently that lost her son due to an overdose. I've lost several friends in my lifetime because they smoked pot and became so paranoid they thought their friends were conspiring against them. I've had several tenants that were hooked or got hooked on drugs and it cost me thousands of dollars in lost rent and property destruction.

There are few if any experiences I've had with drug users that were positive, and not having laws and punishment for them would only make it much worse.

as some law enforcement have pointed out....the drug user will still need to pay for his drugs if they are legal or illegal....and if they are addicts they are not going to be holding down jobs.....and treatment only works if they want to stop using...and that usually takes about 7 years before they have reached a point where they will really stop using with the help of treatment.....

And in many cases that doesn't work. As I mentioned, I have a family member that lost a son to a heroin overdose this summer. She is my cousin and that kid (I'm used to calling him a kid) was in and out of rehab since he was 15 years old. He died at the age of 28. Yeah, he's been in and out of jail as well, but nothing long term.

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